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Thread: Christmas Sucks

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Christmas Sucks Rowan's Avatar
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    Christmas Sucks

    Insurance came today, $480 >_>
    I've still yet to buy everyones gifts. christmas is begining to seem more like a hassle as each year progresses. Just found out that its either annual leave or nothing for the 5 week school break. Im taking the nothing option because I would lose money if I decide to take my annual leave before my pay increase the following year (jan 31st is the day of pay rise). Anyway.

    Does everyone do the family thing? See relatives you dont really want to see but have to due to the ocassion? those awkward dinners with people you've probably seen 15 times your entire life (of that you can remember). The cliche' of a christmas gathering and run of the mill conversations that follow as well as the awkwardness of both realizing the scenario you are in. Drinking to hopefully make the time go faster (favourite of mine). Listening to people bitch about one another and pre-empting the inevitable christmas argument discussion. Claiming your seat next to that one person you actually stand and hoping they dont get up and leave you alone (wait, i've still got my beer, its okay). Constantly making an effort to keep conversation going with that tolerable person as to avoid anyone else joining in.

    Okay heres the worst part.

    Opening gifts. Doesnt matter if you really like it, you're still on the spotlight for a reaction from everyone watching to see your first reaction. If you're anything like me, you dont break into a pearler everytime you open something you like. When asked if you like your gift you must make a convincing argument that you do (even if you do, you still need to convince them). Gag presents are the worst. Differentiating "Are they fu**ing serious?" from "Oh , I guess it would be rude to say I dont like it" is hard when you cant tell if its a gag gift or not. Unless its like that one time we gave my uncle Anthrax on Casset and when he opened it was filled with white powder. Sometimes its hard to tell, Then you get thinking and just say you love it anyway, and then they tell you it was a gag gift and you have to deal with the shame of embarassment.

    The aftermath?

    People are starting to leave and theyre all saying how you will catch up soon but you know you never will. Am I the only one that doesn't like kissing saying goodbye? I hate that shit. Im very particular about germs and what not. Sometimes I just say im sick to avoid having to kiss someone goodbye. I feel I need to clarify, I'ts mostly its a kiss on the cheek, othertimes the oldies try the ever so lightly peck on the lips *shudders*. Anyway, after everyones left and gone, you have a shower and get into your fresh PJ's (track pants and singlet for me) and sit on your bed. Feels like you've been apart of some kind of tedious psychological war. You take your last swig of beer and then put on your favorite movie to cleanse the day from your mind.


  2. #2
    Hewerya love...? Christmas Sucks seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    This is brilliant.

    Ive always been hard to convince about the cons of christmas but you've successfully done it!

    I hate the way people dress at christmas,... mid range labels and cheap aftershave... keeping up appearences

    but yea, ****in great observations, bang on with everything

    edit...why the **** was my '****in' starred out?!

    eh ? ****in pricks
    Last edited by seanb; 12-08-2011 at 06:06 PM.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Christmas Sucks Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I stopped going to family gatherings a year ago. Before I was forced to go. For the... last 2-3 years of me going, I got NOTHING for gifts while everyone got something. ...Or I got at least a single gift card for some place. Lately everyone just does generic gift exchanges instead of getting something specific for people. >_>

    I don't see those people -except- for christmas, so why bother. I finally convinced them to not make me go last year, so this year I'm not going either. I have better things to do. Lol.

    I swear. As soon as you become an adult (aka 21+) they stop getting gifts for you. ...Unless you actually give someone something. Bullshit.

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Christmas Sucks Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    What the **** is with people hating their relatives and family reunions, it seems to be a common occurrence lately. I visit my relatives often and I love every one of them, well almost every one of them, and I have impression it's vice versa as well.

    As for gifts, it's not in our tradition to give and receive gifts for Christmas, we do however prepare a huge meal, enough for everyone that is supposed to visit in next few days and bit for those less fortunate. That means at least 15 kg of lamb, 5-10 types of pastry's and cake, few traditional dishes, and lot's of beverage of course. As I said, I like spending time with close friends and relatives, that's why I like Christmas a lot, that and all the food.

