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Thread: Do you Vape?

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Do you Vape? Rowan's Avatar
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    Do you Vape?

    After reading something nix posted, I wanted to know if other people vaped. For those that dont know, Vaping is the act of inhaling heated water, Vegetable Glycerin and/or Propylene Glycol. This creates a flavoursome vapor which is inhaled much like a cigerette through many various vaping devices. Since its creation, Vaping has not yet proved to be harmful and there are also scientific studies which show that it could never be. Vaping is often used as a way to quit smoking, and in my case, a way to replicate the experience for those that are health concious and perhaps like to use it when their friends go out and have actual smokes. For me, I really enjoy the abundant amount of flavours available and the fact that I can even use it in the house, since it causes no lingering odour. Do any of you Vape? Are you interested in vaping? Is it the lamest thing you have ever heard of? Discuss.

  2. #2
    It's kind of like using a bong. Nah, I don't do that. Bong is cool, it's aromatic and pretty pleasant, but whatever. Mary Jane joints are better, hehe.

  3. #3
    This ain't no place for no hero Do you Vape? Tiffany's Avatar
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    I do.

    I quit smoking 10 years ago, and due to some stressful situations last year I started up again. Stupid, really. I could kick myself for doing it! My hubby HATES smoking with a passion, so I tried other means to quit that I used before (the patch) but it didn't work as well this time. My sister in law's boyfriend has vaped for years and kept urging me to try it, he let me try his but at that point he was into mech mods (not sure what the term is) but he did the build your own type and burns his very hot so I hacked up a lung. Figured it wasn't for me.

    Then around this new years my hubby was increasingly adamant that I quit. I bought an Eg0-c starter kit that came with the two batteries, clearomizors (sp?) and a charger. It was awesome for the first little bit but unfortunately the charger I had was a dud. We have this flea market where I bought my stuff that's only open on weekends, and it was NYE and I was panicking and ended up buying a pack.

    It was weird though, I smoked a regular cigarette and I was quite turned off by the taste/smell of it.... I had only been vaping for a day or two by that point. I had gone almost 3 weeks off and on with using the patch and still went back to smoking. I contacted my SIL's boyfriend and he lent me a spare charger and another uh.. not sure what to call it... e cig? Anyways it was some sort of EVOD or whatever. Saved my bacon, really. I ended up finishing the pack of smokes I bought as I didn't want to "waste" them. Yeah, I know, lame ha ha.

    So once finishing those I haven't gone back to traditional cigarettes since! SIL's boyfriend gave me a great site where you can order stuff for super cheap so I just upgraded my Eg0-C to an Eg0-c twist. I like being able to have more power while I'm vaping.

    I started out on a crappy tobacco flavour, but I find I like strong (and I mean STRONG) menthol as my juice of choice. Which is weird as I dislike mint taste in the first place and I never smoked menthol cigarettes. SIL's boyfriend gave me a few of the juices he didn't use anymore, one of them was called "winter chill". I avoided it at first as I don't like mint, ran out of other stuff so went with that and figured out I love it. I've been using "50% Chance of Death by Menthol" as my all day vape, but I ran out of that and need to get more so vaping a chocolate mint in the meantime. The Chocolate Mint sucks though as it really bungs up the clearomizer. Cartomizer? Still new and learning the terms ha ha.

    But that being said, I'm over a month traditional smoke free and loving it! I too like how I can vape indoors and with our Polar Vortex BS its been nice to not go outside. My hubby is ADAMANTLY against cigarettes (as I've mentioned) and has no problem with me vaping in the house.

  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD Do you Vape? Alpha's Avatar
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    The word "vape" is so weird.

    But surely if you use it around your friends who are smoking actual cigarettes, you'd still be getting quite a bit of second-hand smoke?

  5. #5
    This ain't no place for no hero Do you Vape? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    The word "vape" is so weird.

