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Thread: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I just found out and it's awesome.
    The dark is heavy on my eyes, but it is a refreshing difference from the light layout.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?


    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  3. #3
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    Do you find it better on your eyes or you don't think about it?

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  4. #4
    The Bad Boy of TFF Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I think Che made it this way when he was using my computer to post a long time ago and I just never changed it back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  5. #5
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    I think Che made it this way when he was using my computer to post a long time ago and I just never changed it back.
    Oh you know Che personally?
    That's cool.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  6. #6
    The Bad Boy of TFF Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Oh you know Che personally?
    That's cool.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I use the FFVIII Theme. Looks so badass. All dark colors too.
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  8. #8
    Gingersnap Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Take it to VM, guys. Back on the topic of... layouts. Please.

    I used to use light. Now I use dark. Because, yes, it is easier on the eyes. And I am often up late.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I use the dark because it helps with my glaucoma. That, and the mermaid kush too .

    Want to save your eyes?! Try switching to dark. Once you go black, you never go back.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  10. #10
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I found that I have to switch which my exhaustion levels.
    Daytime calls for light while night calls for dark, which kinda makes sense.
    Are there only 2 layouts?

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  11. #11

    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I use Dark. It just suits me better, plus it's easier on my eyes.
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  12. #12
    The Bad Boy of TFF Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I just popped over to dark and I had no idea how much bigger it was. o.O

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  13. #13
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    I just popped over to dark and I had no idea how much bigger it was. o.O
    Holy crap, it is bigger. (that's what she said)

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Dark layout, it's easier on my eyes which is helpful since my eyes are already ****ed up as it is. I did try the light layout once, switched back soon after that, my eyes were killing me.

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  15. #15
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Dark. It's much more easier on the eyes at 2am in the morning when all you have is a desk lamp on.

    The big light gives me away, and then I get told to go to bed. ._.

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  16. #16
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Currently use light, since I didn't even bother changing it ever since I registered. But I might change to dark since some of you are, apparently, night owls. I'll try it out.
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  17. #17

    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I didn't even know there was a Dark until now.
    Thanks guys lol.

  18. #18
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I use, and have always used, the light layout.

    I tried the dark one, but I'm not really feeling it.
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  19. #19
    HRH Albha Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I used light for a long time, probably about one or two years, and then along came a thread pretty similar to this where people posted that the much better on the eyes.

    It's not that I'm always browsing TFF at night time or anything, but I live in Scotland and the Sun makes around two or three appearances each month.

    But then at night time:
    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    The big light gives me away, and then I get told to go to bed. ._.
    Pretty much that ^

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  20. #20
    Lord Deity of Harmony Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Dark, All the time, Easier for the eyes as everyone express it, And it just goes better, The light... IT BURNNNNZZZ
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  21. #21
    Magically Delicous Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I use both equally, as I am always testing something or another and have to do so on all the layouts. I don't really prefer one over the other. If anything, I'm tired of looking at both of them. While we are on the subject of layouts, the future of both are still in the air. The color schemes will most likely survive in some fashion, but the graphics and overall look-and-feel will eventually change.

  22. #22
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Although I must say, dates and times are easier to see on the Dark layout.
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
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  23. #23
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I used to use TFF Blue when it existed. I don't know if it still does. At some point, I switched to dark. I don't know if I could stand using light; it's too bright.

    ....*goes to see if TFF Blue is still in existence, knowing it probably isnt'*

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  24. #24

    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    I used to religiously use TFF Dark but it's not the default anymore and I'm far to lazy to change it, so I just keep it on Light unless it's nighttime and I've been playing too many video games.

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  25. #25
    Crash Boom Bang Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Light, mostly because one day it was dark, then it randomly changed itself and I was too lazy to change it back. Though, it is nice to be able to read posts without adjusting my position. im sat pretty low from my monitor, which is knackered and propped up against the wall, so its at a dodgy angle making dark things hard to see

  26. #26
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Do you use the dark layout or the light layout? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you use the dark layout or the light layout?

    Wait, other than the quick style, is there another way to change it?

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