View Poll Results: What do you think of emos?

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  • I don't like them one bit

    19 33.93%
  • I like them fine, stop hating on emos

    10 17.86%
  • I couldn't care less, the trend will go away

    27 48.21%
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  1. #1


    Oooh, another fun thread. What do you think of emos? I don't like them. But it's not their silly tight pants or vision-impairing hairstyles or uninspired music that bothers me. Nay, what bothers me is their values, I suppose you could say. All of a sudden it's cool to be depressed, write bad poetry and be a drama queen. In general, they seem to be attention-whore crybabies who blow everything out of proportion.

    Highschool crush doesn't like you because your tight pants have crushed your manhood? Cut and whine about it to your equally emo friends! Mommy didn't give you an advance on your allowance so you could buy the new My Chemical Romance CD? Write fake suicide notes and tell everyone your life is terrible.

    It's an entire subculture of being self-centered. Nobody's life or family is worse than yours, even if you have a plush, suburban life with parents who provide for you. It's common to see black kids at your school or workplace who work their ass off to be better off than their single parent on welfare or to help out the financial situation at home. Do you never see them writing bad poetry about it and cutting? No.

    A very bad side effect emo culture has is the general mindset people gain about cutters and depressed people. Alot of people cut because they have serious problems at home, or are depressed because of issues at home or school or simply cannot help it because of chemical imbalances in the brain. Thanks to emos cutting and going all mopey and "depressed" over the most trivial reasons, truly depressed people and cutters are thrown into the category of emo and aren't taken seriously. As a side note, I'll admit it's hard to not automatically categorize someone like that as emo, but there's usually a good way of telling who's emo and who isn't: emos go around showing off their cuts and talking about how crappy things are, the truly depressed or cutters don't.

    Another thing that annoys me about emo is that it's suddenly trendy to be bi. I myself am bisexual, and I think emos fail to realize what being bisexual entails and what that word means. It doesn't mean I R KISSING ANDROGYNOUS BOY I CAN PRETEND IS GRL, it means you would gladly do MUCH more with someone of the same sex.

    So anyway, I'm done, I'll probably think of more later. Added a nifty poll for you guys.
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  2. #2
    Registered User Emos Dimi's Avatar
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    I have to agree with you, people who actually are depressed and do cut and have issues are considered "emo" sadly. Honestly, I think the trend will fade away and something else will be in. That's how society and high school works pretty much. Why a guy would want to wear tight pants I don't get? My package needs breathing dammit!!!!

    Seriously though, I know some emos that are cool. There's several of them that are not like your typical emos but the rest of them at my school are straight up pussies. Why would someone enjoy being depressed? Seriously, it sucks being depressed all the time. But the thing that pissed me off is how some people cry and bitch over spilled milk or some shit and go cut themselves over something stupid. On top of that, some cut in places and show them off like some ****ing artwork or something. I just don't get the whole emo crap nor will I ever will.
    Last edited by Dimi; 11-19-2007 at 09:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Cilla vs. Games Emos Priscilla's Avatar
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    There is not a lot of emos at my school. But there is enough for them to form their own group. That said I go to an all girls school and there are more bisexuals then straight girls. Now, I don't believe these girls are all acutally bisexual but they like the attention which is really wrong because it makes the people who are acutally bisexual look the same. Which isn't fair. Either way most of my grade have gone out with each other at some stage.

    My first day of school I saw people making out behind the lockers. But apparently it was a rare thing to see then. It's common now..

    I do like a lot of emo music though. But I am in no way emo. I have a lot of emo friends and as long as they don't act depressed and tell me how bad their life is. I'm fine with it. If they acutally do have real problems however i'm more then happy to listen.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
    I have to agree with you, people who actually are depressed and do cut and have issues are considered "emo" sadly. Honestly, I think the trend will fade away and something else will be in. That's how society and high school works pretty much. Why a guy would want to wear tight pants I don't get? My package needs breathing dammit!!!!
    Exactly. And there's a biological reason why the scrotum exists and keeps the testicles away from the body.

