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Thread: England Rioting

  1. #1
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    England Rioting

    Anyone else keeping up with the rioting in England?

    To be honest, you can see that the mindless yobs that are causing all this trouble, are all over the UK, not just in England. Everyday I am taunted for being gay, or threatene for not giving the teens (not all, but a lot of them are just dicks) a cigarette. This happens to most law abiding citizens in the UK, in Scotland, Ireland and Wales as well as England.

    I personally think the reason for this, is a lack of discipline. This has nothing to do with money in my opinion, nothing at all to do with the "poor" and anarchy. It is just kids that have an easy life, with no punishment in school, lazy parents that don't give two f**ks about their kids, and the fact that parents can no longer punish their children without being viewed as abusive. Political Correctness is a load of bollocks. I am really frustrated with today's world (UK, no idea what it's like in US/Australia/Other Countries).

    I am sick of seeing the elderly afraid of youths, when the majority of young people are fine. It's the thugs, drug-pushers and lazy people that are bringing the world down and causing these riots in Britain.

    Yes, the Government are partly to blame with their HUGE cuts, and total lack of care for the country, but all in all, when people say "there aren't jobs so I won't bother doing anything except steal and cause an uproar" ... they should get off their asses like the rest of us and find a way out of poverty!! I am nowhere near middle-class, I am fully working class. I spent my childhood in a house of 10 people, with only £20,000 coming in to support us. My parents were disciplinary in a loving manner, kept us in check and taught us the greater values in life, like respect and hard work. I, and many others like me, have actually gotten off our bums and WORKED to get where we are, not just sponge off the Government, then blame the Government for ALL our problems (even though they are responsible for some of them).

    If you disagree, please don't start with the hate comments or bitchiness, I have not been on the site for a few days as I am just plain sick and fed-up of the world. Be nice to each other on this thread, just discuss, not push your opinions on people.

    Thanks, and kisses for those who are willing to co-operate nicely.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
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    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
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  2. #2
    #LOCKE4GOD England Rioting Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    I actually have a lot to say on this, but I'm currently on my iPod and studying for a statistics test (because I'm not a mindless yob and want to get somewhere in life).

    But I also think that it's wrong to deny the context in which this is occurring. Poverty, incredible income inequality, lack of opportunity, social anomie, to name a few.

    I'll come back and elaborate, but I stress that none of that can be used as an excuse for any given individual to loot. I watched a disgusting video of a kid of 13, bleeding on the sidewalk, being helped up -- so that other kids could steal the stuff from his backpack.

    The central question is: what caused society to sink to that level? Why is it happening in the UK as opposed to other 'developed' countries?

  3. #3
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha
    I watched a disgusting video of a kid of 13, bleeding on the sidewalk, being helped up -- so that other kids could steal the stuff from his backpack.
    I saw that video, and many more like it, it's a goddamn disgrace that people in our country are like this. Yobbos!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha
    But I also think that it's wrong to deny the context in which this is occurring. Poverty, incredible income inequality, lack of opportunity, social anomie, to name a few.
    I hope you're not thinking I deny this? I don't deny it, I just see it as one of many factors ruining the country. It's true that lots of povert people, and people that are "bored" blame the Government for their problems, and justly so, but it's not the only thing. Discipline and respect are a huge factor in this. When I was a kid, even though that was only 10-15 years ago, the UK was nothing like it is today, there was respect for authority and adults.

    I look forward to your further elaboration, good luck on your test!!
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
    AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle

  4. #4
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! England Rioting Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post

    I'll come back and elaborate, but I stress that none of that can be used as an excuse for any given individual to loot. I watched a disgusting video of a kid of 13, bleeding on the sidewalk, being helped up -- so that other kids could steal the stuff from his backpack.
    I saw that video, too. It was absolutely sickening; I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

    As it happens, I have a lot of family and friends who live in and around the affected areas. Today, a place called Eltham's main shopping area, which I know very, very well (the place I grew up is a 25 minute walk away, and my nan still lives there, thankfully away from the High Street), was full of EDL (English Defence League) supporters congregating with the intention of 'protecting' the place from looters. Now the EDL are only one step up from the BNP (British National Party, a very racist, right-wing extremist political organisation) in my book and whilst I appreciate (for want of a better term!) what they are trying to do, I don't think this will improve the situation, as they have a very negative reputation.

