AIDS .. How dealt with Islam? A new vision
Statistics says that Islamic countries are the least affected by the AIDS epidemic, and assert that the reason for this is due to the teachings of Islam is strong and rigid, which directly contributed to the reduction of the epidemic, and this confirms that Islam is a religion of mercy .. to read ....
STDs are diseases of the most difficult to treat. The medical literature confirms that these infectious diseases are most prevalent in the world. It is not surprising if we know that each year become infected with gonorrhea more than a quarter of a billion people in the world!
Of serious diseases caused by sexual relations forbidden herpes, one of the most serious sexually transmitted diseases due to infection by the speed, it is transmitted through direct contact with the patient and the use of special tools. As a result of rampant immorality and the declaration by the spread of new diseases have not heard of before, such as tumor Alguenbita Almatf, and molluscum mollusc diseases and many other things.
The truth of God Almighty when he told us about the consequences of adultery and disadvantages, he said: (32. And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah [ie anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way ( that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).) [Isra: 32]. Habib Rahman and ratified peace be upon him when he said (and showed them obscene only one card including death) [Narrated by Tabarani]. The question is: if the Prophet peace be upon him say things from himself, then how he knew that the disease will lead to death such as AIDS?
We note that today there are 40 million people infected with AIDS in countries around the world, and also note that the Arab and Muslim world almost free of the epidemic, do not you think with me that Islam teachings only able to protect the insured from the virus, where the inability of the West, its means and its tools and capabilities?
How did the virus to the body?
The direct cause is sexual intercourse or homosexuality, and can enter this virus from an infected person to another through saliva by kissing, or through the blood of wounds in the skin or through mucous membranes in the nose, for example. New studies also show that AIDS is spread through the tears of the eye, and the urine and feces, sweat does not contain the virus. Even if HIV-infected mother will be transferred infection to her infant through the milk.
Electron microscope image of the AIDS virus HIV-1 and show that this virus is very small and very weak, but divine weapon directed against those who commit immoral actions and declare them, researchers have been unable despite the billions they pay for a cure for this virus is despicable!! Source image
The symptoms of this disease
According to medical studies that the virus may remain in the body 15 years ago to exercise his attack. The disease often begins with flu-like and then develop into a headache, extreme fatigue, and there are people who do not show any symptoms of the disease, but Ebagthm abruptly. Then the disease progresses in the form of lymph node.
Most of the symptoms before the disease are the most popular such as tiredness, fatigue, dry cough, pneumonia, fever and sweat of repeated weight loss and color patches in the skin or in the nose or tongue. In addition to severe diarrhea and loss of memory, depression and neurological disorders and a variety of skin ulcers and anal.
Picture of some of the results of AIDS are skin ulcers cancer killer of the owner because of the AIDS virus, this virus, the body loses immunity and make him lose the ability to cope with disease, and if God wants to give us an indication that your body that has honored by God to be used for good and keep it and give you God's power , while those who commit immoral actions, and declare it has shed upon them the weakest creature of them lose their strength and immunity, a result of not responding to the call of God and disobey his command.
Not obvious to a serious disease, which emerged recently as a result of homosexuality, adultery and the resulting drug abuse, even sexual diseases are considered the deadliest and most pain and pain. The surprise when we learned that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) told us about this before it happened four centuries.
Says the Holy Prophet peace be upon him: (not shown in the outrageous people who never even declare only one card including the plague and pains that were not passed to their ancestors who have passed on) [Narrated by Ibn Majah]. This mean that the immorality of adultery and the like any of the homosexual if the outbreak and spread in the nation and declared it, it must be spread diseases that were not known or familiar from before, and this is what actually happened.
It was a most serious consequences of immorality and adultery in the modern era of so-called HIV (AIDS), also caused frequent immorality of many diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, which appeared an epidemic of sexual and widespread, even if the incidence of this disease in the United States amounted to more than half a million casualties.
Scientists are constantly studying HIV and to know the secrets held by many, are engaged electron microscopy and advanced laboratories and spend billions of dollars, and made fun of all their energy, and although it unable to fight the creature can hardly see!! How would these atheists to Allah Almighty the Day of Resurrection?? What will they say to him? In that is a lesson for those who have a heart or hearing a martyr!!
