I haven't had a good bird flippin moment in awhile... I have had a good bird mooning experience though...
I was driving the other day and this guy flipped me the bird. Not a good story I know, but it got me wondering if anyone did have some good bird flipping stories.
I haven't had a good bird flippin moment in awhile... I have had a good bird mooning experience though...
someone gave me the finger after i had pulled into my driveway last week.
i turned around out of my driveway followed the stupid ass back to his house (which was 5 houses away) and gave him a double bird.
the idiot didnt realize what i was doing so he followed me and asked me why i was waving to him LOL i was like you fool i saw you give me the finger!
it wasnt an angry moment at all the whole thing was very funny aha.
My ex-step dad, who had severe road rage, once shot the bird to some jack ***es that were tail gating him. We were all in the car (mom, my sister and my step brother at the time) and when we went to get off the highway he shot them the bird. In turn they pulled out a pistol took one shot at our front tire and then started screaming and waving it around like hoolagans as they kept driving down the express way.
On another occasion, I once got irritated at a driver because he kept riding my tailgate and brighting me, honking his horn, and blocking me from changing lanes. I gave him the one finger salute out of my driverside window. Come to find out the next day it was my best friend screwing around with me. He lucked out to because he turned off the road we where on, if would of kept it up I was about to break check the hell out of him and was thinking of beating the hell out of him if I could of got him stoped.. of course that was before I figured it out that it was him.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I have one that actually happened to me yesterday. Me and a few of my marine buddies were leaving a Buffalo Wild Wings. Some jackass pull in front of us and hit my friends Yukon Denali. He was pissed. So out of the other car jumps a tiny little man. Maybe 5 foot 6. So me an my friends got out of the car. This little man now had five good sized pissed off marines in his face. He said sorry and hopped in his car. When he was driving away sure enough he flipped us the bird. So I picked up a rock and launched the motherf*cker at his car. Hit the brake light. We cheered and then left.......
Apparently people only flip other people the bird out of road rage anymore... how strange.
I don't think I've never flipped the bird when I was angry, it's always been for laughs. I don't knooww I mean, if I'm really mad about something, sticking a finger up at the source doesn't really do justice for me lol
One time I flipped my cat off, took a picture, and posted it on the internet.
Good times.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
On the bus to school one day, we pulled up to a red light and this jerk trying to look badass rolled up on a crappy motorcycle and started opening the throttle while holding the breaks. After a bit of that, I got bored and flipped him off. Soon as I did he gunned the throttle more, then when the light went green he trailed the bus for a few minutes XD
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Oh I flip people off and yell at them all the time. I'll also be a **** and pull up next to bad drivers at a red light and wave to them, smiling like a moron. Other times, I'll come up with something ridiculous to tell them. However, my all time favorite thing was to go to driving schools, get flyers/ business cards and then hand them to bad drivers from my own car.
I also threw an iced coffee at a car that cut me off once. He was not happy.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I've definitely thrown a slushi at someone while driving before... I was angry... then very very sad that I didn't have my slushi anymore :'(
Funny story today, I was chewing my gum and just rocking out while I was driving home when I ended up biting my tongue really hard. I was like "oh ow shiet" and I was sticking my tongue out in every which way seeing if I drew any blood with my super sharp canine teeth when some 16 year old bimbo was in the other lane at a stop light and when she saw me she got all disgusted and drove off in a hurry. I dont think she gave me the bird but if anything I could feel one from her mind being sent to me and it was really painful if that means anything![]()
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I'm flipping my monitor off right now.
Also Pete, good move.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Firstly, I'm not blonde or a bimbo. And secondly, I don't take kindly to strangers wagging their tongue at me, no matter how hawt they are.
Anywho, I've flipped people off before. A couple of months ago, I was running for the bus in the pouring rain, and the driver drove off without me. I flipped him because he could SEE me running for it, with my arm held out. I could see him sitting there, debating on whether to wait for me or not.
Seriously, if he'd just waited another five seconds, he could have avoided my death glare, and the big, pointy finger of doom.![]()
I flipped off the Westboro Baptist Church when they were in town picketing Joe Biden's mother's funeral at IHM church. Apparently they think that she went to hell, because in their psychotic minds, everybody but members of the Westboro Baptist Church goes to hell when they die, which is very hypocritical, considering that they worship Jesus, and he was never a member of the Westboro Baptist Church, and because of that, they should preach that Jesus is in hell. I'm not a fan of hypocrites, and I'm not a fan of hate speech, so the opportunity called for them to be flipped off.
Other than that, I'm strictly against profanity of any kind. I find it juvenile and unintelligent, so I would have to be pretty offended in order to feel the need to flip anybody off.
One time I was driving in town, and all the street lights were out. Traffic was getting pretty bad because the big intersection was being directed by one single cop. So when I got there I thought it was my turn to go. So I went, but so did the guy on the other side. So he stops suddenly and the cop is giving me a dirty look as I just keep going. Then as I pass right by him, the cop flipped me the freaking bird.
There is justice for ya.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
A few years ago (yes, its been that long) my friends and I were leaving a local eatery. We pulled out of our parking space and proceeded to try and exit as we were behind the building. Parking sucks there and the laneway is pretty narrow. Anyways these guys pulled up in front of her car and started getting angry because we were in the way and started gesturing for us to move.
Considering we couldn't move unless they moved out of the way my friend did a "wtf?" gesture and motioned for them to get out of the way. It took a bit, but they finally got it. They started flipping the bird to us for some unknown reason.
So we did the literal point and laugh. It was hilarious. Dudes totally lost their marbles (not sure why) so we laughed harder. They got pissed and ended up turning around and leaving. We ended up at the same intersection as they were, they were in the lane to turn left, we were in the lane to go straight though. We continued to do the point n' laugh, and I guess they got fed up with it because the one guy started to roll up his window.
For whatever reason, seeing him go as fast as he could to manually raise the window made us laugh even harder. Its a totally 'you had to be there' moment, but man... that was some funny shit.
There's no good stories pertaining to me. But once when I was about 13 I was in my car with my uncle. We almost got into an accident, he was livid about it. We were at a red light and as the light went green we passed some lady who hadn't even gone yet. And he decided to take out his frustration on her and flip her off honking the horn. I actually erupted laughing cause it was nobody who had done anything...what an asshole.
When someone who's already IDed me a few times asks me for ID again I tend to put my hand in my pocket as if going for my wallet and then slowly draw my hand out until my finger start to show after which the movement becomes paid and there it is, a perfectly flipped bird along with a mention of how another liquor store/tobacconist will recieve my patronage.
As I only drink/smoke the expensive stuff which otherwise sits on shelves (most people seem to go for cheap cask wine and $2 cigars), they really shouldn't get that annoying with me. Thankfully my favourite places seem to hire staff with a bit of commonsense who don't try to screw with regulars so it's not something that comes up too often these days.
victoria aut mors