    Seriously though, I know some emos that are cool. There's several of them that are not like your typical emos but the rest of them at my school are straight up pussies. Why would someone enjoy being depressed? Seriously, it sucks being depressed all the time.
    They're probably not true emos then, and just like the fashion xD As for why they enjoy being depressed, as I said, they are attention whores and drama queens. They WANT the attention, they are SELFISH and like to wallow in self-pity because it focuses on themselves and prevents them from having to look at others' problems. It's simply a way to shield themselves from the real world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla View Post
    There is not a lot of emos at my school. But there is enough for them to form their own group. That said I go to an all girls school and there are more bisexuals then straight girls. Now, I don't believe these girls are all acutally bisexual but they like the attention which is really wrong because it makes the people who are acutally bisexual look the same. Which isn't fair. Either way most of my grade have gone out with each other at some stage.
    Totally shoulda mentioned that. Emo gives bisexuality a bad name too, just like it does real cutters or people with clinical depression.
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  5. #5
    Emos Calcifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VengefulRonin View Post
    Oooh, another fun thread. What do you think of emos? I don't like them. But it's not their silly tight pants or vision-impairing hairstyles or uninspired music that bothers me. Nay, what bothers me is their values, I suppose you could say. All of a sudden it's cool to be depressed, write bad poetry and be a drama queen. In general, they seem to be attention-whore crybabies who blow everything out of proportion.

    Highschool crush doesn't like you because your tight pants have crushed your manhood? Cut and whine about it to your equally emo friends! Mommy didn't give you an advance on your allowance so you could buy the new My Chemical Romance CD? Write fake suicide notes and tell everyone your life is terrible.

    It's an entire subculture of being self-centered. Nobody's life or family is worse than yours, even if you have a plush, suburban life with parents who provide for you. It's common to see black kids at your school or workplace who work their ass off to be better off than their single parent on welfare or to help out the financial situation at home. Do you never see them writing bad poetry about it and cutting? No.

    A very bad side effect emo culture has is the general mindset people gain about cutters and depressed people. Alot of people cut because they have serious problems at home, or are depressed because of issues at home or school or simply cannot help it because of chemical imbalances in the brain. Thanks to emos cutting and going all mopey and "depressed" over the most trivial reasons, truly depressed people and cutters are thrown into the category of emo and aren't taken seriously. As a side note, I'll admit it's hard to not automatically categorize someone like that as emo, but there's usually a good way of telling who's emo and who isn't: emos go around showing off their cuts and talking about how crappy things are, the truly depressed or cutters don't.

    Another thing that annoys me about emo is that it's suddenly trendy to be bi. I myself am bisexual, and I think emos fail to realize what being bisexual entails and what that word means. It doesn't mean I R KISSING ANDROGYNOUS BOY I CAN PRETEND IS GRL, it means you would gladly do MUCH more with someone of the same sex.

    So anyway, I'm done, I'll probably think of more later. Added a nifty poll for you guys.
    I couldn't agree with you less. Thanks for the entertaining and surprisingly accurately post. I personally can't stand them. Their are real people who need help.. these other sad people who make and turn everything into problems just for attention need to get over themselves and grow up.

  6. #6
    Sir Prize Emos Sinister's Avatar
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    "Emos are people too" That's my catchphrase for my unsuccessful campaign.

    I suppose as a Goth, I have cause to point at Emos more than anyone and bellow defiantly: "WHINY LITTLE COPYCAT BITCHES, I'LL SKULL**** YOU ON GENERAL PRINCIPLE!!!"

    But I don't. Many of my friends are self-confessed emos. The truth is, they can be whiny, they can be too full of self-loathing and if they stayed that way all their years on earth someone should prolly just shoot them. But it is a phase, they eventually make a recovery if they live long enough.

    The whole "Bi" Emo thing doesn't really bother me all that much I guess. Part of the subculture. To be honest, Goths do that to a point too, I've noticed(having been hit on by too many guys whilst clubbing).

    The only thing...and I really mean only(cause on all other levels I couldn't care less) that makes me get nauseated at Emos, are how much people get them confused with goths. Cause Goths can tell the difference even if you can't. It's a mindset people. Not that many goths show up in ugly plaid weepy-eyed crying into their own beers, sticking themselves with safety pins and then snogging with eachother in the's just a different subculture.

    They listen to Coheed and Cambria we listen to Skinny Puppy. There's a marked difference.

    That aside... Emos just are a fact of life. Some of them can turn out to be handy friends. Some wind up bitter weepy assholes.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    I suppose as a Goth, I have cause to point at Emos more than anyone and bellow defiantly: "WHINY LITTLE COPYCAT BITCHES, I'LL SKULL**** YOU ON GENERAL PRINCIPLE!!!"
    Damn you. I was drinking tea and that actually made me lawl. Not a good time to be lawling.

    Many of my friends are self-confessed emos. The truth is, they can be whiny, they can be too full of self-loathing and if they stayed that way all their years on earth someone should prolly just shoot them. But it is a phase, they eventually make a recovery if they live long enough.
    I know a guy here in town (keep in mind, I live in Tennessee), he's 24, probably the perfect example of an emo. He doesn't dress it, doesn't listen to emo music, he used to play alot of American football and he's a gamer too...but my god he's pathetic, he's never grown out of the phase. He constantly complains and feels sorry for himself because his relationships with girls never work out. He freaking fell in love with a 17 year old chick in Minnesota a few months ago, for crying out loud. He acts like failed relationships are the entirety of his life and as such, it's been a terrible life made of fail for him. I finally stopped talking to him because I got tired of hearing his whining.

