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Thread: FF Birthday Party

  1. #1

    FF Birthday Party

    Here is the situation, my Best Friend is turning 21. So for her 21st birthday party I am throwing her a huge FF themed party. The best thing we have is the ice. I got a spherical ice tray and I am going to use food color dyed water to make materia. I will use these ice balls for decorations and for ice for drinks. I also have a bunch of fun surprises like live music, cosplay, and ect. I will also have FF decorations and I will personal cook and cater all the food at the party. She is aware of the party and most of the general plans like the food, decorations, and live music. But she also wants to be surprise like, not knowing how the cake is decorated or what songs would be played. I would go into more detail, but I would not want her to find out via this form. It would ruin the surprise. I have most of the party planned out, but I have hit a few snags. The truth is, and I apologize in advance, I am new to FF. She on the other hand is an expert, but I can’t go to her for everything or it will ruin the surprise. This is where I need help, for the party the food is going to be FF themed. I need ideas that can be linked to the worlds of FF. Drinks are not a worry; I have found that detail collage party drink list of FF drinks. I need ideas for food and decorations, for food I have a $400 dollar budget and $200 dollar budget for decorations. I would greatly appreciated any Ideas, I still need 2 appetizers, 2 sides, 1 main course, and 1 deserts. Thank for your help, I just want to give my Best Friend the party she deserves.

  2. #2
    Air from my lungs. FF Birthday Party Violet's Avatar
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    Well, how 'bout investigating the games on google? Like.. you could make cookie shapes looking like Chocobos:

    Here are other common FF creatures:
    Moogles: http://theelectricpanda.files.wordpr...gledrawing.jpg

    Maybe knowing some main stuff like that could give you ideas. Check out who the main characters are of FF7-10, as well. (I leave out FF6 and older because most teens haven't played those.. or consider them their favorites, but you could look into those too.) Also, maybe ask her which is her favorite FFs and FF character?

    If you have problems getting the right food shapes, you could always chew around the edges
    Edit: Oh yeah.. music! Forgot all about that. FF8 has an awesome soundtrack. Laguna's theme song .
    Last edited by Violet; 06-18-2009 at 03:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User FF Birthday Party Yesha's Avatar
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    Mmm.. weLL since the party is based on FF series and the Like.. then I think the food shouLd be.. Like Japanese styLe since FF is made by Japanese and comes from Japan.. you couLd add ramen, noodLes, sushi.. etc. on the menu and.. you couLd aLso.. make a water, juice etc. bottLe and LabeL it as "Potion", "Hi-potion".. etc. you couLd atLeast give it to the peopLe participating.. for some games or for memorabiLia after the party.. And.. it wouLd be cooL.. if the background music you'LL pLay at the party is from FF music soundtracks.. Like.. some theme song there.. "Emotion" from FFX-2 sang by Jade (Yuna) is a reaL upbeat music.. that u couLd pLay.. just remix it a LittLe.. the soundtracks can be get by downLoading in the internet.. :-) I hope the Birthday turns very very great.. and aLso Advance Happy birthday to your friend.. :-)

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  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    If you are handy enough with a box knife and cardboard, you can always take some of the images that Violet has provided and make your own decorations. The most expensive parts would be buting the sprey paint / paints to color them in. I will have to come back to this one after thinging on it for a few though.
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  5. #5
    You could hang pictures of Squall Leonhart everywhere. She'll love that ^~ Trust me on this one xD. Eh -hem.
    Another Final Fantasy creature you may want to consider is the chocobo. They're quite cute - but tricky to draw randomly or something...
    For your food, you could assign a characters name to each dish or something if you run out of ideas. Like... "Squall's Sausages". Yeah I just read that, and it sounds kinda bad - but it's not meant to sound like that so another example could be urm... "Penelo's Punch" x3
    Let me see... Consider some posters of the games - like make your own if you have the time! And does she have a favourite game from the series?
    Oh and you could have some Nuts xD. Say they're Kupo Nuts ^~
    And if you have salad... They could be chocobo greens.. <_< From FFVII...

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  6. #6
    Shake it like a polaroid picture FF Birthday Party RagnaToad's Avatar
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    A Final Fantasy theme party would be nothing without at least a Chocobo or a Moogle in some form. I'd go for the chocobo, since it seems easier, not having a giant ball above his head and everything.

    Maybe you should hang up some Summon pictures? Like a giant Bahamut or Ifrit on the wall. I don't know of any other way to have something Summon-based, since dressing up as a summon would be really hard, not to mention expensive.

    good luck

    EDIT: Maybe a strip act with the stripper dressing up like Lulu from Final Fantasy X? With boobs almost popping out and everything! Just saying...
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 06-18-2009 at 08:53 AM.
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  7. #7
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilala View Post
    Say they're Kupo Nuts ^~
    Aww man, you beat me to it >.< I like your sald idea though.

    An idea I had was maybe get some Yellow Food coloring and put them on some Chicken Wings and you could have Chocobo Wings.

  8. #8
    Bananarama FF Birthday Party Pete's Avatar
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    Lots and lots of alcohol.

    it is 21 afterall
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  9. #9
    Shake it like a polaroid picture FF Birthday Party RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Lots and lots of alcohol.

    it is 21 afterall
    Now that is my kind of party.

    Get someone dressed up like Auron from FF X and have him drink some heavy "XXX" shit. "XXX" as in high alcohol level, not as in NSFW stuff.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

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