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Got about halfway down.
Listen, you are nothing but physically attracted to this girl. You may have common interests, but so do you and I. You don't know anything about her, and you're going about it completely wrong in how you're approaching girls you find yourself attracted to.
You're young, so this is pretty normal. But what you are doing is seeing the physical beauty of the girl and putting her on a pedestal. You are not in love with her, and she can sense that. Your friends/co-workers definitely aren't helping, but don't worry about them. I probably wouldn't tell them anything about her in the future.
Give her some space. Because right now you messed up the first impression. Stop writing stories or including her in anything you are doing -- UNLESS you are hanging out with her. At this point, you're stalking a celebrity in hollywood right now and the more she hears about you involving her in any discussion or literature is going to brand you as a creep.
What you should have done is asked if she wanted to hangout sometime -- NOT tell her randomly that you are infatuated with her beauty and that you've always had a crush on her and then have a heart to heart. It wasn't. It was her being surprised because you never showed interest in her at all before that, and her being polite about it.
To save this? Tell your 16 year old friend to settle the **** down. Don't involve Claire in any discussion or talk about her, because your friends obviously can't keep their mouths shut about any crushes you have. Be honest with your emotions (you are physically attracted to her and want to get to know her, and then maybe decide if you LIKE her from there). Don't mistake the jittery feeling she gives you for love at first sight. That's your 20 year old self getting ready to **** up your chances with this girl.
Focus on respecting her as a person, give it some time, and seriously. Chill the **** out. You can't "mess things up", because you haven't even hung out with her 1 on 1 yet. You don't even know if you really like her. So stop putting her as some celebrity icon status in your head. Treat her as you would a guy friend, until you can make an actual decision.
Also, this most likely will not be the last time this happens. So it's good you can learn from your mistakes.