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  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger Christmas Sucks Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I dread the whole get-together thing, and haven't gone to one since I was thirteen. I take that back. I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's because Dad wanted me to. Since he's...uh...away at the moment (yeah, let's go with that), he wanted at least one person from our branch of the family to show up. It was nice. I think I may go again.

    But Chiristmas this year will be spent comfortably and solely at home, alone. My Grandma and Uncle's family are going to Arizona to visit my aunt and her family for Christmas. While they are there, my aunt that lives near my house is going to her daughter's house in Kentucky. That's all on Dad's side. On Mom's side, they don't celebrate Christmas much. Usually it's a TV dinner and television shows, just like every other day. Mom's side of the family isn't very big.

    I will be getting my present from Grandma on the 15th ($30) and maybe even my birthday money then as well (she says they will be back on the 2nd of January (one day before my birthday), but I don't count on it. And then, I will open my presents I bought myself on the Christmas Day. I wrapped them (it, the other one hasn't arrived yet) and put them under my Christmas decoration and everything.

    Overall, it will be probably the best Christmas ever, I hope.

  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I ask people what they want. And buy that. Then buy a smaller, secondary gift of my choosing. Then wrap them. At least they'll get what they want, AND I'll add in a little "love" with what I picked (should have seen what I was almost cruel enough to buy my boyfriend today bwahaha).

    I've noticed less and smaller gifts under the tree as I've gotten older. Most of my family is older and spaced out around England and the world, so we get mostly cards with cash in them - my sixty-odd year old uncle wouldn't know what to get me or my brother, so he sends money and a smaller "secondary" gift. Which are usually pretty cool and weird (like what he sent me last year lol).

    For me, it's not even about gift giving either - I don't give to receive. I view it as a Thanksgiving. Last year, we didn't bother with gifts, and it actually felt like a huge weight off our backs and we were happier for it.

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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  7. #7
    My family has always sort of a closed off Christmas. It just immediate family. My siblings their kids and the parents so I have no problems with that.
    The whole spotlight thing doesn't apply to me either, my parents know that I know what they got me. Plus I'm half asleep anyways.

    The whole thing that sets me off about Christmas is the music. Everywhere I go, every radio station, every store, every house. Christmas music. The same song, different singer, same level of annoyance.

    The other part is driving. Traffic becomes a hell hole, especially when you live right next to the second busiest street in the state that isn't a highway.

  8. #8

    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I don't buy people shit. My presence is enough

    But seriously though, I really don't... I'll buy my dad something small like these Hickory farms Kits:

    He loves these and when ever I try to buy him something extreme he never wants anything.

    I don't live anywhere near my relatives, so if anything, they're just happy to get a call. I'm tempted to surprise my grandparents again in the Philippines for Christmas.

    My friends and I usually have a small Christmas gathering at someone's house. If I do feel the need to get someone something special, I make it. Much more meaningful.

    I plan to draw sprites of ALL our office employees (roughly 40 of them not including the super intendeds) as Christmas themed cards and slipping them on their desks :3

    Ta DA!!!:

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    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
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  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Christmas Sucks Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I don't necessarily hate my relatives... I'm more neutral. I am actually not very close with any of them. At all. We share no interests, no similar hobbies... they're like total strangers to me. So I could care less.

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy Christmas Sucks Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I think the feeling is mutual with the majority of us here. Christmas feels like a chore. You dont really want to do it, but it needs to be done.

  11. #11
    Gingersnap Christmas Sucks OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    lol I love the holidays

    I get festive as a mother****er. There's a wreath with a candle in it ON MY TABLE right now. And a snow globe.

    I think a lot of it is I really like my family. We are the coolest. We drink holiday booze and watch Christmas Vacation and laugh a lot and give each other nifty presents. And I enjoy picking out presents for my family because I know them so well.... but I get that it's not fun picking out obligatory gifts for people you barely know, family or not.

    Also I love eggnog.

    Only thing I "don't like" about Christmas is when my parents are like "what do you want?" I never know anymore. I have too much shit as it is (and actually, part of my Christmas celebration this year includes donating a bunch of stuff) so this year I've just told them "Well, I'll be moving into a new apartment soon, so... I guess get me something you think I can use for that?" I'm actually to the point where I like giving presents more than I like getting them (but don't get me wrong... I still buy myself presents..... like year-round). I guess it's kind of a pride thing. "Hell YEAH I picked out a great present for you! You are mother****ing WELCOME."

