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  1. #1

    How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    I'm curious to how long everyone on here has been playing final fantasy, the first one they played, what got them playing it.

    Me, I've been playing since 1990 when a friend of mine got part 1 for the nes. He let me borrow it and I got all the way to the last castle before he demanded it back so I never got to beat it.

    On the snes, I had final fantasy 2(IV) . That was the first one I beat and I fell further in love with the series. When 3 (6) came out, I got my cousin hooked on it.

    When 7 came out, it had us all confused since it went from 3 to 7. In later years, we found out why. I will say that 7 was the most groundbreaking of the series due to how much improved the graphics were when compared with 3. Its also the one that made the final fantasy mainstream. While 8 and 9 had better graphics, 7 was the one that revolutionized things. Many of us older players didn't like it, other than the graphics, due to them becoming more industrialized and less focus on magic and crystals. Personally, I was pretty happy when 9 came out because they brought things back to the magic.

    I'm not sure what they have done with the series since 10. I have one of the Xbox 360 final fantasies and it sucks. I played it for like 3 days and haven't played it since.

    All in all, my 3 favorites are IV, VI, AND IX. would call 8 my least favorite except I dislike the one I have on Xbox 360 even more.

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  2. #2

    How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    The first Final Fantasy I really got into was Final Fantasy VII in 1998-1999.

    I had mostly Nintendo products throughout my childhood. So I met a friend who showed me the game. He ended up letting me borrow his system and playing the game all the way through. I ended up getting a playstation 2 for Christmas a couple years later with FFX, IX, and VII.

    I probably played a Final Fantasy prior to that, but I was probably too young to understand the game.

  3. #3
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    How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Again for me it was 7.
    I don't know why but I Instantly fell in love! I played or hours each day and when i finished..... I just started again! It was crazy it wasn't long after it came out that I first got it and have to say it has changed my life (that's no joke) I would be a completely different person without ff7 I can guarantee it!
    Many hours/days spent on that game!!!! Ff9 also had te same effect when it came out!

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII demo came in one of Hackers magazines I bought, never got to play it though, looked boring to be honest. I asked for Legend of Dragoon and got Final Fantasy IX instead, I was simply mesmerized even though I got to play it only for a short notice, it has been my favorite game ever since. Final Fantasy VIII though was the first one I managed to beat, after that I marched at older ones. I got my hands on Final Fantasy XII just recently and was blown away...

    to summarize, I've been into Final Fantasy for almost 10 years now, to be honest the entire franchise has been mostly hit and miss to me. My top three are Final Fantasy IX, XII & VI, my least favorite are V, X-2 and Tactics Advance, aside MMo's XIII is the only game I have yet to play.

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  5. #5
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I Got Into Final Fantasy When I Was Young. Not Sure Exactly What Date, But Definitely In-Between 1998 & 2000. My First FF Was FFVII I Believe. After The First Hour Or Two, I Just Didn't Know What To Do, So I Just Quit...XD I Recently Re-Visited The Game, To See If I Can Beat It, And I Did. Summer Of 2011, Finally Beat FFVII For The First Time. Pretty Awesome Game And Concept Period. I Never Actually Owned FFVII For The PS1, But My Friend Lent It To Me For One Of My Games. I Gave Him Back His Game, But He Never Returned My Game... *Sad Face* Oh Well. After That, I Think It Affected Me Into Not Really Wanting To Lend Any Of My Games Out To Anyone. I Know They Would Give It Back To Me, But Some People Don't Treat Their Games Right, And End Up Getting The Game Damaged Or Completely Wrecked. I Treat My Games And Other People's Games With Respect, Trying To Keep Them In Perfect Condition. Anyway, I Am Delving Into My Past Too Much...XD After That, I Saw Some New FF Games Coming Out At My Friend's Place. He Was Reading About It Online Or Something, And I Am Like, Damn, I Need To Get On Those Games, Cause They Looked Amazing. And Eventually I Got My Hands On FFX-2, FFXII, FFX, FF Tactics Advanced, Then FF Tactics Advanced 2 For The DS, FFVII: Dirge Of Cerberus, And Finally FFXIII-2 & FFXIII.

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  6. #6

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    I think a lot of people started with 7. The only thing I didn't like about it is that they broke from the magic fantasy world and went more modern which to me didn't give me the final fantasy feel. I would have preferred that 7 be a different series because it was a good game, just not really what some of came to expect from a final fantasy world. Mind you that I was already playing final fantasy for 7 years before 7 came out.

