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Thread: Hangovers

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Hangovers Violet's Avatar
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    Oh yes, I'm sure most of you have experienced the mighty 'hangover' caused from alcohol, and it's definitely not a fun thing. Not fun at all.

    I want to know your worst hangovers, and the symptoms following after. What kinds of alcohol did you consume, and how long did the hangover last?

    Superbowl weekend, I had one too many shots of Jager. I woke up the next day puking my guts out till afternoon, and on my way home at 5p.m, when the headache went away, I had a sore throat. I still have it... and it's ****in' miserable. It's like having a cankersore in your throat and Robitussin is useless.

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Hangovers Block's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    OMG. Awesome topic.

    Okay so the worst hangover I have ever had came from a little drink my friends and I have come up with that we call "Everbeer". Everbeer is one shot of Everclear in a glass of root beer. This drink tastes like a slightly flat root beer and will rot your mind in about three glasses. So after your extremely fun night wasted out of your mind you wake up with the worst mind thumping on the planet. Your stomach also feels dry, like there's not even stomach acid in there.

    In my personal worst hangover I spent the entire day face rested on the toilet seat dry heaving. Never actually threw up. Just coughed my stomach half way up my throat for hours at a time. It was so bad the day after my hangover my voice was gone from all the coughing.

    I had this hangover happen a few times until I found the hangover cure. Which, besides of course getting drunk again, is Powerade. Any flavor will do the trick just get a 24oz bottle and slam it. If you throw it up then you'll feel better, if you don't... well you'll feel better, just not immediately.

    Oh Everbeer.

  3. #3

    Re: Hangovers

    I've never been shitfaced, I don't drink enough I guess, probably because I'm so picky with my alcohol.... one day....

    I wonder what kind of drunk I am...?

    Ta DA!!!:

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  4. #4
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Hangovers midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    oh everbeer, how we love thee.

    I concur; though, I found 2 powerades to be the best.

    1st one: slam 1/2 before bed, other 1/2 upon waking up to death.
    2nd slam immediately after the you throw up the 1/2 you just drank.


  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    Haven't been shitfaced in a while now and haven't had the type of hangover associated with getting shitfaced in just as long (quite possibly as I limit myself to a couple beers after a long shift or on a hot day and just have a glass or three of wine/spirits once in a while).

    What I used to do was drink a ton of water, pop a couple panadol if I had a headache and then just crash out somewhere. A few hours later I'd be awake minus the headache though possibly still a little effected. Oh and I'd make sure I took a piss somewhere before I crashed out. The beauty of the graveyard shifts I do is I could sleep all day if I had to.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    Sir Prize Hangovers Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    Veisalgia is caused by dehydration as the brain shrinks away from the inside of the skull. Best bet is to drink a lot and eat starches...DON'T eat tylenol or asprin unless you really want to kill your liver.

    I don't experience it too often. Worst case was...*thinks*...Can't remember...prolly Vodka. I don't mind the photophobia and headache/nausea... Can't stand the spins. ****ing hate getting the spins more than anything. Vodka and Tequila are my worst enemies...

    I usually try a Prairie Oyster chaser...not because of the pseudoscientific babble about the vinegar helping the hangover...but just because it tastes good. I've yet to get a hangover on Absinthe, though. It seems to self-medicate against hangovers for me.


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  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    I've had a couple really bad ones, at the least. One involved me chugging a bottle of vodka for five seconds... 3 times. I also was drinkng other things that night. The next day, I went to breakfast with my brother's friends. One even bought me breakfast, which I threw up. Then we went to a tailgater, where I sat in one place the entire time and felt miserable. The friend who bought my breakfast got drunk, got pissed at me for being hungover (and probably also for barfing the breakfast he bought me) and through an open can of beer at my head. Which I didn't really care about because I felt so shitty. Then I was laying in my sister's van while they were at the game. I vaguely remember feeling terrible, listening to the game on the radio, and throwing up some bananas I was given in some nearby bushes. On the way from the game, I had to get out and throw up again, and people were honking and yelling at me. (Guess they didn't like the sight of someone being sick on the side of the road? Like I could help it? I mean sure, they probably figured-correctly-that I'd been irresponsible and gotten hungover, but what if I'd been legitimately sick?) I think my throat was sore that time, too.