    There will, as a result, probably be a massive backlash involving non-whites; most of whom aren't even involved in the trouble. I can feel it. I hope I'm wrong.

    It's also scary how it's spread to other places such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Nottingham. I have friends in those places, and I am concerned for them too, particularly my friend in Liverpool; she lives in a very rough area prone to trouble (there has been two shootings in the space of a year). There has also been rumours of trouble brewing in Lincoln, where I live, but so far they are just rumours.

    The so-called 'copycat' flare-ups of trouble are pretty pathetic. The original trouble in Tottenham, North London was over a candlelight vigil for a person shot dead by police last week. The guy who was shot was known to police, and was shot at as he was suspected to be carrying and using a firearm. How this led to riots I have no idea, but the youth are pretty disaffected in England. There are little to no opportunities for young people, and to grasp these opportunities is very difficult, especially for the poorer communities. This is in no way an excuse for what is happening, however.

    I just want this all to stop. It is insanity, and in the end, these kids are only hurting themselves by destroying their community. Insanity!
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
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  5. #5
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) England Rioting che's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    ‪London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)&#x202crlm; - YouTube

    ^Watched that today.

    I really wish I had more to say on the issue, other than I am optimistic and I think in the end things can only get better. It's terrible we have to sacrifice lives and other less important things just to see change.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  6. #6

    Re: England Rioting

    Just read about it and heard it on the radio today. I think it is just an example of the depravity of mankind. It really doesn't take much for an individual to be worse than they already are. Definitely is easier for some in certain circumstances too.

    I kinda wish I was more researched on it and could do something but being across the Atlantic that seems to be problematic. All I can do is say that my heart goes out to them and hope that the generation causing the rioting will wisen up and realize what they are doing. (Do recall them saying that all the rioters are like in the under 19 age bracket or at least a high percentage is.)

  7. #7
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah
    was full of EDL (English Defence League) supporters congregating with the intention of 'protecting' the place from looters. Now the EDL are only one step up from the BNP (British National Party, a very racist, right-wing extremist political organisation) in my book and whilst I appreciate (for want of a better term!) what they are trying to do, I don't think this will improve the situation, as they have a very negative reputation.

    There will, as a result, probably be a massive backlash involving non-whites; most of whom aren't even involved in the trouble. I can feel it. I hope I'm wrong.
    Oh hell yes, the "minorities" will cause a huge scream about this i'm sure. I am all for welcoming all ethnics from every country, however, Immigration needs to be tightened up a bit, as too many people are being allowed into the country even though the country is in massive debt, with huge cuts, and not enough jobs (1 for every 50 people). The foreign citizens and immigrants in the country right now though, are doing an awesome job. I love the story about the 1000 Muslims protecting their Temples and streets, fighting off the youth and encouraging unity in the law-abiding citizens. Inspirational.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atmah-Noah
    (Do recall them saying that all the rioters are like in the under 19 age bracket or at least a high percentage is.)
    Yeah, the majority are youngsters, making the rest of us youthful people look like total twats. There have been 8 year olds seen walking down the streets with TVs that they have looted, stating that they are happy that they are breaking the law!!

    Today's generation need a good boot up the arse!!
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
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  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy England Rioting Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    There is absolutly no justification for the actions that have taken place. Its an absolute outrage that things have gotten this out of hand. I wish I had a license to kill and a revolver with 42% ammo regen. Set me loose on the streets of london and I'll give everyone their just deserts.

    Alpha, I'm sure not every poor person is out there looting and bombing buildings with petrol bombs. I would agree its motivation for theft, but poverty is a poor excuse (hehe) for commiting crime. Couldn't these people simply be immoral assholes who deserve to be locked away? Afterall, it seems to be that the riots began bceause of a certain gangster being shot and killed, now everyones using this as a reason to mug and pillage.
    Last edited by Rowan; 08-09-2011 at 07:01 PM.

