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Thread: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

  1. #31
    Registered User I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny sayian's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    i wouldnt call myself a "sore loser" i can accept defeat but im tha type thats like "one more time, shit one more time , shit one more time"
    but i LOVE playing against sore losers ... I am an expert at getting into som1s head and pissin them off and then i kinda giggle while im beating them and that sets them on fire my very first and last time playing the nintendo cube,,, this friend of mine was teaching me this one game and i beat him and he got so mad he thru the stick as hard as he can and hit the console.... he was lucky it didnt hit me but i couldnt stop giggling
    however the ONLY person that gets under my skin is my bro and we butt heads at TEKKEN

    but NO ONE wants to play me at STREETFIGHTER..i cant

  2. #32
    Professional Klutz. I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    For the record, I will never be beaten by any girl in a shooting game
    Now now, Rocky... We've had this discussion. Hell, I'll bring you down within your own comfort zone. Shame on you Rocky. I play more shooting games than most of the people I know. My recently played list consists of all shooting games... Except Oblivion.

    You going down son...

    Bit of friendly competition for you. =]

    With that being said, on to the actual subject matter.

    *Are you a sore loser when you play video games?
    Not at all. If somebody beats me then hat off to them. I'll just play another match and try harder. Sure, if I get beat at a game I'm supposed to be good at I'd be pissed at myself. I wouldn't shout at the other player and sulk or anything, though.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?
    I once lost a game of Mario kart so that I could stop playing in a family tournament and play Gears of War instead. That made my mum feel good. Does that count?

    *Do you think what happened was right?

    No. I think that you should have told him to stop being a baby and just play the game. Why didn't he just buy the game and practice all the time? Then come back to fight you and win legitimately. I know I don't rule at every game on the planet. I accept that. Lol. Maybe it's more of a pride thing than actual skill thing with him.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?
    See the above stated answer. He should have practiced and won with actual talent rather than just being like: "That's funny. Just earlier this week she ruled at this game... Now she sucks. Ah, well... Must be my insanely good gaming skills".

    *(Girls Only) Do you ever do this to make the guys happy?
    I wouldn't dream of it. I don't mind losing to somebody because they are better than me at a game. To purposely lose to make them feel they are good at a game seems stupid to me. Maybe I just look at things differently, though?

    Oh and Rocky; I would love to play that girl at Halo. Charging people to fight her? Wtf?

    EDIT: Foster Kids posts make my nose bleed.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 03-09-2010 at 09:02 AM.
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  3. #33
    The Mad God I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    I play video games with my GF all the time, I seriously thought the world was coming to an end when I found a girl who liked video games, didn't look like a walrus, AND wasn't a lesbian! (I have nothing against lesbians, they just don't make good girlfreinds for a male, for obvious reasons) I can't even remember how many times I started falling for a girl and found out she was a lesbian. Anyways, She's a hardcore gamer, competes in torunaments and all that. And we're both extremely competitive. It makes for entertaining game nights when a fighting game is selected.

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?

    This depends entirely on how the game is won. If it was a good match and I lost because my opponent was better than I am, no. If my opponent spams one attack and button mashes, and wins like 10 in a row this way, then yeah, I'll begin to get a bit pissed.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?

    USUALLY I don't have to, because the only person I'd feel such sympathy for is my GF, who is good enough to not need mercy from me to win a match. Any of my other friends, I have nothing against perfect-killing until doomsday.

    *Do you think what happened was right?

    What, you winning? Or him throwing a tantrum over it? A few yeas ago I'd say losing to a girl was a disturbance in the natural order, but since then I've met several good female gamers, and changed this belief. As for his tantrum, no.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?

    Definately not. If he felt pathetic for losing to a girl, he REALLY should've felt lame for throwing a tantrum over it. Seriously, my 11 year old sister has grown out of that phase already...

    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?

    Not really. Most of the girls I hang out with are either, not gamers, or great gamers. However, if I AM on a massive winning streak, I'll start losing, but it's not so much that I throw matches, as I start screwing around because I no longer feel as though I need to play seriously. This usually results in me losing a few.

    *(Girls Only) Do you ever do this to make the guys happy?

    Though I'm not a girl, I asked my gf what her thoughts on the matter were. She responded, and I quote, "No ****in way! Why should I throw matches to compensate for your massive quantities of fail?", I lol'd.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 03-10-2010 at 01:46 AM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  4. #34
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?

    I used to be a sore loser, not anymore though. Days of swearing like hillbilly and throwing controllers are behind me, now it's almost impossible to see me with a grim face now matter which way or how much I lose.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?

    Never, when it comes to the games I'm ruthless. I don't show any sympathy nor mercy for anyone, that's the same treatment I expect when I play against players better than me.

    *Do you think what happened was right?

    No, not really. I should know that the best since I used to be like that. It's never really good to react dramatically, if anything else it's good thing to lose to a better player, after all we can learn something from that loss which can only help us to be a better gamer.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?

    The worst thing is to give your opponent some slack only because he can't handle a loss, that's way you should keep the same, beating him until he gets better.

    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?

