My parents worked really hard to provide us kids with the necessities. So hard indeed, that they must've forgotten entirely about entertainment: This was especially troublesome during the summer, when the adults' tempers flared along with the temperatures.
A new video game? How dare you ask for one! You know your brother will just bite a chunk out of it.
T.V.? It'll rot your brain, besides you know your brother put his foot in the last screen just yesterday. You know the boys aren't old enough to be around such expensive things.
Inevitably, us kids would wander outdoors in search of excitement. One of our favorite amusements was digging a hole, filling it with water and, crouching down by the mud pit, forming rows of mud-balls and hurling them at each other while cackling maniacally and getting as muddy as possible before dinnertime. Sooo much fun
So, what kinda fun stuff do/did you do for fun when you were stuck with your siblings?