    This other time, when I was hosting a party at house I was house sitting for, I had three 64 oz. sodas, with the bottom filled with three or four shots worth of southern comfort, 100 proof. I drank most of the bottle that night-my friends helped a little bit. The next morning, I threw up, did my best to clean the place up, rested, drove home, and threw up again there. My stomach was sore for days afterward; I think I threw up some of my stomach lining... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    I don't think I've ever had a proper hangover. I've woke up once or twice with a bit of a headache, but really... that's it. Half of me is way to scared to drink to the point of a hangover because I'm petrified of vomit. There is nothing worse than stomach retching, exhaustion/shakiness from retching, and that acidic burn at the back of your throat.

    I don't drink on an empty stomach, and I don't drink that much. Heck, I celebrated my eighteenth with two pints for the whole evening. I turned down a drink on my brother's birthday due to an empty and shaky stomach, so I'm fairly sensible about when is a good time to drink.

    Also, if you drink non-alcoholic drinks (preferably water) after every drink, you don't seem to feel the effects as bad because you're not getting dehydrated. You apparently wake up feeling rough, but not as bad as you would if you were completely shitfaced.

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    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  9. #9
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    One time when my friend came back home on a friday night, we all went and celebrated with him for his return at some house party. (he got his teaching degree and job and it was his first time coming back to town since he left.) That night, I had a full 2-liter of red drank, a moderate amount of Peppermint Schnapps, and some strong rum that I will never have again. After the first two, I was feeling it, having a good time and shit. Once the rum got involved, things started getting crazy and I ended up throwing up in the toliet. My teacher friend was like "ready for round 2?" and I was like "let's do it." That was the last thing I remember that night.

    I woke up at 8am that day, and I had the worst headache a man could have lol. I had to be up in time though, so I drove home, showered/changed/etc and got up to work, where I would be working from 9am to 7pm with three clients. The first one flipping the lightswitches on and off in the gym. I wore my sunglasses. He also kept pinching me at random and frequent intervals, which got old fast. The second kid loved to run around everywhere, which had me running around everywhere as well. The third kid literally cried for three hours. The little three year-old was on new meds, which they started for him on that day. The only way I could keep him from crying was having me put him in a wheelchair and push him around as fast as I could.

    Once I got home, I crawled into bed and fell asleep. Though I didn't throw up at all today (more like I didn't get a chance to), I didn't eat at all either and woke up feeling very weak the next day as well.

    God I need to kick this habit lol.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  10. #10
    O Rly? Hangovers Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    I havent been shit faced.. yet, idk why i just never have the opportunity :/

    but The weekend of Feb 26, should be fun ill post again after that weekend

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  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    Last bad hangover was after a kick back at a friends house. I stayed the night at my friends house since he was gonna make burgers for football. I woke up feeling like I had everything banging at my head. We were walking through the Wal Mart and I was dying. I needed food.

    Food, water will fix up a hangover over time, with sleep of course. Also weed fixes it up too but can't be doing that anymore.
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  12. #12
    Bananarama Hangovers Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    Florida in 2007.

    Killed a handle of Seagrams 7 with my two buddies while in a hot tub at the hotel. The girls we met at the tub were blackout drunk by the time we got there, and it was an interesting night.

    Long story short, we killed our bottle and then starting going for their handle of vodka. I woke up still drunk and was vomiting even after drinking water at 5pm the next day. I felt like like I was or should have been dead. I wasn't good until I said **** it and ordered a burger and side of fruit wedges. After that I felt like a champ. I didn't drink the rest of the trip, but still had a blast.

    This is how I avoid hangovers:
    When you decide to quit, pound water like it's going out of style.
    Pop 2 Tylenol
    Have a can of monster and a 32oz gatorade ready for the morning.

    Also, sleep with an extra pillow or have your head propped up a little bit. I've found that when my head is elevated when I'm hungover I feel so much better.

    And for when I'm legit hungover, I need the sloppiest shit Burger King has to offer. I'm talking the now defunct Steakhouse burger or something like the triple whopper, onion rings and a massive root beer. One of those and I'm good to go.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13

    Re: Hangovers

    As long as you stick to the same type of alcohol, and drink a lot of Gatorade or fruit drinks, you should be fine. I can drink cranberry and vodka all night, pass out, and go about my business the next morning. Give your body it's due and it will return it to you.

  14. #14
    I invented Go-Gurt. Hangovers Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    I am proud to admit that I've never once been hungover, let alone drunk. Drinking alcohol is the equivalent of poisoning the body. I don't go around eating potassium cyanide, so I don't go around drinking poison, either.

