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It's just me then who finds the whole video hilarious?
The whole speech is a joke! He's taking the piss! That's my kind of humour right there.
He's not stupid; no one's that stupid. The only possible reason on would behave like this is that he is just pushing the envelope a little. Why would he discuss the dimensions of the island? Does he think Guam is a boat? Of course not, but that navy guy is unsure whether this guy is being serious, but he won't take the risk of calling him on it, so he, in effect, is playing along. The Johnson guy gets what he is aiming for.
Or he's just stupid. But the capsize reference isn't the punchline. There is no punchline, the whole situation was created to be humorous.
Also, a question. Do the people of Guam want to be part of the US? I suppose I could research it, but this is easier.