Islamic countries are the least affected and the reason is Holy!!!
Researchers say today that the Islamic countries are the least affected by this virus because of the teachings of Islam which forbids adultery and strongly mixing and look at the taboo. Look at me and my beloved to these verses, which refines the soul and the slaves of Allah's fear of the consequences of adultery, this is our Quran and this is our religion:
1 - the worst way is the path of adultery, scientists have proved the dire consequences of haraam kinds, and therefore the Almighty says: (32. And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah [ie anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin )], and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).) [Isra: 32]. Consider with me how much this verse kept the faithful through evil, and how their profound psychological effect on the same insured, which contributed to the reduction of HIV infection to the limits of close to zero. Statistic, even if we have to people who apply these verses in their lives and walk the straight path of God, we find that the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases have a zero! This shows the sincerity of the words of beloved peace be upon him when he asserted that the outrageous If you see will appear with the disease, ratified, O Messenger of Allah!
2 - scholars assert NLP, psychologists and researchers in medical ethics that the best way to treat the phenomenon of rampant adultery, incest and homosexuality is that the thinking man the negative consequences of this behavior, and he says to himself and decides that he would change his approach and tries to write it on paper and writes that he will not insist on this behavior, but seeks to change. We say this not as commanded by the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago? Look with me to this verse is wonderful, and that was the reason (with the rest of the verses) in the deportation of Muslims from adultery and immorality, Allah says: (and who, if they did obscene or wronged themselves, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins and forgive sins but God did not insist on what they did and they know) [Al-Imran: 135].
3 - Today, scientists are trying to develop solutions to reduce the spread of AIDS, and agree that the best way is to stay away from all kinds of immorality. They stress that scare the adulterer is the best way to prevent him from practicing immorality, and this is what do the Quran! But scientists intimidating people from the consequences of adultery, standing at the end of AIDS, backed by death, and this method was not effective at all did not contribute to the reduction of HIV prevalence rates remained high, because this kind of intimidation does not affect the soul.
But God Almighty who created the souls which I know by and including repairs may fear a manner responsive to them directly, he said: (68. And those who invoke not any other ilah (god) along with Allah, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.
69. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace;
) [Al-Furqan: 68-69].
Look with me to this horrifying intimidation (and he will abide therein in disgrace) The soul may bear the death or AIDS or other diseases, but will never tolerate immortality in the humiliating torment. The evidence on the effectiveness of the divine, the statistics say that less is the proportion of HIV infection in Islamic countries, and this physical evidence of concrete on the strength of the teachings of Islam.
But psychologists also propose a second technical which is the principle of carrots, that is, we want people and explain to them the positive results of the reluctance of adultery and get away from immorality and homosexuality, through to explain to them life clean and quiet and good health that will get them if Stay away from immorality.
The Glory of God! This is what the Qur'an in the following verse, Allah says: (70. Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) [Al-Furqan: 70]. God and I say to you: Is religion that forbids its followers from evil and wants to have a good life and good health, and want them for purity and to avoid disease, anxiety and stress, do you like this religion fit to call it a religion of terror? It is a religion of love, tolerance and morality and love.
Strange incident
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had taken place with strange incident when a man came he asked for permission to allow him to adultery! How merciful the Prophet addressed this imbalance? Did not rebuke him, curses him did not beat him, but he was both merciful Raava said to him: (Do you Trdah to your mother)?
Moved here and emotion the man and said: No, O Messenger of Allah! He continues to focus on the greatest lover of this psychological and emotional side says: (Do you Trdah to your daughter)? The man repeated his rejection of it. It remains the Prophet peace be upon him lists his closest people to him and thus addressed his nature sound says: (Do you Trdah your aunt, your aunt, your sister ...) until he became the man hates adultery after these questions.
And then the Holy Prophet said: (and also people are not whom they approve of their parents)! And out of the man contentedly assured, this is the Prophet's method in the treatment of incurable diseases, where are the sociologists and education today, the Prophet of this method in the treatment of diseases of wonderful self?
Allah says: (21. O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan), then, verily he commands Al-Fahsha '[ie to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse , etc.)], and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (ie to do evil and wicked deeds; to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islam, etc.)]. And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.) [Nur: 21].