    But I can tell you that it was the most revolutionary game that came out during its time. I can still remember my friend bringing it over for the first time and being blown away by its graphics. I know some say that it had subpar graphics for a ps1 game but I dont think those people realize how much more advanced its graphics were than everything else was when it was released. It's easy to call it subpar now, but if was far from being subpar when it was released. Just imagine coming from final fantasy 6 and graphics of that nature to 7 for the first time. It was just pure amazing to us at that time. Any graphical improvements since then have been pretty much expected, but that one was groundbreaking to say the least. There's a reason it is still the most popular one and so many people have fond memories of it.

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  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    But I can tell you that it was the most revolutionary game that came out during its time. I can still remember my friend bringing it over for the first time and being blown away by its graphics. I know some say that it had subpar graphics for a ps1 game but I dont think those people realize how much more advanced its graphics were than everything else was when it was released. It's easy to call it subpar now, but if was far from being subpar when it was released. Just imagine coming from final fantasy 6 and graphics of that nature to 7 for the first time. It was just pure amazing to us at that time. Any graphical improvements since then have been pretty much expected, but that one was groundbreaking to say the least. There's a reason it is still the most popular one and so many people have fond memories of it.
    Stop! Just stop. Ever heard about "Nights Into Dreams" or "Panzer Dragoon Zwei"? It's not even funny how graphically superior those games are to Final Fantasy VII, worse thing though, both games came out one year before FF VII was even released. Those who say VII had revolutionary graphics for it's time crack me up, they really do.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  8. #8

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    They may have had better graphics but they weren't game changers to the industry like final fantasy 7 was. Being the first to do something doesn't necessarily mean you revolutionized it. Many times, its those that come later that revolutionize the field. I don't need to compare it to any other game because I know what kind of impact it had on the video game industry. Its sales speak for itself.

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  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    They may have had better graphics but they weren't game changers to the industry like final fantasy 7 was.
    Never said they were, just stating (and backing it up while I'm at it) Final Fantasy VII was nowhere near revolutionary for it's time as far as graphics goes.

    I don't need to compare it to any other game because I know what kind of impact it had on the video game industry. Its sales speak for itself.
    Sales mean shit, otherwise Wii Sports might be the best game ever.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  10. #10

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Sales mean a lot when many of those same people still play that game. If you want to argue about it, we can argue about it, but I was 18 when it came out, and I can promise you that it was as revolutionary as I say. If I was wrong, there wouldn't be so many people who still own the game to this day and play it occasionally.

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  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    Sales mean a lot when many of those same people still play that game. If you want to argue about it, we can argue about it, but I was 18 when it came out, and I can promise you that it was as revolutionary as I say. If I was wrong, there wouldn't be so many people who still own the game to this day and play it occasionally.
    Just glance list of top selling games and tell me sales matter. Tim Schafer and his games are the ultimate proof that sales mean shit. Final Fantasy VII is undeniable classic, no two ways about it, but do tell what exactly was revolutionary about it in video game sense. Graphics apparently not, we established that, first 3D game in the series is great and all, though nothing compared to Final Fantasy IV and it's ATB system, groundbreaking feature still used in video games worldwide.

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  12. #12
    the night man cometh How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Joxsjua's Avatar
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    First game for me was FF 1 was about 23-24 yrs ago I stay at a friend's house for the night and walked into the house watching his dad fighting Chaos, I was instantly hooked. I rented FF2 for the SNES a lot but nvr had the time to beat it. Purchased FF3, beat, and it was off-the-chain! They even had the feature where your friend could control some characters with the 2nd controller.I think I beat the Gameboy FF1 and 2 but they weren't that great. Then FF7 and the past games were finally released years later for the PS.

    Kinda skipped over most of FF 8 and 9 but did get X and X-2. Funny story - after compound fracturing my thumb at a Barn Burner in Renton ,WA I couldn't use my right hand to do anything. So I purchased and beat FF X and most of FF X-2 with one hand. Although X-2 was a a bit more difficult because that chick with the gun you hand to rapidly press, I think it was R-2, on top of the controller to get a good combo. That was kind of redundant, lol. Good times =)

    Never played the online games or FF13 but I've watched friends play them. After my X-box elite died after 1 1/2 years I'm taking an indefinite break from console gaming. Emulators are peachy though.

  13. #13

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Joxsjua View Post
    First game for me was FF 1 was about 23-24 yrs ago I stay at a friend's house for the night and walked into the house watching his dad fighting Chaos, I was instantly hooked. I rented FF2 for the SNES a lot but nvr had the time to beat it. Purchased FF3, beat, and it was off-the-chain! They even had the feature where your friend could control some characters with the 2nd controller.I think I beat the Gameboy FF1 and 2 but they weren't that great. Then FF7 and the past games were finally released years later for the PS.

