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Thread: which is healthier mcodalds or burger king?

  1. #1

    which is healthier mcodalds or burger king?

    Hi everyone I would like to know which is more healthier Mcdonalds or burger king? The reason why I would like to know this is because I have a high cholesterol at 6.3 and that very high I have got to get it down below 5. I am always eating at mcdonalds or burger king and I have to cut back on these two so does any one know which is more healthier if someone can tell me I can go and eat there every 6 months.

  2. #2
    Go with the price, if it's cheaper it's crappier, so BK should win. And it does taste better, imo as well. Still, both are junk food and not healthy for you.

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Alpha's Avatar
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    Is this real life?

    They're the same thing. If you insist on going to one but you want to eat healthy, grab a salad. Or you know, stay home and make a better one for a fraction of the price.

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Is this real life?

    They're the same thing. If you insist on going to one but you want to eat healthy, grab a salad. Or you know, stay home and make a better one for a fraction of the price.

    Fast food is fast food. It is like asking some which liquor will kill your liver the slowest. If you want to drop your cholesterol cut out fast food in general. Prepare you're own meals, exercise, do something.

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  5. #5
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Which is healthier!? I would say McDonald's because they have a healthier variety of options to choice from now, like chicken wraps and salads. If you are truly wanting a change for yourself though, I would recommend not eating at any of the two locations.
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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Waltz View Post
    Which is healthier!? I would say McDonald's because they have a healthier variety of options to choice from now, like chicken wraps and salads. If you are truly wanting a change for yourself though, I would recommend not eating at any of the two locations.
    This is highly incorrect. I managed a McDonald's for a number of years, and can assure you that their "healthy options" are not at all. Take a chicken wrap for example. They have two options crispy chicken, and grilled. The crispy is just a chicken select which is breaded chicken strip. The grilled would seem like the healthiest option except for the fact that McDonald's grilled chicken is soaked in butter while you are grilling it.

    As for the salads there same thing. Crispy or grilled chicken on it. If you can do a salad from there with no meat, and no dressing I supposed yeah it may be alright. But why the **** would you go to a fast food place for a salad when the makings of it are very affordable, and it is simple as shit to make on your own.

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  8. #8
    Consistently Average which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Have you tired making your own burgers? If you make your own patties by blitzing the chicken or beef yourself you can see what goes into it, plus they're 1000 times bigger and more filling then what you'd get at BK or McD's. You can even make the buns too.

    That said convenience tends to be a deciding factor for me when it comes to fast food chains. If i'm on my way home from uni after staying late at a lab i'll go for the BK that's just off the highway. That's only once in a blue moon though.
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    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Turkey Burgers. I make mine to not even taste like it's a turkey burger.
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  10. #10
    Registered User which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Cyric's Avatar
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    Neither of those places is healthy by any means. If you have high cholesterol then your best bet is to cut down on fatty and greasy foods.

  11. #11
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    BK got busted for having traces of equine meat in their burgers.

    But either way, fast food is fast food is fast food. It doesn't matter whether you order a salad or not. - chances are, there was something added to preserve the ingredients and the dressing is loaded with calories, fat, sugar, and carbs. I know it comes on the side, but still.

    Josh is absolutely right when it comes to how the chicken is cooked - whether it's grilled or fried. I used to work at a Sonic Drive-In and not only is the grilled chicken doused in some butter concoction, it's also kept in a warmer drawer throughout the day.

    And the wraps are wrapped with -flour- tortillas. Those are high in calories and carbs just by itself. Then you throw in the ranch or honey mustard and the grease... Yeah no.

    You would save more money and more of your health by just making your own burgers (93/7 meat to fat ratio), grilling your own chicken in a little bit of olive oil, and eating spinach instead of iceberg lettuce. Or make turkey burgers. And switch to turkey bacon.

    I know there comes a time when you -need- to indulge on something fatty and "gross"... I advise you to go gorge on Arby's... Get one of their Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches with Curly Fries - ask for super extra Arby's Sauce ....... You won't regret it.

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joleine taylor View Post
    Hi everyone I would like to know which is more healthier Mcdonalds or burger king? The reason why I would like to know this is because I have a high cholesterol at 6.3 and that very high I have got to get it down below 5. I am always eating at mcdonalds or burger king and I have to cut back on these two so does any one know which is more healthier if someone can tell me I can go and eat there every 6 months.
    Okay listen up cause im only gonna type this once.

    Dont eat at either of them. If you have health problems, you need to adress them in the most efficient and responsible way possible. Introduce fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Lay off the salted/smoked meats. Eat healthy and dont eat at fast food joints.

    edit: loaf is spot on. Turkey burgers are lean and probably one of the best meats you can have. We get kangaroo meat in australia which is just as good as turkey, but I still prefer turkey meat.

