I heard on the news this morning that petrol is going to be up to $1.75 over here in Australia soon. That is insane, I can't believe it has risen as high as that. I heard that it might be up to $2 by Christmas time so nobody will want to drive anymore. I'm fortunate that my car [even though I don't drive yet] is small and doesn't use up too much fuel at a time so my parents use it more and more. My parents car is a V6 so obviously it uses up a fair bit of fuel, my Dad barely uses it now since the cost of fuel is ridiculous.
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Originally Posted by Crazy Chocobo I heard on the news this morning that petrol is going to be up to $1.75 over here in Australia soon. That is insane, I can't believe it has risen as high as that. I heard that it might be up to $2 by Christmas time so nobody will want to drive anymore. I'm fortunate that my car [even though I don't drive yet] is small and doesn't use up too much fuel at a time so my parents use it more and more. My parents car is a V6 so obviously it uses up a fair bit of fuel, my Dad barely uses it now since the cost of fuel is ridiculous. Yeah I saw some shots on an episode of Insiders or whatever that show on ABC is called. Showed prices a tenth of a cent under a $1.60. $1.59.9 a litre. That's more than I thought it was at now... It's not unlikely it'll be $2 by Christmas at the rate it's steadily increasing. The worst bit is I don't honestly see people going for cars with alternate fuel sources which could be a good deal cheaper later on... Most have their flaws, even if the 'flaw' is just a lower top speed. Even if it is illegal to go that fast on most roads anyways.
victoria aut mors
Originally Posted by Crazy Chocobo I heard on the news this morning that petrol is going to be up to $1.75 over here in Australia soon. That is insane, I can't believe it has risen as high as that. I heard that it might be up to $2 by Christmas time so nobody will want to drive anymore. I'm fortunate that my car [even though I don't drive yet] is small and doesn't use up too much fuel at a time so my parents use it more and more. My parents car is a V6 so obviously it uses up a fair bit of fuel, my Dad barely uses it now since the cost of fuel is ridiculous. Man I wish it was $2.00 in the US, honestly I'm sick and tired going to work just to spend 50% of my paycheck on gasoline alone. If things keep up like this I wouldn't be surprised to see "The Great Depression 2.0". It's really sad when less than 2 years ago gas prices were at $2.34, now its $4.05. We need to do something right now.
[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/U][/B]I FINALLY DEFEATED TERRA IN KINGDOM HEARTS 2 FINAL MIX+ I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool RPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN..... FINAL FANTASY VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII KINGDOM HEARTS II ~FINAL MIX~+ KINGDOM HEARTS I, II, Re:Chain of Memories (Sora's Story), KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS STAR OCEAN III: TIL THE END OF TIME DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 1: REBIRTH DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 2: REMINISCE DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 3: REDEMPTION ROGUE GALAXY WILD ARMS 4 BLUE DRAGON MY ANIMES THAT I OWN.....KARIN (Complete Series 1-24), INUYASHA (Episodes 1-167), SCHOOL RUMBLE (Episodes 1-26),SHAKUGAN NO SHANA (Complete 1st Season 1-24), BLEACH (Episodes 1-92), MY HiME (Complete Series 1-26), MY OTOME (Complete Series 1-26), PLEASE TWINS (Complete Series 1-13), ELFEN LIED (Complete Series 1-13), NARUTO (Episodes 1-28), THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA (Complete Series 1-13)
Originally Posted by ~FANTASY X~ Man I wish it was $2.00 in the US, honestly I'm sick and tired going to work just to spend 50% of my paycheck on gasoline alone. If things keep up like this I wouldn't be surprised to see "The Great Depression 2.0". It's really sad when less than 2 years ago gas prices were at $2.34, now its $4.05. We need to do something right now. Well, be very thankful you have a job right now. Due to cut backs my last employer got rid of 25 people this year alone..including me. F.Y.I. Arlington is not as job friendly as I thought it would be, lol. I went an spent 3.94 on gas at Wal-mart...thank God for the little 3 cents off gift cards. Has anybody been doing things differently since the gas prices went up? Got a new car....besides Chez lol. I have been putting on my money on a cheapy gas card so I can save freakin' 3 cents.
"Some men just want to watch the world burn" Facebook Rob Dyke Foamy
Yeah , gas is killing me and my family as well. With a 20 minute drive into work monday through friday, I have pretty much no money to myself... My mom is getting rid of her Durango for a brand new Accord to drive around, while my Alero is doing ok, but it holds next to nothing in the storage tank compartment, so I always have to fill up. It's about 3.78/gallon where I live, but the most rediculous part about it is that the gas companies are STILL MAKING RECORD PROFITS OFF OF GAS!! They believe that the economy is in an "upswing" so they feel the need to charge as much money as they please to 'cushion' themselves when the economy "cools off." Like really? Where do they get their facts from? It's sad that our president will do nothing about it since that is how his family became wealthy, so good luck on using some executive action. Also, quite a few house and senate representatives have gotten some nice funds to get elected for their positions, so no luck there at all. There is little to nothing to do to fight against it, since we all need gas sooner or later.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™ hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!): Originally Posted by from the CPC8 Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf che: rofl <3 Meier. Loaf: Meier is the best. Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner. Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.
Yeah, it's starting to get to all of us now I think. It is for us, we can't afford to drive down to Ipswich twice a week now. We used to go twice a week sometimes, once for grocery shopping and once for just window shopping or a few odds and ends. I don't think we will be doing that as much now unless someone has to see a doctor or something of course. It sucks, it really does and it's ridiculous. My father said it might even come to grocery shopping once a fortnight, I have no idea how we could do that. We might have to start shopping locally, fortunately there's a grocery store about fifteen minutes away in another country town we visit occasionally. How are people meant to drive around anymore? Nobody can afford it! People have to drive to work every day, they are going to suffer from it. My brother's work is an hour away so that doesn't help either. Damn these petrol prices.
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