    But surely if you use it around your friends who are smoking actual cigarettes, you'd still be getting quite a bit of second-hand smoke?
    No different really than if you didn't smoke to begin with. I don't go outside with my friends who smoke actual cigarettes as I can't stand the smell anymore. Its weird as I used to smell one while trying to quit using the patch but I still desperately wanted one. With vaping I don't and its awesome.

    I agree though, the word "vape" is so weird. Its a joke between a few of my friends and I, because it sounds so silly.

  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    vape dat hash oil
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  7. #7
    Vaping, sounds like something for vamps.

    Yeah, it might help to quit smoking so it's not that bad.


    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    vape dat hash oil
    Puff it like Gandalf.

  8. #8
    Remember, its not smoke, its vapor

    What a vaporizer does it heats the substance and extracts all the goodness from in the form of vapor which you then slowly inhale into your lungs (you just need to find the right temp, depending on what you're extracting, THC = 392° approx).

    There is no smoke as there is no combustion, all the badness from cigarettes/weed etc is all from the point of combustion, which is around 500°F.

    Infact if you have ever taken a hit from a bong and that immediate reaction you have to the hit, is your bodies reaction to the smoke, not the weed. So when you see people taking a hit off a bong and instantly saying "thats good shit" what they are really referring to is the non-cannabinoids, the bad shit. The reaction they're feeling is the reaction to the smoke, not the weed, The weed high doesnt set in for a bit..

    THC has a boiling point of approx 392°F, so its best to vaporise around this temperature.

    There are two ways vaporisers can heat the active ingredients, conduction (ingredients heated up on a heated surface much like a frying pan) or convection (which is the heating of the substance with hot air)

    When i first started getting into vaporising i purchased the easy to use and highly stealthy, magic flight launch box


    Very simple to use, its heated with an AA battery, you just press it in and it heats the chamber and the vapor can be extracted through the glass stem. This never gave off or left much of an odor, it doesnt have any temperatures you can set, the heat is controlled by how long you hold the battery in, excellent little device and so simply designed.

    Then i went and splashed out on the new Davinci Ascent


    You can preset the temperature and it will cook at that exact temperature, I vary between 380°-410°, still trying to find which works best, apparently different temps will vape different things so you can get different highs.

    Theres alot to vaping and I've only scratched the surface, when i find my own place ill pick up non mobile vape like the volcano or whatever is good at the time

  9. #9
    This ain't no place for no hero Do you Vape? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Do you use tobacco flavoured nicotine liquid Nix? Or flavoured kinds? I'm hit and miss with the flavoured, I thought I would like them but I really don't. :S Weird how that happens!

  10. #10
    Nah I dont bother with tobacco, gave it up, never vaporised it.

    Does it taste good? much different to smoking? or is it like the E-cigs?

    I just vaporise marijuana, that tastes amazing

  11. #11
    This ain't no place for no hero Do you Vape? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Ooooh no, I don't vape the ganja lol.

    I never tried the regular e cigs that you can buy in convenience stores, the ones that don't have nicotine in them. Although reading that your post makes A LOT more sense to me.

    It is but it isn't different to smoking. Ha ha, what a cop out response eh? Its the same as in you have the hand to mouth action plus exhaling but it doesn't taste the same. My SIL vapes her weed though, does it when she needs to be indoors as it doesn't leave a smell etc. She quite likes it!

    I didn't realize this was potentially about weed ha ha ha. I saw with the propolene/vegetable glycol that this was the e cigs version LOL!

  12. #12
    Heh, No Rowan was aiming to cover all aspects of vaping with this thread I'm sure, MJ is just the flavour I like

  13. #13
    Vaping is so steam punk. Still, it can't beat weed or some good hash oil.

  14. #14
    Sir Prize Do you Vape? Sinister's Avatar
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    I still have my churchwarden pipe and my meersham. Just ran some Enzo's Mixture through it. Wasn't sure what that was until I smoked it a few times. It's apparently Burly and some sweet Virginian with a little touch of perrique. It's not too bad. It's a small matter...but why couldn't it be Ezio's mixture?