  13. #13
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    This is highly incorrect. I managed a McDonald's for a number of years, and can assure you that their "healthy options" are not at all. Take a chicken wrap for example. They have two options crispy chicken, and grilled. The crispy is just a chicken select which is breaded chicken strip. The grilled would seem like the healthiest option except for the fact that McDonald's grilled chicken is soaked in butter while you are grilling it.

    As for the salads there same thing. Crispy or grilled chicken on it. If you can do a salad from there with no meat, and no dressing I supposed yeah it may be alright. But why the **** would you go to a fast food place for a salad when the makings of it are very affordable, and it is simple as shit to make on your own.

    I was just stating that they have healthier options, which they do.

    And buddy I'm 6' 1" and i weigh 155 pounds so you are preaching to the wrong choir. She asked which one is HEALTHIER to eat at, and I gave my opinion, never did i say that the crap they serve is health for you in any way!

    On note: Their are also turkey dogs which are much better tasting then hotdogs and without all the garbage inside regular hotdogs.
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 10-03-2013 at 04:27 PM.
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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Woah. Why the need for hostility?

    BK has salads and grilled chicken too. Maybe not in a wrap, but they have it.

    have you looked at how many calories and carbs are in a flour tortilla? Quite a few. For just 1.

    You're better off buying corn tortillas (many of them are only 50 calories per serving - which is 2, and have way fewer carbs), heating them up in a dry skillet or over an open flame if you have a gas stove top or are grilling out and making tacos.

  15. #15
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? che's Avatar
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    Never in my life would I imagine a fight breakout over fast food on the internet.

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  16. #16
    I have to say that European McDonalds is times better than American ones. Burgers are way less greasy. That goes for Middle East and other rich countries. Everything from KFC to Pizza Hut is better there. Still, it's all crap food, even if it's better and noone should eat it often. By often I mean more than 2 times a week. It's dangerours because of sheer amount of meat they have to produce and the amount of hormones they pump into it to make it mature faster to sell more. McDonalds is cheaper so I imagine they put way more hormones into the meat there. Then again what am I talking about? All fast foods do the same thing. The answer is - neither.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 10-03-2013 at 08:29 PM.

  17. #17
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Never in my life would I imagine a fight breakout over fast food on the internet.

    Lol missed you to Brett!

    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Woah. Why the need for hostility?
    no hostility here, sorry if i gave that impression.

    Next time I will underline the word instead of making it all bold. I just wanted to state theirs a difference in the words healthy and healthier.
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 10-03-2013 at 09:46 PM.
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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Oh shut up Che. Lol

    XD I'm on my phone so nothing came up in bold. I just meant like the whole "you're preachin to the wrong choir" and all that noise. It just kinda came off as hostile. No harm done though! ^_^

  19. #19
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? che's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried those new BK fries yet?

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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Nupe.... I kinda want to... But Arby's curly fries own over all, so. Oh. Steak and Shake fries rock pretty hard too.

  21. #21
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Nupe.... I kinda want to... But Arby's curly fries own over all, so. Oh. Steak and Shake fries rock pretty hard too.
    Not a fan of either of those. Steak and shake fries are too thin. I hate thin fries.

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  22. #22
    forever alone in hell which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    i think there the same bk has more food but md has poor quality

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  23. #23
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I prefer the best kind of fast food. Such as In n Out or Whataburger (the one that is like probably the best in Austin, TX)
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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I lub whattaburger.... omg.

    A&W burgers own though, TBH. Fizuck yeah.

  25. #25
    forever alone in hell which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I prefer the best kind of fast food. Such as In n Out or Whataburger (the one that is like probably the best in Austin, TX)
    fallon nv has nether of those

    **1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**

    time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,

    DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!

  26. #26
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? che's Avatar
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    And I figured you'd be using McDonalds WiFi from there. (Just kidding, I don't know a thing about your town, but it sounds small)

    edit: completely misread. :3 oh wellz l0l
    Last edited by che; 10-04-2013 at 07:19 AM.

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  27. #27
    Death Before Dishonor which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I prefer the best kind of fast food. Such as In n Out or Whataburger (the one that is like probably the best in Austin, TX)
    I don't have either of these.

    Best you can get here is Rally's. I mean f*ck we don't even have a Hardee's here.

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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Hahaha Hardees. Omg where do you even live? That's so east coast.

    In my hometown, when I was little, Hardees & KFC were the only 2 fast food places.

    the last place my parents lived here in tn only has McDs, Hardees, & a Subway.

  29. #29
    #LOCKE4GOD which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? Alpha's Avatar
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    I was gonna ask if you Americans have Burger Fuel, but I went to their website to find out instead. Turns out it exists in New Zealand, Australia... UAE, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Which seems like a weird assortment of countries. I wonder if all their meat is halal. Their burgers are hellishly expensive, but they're the kind of burgers you can make at home. I like their current limited edition one, the Usain Burger or something. Which is meant to be "Jamaican". It has pineapple and avocado. None of that pansy-ass McDonald's shit.

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    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. which is healthier mcodalds or burger king? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    That bacon habanero burger from mcd's is baller yo

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