    Kinda skipped over most of FF 8 and 9 but did get X and X-2. Funny story - after compound fracturing my thumb at a Barn Burner in Renton ,WA I couldn't use my right hand to do anything. So I purchased and beat FF X and most of FF X-2 with one hand. Although X-2 was a a bit more difficult because that chick with the gun you hand to rapidly press, I think it was R-2, on top of the controller to get a good combo. That was kind of redundant, lol. Good times =)

    Never played the online games or FF13 but I've watched friends play them. After my X-box elite died after 1 1/2 years I'm taking an indefinite break from console gaming. Emulators are peachy though.
    I suggest going back and beating final fantasy 2 and would also like to recommend final fantasy 9. It sounds like your one of us who go back as any American who lived here can go. I'm with you on the emulators. I've been using them since 1999 and now use them on my phone. My goal now is to beat 1 or 2 old school rpgs per year. Rpgs are easy to play on a touch screen compared to some other games.

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  14. #14
    the night man cometh How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    I suggest going back and beating final fantasy 2 and would also like to recommend final fantasy 9. It sounds like your one of us who go back as any American who lived here can go. I'm with you on the emulators. I've been using them since 1999 and now use them on my phone. My goal now is to beat 1 or 2 old school rpgs per year. Rpgs are easy to play on a touch screen compared to some other games.

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
    I ended up beating FF2 on the SNES version eventually. In fact, I have replayed that FF more than any of them with FF1 coming in second. Got it for DS emu last summer and shook my head how much easier the DS version is for the youngsters these days (still very fun though.) Even got the first 2 original games on my phone although the original FF2 wasn't all to my liking. I'm with you on the leap from the SNES versions to the PS "FF7". HUGE leap in FF gaming. My only issue with 7 was that I got around 70+ hours in the game and at a party someone stole my memory card. That kind of made me hang up my belt with FF for a time.. until about 6 years later when I had my accident touring and then got on the "X" boat and got those oldies that were finally released in the U.S.

  15. #15
    Bananarama How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Pete's Avatar
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    My first one was FFVII for the PC, because I didn't have a Playstation back then. It had to be for my 12th birthday, so like 1998. That kicked off the whole FF and RPG craze. Since then, I've relaxed with it for a bit, but I've played em all except for the online ones and sequels. I did buy FF13-2 though, but I won't play it til I finish 13.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Just glance list of top selling games and tell me sales matter. Tim Schafer and his games are the ultimate proof that sales mean shit. Final Fantasy VII is undeniable classic, no two ways about it, but do tell what exactly was revolutionary about it in video game sense. Graphics apparently not, we established that, first 3D game in the series is great and all, though nothing compared to Final Fantasy IV and it's ATB system, groundbreaking feature still used in video games worldwide.
    If you want to argue, go elsewhere. This piece of the forums is for people to share how they started playing final fantasy. If you don't think final fantasy 7 was revolutionary, cool, but there are reasons why they made movies around it and people are still wanting them to remake it.

    Say and think what you want, but I seen the impact it had on the video game market. If you want to continue to argue, save it for somewhere else because I'm not here to argue with you.

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  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    If you want to argue, go elsewhere. This piece of the forums is for people to share how they started playing final fantasy. Say and think what you want, but I seen the impact it had on the video game market. If you want to continue to argue, save it for somewhere else because I'm not here to argue with you.
    I for one didn't claim VII is revolutionary and failed to back it up when asked why. You might see it as an argument I on the other hand see it as a discussion, friendly warning, you might see these a lot on forums and internet in general.

    If you don't think final fantasy 7 was revolutionary, cool, but there are reasons why they made movies around it and people are still wanting them to remake it.
    Milking a game and making mediocre products at best just to please huge amount of fanboys is nothing new you know. I say props to Square, they do know how to make easy money.

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  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Sales mean shit, otherwise Wii Sports might be the best game ever.
    I don't think that technically counts since it comes with the Wii.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Milking a game and making mediocre products at best just to please huge amount of fanboys is nothing new you know. I say props to Square, they do know how to make easy money.
    They weren't all bad . I enjoyed Crisis Core quite a bit and the artwork in AC is pretty beautiful. Though Square has a hard time with facial expressions.

  19. #19

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    I stand by what I said. If you were older, you would have seen the impact it had. The fact it turned on so many new players to rpgs is revolutionary in itself.

    By the way, this discussion isn't about why or why not final fantasy is revolutionary. Sorry you have nothing better to do than question people about meaningless stuff.

    Dear mod, please delete me and dudes bickering so this forum can go back to what it was intended for. There's no reason for the negativity. I want people to share good memories, not argue.

