Who the hell are these 'scientists' you're talking about?
And what does the Bible have to do with the year 2012?
well to those of us that beleive it is. Do you think the world is going to end like scientists say it is? they say that a meteor will hit us some time in Dec 2012. i doubt it, but then i read the end of the world in the bible and it says something like black smoke will fall from the sky and out will come locusts with scorpion tails to torture man. but thats like the 3rd or 5th trumpet or something. what will happen during now and then? do you beleive?
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Who the hell are these 'scientists' you're talking about?
And what does the Bible have to do with the year 2012?
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
there is a meteor circuling the earth and scientists predict it to hit sometime in 2012. and the smoke that locusts come from might be the meteor
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Just like Rags I would also like to see an explanation about those "scientists" and I don't remember that bible mentions anything about year 2012.
And to answer to your question - hell no, I'm to young to die that soon. I can't believe that someone actually voted "yes" on this subject.
Edit: it seems you posted before me Nedwork but I'm still not satisfied with your explanation.
Last edited by Xanatos; 09-17-2009 at 04:52 PM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I highly doubt that life on Earth will die any time soon. This issue has been brought up time and time again, but not once has it been true. In fact, I remember that there was a similar discussion a year back. And look, I am still alive, am I not? So simply put: no, I do not think that the end is near.
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
I don't believe that. Because I made a prediction that I would die at an early age.
But, that's a really scary thought...... *hugs pillow*
Besides, no one in my school is talking about this, so I think this is some silly rumor... Like, really- where's the hard proof?
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
I'm sorry, but you lost me on this statement. How can locusts come from a meteor?there is a meteor circuling the earth and scientists predict it to hit sometime in 2012. and the smoke that locusts come from might be the meteor
The only thing that I can think of that mentions anything about the world coming to an end in the year 2012 has to do with that whole Mayan calender thing. I don't think that the Bible mentions a specific date on the matter.
Another thing. What exactly do you mean the world coming to an end? Do you mean life as we know it? Or the whole world just stops? Sorry, I need you to be a little more specific on some details.
If your talking about the Bible's Day of Judgement, I wouldn't worry to much about it arriving in the year 2012. I believe that the Bible states somewhere that not even the angels in Heaven know when that day is supposed to come. I'm not a theologist, I'm just a gamer, but I think that's what it says.
If there is a meteor headed our way, then I suppose there's really not much we can do to stop it. Just hope that it burns up in the Earth's atmosphere or something. Or we could totally do what was done in the movie "Armageddon", just blow the son of a bitch up.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
I don't think that the world will end on December 21, 2012 because it says in the bible that Jesus will come like a thief in the night meaning that his arrival will be unexpected, it also says that no one will be able to predict it. But I do know that the mayan calendar stops at Dec. 21, 2012, but I have done my research and the mayan calender actually does not just stop there it kind of just starts over. I have also heard about the whole meteor hitting earth as well and Dodie's idea however good it may be to just blow up the meteor scientists on the science channel have discussed that aspect and have determined that the meteor will not just split in two and go around the earth, that it will instead blow up into many smaller pieces and riddle the earth with impact craters. It is also believed that the sun it going through something like the ninth solar cycle or something like that, and ti is supposed to have an explosion of radiation more violent than we have experienced thus far, and last but definately not least earth's poles are supposed to flip taking roughly 3 or 4 days to comlete during which time we will be without an atmosphere sheltering us from all of the radiation in space, and no we will not float off of the earth because of lack of gravity a good way to think of it is like a world wide atom bomb's after effects i.e. extreme radiation exposure causing deformalities in future generations, loss of crops, no satelite reception or electronics for that matter because when the pole supposedly shift it will corrupt everything that uses magnets which is basically every piece of electronic that you and I have ever owned. They will be of no use to us any more for the simple fact that they are set to our current poles where north is up and south is down after is its done south will be up and north down. It will have a whole lot more to do with the environment than you think. because the tropics will then become the arctic and vise versa.
Last edited by bobbo087; 09-17-2009 at 05:26 PM.
Yes! That's a terrific idea! Blow it up!
