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Thread: Has TFF gotten boring?

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  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Post Has TFF gotten boring?

    Don't bite my head off, I'm just saying. TFF has gotten to the point that you even have to watch what you post in here or else the staff will either warn you or give you the banstick, believe I've seen the good and the bad of both. If a debating topic were to pop, even I have to not post for fear of getting a warning, but hey every debate topic on TFF is going to having people bickering at each other to prove a point they want to make, then when it goes over some kind of "limit" then the staff close the thread, but only to give rise to other new debate topics.

    I say just let them debate it out and let people say what they want to say, after all that's our right, "freedom to Speech" even on an "Internet Forum". I keep hearing that the staff closes the topics to prevent spam, but honestly, I've never noticed any spam pouring into the forum, just in the topics, but even the staff can't close them all, people are still going to argue on here, and debate, and complain, this is a Internet forum people, no body knows anybody here in real life, well maybe some of you, but this is like a anonymous cafe site for teens and adults, I think everyone just needs to loosen up a bit. I can see if this was a real life issue, but this is the internet, let people have their rights to say whatever the heck they want. Another thing I remember is that they say that TFF is a family friendly site, Your kidding right? lol

    Anyway, as for the topics on here. I feel that TFF has lost alot of it's old charm it used to have, like the drama, the topics that made us want to check it out and come back on later in the day and check in on that topic for the excitement, but nowaways these topics are so boring they make me want to leave the site for a awhile and lurk until a somewhat good topic appears. But all the excitement here is just bearly hanging on my a thread, the staff closes threads that could possiblity draw people here to view them and come back again to reply or view the comments, and it getting boring, at least to me.

    People have gotten so uptight with rules, when they forget that this is the internet, have a little fun, post threads that draw people. I would love to make a topic, without the fear of a staff member sticking a banstick or warning up my ass, but these days, it just doesn't seem worth coming here except to lurk which is also losing it buzz.

    Sorry if this seemed like a rant, but hey that's what I feel. What do you think?
    Last edited by Phantom; 12-10-2009 at 06:20 AM.
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