  15. #15

    Re: Hangovers

    The worst hangover I ever had made me feel like I might actually prefer death over the feeling I had that day. It was in Connecticut at my friends fathers house. We were visiting his dad and his dad is happy to have any company that's not his wife. So since they're an old school Italian family they make their own wine. His dad and wife had probably 1-2 glasses each. Now it's meant for having with dinner so it's not like regular wine that's about 15% alcohol but it's still enough. Well my friend and the other person who came with us drank a good 6-7 bottles of it. Eventually his dad went off to bed and we were at the kitchen table all still standing...and so I forgot their was an unopened bottle of 1 Liter Soco. Now apparently these people don't believe in ice cause there was none in the house and any sort of Cola wasn't stocked either. We had a few glasses of straight Soco which at that point burned the chest but you weren't tasting much anymore. Eventually we found Vitamin Water laying around. When mixed it tasted exactly like cough syrup...

    Long story short we're outside getting fresh air cause well it's alot to take in. And I puked on the deck. I held my head over the deck except with my impaired state I didn't lean my head off as much as on. So a pasta dinner was waiting for them on their deck the day after....

    I went to head up to the attic where they had our make shift beds set up. Sadly those were some treacherously steep stairs. I was headed up and tumbled ass backwards crashing into their keyboard and some toy that was making a zany tune as I was half dead and barely conscious.

    There was about a quarter of the bottle left that I didn't hit but they finished. And the day after his dad called us in the morning saying we got pretty crazy and laughed. He wasn't pissed at all which I was glad since I felt bad as is. The next day we were gonna try to go fishing but I really thought I was dying in the car with 90 degree heat and aviators on sticking my head out the window panting. I ended up going back to the house and sleeping upstairs for another 7 or 8 hours. I've never drank so hard again and never will.

  16. #16
    Registered User Hangovers winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    One of my worst was when I threw back 8 southern comforts and coke in a about 2 hours, I have no idea how I got home or and no idea why I was sleeping on the bathroom floor, but I spent almost the whole day throwing up, it was sooo horrible I actually started to think I was gunna die I couldn't keep nothing down and just felt like total sh*t all day long, since then just the smell makes my wanna throw again, also noticed that since that night I havn't been able to drink like I use too, I get very ill after just 3 bottles of wkd or smirnoff ice, I hink the southern comfort has damaged my ability to drink, at least it saves the pennies tho lol

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  17. #17
    Death Before Dishonor Hangovers Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    My worst hangover was close to a year ago at a graduation party. Me and my friends took a half a gallon of vanilla vodka, four 2 liter's of orange crush, a case of Coor's Light, and a pint of Wild Turkey. We took all this shit and left the party area. We found a old barn, and chilled in their and drank. I drank almost the entire bottle of vanilla vodka, and drank two 2 liter's with.(if you have not experienced vanilla vodka with orange crush try it, it taste like a delectable orange creamsicle.) I didn't drink to much beer, two cans. Then I drank three shots of Wild Turkey. By this time I was f*cked up so I can't recall to muc. I know I woke up the next day in a field with my pants off. I had a killer headache that entire day, I puked probably ten time's, and my throat felt like Jenna Jameson's does after a movie...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  18. #18

    Re: Hangovers

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I've never been shitfaced, I don't drink enough I guess, probably because I'm so picky with my alcohol.... one day....

    I wonder what kind of drunk I am...?
    Gonna go with the smoochy-type!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kisuke View Post
    My worst hangover was close to a year ago at a graduation party. Me and my friends took a half a gallon of vanilla vodka, four 2 liter's of orange crush, a case of Coor's Light, and a pint of Wild Turkey. We took all this shit and left the party area. We found a old barn, and chilled in their and drank. I drank almost the entire bottle of vanilla vodka, and drank two 2 liter's with.(if you have not experienced vanilla vodka with orange crush try it, it taste like a delectable orange creamsicle.) I didn't drink to much beer, two cans. Then I drank three shots of Wild Turkey. By this time I was f*cked up so I can't recall to muc. I know I woke up the next day in a field with my pants off. I had a killer headache that entire day, I puked probably ten time's, and my throat felt like Jenna Jameson's does after a movie...
    Isn't that normal for you?

    If my hangover is too bad, I usually just sleep it off. That's the only real way I can cure a hangover. Getting up, eating, getting some sugar in my body, none of it helps.

    So my wost hangover was probably one of the times I just slept it off.

  19. #19
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Hangovers chrono's Avatar
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    Re: Hangovers

    Whats this? Think i found a picture of one of you guys.

    I do not drink anymore but when i did i got tore doooooowwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn.....but just like one of the posters above i never got a hangover(?????).
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\bit torrents\jiu jitsu\helio.jpg

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