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  12. #12
    Consistently Average Christmas Sucks Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I'm fairly indifferent about Xmas. Like Rowan says, it feels kind of like a chore. I don't mind buying people presents because I usually get it right but the thing I dislike the most is wrapping those presents. I tried to wrap the gift I got for my girlfriend the other day and it just went horribly. I cut myself on the tape dispenser, the scissor ate the paper instead of cutting it and when I tried to stick it all down I missed the bit where the paper overlaps so it's all just a big mishmash of pointless tape and torn paper. I spent good money on the thing so i'll just stick a bow on it and she'll be right.

    All my relatives live on the other side of the world from us so it's been a long time since we've had a big get together. Apart form the annual phone call from my grandpaertns we dont have too much to do with each other.
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  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I still enjoy Christmas, although it's starting to blend in to the rest of the Winter season. I suppose now is the time to listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies, but I haven't done that much this year or the past few years. I like going to "Midnight" Mass (which has been pushed back all the way to 9 PM now, I think) for the music and church atmosphere, and I like being around my immediate family; siblings, their spouses and children. Still like a lot of the relatives, although as more time goes on, the more most of them become strangers. The last big gathering proved that.

    Really, Christmas Eve is more what I get excited about than Christmas Day. It's gonna be different this year, because we're going up to my bro's. As far as getting gifts go, I know what I'm getting from my parents and my brother, heh. He also knows what he's getting from me. Still need to get something for my Sister and brother in law, and my parents. It's not really a chore to me, although I really don't care what I get anymore, because I usually buy what I want throughout the year anyway. Just kinda section off some stuff that I put on a list for people to get me.

    But yeah; the holiday season is a bit different for me, because my birthday is around the corner. Signaling my growing older. Don't like that part anymore, heh... If anyone asks, I'm still 21, damn it! Anyhoo...

  14. #14

    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I've come to enjoy Christmas. Sure it's not like it was when I was a kid. But everything changes and you have to roll with it and appreciate what you have. I just hang with my brother and that's it. My father calls, and get a couple texts from people usually. Not too much.

    I also get gifts for a small circle of people I'm close to. Usually nobody knows what to get me so they flat out ask. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad sign yet haha. But I think when you learn to appreciate it in a different spectrum it all works out.

  15. #15
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I wake up, open presents, say merry christmas...and the day goes on.
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  16. #16
    G'day Christmas Sucks NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    Christmas is a nice idea. But we're not all so lucky to spend it with people we actually like

    I'm not a big Christmas person. But if I had some cool friends, I'd totally be in the Christmas spirit and I'd buy them awesome gifts and I'd enjoy it and they'd feel super lucky to have me in their life My family and I aren't really close people. We don't hateeach other, we're just living our lives away from each other. I buy my mum a present every year and she always says she'll get me one, but never does. She was supposed to buy me a deep fryer, when I moved out of home for the first time. That was like 3 years ago. Where the F*CK is my deep fryer mum?! but I guess that's ok. She did raise me and everything. I love you mum! But seriously, I don't care about presents. As others have mentioned, I'm grown now, I can buy my own s*it whenever I want!

    This year, I will be spending my Christmas with my boyfriend, his twin brother (yeah, there's 2 of them) and I'm pretty sure their mother wants to be here with us. OH JOY! They hate their mother (because they're ungrateful s*its) so I'll be in my game room or sleeping, in an effort to ignore these 3 equally annoying as f*ck people, bicker themselves into oblivion. I have noone else to blame for this, but myself *sigh*

    Happy Holiday TFFer's! I like you guys, so I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas. LOVE NikkiLinkle xoxoxoxo

  17. #17
    Memento RK Christmas Sucks Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    Christmas is exactly what you make it. However, if you go into it expecting the same amount back as you gave out, you will turn out massively disappointed. I like Christmas for the sake of giving. With the way things are going with my family, I could care less. At least I can turn around and say, "Here, I have a remote feeling of 'like' for you. Here's a gift to show you that I mildly care". I am different with friends. This year, I'm actually spending the time to mail something out. This is something I have never done before, and those blessed friends are doing the same for me. At least they understand my need to give gifts.