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    Last edited by Merlin; 09-26-2012 at 08:21 PM. Reason: double post

  20. #20
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    I stand by what I said. If you were older, you would have seen the impact it had.
    My age has nothing to do with it, besides, I'm 23, my first console was Atari 2600, I think I'm more than qualified to judge properly, and if VII is indeed revolutionary as you say simple answer to my question should be easy to come by, I hardly imagine one would have hard time backing up a true revolutionary game in every sense of that word such as Wolfenstein 3D.

    The fact it turned on so many new players to rpgs is revolutionary in itself.
    Same effect Final Fantasy IV/VI, Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star, Earthbound... had on so many players new to RPG, as revolutionary as it gets I guess.

    By the way, this discussion isn't about why or why not final fantasy is revolutionary
    Yet, before this discussion even started, you went all the way to explain why VII is revolutionary in this very thread. Brilliant.

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  21. #21

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Same effect Final Fantasy IV/VI, Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star, Earthbound... had on so many players new to RPG, as revolutionary as it gets I guess.[/QUOTE]

    Those games didn't bring in as many new players as final fantasy 7 did. I think you should go read some of its initial reviews to see what type of had when it was new. Comparing those games to final fantasy 7 is like night and day when comparing how many new players they brought in. Final Fantasy IV is one of my favorites but it didn't bring in as many new people. When people first seen 7, they fell in love. Even those who didn't like rpgs. I'm telling you this with first hand experience. Not many games have moved the video game world the way final fantasy 7 did. Regardless if you want to believe it or not, but history speaks for itself. There are things you can look up to see how big it was. I dont think you realize how big final fantasy was in those days because you didn't live through them. The popularity of 7 helped move the whole genre and make other games such as WOW possible to succeed commercially. 7 is the RPG that brought the genre to the mainstream. Anything before that was a niche market, where not many people really played, and I say that as being one of only a few people I knew who was playing rpgs on the snes, while most people were playing games like street fighter and mortal kombat.

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  22. #22
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    Those games didn't bring in as many new players as final fantasy 7 did. I think you should go read some of its initial reviews to see what type of had when it was new. Comparing those games to final fantasy 7 is like night and day when comparing how many new players they brought in. Final Fantasy IV is one of my favorites but it didn't bring in as many new people. When people first seen 7, they fell in love. Even those who didn't like rpgs. I'm telling you this with first hand experience. Not many games have moved the video game world the way final fantasy 7 did. Regardless if you want to believe it or not, but history speaks for itself. There are things you can look up to see how big it was. I dont think you realize how big final fantasy was in those days because you didn't live through them. The popularity of 7 helped move the whole genre and make other games such as WOW possible to succeed commercially. 7 is the RPG that brought the genre to the mainstream. Anything before that was a niche market, where not many people really played, and I say that as being one of only a few people I knew who was playing rpgs on the snes, while most people were playing games like street fighter and mortal kombat.
    Clearly not as niche as you make it out to be judging by amount of RPGs on SNES and PC back then. I'm not denying VII's influence, but to go as far as to say it made WoW what it is today in any possible way (commercially in particular) next to at that time (several years before before VII was even released) rich and highly popular Warcraft lore (every kid, nay, ever person knew or at least has heard about Warcraft back in the day) makes me question your age.

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  23. #23
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How long has everyone been playing final fantasy che's Avatar
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    Hi I'm smokedkill and I go on forums (a place where multiple opinions and debates can happen - that's why you're here), yet when confronted with questions I will get defensive about it, back up nothing, and acuse other's opinions and questions of being an "argument" instead of a debate. **** off, mate.

    Final Fantasy 7 is a cult classic. It was the first FF game on the Playstation. Yes, it was an awesome game. Groundbreaking in terms of technical difficulties? I'd say probably the pre-rendered backgrounds were exceptionally beautiful, but nothing new (see SNES). Yes, the artwork was amazing. Go suck off Tetsuya Nomura already. I already have, he was great.

    This thread should be titled "how long have you been sucking Square-Enix's ****", because there is apparently no room for debate here in this FORUM TOPIC, according to the unofficial mayor of Midgard and TheFinalFantasy, smokedkill.

    And I've been playing Final Fantasy since a year or two after FF7 came out in Japan.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  24. #24
    Look, there is nothing revolutionary about Final Fantasy VII other than its sales number in the series. Commercially, yes its the most successful game, its the most popular, it brought in the most players. But other than that, there is nothing special about the game.
    The story is subjective (although I'd most agree its a well written story, maybe perhaps other than Cloud.)
    The Battle system isn't anything special.
    The Graphics were new to the Final Fantasy genre, but it had already been seen before by other games.