    That is what pisses me off about emos. As the saying goes, they make mountains out of molehills. There are people out there worse off than you who don't complain half as much, so get a grip on life. Relationships aren't everything, mommy and daddy not letting you go somewhere isn't everything.

    The only thing...and I really mean only(cause on all other levels I couldn't care less) that makes me get nauseated at Emos, are how much people get them confused with goths. Cause Goths can tell the difference even if you can't. It's a mindset people. Not that many goths show up in ugly plaid weepy-eyed crying into their own beers, sticking themselves with safety pins and then snogging with eachother in the's just a different subculture.
    I have noticed there is alot of ignorance on that front. Some people think emos are a subdivision of goths, others think they're simply the depressed version of goths. Honestly, I always thought goths were WAY more level-headed people than emos (except those poser mall goths). There's a "friend" I have, he's an uber fundamental Christian and a preacher boy (I keep him around for teh lulz basically), on several occasions he's asked me what "goth" is...and like you said, it's a mindset, so I've never really been able to give him a good definition. Sadly, my inability to define it has led him to think that simply wearing a black t-shirt and black khakis makes him goth...

    They listen to Coheed and Cambria we listen to Skinny Puppy. There's a marked difference.
    j00 MEEN gOthS dnt liStin 2 cRaDle ov FiLtH and sLiPkNoT?! Haha, oddly enough I just watched that Skinny Puppy vid in your siggy, pretty freaky video. I actually might keep that video so I can use it for lulz on that preacher boy I know, thank god for 4chan making me immune to everything.
    Last edited by VengefulRonin; 11-20-2007 at 01:10 AM.
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  8. #8
    Sir Prize Emos Sinister's Avatar
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    I know a guy here in town (keep in mind, I live in Tennessee), he's 24, probably the perfect example of an emo. He doesn't dress it, doesn't listen to emo music, he used to play alot of American football and he's a gamer too...but my god he's pathetic, he's never grown out of the phase. He constantly complains and feels sorry for himself because his relationships with girls never work out. He freaking fell in love with a 17 year old chick in Minnesota a few months ago, for crying out loud. He acts like failed relationships are the entirety of his life and as such, it's been a terrible life made of fail for him. I finally stopped talking to him because I got tired of hearing his whining.

    That is what pisses me off about emos. As the saying goes, they make mountains out of molehills. There are people out there worse off than you who don't complain half as much, so get a grip on life. Relationships aren't everything, mommy and daddy not letting you go somewhere isn't everything.
    That's kind of sad and frightening about that guy. But that's more like the evolutionary stage of an emo, or better yet, someone who is too concerned with problems. There are results from philosophies. That's one of the many outcomes of a self-loathing mindset. A more unfortunate example. But to be emo, one would have to have the hair...listen to the music..I.E. all that makes an emo an emo.

    The mountain out of molehill is just a way of dealing with things. Some people express frustration by focusing it in, some by focusing it out and others just decide not to deal with it and just bear it.

    I have noticed there is alot of ignorance on that front. Some people think emos are a subdivision of goths, others think they're simply the depressed version of goths. Honestly, I always thought goths were WAY more level-headed people than emos (except those poser mall goths). There's a "friend" I have, he's an uber fundamental Christian and a preacher boy (I keep him around for teh lulz basically), on several occasions he's asked me what "goth" is...and like you said, it's a mindset, so I've never really been able to give him a good definition. Sadly, my inability to define it has led him to think that simply wearing a black t-shirt and black khakis makes him goth...
    I hate it. Seriously. Goths are some of the most emotionally stable(just not generally mentally stable) people in the cosmos. You are talking about people who wish the Night of the Living Dead would happen and work out escape scenarios versus people who let their emotions master them. Goths tend to let their emotions wash over them, it may leave them a little bleached-out feeling.

    As for the poser syndrome. Pathetic in a very endearing way. My motto, bring a poser to a club. That usually sorts them.

    j00 MEEN gOthS dnt liStin 2 cRaDle ov FiLtH and sLiPkNoT?!
    Omg, I laughed and woke my roomie. You strike back.

    Haha, oddly enough I just watched that Skinny Puppy vid in your siggy, pretty freaky video. I actually might keep that video so I can use it for lulz on that preacher boy I know, thank god for 4chan making me immune to everything.
    Yea, good video that. They played it at a club and I found the vid. It could put a poser in his/her place, I imagine.

