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Basically, a gangster was stopped in his cab, and was carrying a gun. The policeman who killed him said he shot at him, so he shot him back in the face. The ballistics report shows that both bullets shot, which were the only bullets shot, were both from the policeman's gun. So basically, people used this as an excuse to riot, over police brutality. This, in turn led to youthful yobs seeing an opportunity to loot the biggest stores in the UK, and also corner stores, furniture stores etc. They used the excuse "because we are poor, hungry and don't get money, the Government doesn't care for the poor" <-- basic argument. Thing is, if they were poor and hungry, then why were they co-ordinating their violence, riots and looting on £300 smartphones (Blackberry's mainly) and dressed in designer clothing? They looted electrical stores etc, but if they were poor and hungry, then surely they would steal food, not TV's/Laptops/Mobile Phones ...
Now it seems, this whole thing has become a race war, with the EDL using the looting as an excuse to attack foreigners and black people. Hundreds of white men in their 30's to 40's have been seen running around shouting "Get the Paki's" ... which is disgusting to say the least. Another reason youth gave for looting and rioting was "To show the Government we can do whatever we want and you can't stop us." The Government should never have disarmed us and kept us disarmed, USA riots are over very quickly, and crime in the USA is nothing compared to the UK in recent years (ok, maybe it is, but that is more due to the statistical difference in population).
Basically, the young people here have no discipline, respect for their country, and are in the mind-set of "they can do whatever they want."