I don't know how the justice system is set up in other parts of the world but here its innocent until proven guilty, and for those proven guilty suffice to say they end up where they belong behind bars.
Now for Catch 22, we humble citizens of Australia go about our days working to earn money to put a roof over our families heads and food on the table and to help the government to help our lives and the country run smoothly we pay a somewhat humble tax to help pay for Road upgrades, Safe environment, a good education for our kids, playgrounds and parks for our families and the housing, entertainment and even education of Rapists, Murderers and Pedophiles.....
Hmmm ok I don't speak for everyone but I aint happy with providing a free lifestyle for the scum of the nation so they can watch tv get an education, get a decent meal 3 times a day and whatever privileges and certainly not to have a good behavior bond to help them get a chance at getting out of jail.
Grrrr it aint no game of Monopoly where there is always that one player who is able to get out of everything because they have their hands in everyone's pocket for rent and then get a 'get out of jail' free card.
Why should my hard earned money go to housing these lowlifes and providing them a somewhat luxurious living.
Yeah now a lot of people out there fist pumpingbring back death sentence or for those that have it already bring back the noose or firing squad, but isn't that lowering ourselves to their level. Besides which that is the easy way out for them.
I am all for letting them slowly rot in a darkened cell and let them slowly rot to death let them feel the pain let them break, forget the even exist, "ahhhhhh ohhhhhhbut that is inhuman says all the soft c ocks out there"
But these aren't fully functioning humans we are talking about remember these are the sadistic, psychopathic f'd up bastards.
Ok fine at least bring back the chain line, get them to mines the Asbestos mines, let them work the dangerous unsafe mines or jobs of the worlds the jobs that inocent, loyal hardworking locals and villagers have no other choice but to do so the can bring a loaf of bread and a shank of lamb home for the week to feed their family, let them hurt I say let them live with real pain.
What are your thoughts, are there different circumstances in other parts of the world.