I, simply love cat's. But some people love them, some dont. But why would someone think a cat is like a child... NVM.
I went to my other forum today and posted something about how I hate my partners cat. The only answers I got were from people who obviously didn't deserve to have kids. To me..cats are not kids. they don't serve a purpose to me, but anyways...it's kind of long, but if you would like to read and give me your input please do. :-)
JM Posting
I, simply love cat's. But some people love them, some dont. But why would someone think a cat is like a child... NVM.
JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!
I can't stand cats. They do nothing except expect to be treated like royalty and be pampered. The only thing they're good for is a cheap source of entertainment when you're drinking and have a lazer pointer handy. That can be hilarious, but other than that, cats are absolutely useless.
Oh and I hate people who think their pets are kids. They're not. You can love a pet, but it is in no way, shape or form a child. End of story.
When you find a seeing-eye cat or a bomb-sniffing cat, you let me know. Otherwise, I'm gonna stay a dog person.
Last edited by Pete; 08-24-2009 at 09:32 PM.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Man, when people hate cats, they really hate cats. Sucks for the cat. I don't appreciate people who **** with cats because they're "useless." They're completely innocent and didn't ask to be put into your company, cat-hater. It's not hard to do right by a cat. Give them a place to go to the bathroom, feed them, and give them the affection that they will occasionally desire from you.
And, really, most people don't use dogs for what they were bred to do, anyway; they use them for companionship, same as cats. Most people don't buy a border collie so it can herd sheep, or a Jack Russell so it can hunt foxes, or a St. Bernard so it can rescue people in the Swiss Alps. So most of your dogs are useless too, if you want to look at it that way. They work well as an alarm system, if you're home. And if they actually hear someone coming and they're not sleeping like rocks (I'm looking at you, mastiffs).
You don't get a cat so it can do your homework, you get a cat for companionship.
Do I think a cat should rank over a child? No. But it's not really fair to the cat or to your partner to demand that he give her up. That puts him in a really awkward position. However, I do think he should be cleaning that litter box more than once a week. That shit stinks. And he should brush her more often if she sheds so much. I'd suggest some kind of compromise where she stays in a certain room or area while you are away and then when someone is around to watch her, she can come out.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
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. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
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I'm not an animal person at all. Cat or dog. I don't understand people flipping out over losing them so much. I lost my dog and went oh shit wow how surprising. I liked him buuut life goes on. I've never understood people who have attachments to their pets. Like when they say "It's like they understand so much more than we give them" Great well they just shit on my carpet, I guess I'm one up on them there.
I'm content without any animals in my life.
2 part answer
1) partner? Partner in crime? Wingman? Dont let my mind wonder...
2) cats are just cute little things that show affection, not like dogs who can be trained and are mans best friend.
Fyck cats.......
...posted at 3:23am lol
tHe ChOsEn
rJ floW
Lionhart2001 aka Pete
Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
Neo Necron
This is why bitches love me
Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-
Cats own dogs in almost any way imaginable.
Sure, dogs will catch ball or retrieve a stick no matter how many millions of times you throw it into the woods. But I'd rather have an animal that takes what it wants, eats, sleeps, doesn't take shit from anyone and looks beautiful than slave hiding under the name of man's best friend. (One load of crap.) I do like the Chihuahua at my girlfriend's home though. It's not the ugly kind. If anything, it's a small version of a labrador.
So yeah, dogs are stupid, but you can have fun with them.
Then again, cats don't go mental one day to bite your 5-year old in the face. But chihuahuas are pretty harmless in that respect. (Even "bigger" ones like the one mentioned previously)
Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-25-2009 at 05:30 AM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Actually this cat does, and the boy was 2 1/2. She came up to him when he was laying on the couch and when he lifted his arm to pet her she freaked out and tried to claw his eye's out. So, yes, cats have just as much of a chance of freakin' out as dogs do.
They may not be herding sheep or hunting ducks, but they serve a huge purpose in our family. More so than a cat. I am home alone a lot, and there is no car in the driveway. So I am thankful to have them. Not only do they scare away strangers, but they also alert me to people getting near the house. I personally think that's a huge thing. Not to mention my lab as warded off potentially harmful backyard pests. They may not be trained to help out the world, but they do me a great bit of good. If not I wouldn't have two of them.
I am not going to say my cat wouldn't kick my dogs ass if she got a chance, but being a responsible adult requires spending money on things that actually serve a purpose beyond just being pretty to look at. To me a cat is nothing more than a big squirrel living in my house. Hell, the spiders in my house serve more of a purpose....I would rather keep them.