    My spirit of christmas comes from just that. One year, I spent over $1000 on my family Christmas expecting the same in return. I was stupid to think that in my opinion. I WAS the one giving the presents. That year was very disheartening, and I probably won't go all out like that again until I have my own family to care for. This was what made me shy away from it for a few years. After taking a step back and thinking, "What if I give, and not expect anything in return?" I've been doing just that starting this year. Last year I didn't have the money, so I didn't give anything. The year before was the same story. I think I got them special chocolates or something. This year will be basically the same as that, but I'll be giving more to my friends instead because they have helped me throughout the year. They deserve a piece of my appreciation through gift giving.

    I don't have grandparents. I only have my immediate family to share Christmas with. This year won't be much considering our ailing financial situation. Honestly, I don't care. All I am expecting from them is a Christmas dinner anyway. I'll be working on Christmas whether they like it or not. They need to get used to the fact that I'm growing up and living life on my own. This Christmas will be bitter sweet I think. To make up for the bitterness, I will be sending out heartfelt messages to those that matter to me.

    In my opinion, Christmas is about Tradition. Families have a certian amount of tradition to uphold in hopes of carrying it on throughout the family. It's what their parents did, and their parents before them. I just don't like the fact that they have to shove it down other people's throats in a slight desperation to make sure their traditions are carried on. In fact, that's the exact opposite way to carry on a tradition. It's like what they do with Christmas Music now. It never used to be this bad, as far as I remember. The least the music industry could do is use their creative ability to make new christmas music, like this fine lad:

    Forgive the silly faces he makes and listen to the lyrics
    He has a point here and I hope you guys can see it too. It is a matter of choice though. You have a choice to spend Christmas in a way that you feel is enjoyable. If you don't like what's going on, change it up.
    Last edited by Yoko; 12-09-2011 at 05:58 AM.

  18. #18
    Registered User Christmas Sucks Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    It doesn't feel like Christmas to me yet because there's no snow and I've only bought one Christmas present so far (some have been ordered and are on their way). This Christmas probably won't be all that good, I've already gotten my main present off my mum, my present off my brother and my uncle is in rehab so he won't be with us. Also, my eldest brother isn't likely to turn up. He didn't last year even though he said he would, and this year he hasn't even made contact so I doubt he will. Which I'm glad of, I don't like him at all and if he did come I'd find it really difficult to stay in the same room as him.

    Christmas has been bad for the last five years I'd say, before that I absolutely loved it. But now that I'm getting older it's just not the same. I have to go over my mum's/nan's every Christmas day leaving my dad by himself all day because I'm the only family he has, and it literally breaks my heart every time I leave him on his own, it always makes me feel guilty. But if I did spend the day with him, the rest of my family would give me shit for it.

    I agree with you on the whole opening presents thing. I HATE opening presents in front of people because they're watching you expecting an amazing reaction from you, and even though I love the presents I get I just don't really react all that much naturally, so I have to fake it and it's sooooo annoying. lol

    Also I hate the weather at Christmas, apart from the snow which as I said isn't here yet. Right now it's really ****ing windy and I hate it. Every time I walk outside the wind blows my face back so hard I end look like an Asian for the rest of the day.

  19. #19
    Sir Prize Christmas Sucks Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I've always been a humbug. I want people to let me eat, give me their sweater pants, get their shit and leave so I can play my brand-new N64. That's how I felt in the late nineties, that's how I've felt ever since.

    As a P.S. I HIGHLY DOUBT I will go to my family Christmas this year(even if I'm invited). I'd rather go it alone and play Skyrim while whistling 'Grandma got Runover by a Reindeer.'

    God bless you all and **** Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah and whatever..


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  20. #20
    Chief Inspiring Officer Christmas Sucks Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    At the risk of becoming yet another bedraggled Christmas hater, I also wish the holiday could be skipped. But just recently my little sis told me she hates it too. This surprised me and I found myself calling her a "Grinch" (not because I love Christmas, but because I like the sound of that word!
    P.S., even though I try my hardest, I can never knit enough socks for everyone. Now that makes me frustrated.
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  21. #21
    HRH Albha Christmas Sucks Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    You're all insane.