I also agree that there's no such thing as locusts on meteors.....Would they just die as soon as they hit the ground with a fiery *WHAM*?
Besides, they're also looking for other life. There are no such thing as 'locusts'.....No such thing....
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
There is a meteor circling the earth?
A meteor? Like a real meteor? Imagine that.
And again, who are these scientists? What sources are you using?
Do you want to know where the whole 2012-theory comes from? It's the Maya calendar, it doesn't go further than december 2012. That's where all the theories are coming from. The meteor stuff is not the base of it, it's one of the things they look for to varify that the Mayas 'were right'.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
I believe... I also believe in Unicorns, Santa being Satan and the Tooth fairy.
I mean this is as cliché as you can get...
Needwork, think about this. You say a Meteor is circling the Earth right. Well obviously if this was true, the meteor would have to be smaller than the Earth for one and for two, the meteor wouldn't destroy the Earth, it would merely leave a giant scar in it.
It's as dumb as Nuclear weapons destroying the Earth. It has been proven that the amount of Nuclear weapons we have now would not even be enough to take down a whole country, let alone the entire planet.
So in that case I don't believe it.
My things:
The 2012 theories are dumb, but nuclear weapons are not.
You're talking about 'the amount of nuclear weapons', but all it takes to destroy a small country is one atomic bomb. And that's not counting the consequences, just the immediate explosion and fire.
Now you know why it is ****ed up to have those kind of weapons.
It's funny that you say how it is 'proven' when we're not even entirely sure what countries have how many uranium to their disposal.
Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-17-2009 at 05:26 PM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
This image backs up my argument just a little bit.
My things:
(First, I'd like to say that I forgot about the difference between a nuclear power plant exploding and a nuclear bomb being used. The indirect consequences of a nuclear bomb are not as drastic, if I recall correctly, so it's not as 'bad'.)
Wikipedia tells me that the Hiroshima area is over 900 square km, and that 69% of all buildings in that region were destroyed by the atomic bomb. But I think it's safe to assume that Hiroshima was way smaller during WW II, and that 69% of all buildings doesn't mean that the blast destroyed 69% percent of all people living in the region called Hiroshima.
So you may be right about the amount of nuclear weapons not being enough to eliminate all of human civilisation. I never really thought about that.
(Though it doesn't take wipin out ALL human beings just to fuck up the world. If America and the USSR were gone for example, it'd be a totally different world.)
Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-17-2009 at 05:56 PM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Yes maybe a world without war, or maybe a world of slavery. Whose to tell what will happen if the two country's were to be destroyed?If America and the USSR were gone for example, it'd be a totally different world.
My things:
Weren't you the one complaining about people starting to get off-topic in the thread about Cyber Sex. Look who's talking.
You have to consider that the end of man does not equal the end of the world. If anything, the world would benifit from the loss of the overconsuming, destructive creatures we call humans.
But to know that the amount of nuclear weapons is not as 'bad', is somewhat of a comforting thought. Although the fact that weapons like that still exist is both ridiculous and scary.
Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-17-2009 at 06:07 PM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
If America and the USSR were gone for example, it'd be a totally different world.)I sincerely hope that NEITHER of these countries get destroyed, since I HAPPEN to live in one of the two. I'll let you guys figure out which one.Whose to tell what will happen if the two country's were to be destroyed?
War/violence is in human nature. It totally sucks, but that's the way it is.Yes maybe a world without war, or maybe a world of slavery
Sorry to go off topic. Carry on my wayward son.
Edit: my apologies VMM. I read it wrong. Oops...
Last edited by Dodie16; 09-17-2009 at 06:31 PM. Reason: I need to comprehend what I read.
Click at your own risk.:
Dodie, I never said that it would be without slavery or that either of them country's started it, I actually said that it might be a world of slavery with out the country's.
Also I did mean for these just to be concepts of what could happen in the future, not the hard truth.
My things:
1. Since when has the bible been right about.... anything? Or, in fact, truthful?
2. In 1995 some retarded religion thought the world was going to end. I'm going to assume, since it's 2009, it didn't happen.
