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Thread: Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects?

  1. #31
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clint Eastwood View Post
    They say, "I'm sorry I was small. Please forgive me." And I respond, "No."
    Did you just turn into Rorschach?

    As for the question at hand, I don't feel guilty. Generally, if I kill a bug, it's because the thing was bothering me. I don't generally go out of my way to kill bugs. If I'm driving down the road, and see a bug on the other side of the street, I'm not going to swerve just so I can run it over. I'm just a nice guy like that.
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  2. #32
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    I watched ER one time,and a bug went in the girl's ear and they had to like stick something in her ear to get it out

    I don't think that's the actual reason you would kill bugs though. Or you're a pretty impressionable person.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  3. #33
    Bananarama Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? Pete's Avatar
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    Well, my dad kills bugs and other pests for a living, so I've pretty much developed the mentality that bugs are meant to stay outside of houses. Outside of my house, I don't really care what bugs do. However, once they come inside, they're fair game. The only thing I won't kill are Praying Mantis', because apparently it's illegal or a bad omen or something. I'm not 100% sure, but my mom always says not to, so I don't.

    Other than that, I don't really feel bad when any pest gets killed. I take the "serves 'em right" mentality
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #34
    Crash Boom Bang Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I killed a spider in tissue once, it was a bit of a fat one and I didn't mean to squish it, I just meant to grab it so I could throw it out. And I felt it's body pop in the tissue, even the memory of it makes me heave -_-

    I do for the most part try to NOT kill them, although, I assume that when i flush them down the toilet/plug hole they are going to die anyway...haha but I always feel bad when I squish them. I'd probably cry if I killed any thing other than a spider, I feel horrendously guilty when I accidentally kill something

    Apart from that fly that was buzzing around my head for about an hour and I almost broke my hand squashing it against the wall because I hit the dado rail by accident D:

    Karma I guess..... ]:

    Oh, killing ants doesnt bother me, them swines get everywhere, I pour bleach on them

  5. #35
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    I watched ER one time,and a bug went in the girl's ear and they had to like stick something in her ear to get it out,and I am absolutely scared that will happen to me.
    No way, you're same as my sister, she's afraid of the same thing. When she sleeps she even cover herself with a blanket over the head just for protection.

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  6. #36
    the mysterious Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? gothdra's Avatar
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    I can easely kill flies and wasps, but I cant kill spiders.
    I love spiders. they are one of my favorite creatures when I find one, I catch them and let them outside. I even give them names. recently I found a small black spider. I called it Ebony

    I may sound crazy but If I killed a spider I would feel so bad for it
    Last edited by gothdra; 09-06-2009 at 04:41 PM.
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  7. #37
    Normally, I feel a bit bad. Only a bit. ^^" When I kill a fly I normally don't have any problems. I don't have any problems killing spiders, either. But... ah well, I don't do it that often, I have to admit. .-."
    When a fly's in my room and annoys me, I sometimes kill it. But not that often. I have no problem with insects. When a bug is in my room, I raise an eyebrow and look at it passing by. xD" When I have a few (many <<") insects in my room, I tend to kill them all, because that's getting on my nerves. When a spider has build its web near my bed, I kill it. I've no problem with insects in my room - but not in my bed. xD" Not around my bed. xD"

    I've never really killed a "bigger" animal, but I think I'd have more regrets killing a big animal, rather than a tiny insects. (There are thousands of them, so I can't really care, although it sounds horrible xD")

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  8. #38
    Gingersnap Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Mosquitos and roaches feel my wrath. I'm not trying to get my blood sucked or wake up with that roach mother****er in my ear laying eggs that I have to get surgically removed (seriously).

    But other than that, I pretty much let them be. And while a spider isn't actually an insect, it can still be a part of this discussion. A brown recluse (they're all over the place down here) will get stomped. A poisonous spider doesn't need to be in my house. But there's a little harmless brown wood spider (a little bigger than a quarter, I guess) on the ceiling right now (we have high ceilings in this room). He's been there for three days, slowly moving across the room. I guess I'm sort of facing the little fear I have of spiders by letting him do his thing. The first night I spotted him, I told him that if he didn't freak me out or drop on my head or turn out to be a girl and lay eggs and shit, we were cool.

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  9. #39
    Registered User Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? smithhanson's Avatar
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    It kinda depends on the bug. I know that they're basically just creepy little robots and don't really have feelings, but sometimes I admit I do feel a little guilty.

  10. #40
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Do You Feel Bad When You Kill Insects? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I don't really Feel all that bad about killing Insects or Arachnids(Spiders & Scorpions)
    I do not know exactly why, I just don't. They are annoying, and they can attack you. That might be the reason why I don't care if I kill them or not. Oh Well. Thats just my Opinion. Anyway, Happy Posting

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  11. #41
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I try not to kill anything if at all possible but if I feel it necessary I will. Spiders are generally safe from me; I even have one living in my room at the moment. I don't really care what it does as long as it's not crawling on me. I'm not afraid of them at all, I just don't care for having things on me. Usually if one becomes a problem I'll just catch it and put it outside. Spiders eat the more annoying crawly things so I leave them be as much as possible.

    Mosquitoes I kill on sight. Not only do their bites itch like hell but in this area they carry some pretty nasty stuff, West Nile mainly.

    Ants I kill inside the house. Outside the house they're fine.

    Most everything else, live and let live.

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  12. #42
    I hate insects, but this is mainly out of fear.

    I only bother killing them if they're on me or near me and I'm inside my house (Mostly ants and spiders, because they're all over the place). I don't see the point of caring if they're not doing anything to me, because that's just mean. When the bug is bigger than the size of a penny, I can't kill it myself because I'm afraid and I feel like something that size wouldn't die with just the usual hurried swat of my flip-flop. I'd probably just smash part of one if I tried, and the rest would still be twitching, which would make me feel like a bully and even more scared.

    Like that freaking praying mantis that somehow managed to get into my house today. >.> I didn't know what to do with it so I stood there and fussed while armed with a broom that never even touched the monster. My carpool driver had to come and handle the situation for me when she realized I wouldn't leave the house until the green monster was gone. I felt bad that she just smashed it, but more relieved than anything that I didn't have to do it....which means I'm none too caring about insects at all. Especially if they scare me enough (which they usually do).

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