    Now, lets keep this on topic before it gets closed.

  25. #25
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How long has everyone been playing final fantasy che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterion View Post
    Look, there is nothing revolutionary about Final Fantasy VII other than its sales number in the series. Commercially, yes its the most successful game, its the most popular, it brought in the most players. But other than that, there is nothing special about the game.
    The story is subjective (although I'd most agree its a well written story, maybe perhaps other than Cloud.)
    The Battle system isn't anything special.
    The Graphics were new to the Final Fantasy genre, but it had already been seen before by other games.

    Now, lets keep this on topic before it gets closed.
    I really wish people would stop being so afraid to speak their mind without worrying about a discussion getting closed. What instilled this fear in the first place? And if I'm too aggressive, get off the internet. If you don't really want a debate, go find a circlejerking Final Fantasy website without Che as a member. Or report my posts. I'm so sick of people saying "stay on topic". You're OFF TOPIC by saying that.

    In any case, I agree with what you said regarding Final Fantasy 7.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I really wish people would stop being so afraid to speak their mind without worrying about a discussion getting closed. What instilled this fear in the first place? And if I'm too aggressive, get off the internet. If you don't really want a debate, go find a circlejerking Final Fantasy website without Che as a member. Or report my posts. I'm so sick of people saying "stay on topic". You're OFF TOPIC by saying that.

    In any case, I agree with what you said regarding Final Fantasy 7.
    I don't mind a good argument, but this one isn't going anywhere. Fast. Hence the derailment of a thread leading to a locked thread.
    Maybe I was a little bit hasty in the assumption of it being closed, but hey. I calls it like I sees it.

  27. #27

    Re: How long has everyone been playing final fantasy

    Wow. After that response, I feel as if I'm arguing history with kids. I was there. I seen the impact it had. Final fantasy in 3d was revolutionary for its time, just as final fantasy 1 was revolutionary for its time even though it wasn't the first RPG. It was one of those games that when it came out, you just went wow.
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    Now lets quit debating if its. Revolutionary or not. If you want to debate that, start a thread and debate it there. I'm not particularly a fan of 7 nor have beaten it, I just speak on the impact it had when released. I'm an snes guy. Feel they had better stories back then.

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    Last edited by Merlin; 09-26-2012 at 08:27 PM. Reason: seriously... stop double posting

  28. #28
    I was there, too. Game definitely wowed me: couldn't believe how ugly the graphics were.

    Anyway, been playing since 1992. Started with FFIV. Rented it, loved it, and now playing XIII right now. Really enjoying it.

  29. #29
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How long has everyone been playing final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokedkill View Post
    Wow. After that response, I feel as if I'm arguing history with kids. I was there. I seen the impact it had.
    Funny, after all these posts the best you could come with/repeat is "you had to be there (even though I was old enough back then), I've seen it's influence", still nothing on how exactly it influenced other games or what made it revolutionary in the first place (graphics apparently not)...

    Final fantasy in 3d was revolutionary for its time
    for it's series perhaps, would like to hear/read how it was revolutionary as far as video games in general go, even more so since we had better looking games way before VII was even released.

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  30. #30
    oh its Xanatos hating on FF7, it must be Thursday..

    Firstly Xan the games you mentioned, didnt even get a release in europe. Except IV, but that wasn't till the DS.. Why because they weren't good enough, they wouldn't sell.

    But FF7 did, but why?

    FF7 sold over 2 million on its first weekend of release in Japan, which prompted them to release it sooner in north america (im pretty certain this is why there were so many errors with the translation), the massive sales in both regions and im pretty sure ALL games magazine/websites labeled it one of the best games they have ever played. The graphics at the time were fucking amazing, Xan when looking at FF7 graphics you need to look further than just your character on the screen. As each and every new area you guide your character through was a work of art and the array of FMV's to give it that more oomph, each and every area felt unique...

    Panzer and night of dreams, really? thats your choice for graphical superiority? a platform game and a shooter, Games not even a quart the size of FF7, games in which the devs can copy and paste their terrain over and over to fill up the world

    This is zwei:
    How long has everyone been playing final fantasy-pd2-7-jpg

    As you can see its far superior to FF7 graphics, that is until you leave the world map and enter a town or dungeon..

    Final fantasy 7 is thee highest and fastest selling final fantasy game of all time, why do you think that is Xanatos? That many people fooled into buying it?

    These threads are pointless and redundant from the get go, you can't measure personal opinions so we will never find an answer to the OP's question, but if we're to base it on reviews and worldwide acclaims and success.

    Final Fantasy 7 Wins

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