3. Nostradamus previously predicted the world's end in July 1999. Never happened.
4. Someone bent Nostradamus' prediction into Y2K. Someone explain to me how
changing into
makes all the computers in the world go kaboom. (That's 1999 and 2000 represented in binary, since, apparantly, all those 0s on 2000 was gonna make computers crash)
For some people this is all there is, worrying that the world is going to end soon. Get a life. :\
I don't believe it, but seeing as that's the year I'm graduating, our class t-shirts are going to have an exploding planet on the front. =D It'll be funny to the people who do believe it'll happen. Just wait, they'll buy one and freak out over it, saying things like, "My shirt predicts it, so it'll happen!"
Ah, pointless post, but just thought I'd share that.
Actually Nostradamus predicts that the world will end on December 21 2012. But I don't really believe in all that. Just like they said that if you decipher the pages in the book Moby **** you can predict events such as 9/11 and the fall of Suddam. The aztecs also predicted the world ending on december 21 2012. But like I said I don't beleive in all of that nonesense. If anything the world might end as in change the way it is now. I don't believe that human life will just end one day just like that.
I just want to meet a Mayan on the 1st January 2013.
Anyhoo. As a Christian I do believe in the end of the world and the final judgement. However, I've no reason to believe it will be in 2012. Then again, that's when the Olympics is coming to the UK. With the massive increase in tourists in my already overcrowded and rather arrogant country, something is bound to kick off which at least causes the end of the UK.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
I was waiting for Y2K as a kid thinking it was stupid. Not to be mistaken for Y2J, he's just silly.
I'm still here so I don't find a reason to listen to people warning about the end. Especially since they foresaw the end of the world allegedly but didn't see their own cultures end. I find that to be flimsy. But hey if I'm wrong dead is dead so nobody could have "Told me so!"
No he doesn't. Show me a paragraph written by Nostradamus that involves the date of december 21, the year 2012, and the words the end of the world.
If it doesn't happen in 2012, or rather whén, they'll try to find a new date to get paranoid about.
I think some people just need crazy shit like that to give their lifes some meaning.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
You know, somebody once asked me one of those 'if .... then what would you ...' questions regarding this kind of thing.
"If the world was going to end tomorrow, and you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?" She asked.
"The moon" I replied.
Let's not worry about the end of the world. If you're really concerned, pursue a career in NASA.
Last edited by Neo Necron; 09-18-2009 at 05:06 AM.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
Many peopLe says it too.. aLso.. we aLready feeL the sign of destruction, Like.. the gLobaL warming, the damage in our Ozone Layer which protects us from the heat of the sun is aLready weak, the economic crisis in most countries, the war and much much more.. aLso.. in some part of the bibLe in Genesis, I think.. some kind of a chaos wiLL be happen in the future and the Earth wiLL be gone, and onLy good peopLe without the mark of 666 on their forehead wiLL be abLe to go to heaven with God.. honestLy, I haven't finished reading the bibLe and I've never come so far to read that part.. in my side, no.. I don't beLieve that we'LL end/die on 2012 or something Like that.. Or I must say.. I hope it won't happen..
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
december 2012 is the end of the mayan calender and it was predicted that if the crystal skulls are not returned to there rightful place then eaerth will perish...honestly I think its a bunch of crap and the so called meteor ties in to all of this...Hell I could be wrong though
who voted yes? i dont beleive that it will. im just saying it might. but i doubt it cause just wat they said about Y2K and its just not enough to trust the. and i thought it was the Aztec calender that was done?
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
In the year 2012, an Olympic sprinter will break the land speed record and run so fast that it rips a hole in the time-space continuum and will cause the end of the universe.
Sounds like a load of rubbish? That explains my point nicely. I have read about the 2012 disaster, although if you take a time to think about it, how many end of the worlds have we lived through already? I recall hearing several during my short 20 years on this plannet. Just because this is scientific does not mean that it is going to happen, although I cannot say that for certain. If there is a meteor, it will create a large radius of damage, but to completely eradicate humanity it has to be pretty hefty!
Either way we really shouldn't worry about whether or not its coming, and just carry on living. The media is constantly fearmongering to take our minds off the political crap thats going on.