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Thread: Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...?

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Violet's Avatar
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    Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...?

    Swim wear for the warm seasons! It's so hard to find one that you can actually feel satisfied with, unless you shop at the small stores that line the coast. The only time I ever get a swim suit is when I need one, and it's not at a specific store, but anyone I happen to run into at the time.

    Anyways, what do your swimsuits look like? How often do you buy a new one? Are you more for the earth colors, the wild crazy colors, or plain? Post whatever you feel like discussing pertaining to swim suits.

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Ann, your butt is amazing regardless of swimwear!

    I tend to wear boardshorts and a rashshirt. Otherwise I get burnt to a crisp. Pale European skin + hot sun = very bad combination. That said, I tend to buy my swimwear from department stores. Easiest for me.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Uh... I'm not that flashy when it comes to swimwear. I but from department stores, too. But most of the time, when I go swimming, I only wear any pair of shorts I can find. Though some shorts can make me itch at certain areas... xD

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  4. #4
    If there was an award for tricking people to click on a thread, you would run unopposed.

    My swimsuit consists of my old high school gym shorts. I have like ten of them, and I wear them around town when I am not doing anything important, so if the ocean strikes me, I just make the journey.

  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Meh... can't remember the last time I picked up any swimwear. A good few years... And about a year since I've even gone swimming! XD

    Erm... Personally, I like plain colours. There is just something about too many colors that annoy me. *shrugs*

    I have a grey one, two black ones, and a black bikini that I've never worn, and don't think I'll ever. Not a... beach person like that.

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  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    If there was an award for tricking people to click on a thread, you would run unopposed.
    True story.

    I'm more of a board shorts kind of guy. Run past the knee, all that good stuff. Nice and comfortable. Generally solid colors or plaid, though I think I've got a blue pair somewhere with those giant flowers and such.

    As for how often I buy a pair... well, whenever I need some, really. I've got like six pair, which is plenty. I bought a new pair of shorts the other week because I was at a party and four of us failed to realize there was a pool there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  7. #7
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I try to find really comfy swimming shorts, nothing to tight, but nothing to loose either, ( Don't want my shorts to fall off...XD) I do feel a bit self-conscious when wear something uncomfortable to me, especially if I'm on the beach and all those hunky....*cough* But yeah I don't think a thong nor a Speedo is the best thing for me XD. Btw Ann, the name of the title would probarly make anyone click on it to see something completely different then a explanation XD.
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    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  8. #8
    Mine covers more than others since I don't feel that comfortable with my appearance, but it's still a bikini. I don't swim much so I only have one swimsuit, the one I bought last summer. I love it though. It's a bold red with crocheted flowers. It's cute :3 Typically speaking though I like the generally plain ones.

    I probably should get a new one though. My boobs grow like every goddamn year. If I don't tie this one tight enough it becomes like a Yoko top -_-

  9. #9
    Bananarama Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa View Post
    I probably should get a new one though. My boobs grow like every goddamn year. If I don't tie this one tight enough it becomes like a Yoko top -_-
    My name is Pete, and I approve the above statement.

    Let's see. I've got my standard swim trunks. They're brown with a tan and baby blue stripe along the side of the leg. I'm pretty sure you'll see em if you walk into any Target.

    My other pair is black board shorts with giant gray flowers. I don't wear that one much anymore because it's a little big and the drawstring sucks. I've had a few close calls while body surfing to know to retire this one for now. I'm looking to pick up another pair, but beach season's almost done, so I may as well wait for a sale.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  10. #10
    For some reason, I was expecting this kind of topic when I clicked on the thread.

    Anyways, I hate swimsuit shopping. The only reason I go to get new ones is because my old ones always get too small. It's kind of hard finding swimwear I like, so if I ever come across any plain one-pieces that fit, I buy two. Then I wear board shorts over them since I'm uncomfortable without that much on. My board shorts are plain too.

