Ok everyone can discuss what style of comedy (or other peoples misfortune if like me you find that funny) they are partial towards whether it be slapstick or that gross-out post american pie type humour.
Personally I despise the latter. What really tickles my funny bone is really cynical comedy. Think along the lines of Bill Hicks and youre getting there. Heres some examples of Charlie Brooker who I think does it like no other due to the review format of his shows.
YouTube - Charlie Brooker on My Sweet 16
YouTube - Charlie Brooker on the American News Media. Funny
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
I'm not a huge fan of gross-out humour all that much, but it still makes me laugh. It's pretty funny if you get a boring afternoon/evening, and you have a friend or two over. I like American Pie, Road Trip and Scary Movie, but I'm not as interested in other films of the genre.
I like a bit of slap-stick humour. The Carry On, 'Allo 'Allo! and Keeping Up Appearances series' can be funny, if not a little out dated and annoying at times.
My favourite comedians are Bill Hicks, Lee Evans, Dawn French, Joan Rivers and a more "recent" favourite being George Carlin.
I love the dry humor of Flight of the Conchords (posted above). The two seasons of their show is television GOLD as far as I'm concerned. Their albums are hilarious and their music is actually good, too! Murray is the best part of that show, though.
British humor is another that really gets me laughing. Ricky Gervais is a good example. And the more obvious Monty Python routines are hilarious.
Frank Jaeger - "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal."
My favouritre type of humour is dry humour. FOTC is obvious. But I'm still amped that they're from my vountry! I'm not going to associate anything famous with gry humour, as, as far as I'm concernd, it's something you do with your mates. Just takes the piss in really strange ways. You cna get weird looks from people who don't find dry humour funny, but then you just make fun of them using dry humour and voila. Dry humour is what my city is pretty much famous ofr. If you liek it, come visit Alpha! My friends have a flat a few houses from Bret and Jemaine.
Aside from that, I like 'absurd humour'. Think Mighty Boosh, and you're on the right track.
Last edited by Alpha; 02-21-2010 at 11:58 PM.
I don't even know what "types" of humor there are, I guess I don't have a favorite... anything that makes me laugh is a win which, are a lot of things.
The kind of humour I appreciate most is that seen in Kevin Smith movies, particularly the Clerks movies and Mallrats.
victoria aut mors
I adore American Pie and college humour!(Kills granny with money shot, CLass!)
xTidus: "What are you doing?"
ViviMasterMage: "I'm eating your hair... Why?"
xTidus: "You have problems..."
ViviMasterMage: "You smell nice!...I do have problems!"
Both: *giggles*
Satire and slapstick, although all comedy has to be performed well to be funny. I like comedies such as Black Books, Monty Python's Flying Circus (and their films), Blackadder, Allo Allo, and Some Mothers Do Ave Em. I also like the quizzcoms Mock the Week, QI and Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
I despise American Pie. Nothing about it is funny in the slightest. I saw the first when a friend put it on, and haven't wasted my time with any of the others. I also think that Two and a Half Men is utter crap. I used to live with someone who watched it all the time. Not funny in the slightest.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9