I wouldn't ever call any interaction with others I get into a fight. I have studied the drunken monkey for 19 years. I know it so well that I don't even look drunk when I do it anymore.
I wouldn't ever call any interaction with others I get into a fight. I have studied the drunken monkey for 19 years. I know it so well that I don't even look drunk when I do it anymore.
Been in a few minor scuffs, nothing glorified. Me and my friends spa with each other regulary for fitness and general stat boosts. Guiding principle has always been that if you are too scared to hit your friends, then you wont last in a real fight with a stranger. Its all a mind game, learn how it works and take advantage of your oponent with psycological exploits. Cheap tricks are good too, like kicking in the balls.
I highly reccomend kicking to the groin. Its fantastic because once they drop to their knees, you can place your hands on their head and guide it into your kneecap. Bust an eye socket. Grab them by the ears and force them into the pavement whilst you tear away at the flesh. Then repeatedly kick them in the back. Its a lot more painful than it sounds, Especially if you pop a disc from their spinal cord.