  11. #11
    Registered User Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? winterborn86's Avatar
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    I dont have swimwear cos i hate swimming, but if im going to the beach for the day out i will go in the sea but i will only go in if im in shorts and tee-shirt, i feel very uncomfortable in swimsuits and bikinis, I have tried them and i can pull them off alright and i love the way i look in them, but cos they swimsuits are tight i feel like im exposed in public and as for bikinis well as i might aswell just go out wearing my bra and underwear cos thats what i feel like im doing lol

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  12. #12
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Lithium's Avatar
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    For me . . . I choose just a regular black undershirt and black shorts that are the kind that hug my legs, but not too tight.
    I don't like to expose my body to the sun, because it burns like hell, not as in sun burns, the sun just burns my skin on contact. (And no it has nothing to do with the fact my clothing is black) =__=
    As for the shorts, I cannot stand baggy ones, tis why I wear the tightish ones, but they don't squeeze my, um, area. -Cough-
    Although I will probably just hide under the umbrella the whole time we go swimming or something.
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  13. #13
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Boards shorts rock the boat! :::humps::, seriously though that is my preference when swimming. I usually try to get a new pair yearly, as of right now I have 2 pairs. One is my old dye paintball shorts they are black with with a blueish blue stripe down the sides and the words "dye" really big down the sides. The second pair is a walmart special, they are white with grey and blah mixed into them (pretty simplistic). I personally do not like tight fittiing clothes out side of t-shirts, hence why I like board shorts.
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  14. #14
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa View Post
    I probably should get a new one though. My boobs grow like every goddamn year. If I don't tie this one tight enough it becomes like a Yoko top -_-
    Hi Tiff. =D

    So uhh... I was totally expecting to see ass. I am dissapointed.

    On topic: I own like 3-4 pairs of swim shorts that I bought over the course of my last 3 vacations to the Lake of the Ozarks, and they're actually the only shorts I own, so I tend to wear them as every day shorts. =D I worked my last 3 days in June before the restaurant closed in swim shorts and a tshirt, the owner wasn't happy, but hey, he put me out of a job, so f*** him.

    They're generally generic Hawaiian looking ones with flowers and not so homosexual colors like blue and green, adn really annoying leg ties.

  15. #15
    Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    ...Where's the butts?!!
    I only have 2 swim shorts and I really like them, I bought them last summer.

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  16. #16
    Gingersnap Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    For a long time, I have been uncomfortable in a swim suit. I often wear board shorts (blue ones) over my bikini so I don't have to suffer through worrying if my ass jiggles when I walk. However, I really love being in the water, so I do what I must. It is my ongoing resolution to feel confidant showing off my thighs.

    Anyway. A few of the older members here might actually remember a swimsuit I once had. It was a bright orange bikini. Since then, I have had a brown one, a cream colored one with violet flowers, a light blue one, and my most recent, a turquoise tankini. We were in a Polo outlet and I didn't want to show off my stomach during that week at the beach. At least, I didn't want to worry about it. Nowadays, I pair my light blue top with my turquoise bottom. My light blue bottom disappeared.

    I usually go for cool colors or neutral ones. And I buy a new one when the old one doesn't cut it anymore. Swimsuit shopping isn't super fun, so I try to buy a good one when I can so I don't have to come back often.

    And that's about it.

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  17. #17
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Squall View Post
    ...Where's the butts?!!
    I only have 2 swim shorts and I really like them, I bought them last summer.
    FINALLY A PERSON WITH COMMON SENSE. I came to this thread to see bikinis. I have not seen one. You all make Polk cry. And I cry tears of devastation.

    I like board shorts. I have a pair that's black with flames, a pair of green with flowers, and a pair that advertises Pantera. Yeah. I'm cool. I should also mention I do have a speedo that I like to whip out on special occasions, and yell "Look at me! I'm European!"

    QUICK EDIT: I actually do have a speedo. It's green.
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    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  18. #18
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I have two good swimming trunks that I wear, one is like all orange and black (school colors!!!) with sweet looking tropical flowers, and another one thats like a red and yellow with kinda the same thing. Both of them also happen to be tommy hilfiger brand trunks. I like their swimming trunks that they make, so everytime I need some new trunks, I get their brand. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry though, I'll just grab my jogging shorts out of the trunk of my car if theres like an impromptu swimming party or something. I'm not too stylish on my swimwear, overall though.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  19. #19
    Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    FINALLY A PERSON WITH COMMON SENSE. I came to this thread to see bikinis. I have not seen one. You all make Polk cry. And I cry tears of devastation.
    Yea, when I saw no asses I thought "Man, this is not a funny joke!!", they can't mess with ppl minds just to come and see there thread!!

