I think a spam thread could be fun. You can always make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
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I think a spam thread could be fun. You can always make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
I'd say that this place is quite a lot less boring recently! Yay for activity! LOVE YOU GUYS.
I know I can't comment on the old times but I saw this and just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. The way I see it is this; the site can't have become all that boring. New people are joining all the time, aren't they? I joined yesterday and within 10 minutes of me doing so I wasn't up as the newest member anymore. I think that says something. Besides, even as I write this there are several 'guests' searching the various topics of this, quite frankly, versatile and unique site. I joined because I thought it seemed interesting. Since then I've spoken to some really quite unique people. I like them, that alone makes it interesting. I think the reason that people would find this place boring is a lack of actually doing anything to entertain themselves. Maybe some of the topics are 'old news' but with newer members come newer viewpoints, so each conversation can't possibly play out the same way. It just takes a few new comments and the conversations tone can turn 360 and become more than before. It's all about effort, and maybe (if you are bored of it on here) you should make the effort, or stop coming on?
That's what I believe, anyway.
Is this why you are banned. Phantom?
BTW, Che is the one awesome enough to post spam topics to up his post count and only get by with just it being locked.
But I still <3 you Che!
I don't think this place is boring at all. New people joining all the time and there is always posts.
I Havent really been here that long compared to most of you, but i find it cool that if new news about Final Fantasy games come out, the peeps on TFF will keep you up to date with information and threads as well as people giving their opinions and experiences on past and upcoming games
There were many reasons with Phantom being banned; this thread was only a small piece in the whole ordeal.
TFF's not really boring anymore. Last year it was really slow because no one posted much and the userbase was mostly little kids like fate and ralz posting it up, but once people like Che, Gypsy, Block, Kisuke, and Dodie showed up, they put a lot of activity to the forums, which adds more activity.
TFF will start buzzing with a load of new topics once Final Fantasy XIII is released and if anyone can get in the beta for FFXIV. Continuing with FFXIV that game is supposedly being released later this year so with two main FFs coming (granted one is a MMO) there will be a lot more activity.
I think there a good amount of activity (and I do have a question regarding TFF's activity with other FF community sites later on) with certain users being the driving force, though we are missing one - Kilala. Probably the toughest part is creating unique topics to be discussed as a lot have already been by the older members.
Now, on to my question that is directed towards people who are apart of other Final Fantasy communities besides TFF. This question does depend if "you", the responder, are apart of these communities but here I go. Would "you" say that and are more active than TFF?
I ask this because of the amount of users that are on are have stopped by at each site. Currently there are 20 members on finalfantasyforums, not that much more when compared to TFF but 174 of their members have stopped by today. I'm unsure if we ever get around 170 unique members to stop by any day.
FFShrine is a totally different beast as their are currenlty 156 members on which is way more than either TFF or FinalFantasyForums. Interestingly though the most users they have ever had at once is 486 which is lower compared to the 755 and 745 by FinalFantasyForums and TFF respectively. It also says on FFShrine that there are over 27 thousand active members; do they calculate their active users differently or is it similiar to ours?
One thing that stands out in FFShrine is the 1.3 million posts that site has compared to the 600k + at FinalFantasyForums and 400k + at TFF. Are those two sites considerably older than TFF?
I remember someone saying that most other Final Fantasy sites are dead compared to TFF, are those two an exception?
^ I haven't been to, but I have been to the FF Shrine one. To me, it seems that they are much more lenient with the things they can post, which is to say that a lot of stuff I looked at would be considered spam here.
Also, they are mostly known for their downloadable MP3's and ripped music from different things like games, movies and anime. A lot of those threads have posts that say "Thanks for the upload" and that's about it. You have to become a member to view the download links, so that explains the high member count as well.
One more thing: I think there was a cleaning out of posts that happened here at TFF before, and a lot of posts were deleted in the process, so that could be why the number is lower than those two sites.
I used to go to Shrine all the time. In fact that is how I found this place. There was a link.
As far as boring goes GC has been blowing up these past few weeks. I credit most of it to Block, and his brilliant thread ideas. They seen to be things that everyone enjoys posting about...
Nah, this place is far from boring. You just need to find a way to broaden your area of posting.
Then again, who hangs around all day on a forum? If they do, they must REALLY have nothing to do...
Less activity doesn't necessarily= boring, TFF doesn't seem as active as the other two before us (I've checked before because I was curious) I think they were "Final Fantasy forums" and "The Final Fantasy Shrine Forums" and then the one after us is "Eyes On Final fantasy Forums" when I checked. The first two have more active members than us and the Eyes On Final fantasy I don't think you can view active members without actually being a member, or maybe I'm an idiot and missed it lol.