    I did have a vapor cig. Tasted like shit and if it wasn't running out of fluid it was running out of battery.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you Vape? Clint's Avatar
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    Even if you're using an E-Cigarette, it's still harmful. It's not as harmful as an actual cigarette, but they usually still contain nicotine, which can be harmful. It blocks insulin production in the pancreas.

    Also, marijuana causes cancer. Just thought I'd throw that out there so you people don't kill yourselves when you're 50.

  16. #16
    Boxer of the Galaxy Do you Vape? Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
    Even if you're using an E-Cigarette, it's still harmful. It's not as harmful as an actual cigarette, but they usually still contain nicotine, which can be harmful. It blocks insulin production in the pancreas.

    Also, marijuana causes cancer. Just thought I'd throw that out there so you people don't kill yourselves when you're 50.

    I use liquid that contains no nicotine.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post

    Also, marijuana causes cancer. Just thought I'd throw that out there
    How bout you throw out a credible source to your bullshit too?

  18. #18
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you Vape? Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    How bout you throw out a credible source to your bullshit too?
    I don't need a source. Despite the obvious benefits of THC, which you can get from smoking marijuana, there is an increased respiratory burden of carbon monoxide and tar than if you smoked an equal number of standard tobacco cigarettes. Which essentially means that marijuana is more carcinogenic than cigarettes.

    Therefore, I reiterate, marijuana causes cancer. Just thought I'd throw that out there so you don't kill yourself when you're 50. Get your THC a way that isn't retarded.

    Though, considering that people will refuse to stop smoking marijuana, even though they've been warned time and time again, brings about another interesting topic; marijuana is highly addictive.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
    Get your THC a way that isn't retarded.
    What thread are you in? Exactly, Shut up

    weed causes cancer or smoking causes cancer?


  20. #20
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you Vape? Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    weed causes cancer or smoking causes cancer?

    Unless if you ingest it, or liquefy it and inject it directly into your body, what you're doing is inhaling it, which will cause cancer.

    Also, if you want to understand what I'm talking about, all you have to do is read. It's not a hard thing to do.

  21. #21
    Yeah but everything you said, all the bad shit like carbon monoxide and tar comes from smoking, not vaping, there is no smoke/combustion when you're vaping, unless you heat at crazy high temps maybe

  22. #22
    Bananarama Do you Vape? Pete's Avatar
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    Stoners are the most bizarre people, I swear. They can be the ****ing smartest most inventive people, when it comes do something as dumb as smoking weed.

    Not gonna lie, I don't see the point in getting high, but I can appreciate the cleverness of being able to turn anything into a bong.
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  23. #23
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you Vape? Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Yeah but everything you said, all the bad shit like carbon monoxide and tar comes from smoking, not vaping, there is no smoke/combustion when you're vaping, unless you heat at crazy high temps maybe
    That's probably why my initial comment wasn't directed towards you.

  24. #24
    Fuck sake Eastwood, sort your shit out ya crazy old man

  25. #25
    Gingersnap Do you Vape? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Haha the point in getting high is the same as the point in getting drunk. It's fun sometimes. It's not a good idea to do it before work, or before operating heavy machinery, but it can be fun to loosen up a bit (something this thread might consider doing lol).

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  26. #26
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I've never thought to myself "Tonight, I feel like smoking, or vaping, or getting high, drunk or wasted!" To me, it just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun. I mean, I'd probably try weed if it was ever made legal over here, and I'd definitely try me some brownies, but I've never turned to stuff like this to mellow out and shit. =s

    Vaping though... My manager wants to take us out to a sheesha joint at some point. I'll go and give it a try, but it doesn't appeal to me all that much.

    Some people at work have those e-cig things. No offence, but I think they just look so unprofessional if they use them about the shop floor, in front of customers and such. I know it's not really smoking, but it takes a while to get used to seeing smokey looking vapor every few minutes everywhere. >>;

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  27. #27
    Queen Do you Vape? Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Do any of you Vape? Are you interested in vaping? Is it the lamest thing you have ever heard of? Discuss.
    I hate smoking, I do not vape nor do i have any interest in vaping god I dont even drink. Im not a girl whose ever been interested or caught up in such activities. I dont even know half the terms people have used above me in this thread hash oil, mary jane joints etc dw i dont care. But it does seem like a great alternative to smoking esp for those who are tryng to kick the habit altogether.