    But in all seriousness, labels aren't people and vice versa. All the goths and all the emos aren't set aside from each other by iron rules. And sometimes the lines are blurry. Some people might be able to get away with both classifications and in the end probably none of it really matters... BUT...There are fundamental differences in what is generally held to be the defining differences and as long as the world views the word Emo as synonymous with weepy big-haired self-mutilating plaid-wearers(whether true or not) I must protest that an Emo is NOT a Goth.
    Last edited by Sinister; 11-20-2007 at 01:51 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  9. #9
    Arachnie Suicide Emos ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Okay.. Personally, I hate the word Emo. An 80's music genre gone horribly wrong and blown out of proportion, I think.

    And while we're on that.. Mistaken music taste. Fall Out Boy is not emo. It is generic Pop-punk. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It is simply not emo. Same situation with My Chemical Romance, The Hot Lies and Good Charlotte. Not emo.

    The fashion taste... I don't have any quarrels with that whatsoever. The tight jeans, the hair, the makeup, the piercings... It's just a fashion sence. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. I quite like the look of it on some people, actually. Can look great when done right. Plus, eyeliner and skinny jeans look good on pretty much everybody >.>

    Okay.. The self-mutilation. This I have huge issues with. I find that it's simply a massive mockery of those that do cut or have cut themselves. The fake depression, along with that. The 'emos' that sit and cut in public, claiming it's because their life sucks.. Look, some people do that legitimately. But most of the 'emo's don't. And it annoys me that they're trying to imitate and making a mockery of something that they haven't felt.

    Also, the bisexuality.. It's destroyed the rights of people that actually are bisexual without trying to seek attention. I am bisexual myself, and it pisses me off that any time I even imply a slight attraction to the same sex I'm passed off as an 'emo attention seeker', because of these people creating that image. I've been bisexual all my life and yet I wasn't branded an attention seeker until the whole 'emo' revolution in the past couple of years. Coincidence? I think not.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I made a 'my chemical romance' of delight in my pants when I read through all this.

    Yeah, we have the trendy sorts here, who're still fairly cool and don't really act all hardcore emo, they just dress like it. And then those other kinds...
    But quite frankly, the ones who slit themselves up and stuff I don't mind so much. Because they have the balls to do it. The ones I REALLY dislike, are the posers who act like they either have or will slit their wrists but never would, the ones who brag about their emo ways but have no hope of delivering... Phonies...
    Oh and those other twats with awesome family, good friends and some sweet dinero to go around, who still insist on being depressed all the time. Their lives ain't so bad...

    To conclude, let's just post all those ones to some third world country in exchange for people who'd appreciate the kind of lifestyle we are privileged to have here. It'll mean... LESS DEPRESSION FOR ALL!
    victoria aut mors

  11. #11
    Emos Jin's Avatar
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    I utterly despise these topics. Leave these damn kids alone. Jesus tap dancing Christ, the only thing more trendy than being emo is making fun of emo kids. Relax about it. Doesn't anyone find the constant whining "I hate emos" to be utterly hypocritical? You're whining that people whine. Sub cultures will do what sub cultures do; you can dislike it, fine, but for God's sake, people go out of their way to pick on and or actually physically abuse emo kids. This is supposed to make them less depressed?

    On a aesthetic note, emo kids are pretty.

    Until now!

  12. #12
    Permanently banned Emos darkViVi's Avatar
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    This is supposed to make them less depressed?
    Who the **** cares? Let them go home and cut themselves, maybe if we're lucky they'll get an infection and die. In pain, I'd like that.

    This is not a culture, even though some may call it one. They are all self obsessed brats that needs to learn how to deal with life. So grow the hell up, kidz.

  13. #13
    Emos Ayse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    I utterly despise these topics. Leave these damn kids alone. Jesus tap dancing Christ, the only thing more trendy than being emo is making fun of emo kids. Relax about it. Doesn't anyone find the constant whining "I hate emos" to be utterly hypocritical? You're whining that people whine. Sub cultures will do what sub cultures do; you can dislike it, fine, but for God's sake, people go out of their way to pick on and or actually physically abuse emo kids. This is supposed to make them less depressed?

    On a aesthetic note, emo kids are pretty.

    Thank bloody god someone said it for me.

    But I do have to admit I don't think skinny jeans look good on ANYONE, doesn't matter what gender or "social category" you're from.