Even if TFF is "less active", that just means there's closer members and if you're bored you probably haven't made enough friends. I'll admit though that there are some days where I'm like OMG there's nothing to post in mainly because I've already replied to everything, but that just says to me, make more topics to un bored myself.
Also why is everyone always talking about Kilala? not that I know her or anything, but I have seen some of her topics, I don't think one person is going to make TFF booming with new members.... except for Block maybe ;) mm Jew fro magnet :lol:
AND I am on the forum all day long, and I have plenty to do, I just multitask :p
Kilala was the female version of Block, just less spam and pictures, also you have to add *glomps*.
As for the activity issue, as I have said in previous posts. This place is a hell of a lot more active then it was a year ago and with the upcoming releases it is only bound to get busier.
As for boring, it is still not.
As for Phantom, he asked to get rebanned. End story.
Everyone is capable of making threads like the more active members, just gotta stop being lazy and stop thinking too hard when it comes to topic ideas. I don't make threads often because I prefer responding to the ones that are already made.. and I think that's what a lot of folks on here do as well.
Also, Final Fantasy Shrine may be active, but it's full of morons. It was my first FF forums that I ever attended(I was 14 at the time and had been an active member till I was like.. 17 or so..). It used to be a decent forum like TFF, but then retards took it over and it just became too dull for my tastes. TFF kicks its ass.. BOOYA!
Edit: Kilala was nothing like Block, if you actually got to know her on MSN.
Violet... I must say, you haven't exactly gotten to know me on MSN to judge if I'm like Kilala or not. Just an observation... oh and you're more than welcome to :drool:
Haha xD. I didn't mean it in a negative light.. you guys just have different posting styles. I always pictured Kilala as a cute polite kind of girl ((way to go for first impressions..)), and my first impression of you is..well, not cute and innocent, that's for sure.
So yeah, I'm going by first impressions. So far, you and Kilala are totally different other than the fact that you both brought activity.
That was actually exactly what I was refering to. With both activity spikes have occured. When Kilala left there was a sudden down fall, almost drastic, in activity.
I would love to shee what would happen if Kilala decided to rejoin us now, it would be interesting.
This will probably be my last post in here, I kind of feel like a broken record. So I will leave it as this.
If you don't like how things are going don't bitch try to do something about it.
If you feel like you are trying to reinvent the wheel, don't you shouldn't fix things that aren't broken.
If you are pleased with TFF as it is, good for you.
So, I was gonna wait and tell everyone later but.
Block is Kilala.
Dude wtf. I mean seriously. That shit is supposed to be a secret.
I thought to myself, "Basement dwelling neck-beard."
This about sums it up...
We'd have that many "active" members if I didn't prune off inactive accounts with less than 100 posts every six months. I have the forums "activity" counter set much shorter... like, you have to have logged in within the past month for the counter to consider you active. Most other forums have that counter set for longer time periods.
Also, this forum has had WELL over a million posts since 1997, but we go through massive spring cleanings every couple of years. Before the upgrades Fuzz did a couple years ago, we didn't really have as much space and bandwidth, so we had to get rid of old stuff periodically.
Uh, Howling Wind, I don't know why you suddenly needed the attention, but this thread is about TFF being boring.
TFF is boring because I suck the fun out of a forum.
EDIT: And also Cesar.
EDIT: I meant and also because of Cesar, not that I suck fun out of forums and also Cesar. That'd be way inappropriate.
I thought she was this guy.
And I would not be sad to never hear another glomp again. In case most of you haven't noticed, all Kilala did was post random dumb stuff (kinda like what block does in a way), except a) it was like the empire state building of text with random ^^;s and *GLOMPS*, and b) it wasn't even that entertaining to me. I haven't been less active since she was around, and I don't really mind that she is gone. If she comes back, cool beans, but if not it wont bother me any.
I wasn't a fan of Kilala. Her activity annoyed me as did the noob army she amassed.
That being said, as it's been said, if you want TFF to be active, POST.
And I bet Ally sucks the fun out of a lot of things. ;)
I think your skeeze-wink is meant to imply that I am a whore and if that is so, then you are not only lying, but also, TFF is boring because you are a dick.
I like that you made "dick" large.
I mean, it really goes with the whole "sucking" thing.
I'm using Safari and it looks fine on my browser, so you and your browser can suck it.