Where I come from cats are outside animals, there they actually serve their purpose. They go out and kill the snakes and rats around the house. I had many a cat when I was younger, and they were not just companions....they were useful.
I don't hate cats but when it comes to pets I prefer dog. I find them more fun and much more useful than cats. I had a great trained dog for ten years, the best dog I ever had, everyone in my family loved her, she never did anything that would make us angry. She was smart, obedient and useful. The only thing is that you must take much more care with dogs than cats, but that never bothered me. Now I have two cats, they're really cute but the most important thing they don't make any mess, so it's not bad to have a cat but I love dogs more.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Maybe I'm just biased because my friends have a cat, and it would randomly claw the shit out of us, including it's owner. Numerous friends of mine have crashed on their couch and have woken up with Loki (very appropriate name) clawing them in the face. Other than that, it would do absolutely nothing except try to piss us off. She would jump on/ into food/ drinks, wake us up by clawing us at odd hours, and it would take dumps behind the fridge. On top of that, when we would play "where did Loki shit today", she would sit on the kitchen table with this little "who? me?" expression. It's not like she didn't have a litter box.
Case in point, that cat was useless and a pain in everyone's ass. And from what other friends have said, that's not even too bad, because their cats are/ were worse.
Anyways, I think dogs are much better companions. There are plenty of stories of dogs traveling great distances or waiting for long periods of time to find their masters. That's loyalty that you won't even find in most humans.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I don't hate either, but I just don't like the feeling of most dogs' fur. They're more made for patting rather than stroking, I guess...and you can't be an evil, diabolical villain if you're petting an animal that way.
Big cats>wild dogs/foxes/wolves, btw
I think we can all agree that puppies & kittens are adorable, yes?
They're mostly loyal because they're stupid. But like I said, you can have fun with'em.Anyways, I think dogs are much better companions. There are plenty of stories of dogs traveling great distances or waiting for long periods of time to find their masters. That's loyalty that you won't even find in most humans.
Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-25-2009 at 12:41 PM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
I can say the same for cats, the cat I used to have named Lucky ( it was a black cat.) that I took care of was an outdoor cat. My neighbor would feed him too and took care of him as well. When he decided to move he told me he took the cat with him to his new house. I was just glad he had a house to sleep in at night. Wouldn't you know it, a few days later there he was meowing at my door, mind you my neighbor moved preetty far way. Lots of roads too. I'm just glad he didn't get hit by a car coming back.
but, I like cats and dogs equally.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-25-2009 at 03:50 PM.
Cats are the most useless and disgusting pets that people get. They shit in the house, they lick themselves all day, and they're the laziest mother ****ers on the planet. Whenever I tried to pay attention to any cat, the damn thing scratched my hand down to the bone. They're stupid animals that don't listen. Worst thing about cats, though, is the ammonia smell from their piss. One of my old friends had five cats, and her house smelled entirely of cat piss. Needless to say, I don't go over there anymore. I'm not particularly fond of cat piss. Dogs on the other hand can be easily taught to obey, you can teach them not to shit and piss in the house, and when you pet them, they don't scratch your hand down to the bone. Not to mention that they're friendly. Cat lovers think that cats are the shit, but in reality, they're just too lazy to take care of a real pet.
Last edited by Clint; 08-25-2009 at 03:52 PM.
I prefer cats. They don't get in your way and beg for attention all the time. They walk themselves, go to the toilet outdoors by themselves (unless you've not taught your cat properly - they're harder to train but if you spray water mist at the thing when it's young and craps in the house it will stop before long), and some of the clever ones even handle dinner on their own. They're smarter animals, and often more entertaining, unless throwing a ball and having your pet retrieve it/watching them swimming makes you happy.
Cheesevixen, I do agree with you though. I've known of people who get rid of their cats before a baby - at home we have a cat called Asylum Seeker who moved in with us after the next door neighbours found out they were expecting. However, if your husband is really attached to the cat, it's easy enough to keep it away from the baby and the baby's stuff, since cats can't open doors. Once closing a door every time you walk through it become a habit, the cat is restricted to where you want it to be.
I love when this happens. This is a perfect example of exactly what I was talking about. People who get cats are too lazy to take care of a pet, hence the reason why they got a cat in the first place. You don't have to pay attention to a cat, you don't have to watch after a cat, you don't have to feed a cat. All you have to do is buy it, terrorize it with spray bottles, and let it wonder around aimlessly for the next 16 years until it dies. Well, my dog obeys my every command, knows a large variety of tricks which I taught her when she was a puppy, hunts down and kills any mice and fox around the neighborhood, and only on rare instances does anything remotely wrong. Of course, she can probably do all that because I actually take care of my pets.