  28. #28
    Chief Inspiring Officer Do you Vape? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Nope, you know, it's just safe to say I've never done anything even remotely iffy.

    I've attempted some steam therapy with eucalyptus oil... BOOM! No more congestion!
    Call me boring, but yeah, Video games and anime are probably the most addictive things I'll ever be into.
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  29. #29
    Boxer of the Galaxy Do you Vape? Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    The word "vape" is so weird.

    But surely if you use it around your friends who are smoking actual cigarettes, you'd still be getting quite a bit of second-hand smoke?
    As health concious as I am, I dont consider second hand smoke to be anymore harmful than any other pollution that may be lingering the air we breath everyday. There is a substantial difference between inhalation from a ciggerette and that of remnants left from the exhalation of another person. This is the conclusion I've come to since my friends smoke in the garage where we often play Magic,Dota, Poker etc and short of wearing breathing apparatus, I just have to deal with it.

    I hardly vape anymore, it was a passing thing, I think. I just couldnt be bothered refilling the liquid when it ran out, couldnt be bothered cleaning the e-cig, couldnt be bothered recharging it etc. I guess you could say, I'm just not steampunk enough. I think its a great idea though and I've pushed it on a few of my friends who are heavy smokers. All that ended up happening though was that they would smoke normally as they did, and then use the ecig in their rooms in addition to their regular habits. I even gave away my own e-cigs (I had multiple) to friends that I thought might kick the habit if they had an e-cig of their own. At least I tried.

  30. #30
    This ain't no place for no hero Do you Vape? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I've never thought to myself "Tonight, I feel like smoking, or vaping, or getting high, drunk or wasted!" To me, it just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun. I mean, I'd probably try weed if it was ever made legal over here, and I'd definitely try me some brownies, but I've never turned to stuff like this to mellow out and shit. =s

    Vaping though... My manager wants to take us out to a sheesha joint at some point. I'll go and give it a try, but it doesn't appeal to me all that much.

    Some people at work have those e-cig things. No offence, but I think they just look so unprofessional if they use them about the shop floor, in front of customers and such. I know it's not really smoking, but it takes a while to get used to seeing smokey looking vapor every few minutes everywhere. >>;
    That's crazy! They vape on the shop floor? I treat vaping like I did smoking, if I can't smoke a regular cigarette somewhere then I won't vape there either. I dunno, just seems common courtesy. The exception being in my own home, but I cleared it with my hubby first before I did. Its not smoke of course, but what you exhale can have a cloying scent to it. I don't know many people here that do it, but its torn between the middle of what/where you can do it.

    My SIL's boyfriend is adamant you can do it anywhere as you're only exhaling water vapour. He'll vape in restaurants, movie theaters, etc. He's not in your face about it, but will do it. My other friend has kind of the same mentality about it that I do. If he can't smoke a traditional cigarette there, then he won't vape either.

    I'd be pretty ticked if someone in front of me started vaping at the movie theater. Depending on what you're using, there's huuuuge plums of vapour that you can exhale. It can be very distracting.

    Rowan - That's great that you did that! I got my order in from that website but unfortunately one battery was a dud. The customer service is great though so they're sending me a replacement. I've already talked to a friend who's interested in trying it out and will take my original starter kit once I get my 2nd battery replacement.

    My husband and I were talking about it last night actually. He was doing some research and there's not enough long-term evidence to show just how either harmless or if something else will pop up. :/ Its not my goal to do vaping long term. I started out at 18mg nicotine, have now worked my way down to 12mg. I'll do 6mg next, then down to 0mg. Once I'm down to 0mg then I'll tackle the habit of the actual vaping.

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