Originally Posted by
Meier Link
Seriously, what makes him any different then my grandmother that died back in 01. Or my best friend who got shot in the head for standing up for what he believed in.
Yeah yeah yeah, he "changed the world" with him music but in all honesty he is a human why should he be treated any differently then any other human. You want to praise someone from the US, praise the damn individuals who have fought for this courty and gave it what it has todayor the people who are still serving this country.
I am sick of hearing about this too. Now I have to hear about how "Janet showed up at his house with moving trucks". Praise the ****er if you want to but let him RIP and move on with life.
I heard yester day that this is the second biggest event to hit the new in 35 years, it is bull shit. Lets put his death over 9/11, the OKC bombings, Obama becoming the first african american president.
But lets remember "It doesn't matter if you are black or white" or in his case; both.
Sorry for the rant, and I am sorry for his families loss but there is 1,000,000,000,000 other things to worry about in this world.
What sickens me is people are trying to make money off of his death. I went to Blockbuster less then 24 hours after his death and they are ALREADY trying to sell his name on a DVD for $35. How sad is this. Next thing you know they will be trying to auction of personal affects of his.
Before this turns into an endless rant I am done. I will leave it at this. Call me a cold hearted son of a bitch if you want to but I think there is things far greater then his death going on.
Damn shame is it shadows one of America greatest Sex symbols. Who cares about Farrah right?