I'm curious to how long everyone on here has been playing final fantasy, the first one they played, what got them playing it.
Me, I've been playing since 1990 when a friend of mine got part 1 for the nes. He let me borrow it and I got all the way to the last castle before he demanded it back so I never got to beat it.
On the snes, I had final fantasy 2(IV) . That was the first one I beat and I fell further in love with the series. When 3 (6) came out, I got my cousin hooked on it.
When 7 came out, it had us all confused since it went from 3 to 7. In later years, we found out why. I will say that 7 was the most groundbreaking of the series due to how much improved the graphics were when compared with 3. Its also the one that made the final fantasy mainstream. While 8 and 9 had better graphics, 7 was the one that revolutionized things. Many of us older players didn't like it, other than the graphics, due to them becoming more industrialized and less focus on magic and crystals. Personally, I was pretty happy when 9 came out because they brought things back to the magic.
I'm not sure what they have done with the series since 10. I have one of the Xbox 360 final fantasies and it sucks. I played it for like 3 days and haven't played it since.
All in all, my 3 favorites are IV, VI, AND IX. would call 8 my least favorite except I dislike the one I have on Xbox 360 even more.
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