    When you're gone, how can I even try to go on
    When you're gone, though I try how can I carry on

  14. #14
    Imperius Rex Emos Storm's Avatar
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    I have no problem with emos. As far as I see it they don't do anything wrong to me or anybody I know and do not prowl the streets mugging people so I don't really see what the hatred against them is. I have a couple of friends who are emos and they're nice people, friendly and really genuine even if they are having a bit of a hard time. I see these people as genuine emos, not the stereotypical "i cut myself and am forever moping" types. To be honest i've seen very few of the latter type, although that may because UK emos are different from US emos, afterall it is an adopted cult. The few who do the whole emo thing for attention and because its fashionable, then I think that is stupid, but if people genrally feel unhappy about situations, I see it no different than freedom of expression. Just as goths and punks are the way they are. Even if it is just for the fashion, theres a lot of other music-related fashions so I dont see why emos are mocked so much. I don't see their fashion as an eyesore, although I really don't like emo music. The faux-bisexuality? To be honest I've never really noticed, though I do see it very perculiar to pretend to have sexual preferences that yo udon't naturally have. I can't see myself snogging someone of the same sex to look "cool", but then again people do weird stuff to fit in! I'm proud to be me whether people like me or not! I actually see that being yourself seems to be becoming a rare thing, that or many people are really arrogant.

    Overall though, I dont see emos as a problem at all. Chavs on the other hand (emos enemy here in the UK, for those who are unfamiliar with the term they are wannabee gangster yuppies who commit stupid crimes are noisy and mouth off at anything that moves) I see as a group who desrve to be disliked.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  15. #15
    Guest's teenagers following a new fashion trend. Big whoop.

    They leave me be, I leave them be. End of.

  16. #16
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    These kinds of topics annoy me.

    But for the sake of opinion, I dislike the trend. The music is a load of shit, in my opinion. The fashion trend is HORRIBLE...

    Thankfully, it'll disappear eventually. People grow up, they get over it, newer generations begin with the same trend, but the trends do go away... Some just take longer than others to disappear.

    I did know an emo girl in college. She wore sensible, non-emo clothes, but she enjoyed the music, and she wore a lot of eyeliner and had dark hair with a few light streaks in it. She was honest and was open about being in the emo trend, so I respected her for it.

    Her taste in men, though! My God... Nathan and I laughed at her for eyeing this bloke in skinny jeans up. She wasn't insulted, though.

    I dislike all trends. I know a lot of gothic people, but I generally don't spend a lot of time with them. I prefer the witty, undefined type of people.

    HOWEVER. This isn't to say I don't talk to allsorts. I do, I just tend to get along better with people like myself.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium View Post
    Okay.. Personally, I hate the word Emo. An 80's music genre gone horribly wrong and blown out of proportion, I think.

    And while we're on that.. Mistaken music taste. Fall Out Boy is not emo. It is generic Pop-punk. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It is simply not emo. Same situation with My Chemical Romance, The Hot Lies and Good Charlotte. Not emo.
    Mistaken music taste stems from fusing genres and idiot stores like FYE classifying Fort Minor as "nu-metal" when they are clearly hip hop. I did think MCR was emo though, but that's simply because they dress the style and seem to be emos' favoritest band EVAR. Good Charlotte emo? No, pop-punk. What I find really stupid is the people calling Linkin Park emo now. To me, emo music would be pity me music that focuses on how some girl left you and you can't get over her.

    The fashion taste... I don't have any quarrels with that whatsoever. The tight jeans, the hair, the makeup, the piercings... It's just a fashion sence. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. I quite like the look of it on some people, actually. Can look great when done right. Plus, eyeliner and skinny jeans look good on pretty much everybody >.>
    I find the fashion rather silly, but it's not as godawful as 80's fashion, so I really don't care.

    Okay.. The self-mutilation. This I have huge issues with. I find that it's simply a massive mockery of those that do cut or have cut themselves. The fake depression, along with that. The 'emos' that sit and cut in public, claiming it's because their life sucks.. Look, some people do that legitimately. But most of the 'emo's don't. And it annoys me that they're trying to imitate and making a mockery of something that they haven't felt.
    They sport their cuts like trophies, it's rather sickening. They cut in the bathrooms at school, they post a bajillion pictures of their cuts on's like wtf do you want from me? You want me to say you're a badass for having a high pain tolerance? You want me to pity you because your middle-class life is just soooo hard and emotionally distressing that you have to cut yourself? No. Most ridiculous trend ever. And again I shall say, real cutters with real problems generally try to hide their cuts.

    Also, the bisexuality.. It's destroyed the rights of people that actually are bisexual without trying to seek attention. I am bisexual myself, and it pisses me off that any time I even imply a slight attraction to the same sex I'm passed off as an 'emo attention seeker', because of these people creating that image. I've been bisexual all my life and yet I wasn't branded an attention seeker until the whole 'emo' revolution in the past couple of years. Coincidence? I think not.
    Same. I generally don't like to admit it except to close friends for fear of being mistaken for an emo.