  9. #9
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan
    Set me loose on the streets of london and I'll give everyone their just deserts.
    It's not just London anymore, it's a few major cities in England now

    But I totally agree with you, they should be dealt with promptly and, if they don't co-operate, then deadly force should be authorised.

    I am also sickened by the racism, videos on Youtube with comments from British white people saying the "******* need to go back to the jungle and pick coconuts" and "bring back slavery" ... it's disgusting, I HATE racism, and anybody caught talking like that, and blaming black people for it all just because a black gangster was killed (unprovoked - investigation proved that he didn't aim or shoot his gun) should also be dealt with harshly. Just my opinion ... bring back a monarchy, get rid of Government.

    Good ol' Queen Liz will sort the f**kers out with her Corgis
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
    AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle

  10. #10
    Passing fair judgement England Rioting Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    I've been keeping track of the riots on the news. The yahoo headlines also keep me informed lol. I fail to realize the real point behind the rioting, I just don't understand it at all.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

    My TFF family
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    Ruin-My bro working in the military
    Nickness89-My brother from another mother
    angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
    A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
    Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
    LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  11. #11
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate
    I've been keeping track of the riots on the news. The yahoo headlines also keep me informed lol. I fail to realize the real point behind the rioting, I just don't understand it at all.
    Basically, a gangster was stopped in his cab, and was carrying a gun. The policeman who killed him said he shot at him, so he shot him back in the face. The ballistics report shows that both bullets shot, which were the only bullets shot, were both from the policeman's gun. So basically, people used this as an excuse to riot, over police brutality. This, in turn led to youthful yobs seeing an opportunity to loot the biggest stores in the UK, and also corner stores, furniture stores etc. They used the excuse "because we are poor, hungry and don't get money, the Government doesn't care for the poor" <-- basic argument. Thing is, if they were poor and hungry, then why were they co-ordinating their violence, riots and looting on £300 smartphones (Blackberry's mainly) and dressed in designer clothing? They looted electrical stores etc, but if they were poor and hungry, then surely they would steal food, not TV's/Laptops/Mobile Phones ...
    Now it seems, this whole thing has become a race war, with the EDL using the looting as an excuse to attack foreigners and black people. Hundreds of white men in their 30's to 40's have been seen running around shouting "Get the Paki's" ... which is disgusting to say the least. Another reason youth gave for looting and rioting was "To show the Government we can do whatever we want and you can't stop us." The Government should never have disarmed us and kept us disarmed, USA riots are over very quickly, and crime in the USA is nothing compared to the UK in recent years (ok, maybe it is, but that is more due to the statistical difference in population).

    Basically, the young people here have no discipline, respect for their country, and are in the mind-set of "they can do whatever they want."
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
    AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle

  12. #12
    Passing fair judgement England Rioting Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    Basically, a gangster was stopped in his cab, and was carrying a gun. The policeman who killed him said he shot at him, so he shot him back in the face. The ballistics report shows that both bullets shot, which were the only bullets shot, were both from the policeman's gun. So basically, people used this as an excuse to riot, over police brutality. This, in turn led to youthful yobs seeing an opportunity to loot the biggest stores in the UK, and also corner stores, furniture stores etc. They used the excuse "because we are poor, hungry and don't get money, the Government doesn't care for the poor" <-- basic argument. Thing is, if they were poor and hungry, then why were they co-ordinating their violence, riots and looting on £300 smartphones (Blackberry's mainly) and dressed in designer clothing? They looted electrical stores etc, but if they were poor and hungry, then surely they would steal food, not TV's/Laptops/Mobile Phones ...
    Now it seems, this whole thing has become a race war, with the EDL using the looting as an excuse to attack foreigners and black people. Hundreds of white men in their 30's to 40's have been seen running around shouting "Get the Paki's" ... which is disgusting to say the least. Another reason youth gave for looting and rioting was "To show the Government we can do whatever we want and you can't stop us." The Government should never have disarmed us and kept us disarmed, USA riots are over very quickly, and crime in the USA is nothing compared to the UK in recent years (ok, maybe it is, but that is more due to the statistical difference in population).

    Basically, the young people here have no discipline, respect for their country, and are in the mind-set of "they can do whatever they want."