Not that I prefer cats over dogs, but come now, Last time I checked dogs crapped in the house too ( until you train them that is). The same applies to a cat, using the water bottle is just a method used to teach. They're are many ways to train dogs too.
Licking themselves, dogs do the same. I don't remember seeing a dog take a bath in the shower, although I know you can give them a bath yourself so I guess I can see where you are coming from there. But regardless if you give the dog a bath i'ts still gonna lick itself if it feels dirty.
as for the it's smell, I'm not quite sure If cats pee smells worse than a dogs, but I do agree with you that they can smell pretty bad at times. But if someones house smelled that bad all the time then I wouldn't blame the cat, i'd blame the housekeeper.
yeah, there are bitch ass cats that attack you for no reason, but thats just like how they're are dogs that yelp at you, jump and pull on your pant leg. I do think though, that cats can be tempered easier than a dog. I've been attacked by cats way more than dogs, and dogs don't usually hurt you they just bark to bark (( in some cases), the cases you want anyway especially if it's a big dog.)
too lazy, probably.....but what more do you have to do for a dog, rather than a cat besides walk them?? I'm asking because I never actually had a dog of my own so I really don't know. That's probably why I like them equally, haven't found a reason to place one before the other, thats just me though.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-26-2009 at 11:57 AM.
I think cats are amazing. I like dogs too, but for me, I think a cat works better with my personality. I have 5 cats and wouldn't get rid of them if you paid me. I work my arse off for them too. As of late our living situation means our cats don't get as much attention as they need to, and one of them likes to pee and poo on the floor. I spray said cat, disinfect/mop/clean the floor, and then, later on, I'll often kidnap one and take him to my apartment for a while and pet him. The more often I pet him, the less often he shows his temper.
I find that the cats have a very calming influence on me. If I'm having a totally shite day, am really upset, angry, what have you, the cats, especially my 30 pound monster, and long-hair attention whore can calm me down. My cats don't talk about me behind my back, my cats don't judge me, and my cats care, even if it's just because I feed them and take care of their needs, I know they like me.
I've not observed many dogs, but it seems they all have fairly similar personalities. Smaller dogs seem far more hyper, while larger dogs seem more laid back and calm. My cats all have Very distinct personalities. The long-haired cat has change adjustment issues. We once changed his living area for a night, after a storm messed up the door, and all the cats got out, and the cat started pouting, and threw a mild tantrum. Hissing randomly, swatting at the largest cat (with no claws), the works. One of our cats is a conversationalist, who Loooooves to play. The other three are all distinctly unique in their own ways.
Yes, Yes I did ramble, but it's almost 2am, so suck it.
(TFF Family):
I think you're mixing up 'too lazy' and 'do not have the time'. I could never own a dog - don't they need, bare minimum, a morning, lunch, and teatime walk? I don't have time for that.
Besides which, it's easy to see that cat people are lazier than dog people. As far as I'm concerned, that's not a bad thing. My cats would never slobber all over me or make loud noises at me. They exist in tandem with themselves, and with my family.
If you don't have time, then you shouldn't have gotten a pet in the first place. I say cats are so independent because their owners don't know how to take care of a pet. It's the same thing with kids. If your kid is independent at age 15, then you're not a very good parent.
You actually have to pay attention to a dog, or else it'll get mean.
I'm not saying that I don't like cats. My brother has a cat, but his cat doesn't act like a stuck up like all the other cats. His cat is more like a dog. And the reason for that is because he's a good pet owner and never neglected his animal.
Are you saying that all cat owners are neglectful? I never neglect my cats, and neither does my family. They get fed twice a day, and brushed. They just don't take up as much time as a dog does.
It's funny watching someone get self-righteous about their choice of animal companion.
It's funny how many people still take me seriously. I'm not self-righteous about my choice, because I actually have a cat. He was a stray. I took him in because even though he had been declawed, he was still climbing trees and killing birds outside. I had to bring him in to make my life better. I need some more bird in my diet. So I taught him how to fetch like a dog, and now I have plenty of bird in my diet. It's not my fault that you're such a serious person.
I dont overly mind cats, just aslong as I dont live them, I hate the thought of them walking around the kitchen worktops and not knowing what they have been walking through when they were outside, not knowing what kind of diseises are being brought in. I see cats as a danger around babaies, cats like the smell of milk and often will next to or on a baby to be near the smell, I have heard about some cats have suffocated babies by doing this and that thought terrifies me, so I will NEVER have a cat near a baby.
I think you done the right thing in putting your foot down, you will be able to sleep at night knowing that your baby is safe from the cat.