    Quote Originally Posted by celtic_silver View Post
    To conclude, let's just post all those ones to some third world country in exchange for people who'd appreciate the kind of lifestyle we are privileged to have here. It'll mean... LESS DEPRESSION FOR ALL!
    A toast to a brilliant idea!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raikkonen View Post
    Who the **** cares? Let them go home and cut themselves, maybe if we're lucky they'll get an infection and die. In pain, I'd like that.
    I like you xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post
    Overall though, I dont see emos as a problem at all. Chavs on the other hand (emos enemy here in the UK, for those who are unfamiliar with the term they are wannabee gangster yuppies who commit stupid crimes are noisy and mouth off at anything that moves) I see as a group who desrve to be disliked.
    THANK YOU! Finally someone who explains wtf a chav is! They sound like wiggers >_<
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  18. #18
    Ahhh, this is a horrible topic, but I;m so used to being called an Emo, it used to be really constant, but now-days has settled down, I used to and still do mope around, it takes alot to make me smile, and even when i do smile I go back to frowning few seconds later. I've also tried this cutting really don't see how it works, but you must keep in mind people have different ways to cope with shit and stress. I think they can do whatever the hell they want, they can cut, but they can only blame themselves if they fall seriously ill,
    but there we go, everyone has their own opinion
    but dont get me started on those damn pants.... eyak

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
    Yeah, actually, because you can't be emo. Emo's a genre of music, not an actual group of people like goths, punkers, or rockers. Course that would be a bit contradicting to assume, it's mostly just a ridiculous trend. Every generation of popular music creates these trends and in a few years these trend-whores will eventually become forgotten [one could only hope].
    Well as I'm sure you know, words in the English language change, so now "emo" is an all-encompassing term for depressing pop rock and angsty teenagers. And like you said, original emo music wasn't near as shite as today's, either.

    Out of all the trends I've seen though, none has irritated me more than the "supposed emo" kid. The self-depressed teenager with an anime fetish and an ignorant view of the world.

    What more has honestly pissed me off is the ****ing followers of role-players who have spread throughout places like gaiaonline and even here at TFF. I hate their l33t speak, piss-poor role-playing, giggly goody-two-shoe act, and adding of the Japanese language to their post ["omgoogles its itachi-chan!"]. Oh and did I mention the extreme fanboy/girl-ism? A perfect example would be that yaoi club here at TFF though not all of its members fit this description. If anything it's mostly the large portion of retards in this bunch that have degraded role-playing to what it is today or at least contribute it to it. I can't go to any site without finding these kids repeating the same damn thing over and over; anime role-plays and similar mindsets.
    lmao, you really don't like otakus and wapanese do you? But then again, neither do I. Anime does seem to have permeated the emo trend, probably in thanks to Hot Topic. One thing that really pisses me off is when kids will try very poorly to dress in a J-rock dress style, but it just comes off as really messed up emo because they buy everything at Hot Topic and it's a mish-mash of ugly clothes. Or they'll try to pull off a J-rock haircut and then people just think they're scene or emo, even though J-rockers have been doing haircuts like those for WAY longer. I predict J-rock is going to be the next trend, all the otakus are bringing alot of it to the forefront and it will only spread (or maybe it won't spread, but there are so many otakus out there it doesn't matter).

    As for the real-life version of these kids, I hope they become shamed for what they did when they grow up and realize how stupid they looked and acted. I know I will when years ago in middle-school I had a similar haircut though it was actually based on a lead singer's style before the emo genre actually became popular. Honestly it's basically just the backwards version of the mullet [short front, long back--long front, short back]. Kind of ironic isn't it?
    You know I never thought of that, but you're right, it is definitely a backwards mullet. Awesome, now I have a new term to call it ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    but dont get me started on those damn pants.... eyak
    So then you actually have the sense to not castrate yourself with your pants xD
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  20. #20
    Arachnie Suicide Emos ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VengefulRonin View Post
    So then you actually have the sense to not castrate yourself with your pants xD
    There was a newspaper article in either the QLD or Sydney [we get both] newspaper written by a doctor that was actually warning teenage boys against wearing the super tight skinny jeans because they may suffocate and overheat their balls, marginally reducing chances of fertility. Oh noes.

    But really.. The fashion of it all.. I've nothing against it. It's not my thing at all, really. Doesn't suit my personality in any way at all, and the attitude of a lot of them annoys the **** out of me, but I'm fine with leaving them well alone.
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 10-26-2009 at 02:17 AM.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium
    Although there was a newspaper article in either the QLD or Sydney [we get both] newspaper written by a doctor that was actually warning teenage boys against wearing the super tight skinny jeans because they may suffocate and overheat their balls, marginally reducing chances of fertility. Oh noes.
    HAH! I love it! That was pretty good stuff.