    Disgusting..absolutely disgusting, teens try and find any excuse to band together for violence I've decided.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

    My TFF family
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    Ruin-My bro working in the military
    Nickness89-My brother from another mother
    angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
    A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
    Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
    LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  13. #13

    Re: England Rioting

    If the British military used the same tactics as they used in Northern Ireland in 1972 this rioting would have been over days ago

  14. #14
    Hewerya love...? England Rioting seanb's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    If the British military used the same tactics as they used in Northern Ireland in 1972 this rioting would have been over days ago
    its all only a taster of whats been happening in norther Ireland in the past 4 decades.

  15. #15
    Registered User England Rioting Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    Anyone else keeping up with the rioting in England?

    I personally think the reason for this, is a lack of discipline. This has nothing to do with money in my opinion, nothing at all to do with the "poor" and anarchy. It is just kids that have an easy life, with no punishment in school, lazy parents that don't give two f**ks about their kids, and the fact that parents can no longer punish their children without being viewed as abusive. Political Correctness is a load of bollocks. I am really frustrated with today's world (UK, no idea what it's like in US/Australia/Other Countries).

    It's the thugs, drug-pushers and lazy people that are bringing the world down and causing these riots in Britain.

    Yes, the Government are partly to blame with their HUGE cuts, and total lack of care for the country, but all in all, when people say "there aren't jobs so I won't bother doing anything except steal and cause an uproar" ... they should get off their asses like the rest of us and find a way out of poverty!! I am nowhere near middle-class, I am fully working class. I spent my childhood in a house of 10 people, with only £20,000 coming in to support us. My parents were disciplinary in a loving manner, kept us in check and taught us the greater values in life, like respect and hard work. I, and many others like me, have actually gotten off our bums and WORKED to get where we are, not just sponge off the Government, then blame the Government for ALL our problems (even though they are responsible for some of them).
    First off I completely agree with everything that has been said so far regarding this completely disgusting behaviour. Nickness89, you touched on an important point above, which reminded me of something I saw on the news this morning. There was a woman being interviewed last night as she was helping people mindlessly destroy and steal. She claimed the reason she was looting etc, was to "get her taxes back". Let's see... does a law abiding tax-payer act in that manner...? No, I don't think so either. Funny thing was, she had her face covered the entire time. If she's so adamant, and if this is what she believes in, then why hide her identity? Because she's a coward like the lot of them. My family is working class also, and I am one of five children. My parents worked their balls off to look after us, my dad worked nonstop until the day he died. Like you, we were taught to respect our elders and work hard. So, it make me physically sick when these mindless scum crawl out of the woodwork to voice their opinion on a matter that is nothing to do with them. It's any excuse to create havoc for attention. The EDL did a protest outside where I work earlier this year, I've never wished for a bomb to drop on my town so much in my entire life

    The whole reason this rioting got out of hand is due to the softly, softly approach that England's police force has been made to adopt. There is no discipline, and no deterrent. Out of the hundreds that were arrested or detained very few will face a serious charge. Suspended sentences and tiny fines are already been handed out left, right and centre. The prisons are full, so there is nowhere to put them.
    I agree with Rowan on giving them their just desserts... Machine guns and tanks is what we need! If Afflex's palace in Manchester gets burned down, I'll be so pissed off!

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    We get the same dipshits in Australia.
    You could be onto something as one of the guys I work with occasionally has worked security for decades and mentioned the job was a lot easier 30 years ago before new age parenting and back when cops weren't afraid to give a kid a size 12 boot up the arse.

    I get this riot-y behaviour on a smaller scale regularly - kids love breaking windows, setting bins/parks on fire, harassing random people etc. I'm kind of lucky though, the kids here hang in small groups (often postcode gangs, sometimes with multiple rival gangs sharing the same postcode) and they hate eachother that much I can't see a larger collaboration happening locally. I got no problems taking down a handful of the bastards. >
    victoria aut mors

  17. #17
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Pfft, yeah. I used to live about five minutes from one of the places that was burned to the ground. Makes me sick; I knew pretty much all those places in London and spent the first twenty years of my life in the area. I think the fact that it's spread is even more outrageous, though. Manchester, Kent and Bristol? What the Hell? Manchester may not be the most surprising place for that type of stuff on the rougher sides but Bristol and Kent... well, that's just whole other ballgame right there.

