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Thread: Fishing

  1. #1
    Death Before Dishonor Fishing Josh_R's Avatar
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    I started taking up fishing as a way to relax. I find that after a stressful day that heading to my favorite fishing hole with a cooler full of beer is excellent. It allows you to get rid of all the stress that is going on in your world. Plus there is no other feeling like reeling in a big ass catfish or bass.

    Any other frequent fishermen here?
    Last edited by Josh_R; 09-14-2010 at 01:36 PM.

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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Fishing Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    This is a great place if you're into fishing, there's a river nearby rich with fishes "eager" to bite. I'm not a huge fan of fishing, my father on the other hand loves it. Occasionally I decide to make him a company, I usually have fun, but rarely can I brag with my catch.

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  3. #3
    Bananarama Fishing Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    I love fishing, but I haven't gone in over a year. We usually go out by my friends summer place allllll the way out in the Island. Take a few rods, get some kind of oyster or clam for bait, and just sit back, relax and bullshit. It's amazing for stress, but unfortunately, we don't really catch anything too fantastic. The main draw is some kind of fish with more bone than meat.

    It's still a lot of fun just for the thrill of getting a bite though. Apparently he'll also take a huge net and scoop up minnows, and then deep fry them. Better than french fries, according to him, though I've never tried.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    I'm not really a huge fan of fishing - I get impatient. Then I get annoyed. Then I'm not working off stress.

    Especially at 3-freaking-am in the morning. I was camping once, and one evening I was allowed to stay over at a friend's caravan. Their dad woke us up because apparently the fish come out more often during the night or whatever, and he wanted to catch a few. Of course we objected, but he said at least come for the "experience". Needless to say, I fell back to sleep on the bank of the lake.

    Also, the smell of a box full of maggots... Ugh.

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    I love fishing, I just haven't done it in years....and I mean years. When I was little I used to go fishing like once a month when it was a good time. I loved it so much, just all day relaxing fishing for some fish.
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  6. #6
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Fishing midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    I grew up at the Lake of the Ozarks (world's 2nd largest man made lake... damn chinamen and their 3-Gorges Dam)... my front door to the water was less then 20 yards. It was flippin' amazing. As I matured, fishing went from fun omg catch something! To beers, a book, and relaxing. It's quite the stress relief.

  7. #7
    Registered User Fishing
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    Re: Fishing

    I'm not a huge fan of fishing, but I'll go sometimes. Mostly if it's on a camping trip, but I'd rather swim or check out some trails or caves. You know, stuff where you're not just sitting on your bum waiting for something to happen. But it does get exciting once you do get a fish on your line and have to reel it in.

    I haven't been fishing in forever though, mostly because all the fishing equipment is locked up in my grandparent's shed, and it's going to be quite a job to dig it all out.
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  8. #8
    Certified tech, come at me! Fishing SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    Fishing is alright, its not something i'd be quick to jump into. I would go if offered at times. If i'm ever out on the lake like other people might have already mentioned, i like to swim, i also like going motorboating and i really want to water ski as i've never done that before. Jetskiing is awesome as well.

    Theres a funny story behind the motorboating, this past summer i was with a family friend and we were riding around. I was chewing on the extra gum and i accidentally spit it out into my hand, I went to attempt to get it out but it started sticking to my fingers and palm and i had strings of gum all over my hands. I was going to wash it out in the water but i decided against it because i was afraid i would get the family friend upset because i would be littering in the lake.
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  9. #9
    Registered User Fishing kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    i love fishing! just haven't done it in about....4 years it was a lot of fun and quite relaxing...even if i was out there for a long time and didn't catch anything. my dad, brother and i use to drive down to galvestion and fish off the piers out there; but they were destroyed by a hurricane 2 years ago and haven't been rebuilt
    what i really want to do some day is go shark fishing....that looks hella fun

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  10. #10
    Registered User Fishing winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing

    I've only ever been once and it was kinda gross sticking a maggot onto the end of a hook, plus I got hurt alot, stupid stickleback fish and their sharp pointy fins.

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