A lil off topic, but hope all is going well for ya x x
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I have to say you have a pointbut my cat actually does play fetch with her ball. lol. She'll bring it to me and then i'll throw it and she'll bring it back to me. I have no idea why she does this but shes done it since she was a kitty.
But onto the discussion.
I love my cats,obviously not like i would love a kid. 2 of my cats are not as independent as most cats. If i'm not home they cry for me,if i close my bedroom door cause they are bugging me they cry outside the door,Simba follows me everywhere and sleeps with me.
Cats are just companions like dogs are. I like both. but you directed the post towards cats when dogs are pretty much the same except you can train them and all the things Ragna said.
Pets are easier to care for than kids,and I don't think that someone should force another to give up their pet.
I adore my cats and my dog. Yes I would be upset if something happened to them.
Last edited by Rikkuffx; 08-27-2009 at 07:48 AM.
~TFF Family~
Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
Martin-My awesome Tff lil bro who lets me cry on his shoulder!
Unknown Entity-My wonderful banner making sis <3
Halie-my slightly crazy but wondeful sis <3
My geeky maple story loving bro-joesteel64
ok I'm sorry, but I cannot sit here and let people keep claiming cats are so much smarter than dogs. I have two front rooms in my house with two doors. It goes room, hallway, room. The hallway has a door and the room on the right has a door; both leading into the living. I closed the hallway door, but left the room door open. The cat has been sitting in front of the hallway door crying to be let in for an hour now. If she were smart she would take five small steps into the room and plainly see she can get out that way.
Also, just because cats are introverted and emo does not make them smarter. It just makes them introverted and emo. Like having a snobby little fat kid in your house.![]()
And whoever said you "pat" dogs as opposed to stroke....LMAO My dog would wonder WTF I was doing if I patted her consistently or think she was in trouble. You stroke dogs as well.
And I am sorry but if a cat is interfering with my ability to keep my baby hairball free than I am going to choose the baby over the cat. And as I plainly wrote. I did not DEMAND he get rid of the cat. I am only waiting for him to come to his senses. There is no way we can afford everyone nor can we all live in peace. The only one who presents to be a problem is the cat.A cat he can't pet or give attention.
I bet you if I told you the poor wittle kitty can't get attention because his owner is allergic every ****ing cat person would be like "oh give him a home that he can be appreciated. poor thing", but because it's faced more toward the kids and finances suddenly I am supposed to just learn to be happy with her. WTF .
I was raised with cats. Not in some crazy feral child way, but i've always been around them. My mum got 2 cats a year before I was born, and when I wasn't in my chair or my cot, Tiggy (one of the cats) sometimes used to climb into it. Cat fur never hurt me, infact it probably helped my immune system from a young age. I suggest keeping the door closed to stop the cat going into cot- they do seem to seek the comfiest spots in the house!
By the sounds of it, the cat isn't used to children, but with it seeing the baby grow up i will likely be good with it, as long as the kid doesnt do anything to annoy the cat. They are very intelligant animals, and although they have a wide range of personalities (asside from humans they have the most diverse personalities of other animals), they are adaptable to situations and will deal with things in their own way, often through solitude.
As for the litter box, what kind of house do you live in? If you live in a bungalow or house, you can train the can to go to the toilet outside. My cats always have gone outside. If you live in a flat I guess that makes it harder. I suggest putting a firmer foot down so your partner will clean out the litter box once every 2 or 3 days, depending on how dirty it is. That way it won't stink out the house. There is little you can do to stop the cat going onto the kitchen counters if it hasn't been taught that it is bad behaviour as a kitten, but maybe try keeping a spray bottle on the side so if you catch it on the counters, give it a squirt of water. That should hopefully teach the cat not to do it.
I'll tell you, I go on mini vacations throughout the year for days or a week at a time, and I can always leave my cats at the house alone. I just give them a shit load of food and they're good to go. Plus they're adorable little fuzzballs. How can you not like these things? THEY'RE CUTE!!!
I do have a recommendation. We got a boy cat when he was a baby, and we spoiled this guy. Now he absolutely trusts us with anything. My wife tosses him the air and he loves it. He doesn't beg to be petted, and we can pick him up, carry him to the mailbox, or move clothes or other things around him without disturbing him. He even had an absessed wound that he just laid there and let us squeeze and then pour peroxide on. Yeah, you know that hurt, but he just laid there. He just trusts us and he's really fun. I recommend just loving up your new kittens right when you get them and they'll be the nicest pet you've ever had.
Last edited by Locke4God; 09-07-2009 at 07:28 PM.
i had a himalayen cat it was expensive it lived for 19 and a half years and died last year. but it didnt do anything but eat and sleep and bite me when i pet it but i still like it for some odd reason.