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  18. #18
    The British Guy. England Rioting Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    They're just dicks, simple enough not to justify it but London's to the rioters had some meaning to it. The sickening part is that other places such as Manchester, Liverpool have just gone out to break stuff and it does effect everyone, every town even a small one is mine is suspicious of Riots the hardship you have for simply walking around the streets without getting searched is ridiculous (luckily i had nothing on me). It's pathetic it's as if the social expectations of people don't exist. Brutality in chavs has gotten worse in the past few years i think but still this is just ridiculous as rioters you would at least think they would be united but they keep turning on each other, it appears the only to stop is for a largely aggressive action with decent weaponry, also no one is to blame but the individual who steps out of his house to cause havoc, ****ing ****s.
    CPC8... Makin' it happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin
    Ruin says
    someone fart in my eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
    Melibooyah says:
    Uggh bbl everyone is blowing me uo and I have to do my homework -_-
    Typo's change everything ^

  19. #19
    Passing fair judgement England Rioting Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Hey nickness, you getting worried, the Scottish police are getting involved. I hope that the riots won't spread into Scotland itself.
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    A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
    Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
    LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  20. #20
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) England Rioting che's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    The band Massive Attack's response to the rioting.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy England Rioting Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post

    The band Massive Attack's response to the rioting.
    Massive Attack can go such a **** fu**ing pieces of **** they have no **** to **** their **** **** with and make fu**ing ******* claims about knowing **** that they arn't even fu**ing **** making **** seems to me like a **** has a **** up his **** and maybe, JUST maybe they could benefit from a **** monkey binding ******* in accordance with the **** law.

    In short, there is no justification for destroying someone elses property and harming inoccent people. Saying this is governments fault is a joke and I'm sick of all these copouts 'ohh its poverty, its anger' give me a break. Welcome to reality. People are poor, people get angry, people are sad, sometimes people are to blame, other times there isn't. It doesnt mean you can go on bashing people and burning everything. Once again, I hope that everyone feels the full extent of the law and the justice comes to those that have lost something during these hateful and violent riots.

    Edit: Although I guess poverty could be a contributing factor.
    Last edited by Rowan; 08-11-2011 at 07:51 PM.

  22. #22
    #LOCKE4GOD England Rioting Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    I hope the bankers face the full extent of the law for the financial crisis.

    Oh wait.

    [Still not at a PC. Fuller reply this weekend, I promise!]

  23. #23
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    I don't think anyone knows really what the **** they are rioting for. It started off with a peaceful protest about an inquiry into the death of that boy who was shot in Tottenham by a police officer, and now we've got people all over the country going crazy for a free iPad. I've watched the news, and all it's done is make our youth here look as thought they have the IQ of a ham sandwich.

    Biggest moron in the country, not just Manchester (which is saying something).

    You've got people saying "It's because there's no money, init bruv," "It's ta prove the police have nah powah ova us, init bruv," "It's because we're bored, init bruv, and we want free booze ta get laggin', init bruv," "We're targetting shops and stuff because they're rich wiv money, init bruv," and it's just really ****ing mind-numbingly ridiculous. All I've seen on the news in the last few days are reporters going up to the most dimwitted, uneducated mobs they could find to ask "Why you're doing this?" which is stupid because they really don't have a ****ing clue.

    One thing that really bothers me is when people let a bad (or sometimes good) situations they're in define their whole lives. "I don't have two brain cells to rub together, I don't have a job, and I'm on the dole," isn't an excuse to go out there in our, cause panic and fear amongst people who've done you no harm, destroy homes and businesses that honest people worked for, and rightfully claim your new PS3 and HDTV as your own hard-earned property.

    I was signing on for a few months before I got my job, and I still am now (long story, but I got screwed over at the Job Centre), and it's not pretty. You are judged, and you know what? I think they have every goddamn right to judge young people signing on. Most of the youth around me didn't stick GCSEs, and use their dole money for booze. I got my job because I asked for help, and got some help - nothing special happened. There's nothing wrong with some of the systems we have in place here, just people not using them correctly. It's easy to bluff your way at the Job Centre for your £55 a week, but that's not going to get you a job, is it?

