Yeah. It's just too bad most of the chicks here suck.
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I like TFF just the way it is. Aw, look, I'm hugging my laptop.
The only thing I see that's making TFF boring, is reading five different topics about how boring TFF is.
Just to clarify, I'm not talking about Gypsy or Alisyn when I say that most of the girls here are boring. You two are some of the exceptions.
If TFF is boring to you, it's because you make it boring yourself.
This is what I tell my girlfriend. She's super outgoing, and basically relies on other people to get pumped up for stuff. Which is great, but:
I can entertain myself. I'm never bored, EVER. If I'm bored it's because I'm doing something wrong. There's so much to learn or watch/listen to in this world.
Not to mention I'm here to entertain your ass! hit me up for more battlefield! I like shooting people in the face!
The girls suck? Hell, some of the guys suck.
I also rarely find myself bored. I'm always doing something, whether it be drawing.. writing.. gaming..or just sitting here brainstorming for a story. Bored with PEOPLE would probably be more accurate, but I do have fun in our msn convos, so that doesn't apply to a lot of people on here.
Block: Love the crazy cat.
You can't deny that breasts would make this forum more entertaining. ;!
What about your breasts Ben! You know you want to?
well not enough people reply to polls. You'll post something and get like 6 people answer. I'd prefer 100 or more, so it feels iffy to even come her. But here I am.
This may end up sounding contradictory, but I actually like the smaller size of TFF. I wouldn't like 100 or more replies to each topic. It would just take forever to read the threads then. I do wish there was a little more activity from our current members, though. It gets kind of boring when I check the forums after half a day and there are like 40 new posts, and half of those are in the spam forum or in threads like "What is your Favorite Character / Soda / etc." I realize that the activity does go in cycles, but from what I'm seeing the activity has been steadily decreasing since I joined. It seems like this whole year has just been pretty slow at TFF.
I also miss some of the older members who joined around the same time I joined. It's not like I don't like the newer members, it is just that this place seemed more "interesting" two or three years ago. That may be do to the fact that there really aren't many new things going on too.
EDIT: TFF is also pretty boring if you log in at a bad time during the day. At some times there is like a post or two an hour.
Agreed that I don't care if people reply to topics in droves. I'm not reading the 13,000th reply, but I do wish people would vote in more polls. Some of them are quite interesting and like 12 people have voted.
I have an idea. Maybe the poll section could be more prominant or updated daily in a way that encourages you to participate upon signing in?
Hey Tiffany, I remember you. But no this place was not new or shiny 5 years ago, lol. Hell 5 years ago we were saying the same damn things ourselves, lol. However yeah I kinda got a feel for what you were saying earlier in this thread. People grow up. Hell I'm only here for nostalgic reasons (and hopes to find some of my old Canadia friends).
I'd have to say that since joining when I was, um, 11 or 12, and now being 24, my mindset has changed...a little. Then again graduate school and a kid kinda forces you to do that.
Yes. In my opinion it has gotten very boring.
1. Open TFF.
2. Click "New Posts" on the linkbar.
3. Click "Has TFF gotten boring?" thread and jump to last page.
4. Read new posts.
5. Think to self: "Mmkay, sure."
6. Read El Gatopod's post.
If this is what represents "TFF", then F U C K Y E S it's boring.
I have not been a member of TFF for very long, but in the time that I have it hasn't been boring at all. There is almost always a new thread a day to post on, most of the active user's are funny as hell so you will always be entertained while reading previous post....Doesn't seem that boring to me...
Must be entertaining enough to bring MY stupid *** back every so often. And my life is EXTREEEEEME!
do bears poop in the woods? does the Pope have a funny hat? is the average male penis smaller than mine?
the answer to all of those things are yes, yes, and none of you business. and that's all i have to say about whether or not it has gotten boring around here or not.
Yeah, TFF is also getting boring because it seems like over half of the posts recently have been spam, and no one is getting warned or anything. One of the main reasons why I joined and still post on TFF is the rule against spamming. It seemed like almost all of the other forums I looked at were full of spam, but TFF was different. It is very boring when I see myself wasting time looking at half of the new posts when they are nearly all spam. The word games forum is different because I can skip over those when I already know they are going to be spam, but it gets annoying when all the forums just become one big spam forum. I know the forum activity isn't that great right now, but I don't think we have to resort to spamming everywhere to make it seem like it is more active yet.
Spam beats an empty vacuum though, don't it? Sometimes I refresh after an hour and there isn't a single new post, not so much very recently.
TFF is so fuckin' boring, it's boring. The people here are all like, "I think that my first decision today, is that I'm going to be boring. Also, I'm going to write stupid messages on the internets that no one will find interesting. In addition, I will also not be funny in the slightest. I refuse to have fun, as well. And/or I'm retarded."
Nobody talks about anything I particularly care about. I think our savior is that Block guy, personally. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
EDIT: Give us our spam thread back!!!
SpAm ThReAd **** YeAh!!!111
I never thought I'd say this, but now that all of the flame-happy asshats are gone... might not be a bad idea to at least consider it.
Confused by the meaning of this post, but I do love the usage of the word asshats. Good times.
The reason I took the spam thread away to begin with was because it was banking 200+ posts a day and was ridiculous to moderate. That and some crap about bandwidth, but we've had major upgrades since then. I remember one week where the thread reached over 500 posts a couple of consecutive days.
But, since most of the people who would pick fights and cause such trouble are either banned or long gone, I think it's probably worth at least discussing the return of the spam thread.
I don't mind posts that are a little spam-like in nature here and there about the forum, but Trieze is right -- this is starting to get ridiculous. This isn't 4chan.