    As I said, I never feel sympathy for another player regardless of players skill and gender. I know some girls that are better than me in some games, take for example my sister, she can beat the shit out of me in Tekken or Soulcalibur.

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  5. #35
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    Are you a sore loser when you play video games?
    Not really. Whether I win or lose, I have a lot of fun playing with someone else. I only get frustrated in fighting games when people button mash the same thing over and over again. Sure, I've done it too, but I at least give my opponent a chance to fight back. Otherwise, it's a pretty fun time.

    Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players)
    would feel better?

    Many times. Or I at least hold back. I don't see the thrill in winning over and over again - it proves nothing. Holding back doesn't either, but it saves me the headache afterwards when whoever I'm playing gets pissed off.

    Do you think what happened was right?
    I think he overreacted. If his game is poor, he probably just needs to practice a little more. Technically, if you gloated, that reaction was provoked - but I don't know if you did or didn't, so...

    Do you think how it was handled was right?
    If someone threw a strop at me because I beat them, I'd probably turn the game off and call them a sore loser. I wouldn't gloat about winning either, because that just makes things worse.

    (Girls Only) Do you ever do this to make the guys happy?
    I play games because I enjoy them. I'm pretty evenly matched against my friends when it comes to video games so it's rare I'll hit a situation when myself or my opponent throws a hissy-fit over losing a couple of times. It doesn't matter if I'm faced with a guy or a girl, I'm just happy to be playing someone.

    EDIT: Oh. Old thread. Which I already posted in... a year ago. >>;
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 03-10-2010 at 09:25 AM.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  6. #36

    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?
    Not at all, it's all in good fun

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?
    Never, if you lose to me then you deserve it

    *Do you think what happened was right?
    No, you shouldn't have to lose on purpose to make someone happy, if they get angry when you beat them then they need to learn not to take their games so seriously it sucks the fun right out of it. What it's okay for them to beat you, but if you win they throw a hissy fit? and what would happen if you reacted in the same way they did when they won? there'd be no point in playing together then.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?

    *(Girls Only) Do you ever do this to make the guys happy?
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-11-2010 at 08:01 PM.

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  7. #37
    Death Before Dishonor I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?

    Depends on what game I am playing. If I am playing a sport game or a fighting game then no I am good. If I am playing an online shooter then I get pissed. I freak out and cuss whoever beat me.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?

    Hell no f*ck them. If they aren't good enough to win on their own then they won't be beating me...
    *Do you think what happened was right?

    Oh yeah it was definitely right..

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?

    I believe it was...
    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?

    I know some girls that are f*cking insane at video games. If anything they need to let me win...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #38
    parkour messenger extrodinaire I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play video games?

    Nah I love to laugh at my mistakes when I lose, a good example is me playing peach in SSBB, now she has her floating ability from SMB2 so I recover from throws and being sent flying rather well. Save for those times when I float right into an obvious attack because something distracted me.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?

    wanted to...but I never lose on purpose, though I will give the other player a tip for against me, like saying how I can easily be hit during a follow through of ___ move

    *Do you think what happened was right?

    yep, I won, and they learned to play better as well, and after that the match was even more fun next time

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?

    yep, they figured out how to gauge an oppenents fighting style, and I got a friend to play against

    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?

    psssh that's never my reasoning, and just so you all know this one friend of mine can beat any guy at most strategy games...she mops the floor with me at tactics advance
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  9. #39
    Tsuna Feesh I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?
    Maybe half-half. I'm somewhat competitive, but only for certain video games. Others, I can accept defeat without excuses. But when I really am not in the mood for losing, I just keep challenging the other person/people until I come out first, just to ease my mind that I can win. XD And when I do win (eventually), I usually gloat about it. =P

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?
    I was playing a fighting game once and one of my sisters took the other controller. She isn't very good, so I remember her making me lose so that she'd win. Still, I didn't care too much that time, because I could have easily won (and I did). I don't recall any time that I lost by my own volition just to make the other person feel better, though. >.>

    *Do you think what happened was right?
    Hahaha, naw, she made me lose! XD But in all honesty, I didn't mind.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?
    Obviously not. =P Either I'm too nice or one of my sisters is extremely bossy. I'll bet it's the latter.

    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?

    Just because they're girls doesn't mean they're bad at video games. I've seen some absolutely amazing girl gamers. I just think the time you invest in gaming and the skills that develop are important, not the gender.

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  10. #40
    SOLDIER 3rd Class I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: I Will Beat You And It Will Be Funny

    *Are you a sore loser when you play vidgy games?
    Yah. I'm kind of a sore loser.

    *Have you ever had to (or wanted to) lose so that another player (or players) would feel better?
    Once. I think.

    *Do you think what happened was right?
    Not sure. I don't really recall. If I actually did win a game, it wasn't an arcade type one because I suck at those.

    *Do you think how it was handled was right?
    I don't recall. I handled it okay.

    *(Guys Only) Do you ever feel like doing this because you believe girls need a leg up in vidgy games?
    Not a guy here.

    *(Girls Only) Do you ever do this to make the guys happy?
    Hell no. I don't get to win too many games, and if I'm that good it's no holds barred.

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