    Now that I have a job, and I am paying tax (shouldn't be paying tax anyway with my hours...) I don't really want to fund these dipshits with their dole money. It's painfully obvious that they have no intention of making a life for themselves, and I don't want my money being used to fill someone's bladder with cheap Bacardi Breezers to be pissed all over someone's burned down business that they worked hard for. I'm glad a petition is going around for JSA to be taken from people found out to have taken place in the riots.

    The one other thing that's pissing me off is that now people are playing the race card. Race has nothing to do with stupidity. Anyone can be stupid.

    I live in Hackney, one of the areas which got violent the other evening. On that same evening, I was in Forest Hill, which is about a ten minute bus journey from Croydon and Lewisham where the shit was hitting the fan too. I was just playing games while my friend was in the shower, and his mum came in and said "Gemma, I don't think you're going to be getting home tonight, people are in Hackney are going mad," and took me to her room to show me the news. It was bad, and I'd be lying if I wasn't a little frightened at that point. I called my mum, and she was in tears on the phone, and begged me to stay where I was for the night. Just hearing her crying on the phone pushed me to grab my shit and head for the station.

    On the way to the station, there was police everywhere, and you could smell burning in the distance, and there were helicopters everywhere. Everyone not rioting was rushing around and trying to get home before it got really dark, and it was a little scary. There were people on the train home watching the news on their phones and reading the evening papers. I got home okay, and didn't really see anything bad going on.

    I work in a busy store on a high street too, and that's been scary. There's police and security everywhere. Some police officers came in the other morning to warn us that the area had been targeted, and that it was best if the store closed early, and that we should remain calm because there was a lot of police doing their best to serve and protect the area. We did close early, and the store is still there which is a good sign.

    That's all I have to say on the matter. I'm too angry.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  24. #24
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Re: England Rioting

    I can't be doing a big reply right now as i'm in a rush, but if the reason for rioting was poverty, then food would have been stolen, not laptops, designer clothes, TVs, expensive stuff in general. And innocent people wouldn't have their businesses and homes smashed in and burned if it was for poverty, it would be council offices etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate
    Hey nickness, you getting worried, the Scottish police are getting involved. I hope that the riots won't spread into Scotland itself.
    Nahh, they won't come into Scotland I don't think. Nothing against the English at all, but as Alex Salmond (an MP for Scotland) we have a different kind of society here. No doubt, we still have our neds, chavs and hooligan gangsters, but the Scottish are too patriotic to go around burning our own country. I still think that as a whole though, the entire of the UK, Wales and Ireland included, have absolutely no control over their young, and the streets are now ruled by the underage drinkers, druggies and yobs of society.

    Discipline and education are what is needed!!
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
    AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle

  25. #25
    Passing fair judgement England Rioting Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    I can't be doing a big reply right now as i'm in a rush, but if the reason for rioting was poverty, then food would have been stolen, not laptops, designer clothes, TVs, expensive stuff in general. And innocent people wouldn't have their businesses and homes smashed in and burned if it was for poverty, it would be council offices etc.

    Nahh, they won't come into Scotland I don't think. Nothing against the English at all, but as Alex Salmond (an MP for Scotland) we have a different kind of society here. No doubt, we still have our neds, chavs and hooligan gangsters, but the Scottish are too patriotic to go around burning our own country. I still think that as a whole though, the entire of the UK, Wales and Ireland included, have absolutely no control over their young, and the streets are now ruled by the underage drinkers, druggies and yobs of society.

    Discipline and education are what is needed!!

    You said it, why don't other people see this. I do the the PM of England is keeping a level head in this situation. I respect him for keeping himself and dare I go as far as England together.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

    My TFF family
    Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
    Ruin-My bro working in the military
    Nickness89-My brother from another mother
    angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
    A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
    Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
    LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  26. #26
    Registered User England Rioting sayian's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    nice post.... and i agree with your views Nickness. its very refreshing to find people mature enough to understand as well as have such views. to most complicated problem there are basic solutions. to me(in this situation), the biggest problem/solution starts with the parents. the absolute thing i hate the most are the parents of undisiplined children(moreso, the younger they are). i see this chik i know with her 5yo who tells her "NO" and completely drops and screams on the ground if its time to leave the park.... makes me wanna grab him by the shirt and punch him in the stomach(like in that movie "Due Date") then tell him to shut up and listen to yo mama.. children coming up with out fear/knowledge of consequences and no religious structure (what ever it my be)will lead to such acts of violence.. anywho, id hate to see that kid 15 years from now.