    Personally, I couldn't care less about emo people unless they are the posers. The pants annoy me slightly because somehow, the boys at my school can still get those tight little things to sag....that kind of crap annoys me to no end be cause if the pants are tight enough for me to see the shape of your "wee" wee, I shouldn't still be able to see your purple Barney underwear! ><

    The music and other clothes and make-up are just a stupid trend that other kids picked up. Yay for trends. I like the hair though. Some guys look hot with shag cuts.

    As for the depression thing...real depressed folks make me worried. Emo kids make me want to slap them (which I do sometimes ). I guess that just comes with the fun little trend and style.

    I don't hate real emos, just the fakers that do it because they saw some nice posters of some generic band with the same fashion. Guys in the right clothes=good looking though.

  22. #22
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Emo girls are sometimes hot, the problem is you can't really tell if they have a penis or a vagina.

    The whole bisexual thing annoys me to no end, the whole "lesbians are f*cking hot" is grossly over exaggerated. Most girls who claim to be bi are lets just say the bottom of the barrel hence taking such measures in the first place. No guys want them so they'll go to girls etc...

    Everybodies depressed these days and its annoying, nobody takes me seriously and think its self-loathing, attention whoring. I'm not going to make a plea for people to recognize I am ****ed up but I think most of these emo kids are screwing things up for those people who are serious by making it look like a joke.

  23. #23
    Arachnie Suicide Emos ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Harmonise - Haha. I love the skinny jeans, I find they tend to suit people alot. That's just me, though. Admittedly I barely ever wear them becaucse.. That's simply just not my style. But yeah, they look good.

    Sinister - Thank you! Emo is NOT goth. At all. Ever. Period. >.>. I don't tend to classify myself as much as other people classify me, but I would certainly consider myself more Goth than emo and I'm sick of people getting it the other way around. IMO, they are two of the most distanced things around.. Of course, you do get some people that cross the line a bit and are 'both', but yeah.. Completely different.

    Celtic - To me, the posers that cut and the posers that don't cut are the same thing.. It's all attention seeking, a mockery of the people that do/have cut but NOT to fit in with the emo genre. I self-harmed for years and although I've stopped now it's something I hid for a long time and am still ashamed of... It sickens me to see people showing off their wounds this way.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  24. #24
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium
    Celtic - To me, the posers that cut and the posers that don't cut are the same thing.. It's all attention seeking, a mockery of the people that do/have cut but NOT to fit in with the emo genre. I self-harmed for years and although I've stopped now it's something I hid for a long time and am still ashamed of... It sickens me to see people showing off their wounds this way.
    They're not the same to me though...
    I just have absolutely no respect for those who go making claims and not being able to back them up...
    Like this guy bragging about how tough he was, yet he didn't wanna play 'A punch for a punch' let alone a real fight... Even though I just wanted a fun sparring session...

    I think that these emos who cut for attention are also stupid for doing it, but I have genuine respect for their ability to back their claims...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    Winter, I don't care what your problems are. And I didn't assume; I said that it sounds like you're attention seeking. You aren't proving me wrong by giving me an example as to why you are legitimately depressed. My point is that everyone thinks their problems are more important than others. That's normal.
    Winter specifically stated in his example that he wasn't one of those types who need an 'emotional dumpster'. And as he does have a lot of problems to deal with, and no outlet like an emotional dumpster, it does show that emos could deal with things a lot better...

    Hell even I got the occasional drama like the rent or something coming up when I've been broke and in debt, but would I ever cut my wrists or wear pants which would kill every hope I could ever have of having kids? **** no...

    Much respect from me to Raikkonen and Winter in this one methinks...

    But yeah, the main reason I dislike most emos is the depression they seem to emit...
    I don't wanna be unhappy just because they are. I don't want to see some scarred wrists around every park and community centre...
    I don't mind a couple of emo songs, and sometimes a few of the haircuts suit people, but yeah...
    Emo culture ain't exactly my favourite thing...
    victoria aut mors

  25. #25
    Emos Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raikkonen
    Who the **** cares? Let them go home and cut themselves, maybe if we're lucky they'll get an infection and die. In pain, I'd like that.
    I'm not suggesting you care. I'm suggesting you not be a twat and find something better to do than rip on kids that already have low self esteems. It's like a teenager picking on a 5 year old. Grow up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    The whole bisexual thing annoys me to no end, the whole "lesbians are f*cking hot" is grossly over exaggerated. Most girls who claim to be bi are lets just say the bottom of the barrel hence taking such measures in the first place. No guys want them so they'll go to girls etc...
    That is the most ignorant comment I've heard from you in a while.

