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Thread: Internet Explorer's Security Flaw

  1. #1
    The Persistent Flourish Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Alice's Avatar
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    Internet Explorer's Security Flaw

    I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but here it is. A quote from the article itself:

    MILLIONS of computers across the globe are threatened by a Trojan virus that could expose them to criminals, allowing access to personal and bank details.
    So, I'd recommend you either stay safe on the net with your IE somehow, or you switch to Firefox/Opera/whatever. I recommend the latter.

    Comments on this story, guys?

  2. #2
    Live your life the way you want to. Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Zidane-Tribal's Avatar
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    I'm still using IE as it said on the news that currently this virus is only affecting users of windows 7. I haven't had any viruses yet. But if the virus does come to vista, I will be using firefox.
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  3. #3
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Joe's Avatar
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    *coughs* Somehow I'm not surprised at all by this.

    Internet Explorer is full of more holes, vulnerabilities, and is more of a general pile of crap code that just about anything out there.

    if you really want to crack down on keeping stuff safe, I'd recommend Firefox with the Noscript add-on. no ad, no malicious java, it's pretty sweet.

    Granted I Use Opera, but yep.
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  4. #4
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Internet Explorers' had the same story for years. This is just a reminder of the fact that it's useless and they're not doing anything to fix it.

    Firefox and Opera are a lot better for user friendliness.

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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    There'll always be countless threats to IE simply due to how much it's targetted as most criminals know that approximately 70% of net users use Internet Explorer, and many of them are less experienced users who swallow the crap Microsoft spouts about how safe it's software is.

    Regardless of browser though, minimising threats is all you'll manage at best as whenever you're connected to the net there's a chance something'll get through. Some people are just too malicious and have too much time on their hands...
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  6. #6
    TFF's Token Imp Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Martin's Avatar
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    I have never liked how Microsoft uses its customers to beta-test its software. It damn near sickens me because it allows flaws and loopholes to be exploited to the max - like Nathan states with 70% of netusers using this hunk of junk as a browser it's simply just a matter of time.
    I believe there was about two million victims of this. It's despicable, but I expect nothing less from them.

    Care to have a look at my WordPress Journal?

  7. #7
    Our university computer bods emailed everyone last week with a discreet 'If we were you, we'd change to Firefox' message. I duly did, and it's much better than IE. It does things like remember your email addresses without remembering the passwords, and nice things like offering to save your tabs when you close the internet. I like the little fox picture too, and it's cleaner.

    I would have stayed with IE if DIT hadn't emailed or this story hadn't broken, because I am lazy and very much a part of the 'the internet is a series of tubes' school. I am an atypical useless internet user, and I can now safely say to all other atypical useless internet users that Firefox isn't complicated and is much nicer to look at than IE. Plus its nice to your bank details etc too.

  8. #8
    I didn't know anyone actually still used Internet Explorer. Firefox understands my wants and needs, and acts accordingly.

    However, all the computers at school are on Internet Explorer, and it is very much a pain. And they dare to ask me to pay more for tuition next year.

  9. #9
    Registered User Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Yeah I heard of this lst week from my friend and I didn't really believe it or care but then I thought of what would happen to my moms private stuff like bank accounts when she orders stuff for me on my computer. Her bank cards and stuff so I changed to Fire Fox and I am so glad I did. It is amazing, it has built in spell check which helps me out so much especially with my grammer nazi friends. XD
    It is so much faster as well, obviously I had to get used to it for a while but yeah everybody needs to change soon before some serious crap happens to them, Zeromune thanks for posting this. You could really help out a lot of people who weren't aware of this stupid mess.

  10. #10
    Please, IE has way more flaws and security holes than that. That's why I use FireFox. It's easier to use, is built a lot better than IE, and you can customize it, and add on more security patches and such to make your internet even stronger, so it's much less likely that you'll get a virus.

  11. #11
    The Old Skool Warrior Internet Explorer's Security Flaw LocoColt04's Avatar
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    The only problem with Firefox is the memory leaks. After browsing sites with a large cache requirement (especially picture-heavy websites like Facebook or MySpace or insert website here), it slows down because it loads up all of your RAM with memory it's not actually using.

    Overall, it's still a significantly better choice than IE.

    In regards to the story, I heard when that happened. I mean, it's nothing new, giant holes in IE's defense, same old same old... but it still sucks when it goes on such a wide scale.
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  12. #12
    It's flawed alright...GOD. I just spent the last 3 hours or so trying to get my stupid computer to install an anti-spyware after I tried to install a stupid program I got online(i've learned my lesson). Some stupid bastard infected my computer with like 40 viruses and it's taking me ages to get rid of them -_-..The site actually did seem trustworthy though XD..btw i'm on mozilla firefox now. so yeah, screw Internet Explorer. I changed my passwords as well, but who knows...maybe the stupid hacker has all my information -_-...hackers can burn in hell.

  13. #13
    Vagabond Thief Internet Explorer's Security Flaw Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Of course I changed my browser to Firefox and i told a few of my friends to do the same. I do get paranoid over these sort of things and I pay my credit cards online and such so of course I want to be safe. Plus the news keeps saying that if it becomes really bad people's identities could be stolen and there could be this huge epidemic with identity theft increasing so i'm deffinately not taking my chances there. I think they should take the browser down somehow and fix it and then bring it back up so that means everyone would need to get a new browser.
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