  27. #27
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    You said it, why don't other people see this. I do the the PM of England is keeping a level head in this situation. I respect him for keeping himself and dare I go as far as England together.
    I think Mr Cameron is a jerk. If anything, what he has done in the last year and few months since he's been in Number 10 is anger people. He's taking away services which help people into work (Working Links, the people who pushed me into finding work and succeeded, will no longer exist in a few months if that), and rising inflation on everything. A four year course at university has been tripled in price, meaning fewer people will take the opportunity, and those that do will be crippled with a debt to pay back for the rest of their lives.

    I understand that my country has a lot of anger bubbling under the surface, and most of it is directed at that wanker. I'm not saying I condone anything that's happened in the last week, as I am ashamed and angry with the youth of my country, but it was only a matter of time before something happened. AT LEAST those riots last year had a ****ing meaning behind them.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  28. #28
    Hewerya love...? England Rioting seanb's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    they turk our jurbs

  29. #29
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! England Rioting nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I think Mr Cameron is a jerk. If anything, what he has done in the last year and few months since he's been in Number 10 is anger people. He's taking away services which help people into work (Working Links, the people who pushed me into finding work and succeeded, will no longer exist in a few months if that), and rising inflation on everything. A four year course at university has been tripled in price, meaning fewer people will take the opportunity, and those that do will be crippled with a debt to pay back for the rest of their lives.

    I understand that my country has a lot of anger bubbling under the surface, and most of it is directed at that wanker. I'm not saying I condone anything that's happened in the last week, as I am ashamed and angry with the youth of my country, but it was only a matter of time before something happened. AT LEAST those riots last year had a ****ing meaning behind them.
    Hear hear!! The worst thing about tripling the cost of Further Education, is that, as you said, less people will be able to attend, which in turn will lead to people not being qualified enough to do certain jobs.

    @Judge Magistrate - I have to agree that Cameron has been well centered during this time, but the only reason for this is that he is hidden behind the security of many bodyguards and police protection. I would like to say he's inspirational, but Unknown hit it on the head, he is a wanker. He says that the thugs causing all the trouble are just opportunistic thieves. I agree, and like I said, these kinds of people make me sick, but there is an underlying problem: they may not be poor enough or povert enough to have to loot for food, but they are poor enough to be deprived of most of the material possessions that the rich could buy in one swift shopping spree.

    They are thugs plain and simple, and no education, discipline or decent parental teachings is mainly to blame, but the deeper you dig into the situation, the more factors can be found that contribute to the society that we are in. If it was me, I would protest, but I would be protesting in front of Council Buildings or on Downing Street. Some blame it on ''opportunistic crime'' and some blame racism, police brutality or the state the financial stability of the country is in. In my opinion, the reason this happened, is a combination of every single reason that has been brought up since the start of the rioting.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

    BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
    AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle

  30. #30
    Bananarama England Rioting Pete's Avatar
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    Re: England Rioting

    Seriously? This shit is still going on over a police shooting.

    Look up Amadou Diallo and Patrick Dorismond.

    Anytime an officer has to use his weapon, is not a "just because" type of situation. Most officers never even draw their weapon in their police careers, let alone fire it. And if a weapon is drawn, it's more often than not because it's a situation which requires it. Perhaps this officer felt his life or another's was in jeopardy; with adrenaline rushing and the endorphins kicking in, it's quite possible that the officer may have accidentally fired the first shot, thinking that he was fired upon, and subsequently fired a second.

    People have a right to be pissed about this, but rioting is absurd and probably the worst thing that they can do. It will only further strain relations between the government, citizens and law enforcement officials, because when the cops come rolling in to stop some rioters, they're not gonna do it using flowers and rainbows.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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