    Everybodies depressed these days and its annoying, nobody takes me seriously and think its self-loathing, attention whoring. I'm not going to make a plea for people to recognize I am ****ed up but I think most of these emo kids are screwing things up for those people who are serious by making it look like a joke.
    Every emo kid and the majority of teenagers/young adults think they're messed up. Sorry, but the fact that it bothers you that people ignore your supposed depression does indeed sound like attention seeking.

    Until now!

  26. #26
    Permanently banned Emos darkViVi's Avatar
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    I'm not suggesting you care. I'm suggesting you not be a twat and find something better to do than rip on kids that already have low self esteems. It's like a teenager picking on a 5 year old. Grow up.
    **** no.

    I'm gonna keep on doing it until they either kill themselves or realize how retarded they are. I am doing it becasue they are weak, and that's another thing they need to realize. If they keep it up they will end up dead or like pathetic junkies simply becasue they can't deal with reality.

    Life is not easy but being all emo about everything wont make it easier.

    'nuff said.

  27. #27
    Emos Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raikkonen View Post
    **** no.

    I'm gonna keep on doing it until they either kill themselves or realize how retarded they are. I am doing it becasue they are weak, and that's another thing they need to realize. If they keep it up they will end up dead or like pathetic junkies simply becasue they can't deal with reality.

    Life is not easy but being all emo about everything wont make it easier.

    'nuff said.
    Who are you? Ayn Rand? Are you trying to seem selfless or hardcore? Either way you sound ridiculous. Teenagers of every generation can't deal with reality. They all eventually learn or fail. It doesn't matter if they're emo or someone that will be complaining about them on an internet forum when they're 26. They don't need your help. Or scorn. Whatever you're trying to do.

    Winter, I don't care what your problems are. And I didn't assume; I said that it sounds like you're attention seeking. You aren't proving me wrong by giving me an example as to why you are legitimately depressed. My point is that everyone thinks their problems are more important than others. That's normal.
    Last edited by Jin; 11-20-2007 at 10:07 PM.

    Until now!

  28. #28
    This thread has a lot of stupidity flying around. What is emo? Really? Because a lot of what has been said in here is stupid.

    Its nothing real. Its a fashion trend in the 2000's, and a genre of music from long ago. Why is anyone acting differently towards it?

    Being a teenager in modern society is awkward. Most of us are still in that phase. We all pick different social groups, even if we can't admit it.

    Raikkonen, you are old enough to know its just a trend. You should be saying this, not me or anyone else.

  29. #29
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    That is the most excellent comment I've heard from you in a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    Every emo kid and the majority of teenagers/young adults think they're messed up. Sorry, but the fact that it bothers you that people ignore your supposed depression does indeed sound like attention seeking.
    Now this is clearly an ignorant assumption; there problems are stuff EVERYBODY has to deal with. Ask anybody who has talked to me; do I make a huge whine about it?

    Here's something you may not understand, ever hear of an emotional dumpster? I always end up being one, people are upset and they come to me with their problems and I tell them I understand and try to help. But do I have my own Emotional Dumpster? No, everytime I bring it up they either completely ignore me or think I'm over exaggerating! Does this make it worse? No I deal with it, I learned that nobody cares when I talk like that and it just makes me look worse. From what I gather you assume that only emo's and teenagers are allowed to be depressed and have problems; like they've got everything wrong with them. I know what their problems are like, typical boring teenage drama everybody deals with. And no: I don't ****ing hate them for it: but don't you ****ing tell me because I have shit I have to deal with and expect a little understanding that I am a stupid ****ing attention whore. Let me tell you, I went through all the same shit; I had no friends, Im ugly as hell and everybody thinks I'm a psychopath, I had a messed up childhood which I won't go into details with and I can assure you that the majority of these kids have nothing on me. If you seriously think I am being an attention whore then you are the most clueless person I have ever met.

    I'm not whining about their problems, I am pretty much telling them to cheer the **** up and enjoy shit. There are always people out there who a worse than you, I used to speak to a guy who from what he tells me is worse off than me. Whether this is true or not I don't know, but he's made an effort to do his best. The whole "Emo Scene" just represents on a large scale of just how screwed up society as a whole is, on an individual scale it's probably just something to do with the fact its all these kids know but if that is true somebody needs to change it and stop the idea of "Depression is cool" to stop plaguing society.

  30. #30
    I know full well the trend will die out but that doesn't stop me disliking emo's. I think living with a bunch of emo kids and university last year didn't really help and that across the road from where I live is the bige emo club in the city...I ain't too keen on the music either, never mind the fashion and ideals that go with it.

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