    QUICK EDIT: I actually do have a speedo. It's green.
    I have a black speedo but, when me and my friends went to the beach 3 of us were wearing black speedos so ppl thought we are some kind of gays...That was freakin embarrassing!
    I hate speedo!

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  20. #20
    I have currently 2 trunks. The one I did have I've had since I was literally 12. It was my dads and he left it here when he moved. Oddly enough it's loose on me now and feels weird to have on. It's navy blue with some faded design in the background. I pretty much have retired it since when I went tubing this summer I was on and felt them slipping off so my ass was kinda half exposed while trying to hang on without fallings in the water or going shortless. The other I have is some modern white and blue set. It is white with blue flowers designed into it, plus they're longer which I like it's just at the knees, not like my others which were right above and feel slightly short shortish...

  21. #21
    Cilla vs. Games Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I have a few different swimsuits. I always wear board shorts with them though because well otherwise I won't feel good and people who see me won't feel good either.

    At the moment I have a red string billabong bikini that has white polka dots and is cute. But I really wanted it in black. The top has kind of faded so I really am due for a new one.

    Generally I also wear a top at the beach because I am pale and sunburn is not fun.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla
    Generally I also wear a top at the beach because I am pale and sunburn is not fun.
    And this is why one must apply sunblock at least every two hours or after being the water or sweating. Remember to use SPF 30 at least, but I'm not sure if any higher would do any good.

  23. #23
    Arachnie Suicide Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    "Zomg too skimpy" has never been an issue for me. My body's not perfect, far from it. But it's average, and I know if I go to the beach there's going to be both better and worse looking people than me, so I could care less. If I'm just in the pool at home.. Well, it's my family at most and if they care they can cover their eyes.

    Most of my swimsuits are pretty plain. And none are expensive, as my boobs seem to constantly grow out of them >.<. Which means they're generally fully adjustable too, with halterneck/back ties, otherwise I have to get a new one every season, and if I can't afford that and wear the old ones I run the risk of popping out. Not great.

    I think my only patterned one at the moment is relatively plain anyway. The bottoms are plain black, the top is a string-halterneck [I think?] with red and white stripes. Have a plain black one somewhere, too.
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  24. #24
    That One Guy Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? dimmufan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    If there was an award for tricking people to click on a thread, you would run unopposed.
    Agreed. I clicked because I was hoping to see............

    Anyways, I don't go swimming much. In fact, I still own the same pair of swim trunks that I've worn since high school. I do plan on getting a new pair one of these days when I'm not so busy. I'll probably go to a department store like Sears or Mervyns.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan View Post
    Agreed. I clicked because I was hoping to see............
    Haha. I just clicked AGAIN. There should be warning given out, all around.

    I have been swimming naked exclusively. There has been no one at the beach because of Tropical Storm Fay, and the tourists won't be back for a while. In a few months, no one will go due to the weather and I will be in heaven.

  26. #26
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Hmm, swimsuits? I never go to the beach. Too manystones, too many really annoying people laying there, or running after their screaming kids who are whinging about the sun.

    I like looking at beaches... But I can't swim. I tried for years to learn, but I literally just couldn't get the hang of it. Not that people really swim in the sea often over here, since there's always condoms and dead seagulls in the brown-green water.

    Okay, a slight exaggeration, I like the beach, sure. But in the country? Not really. It looks like a green pond with mould growing off it with bits of poo floating around in it. I'd like to go to Turkey.

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  27. #27
    Permanently banned Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? darkViVi's Avatar
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    I came to this thread in hope of finding pics.. Boy was I disappointed

    Chez precious, wont you be a doll and post some? You know.. just to make a Norwegian feel a little better?

  28. #28
    Does My Butt Look Too Big In This Thong...? Vincent_Valentine91's Avatar
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    love plain black with white trim and no shirt and rarely ever get one cvause i rarely leave my final fantasy games lol
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  29. #29
    Hahaha I buy a new swiim suiit whenever I see One ii liike I prefer biikiinis fO' shO.!*!! haha but yeah I have abOut 13 riight nOw haha I Once went tO thiis triip wiith my schOol, gOd! The same swiim suiit was sO bOriing, sO bOught anOther twO. I'm a cOmpulsiive buyer I admiit it, but I lOve shOppiing. And all my swiim suiits lOok hOt.
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  30. #30
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    I haven't bought swimmers/trunks in ages. I just wear shorts.

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