    Actually come to think of it, the thing I love most about Christmas is getting to eat turkey for Christmas dinner. So maybe Christmas isn't all that good?

    Buying gifts is certainly annoying. Most of my immediate family are notoriously difficult to buy for, considering my budget and that there's 5 people in the house with me. I have a sister who is interested in basically nothing except playing Flash games on the Internet and watching whatever crap happens to be on TV. She makes it difficult.

    Buying for parents is also quite difficult.

    Why does it have to be all about buying anyway? I like getting presents but sometimes my family doesn't have the best taste in what to buy, and I feel guilty about not appreciating or using what they buy me. They either do that or ask me constantly what I want, which seems to annoy me even more because I don't want to give them some sort of minimum/maximum pricing thing.

    I still love Christmas though. But I can't emphasise how much I love turkey.

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  22. #22
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    My family (either mother's nor father's) does the gift exchange thing. We don't even do the meet up and eat together thing often. So it's sort of nice when we actually do get together for the holidays, even if it isn't on Christmas necessarily. Everyone's getting older, so it could be sooner rather than later that I won't be able to see some of them.

    Also I have awesome cousins who are less than half my age. They help remind me from time to time that life is actually pretty cool and that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. So Christmas (or at least the holidays) are pretty alright, presents or no presents.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  23. #23
    Kiss with a fist. Christmas Sucks Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I still love Christmas. My family gets together for dinner and to exchange gifts, etc. I normally go to midnight mass Christmas Eve. Actually, I'm really looking forward to it this year as I have off on the Eve - I've worked Eve and Day the past two years. I still work on the actual holiday, but it's double time so I can't complain.

    I'm also a big, fat dork and still watch the classic Christmas movies. I've been slacking this year, I need to get on that shit.

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  24. #24
    Hewerya love...? Christmas Sucks seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    I normally go to midnight mass Christmas Eve.
    Do they do it at midnight? Cos were I am it used to be at midnight but they had to change it to 9 because everyone ended up landing in pissed haha

  25. #25
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Christmas Sucks Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    I'm not big on the holidays. My mother is traveling down and convinced my sister to come home for a weekend on the 17th for her christmas party thing. I expect it will probably be tiring, but I'm taking a day off for it. I know my sister and my little step-brother are getting a crapton of stuff, but I just asked for some comfy pajama pants and a nice ice scraper for my car.

    Most of the stuff that I would want within reason I can already buy, so I might as well get utilitarian on it.

    Oh, and I worked last christmas weekend, and will be working this one as well. When you get angry calls from employees demanding that you set up an unsupported router/laptop/iPad/etc, while their kids are begging them to come play, the season loses a lot of luster.

    I do plan to watch Christmas Vacation and listen to Mr Hankie's Christmas Classics though. Case in point, the one Christmas song I Never get tired of (possibly NSFW language, I don't remember)

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  26. #26
    Kiss with a fist. Christmas Sucks Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    Do they do it at midnight? Cos were I am it used to be at midnight but they had to change it to 9 because everyone ended up landing in pissed haha
    It starts at ten o'clock, but goes until midnight. I haven't been in awhile though so I don't know if anything in particular has changed in regards to service.

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  27. #27
    Crash Boom Bang Christmas Sucks Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Sucks

    its the obligation of buying presents that does my head in. its not that i dont like speninding money on people, its more the list of people, what the **** do i get the human ****ing traffic swarming around all the shops, and there's always that one ungreatful bastard that is never happy with what you buy them

    I hate how everything comes to a standstill, you have to take out a mortgage just to get a taxi anywhere, theres no buses and you end up with your body weight in wrapping paper and cardboard ****ing boxes

    Although, public transport isnt an issue this year, as im finally driving

    The food is good though, i definately fatten up over crimbo...which is not so good, but *drool*

    ive actually always enjoyed the family gatherings, seeing my mum and stuf, its just when im ready to go home the next day, i ca\nt that did my head in

    oh and i hate wrapping presents, because im crap at it, and i just spent 3 whole pounds and 50 pence on one farty roll of wrapping paper

    daylight bastard robbery

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