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Thread: Do you do this?

  1. #1
    The British Guy. Do you do this? Robbo's Avatar
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    Do you do this?

    I forgot the name for it but my teacher said i was, the thing i am referring too is i think being socially empathetic e.g. when someone crosses their arms and sits opposite to you to talk the next time you reposition yourself you cross your arms. Also sometimes when i go out with some of my friends who have scouse accents my accent will change slightly and some words will sound scouse.

    Or something as simple as walking in rhythm with someone and putting your same foot down at near the same time. I do all of these things, So any of you guys have this Socially empathetic thing?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin
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    someone fart in my eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
    Melibooyah says:
    Uggh bbl everyone is blowing me uo and I have to do my homework -_-
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  2. #2
    Everyone needs a savior Do you do this? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    yea i actually noticed that sometimes i do do stuff like that but not all that often but its interesting lol
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  3. #3
    .............. Do you do this? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    I actually noticed myself doing it and now I consciously make sure I am not doing it. For example if I am hanging out with someone and they lean forward in their chair I make sure I sit straight and only lean forward when they change position. This applies to many other situations.

    I also used to test if other people were like that if I was bored in school. If it was quiet and there was a large group in a small area( especially if we had to gather and observe something) I would cough or yawn and stretch my arms. Wouldnt you know it everyone else would have done the same within a minute like it was a contagion.

    About the accents whenever I speak to anyone english I sort of slip into my native Islington accent with the slang and whenever I speak to Irish people my slight Irish accent becomes full on and this is done subconsciously. I only really use my true bastardised half english/half irish accent when I am with family or close friends or anyone from outside the British Isles.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    The only things I notice it with is when I yawn and with my accent.

    If someone else yawns, I'll yawn shortly afterwards, even with the greatest will in the world not to. In my head, I'm like: "Oh, dad just yawned... hopefully I won't yawn! I WON'T YAWN! Okay. I'm not gonna... nuh-uh... oh shiiiit. No! No! NOOOO! *yaaaaaawns* Crap." Heck, I've yawned three times just thinking about someone yawning since I've been writing this (crap... four times >>; ).

    With my accent, for the most part, I talk normally. I don't really talk any different over the phone or headset unless it's an important call - I adopt a telephone accent, which is clearer and precise. I don't even notice that I'm doing it. Now, with certain friends, my accent slacks a bit and I become a little bit lazy with words. I have a couple "chav accented" friends, and I ****ing hate it when I catch onto that. When I'm around friends with more "educated" accents, I adopt that, but I hate that too because then I sound like a yuppie.

    I yawned about, now thirteen times in the making of this post... -_-

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  5. #5

    Re: Do you do this?

    Changing my voice is something i do randomly all the time every day, i feel i would make a great voice actor? For cartoons and stuff but have no idea of how one would get into work like that

    Anyway yes i find myself mimicing people's accents alot, i also do it unconsciously when speaking with foreign people, sometimes they dont take kindly to my efforts

    The folding arms or changing posture etc im not too sure on, ill keep an eye out for it.

    Another thing to mention is yawning, if you look at someone yawn your almost guranteed to yawn yourself within seconds, i call it the mexican yawn (Mexican wave)

    Auh Unknown beat me to it, damn work and my slow ass responses, Your not alone Miss Entity!
    Last edited by nix; 01-27-2011 at 05:12 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: Do you do this?

    I noticed this when I was following my boyfriend through his house one day.
    When he talked to his father, he didn't care about grammar. (His dad's grammar is way worse than that of my boyfriend.)
    When talking to his mother, his grammar was a bit better.
    When talking to his grandma, he spoke more slowly and louder.
    When talking to me, he was trying to sound intelligent.

    What I want to say is that you eventually, mostly without noticing it, change the way you speak when speaking with people.
    I think we also learned that in psychology once... We had to discuss with a partner how we change our way of speaking when talking to different groups of people.

    Also, I noticed it in school. Teachers acted differently towards 5th graders than they did towards 10th graders.

    when someone crosses their arms and sits opposite to you to talk the next time you reposition yourself you cross your arms
    I have to keep that one in mind... I haven't noticed anyone doing that before, but I'm quite interested if people really do it. I will test it tomorrow

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  7. #7
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Do you do this? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    I've caught myself doing a few things like these before, but most people laugh at me because I like to stand up with my back against the wall, and one foot on the wall so it looks like I'm a flamingo haha!! I've also been told I pose like a abercrombie model when I'm standing or sitting lol I really don't ever notice it until the shot girl told me at a night club I worked at.

    I really just act myself most of the time no matter who I'm around, but their are time's were I stop, and think if I really say or talk like that. I guess we can all have that problem when talking to new, or different races of people.

    I never tried to talk like a black person though, I always wanna slap the crap out of those white boy's that act black when around them. In fact I get a lot of black friends because I don't act like that around them.
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  8. #8
    #LOCKE4GOD Do you do this? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    I didn't think I did this, until I read UE's post and yawned.

  9. #9
    I do what you can't. Do you do this? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    Actually, it's a comfort thing. Studies have shown that people are more comfortable talking to another person when they both have the same posture. It's a tip for dating -- when meeting or conversing with somebody, try to match their position, or somewhat match it. Don't cross and uncross your arms every time they do, for example, but do position yourself similarly. This subconsciously makes people more comfortable.

    And yawning ... yeah, that sucks.

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  10. #10
    Registered User Do you do this? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    I've never noticed myself doing anything like that, but now I've read about it, I'm always going to be on the lookout lol. Although, like Alpha I yawned when I read Entitys post.

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  11. #11
    Registered User Do you do this? xXx Rikku xXx's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    Well with your scouse thing I kind of do that, I AM a geordie but don't speak much like one but if i'm with someone who has a strong geordie accent then mine will be noticable, but nothing much else i guess =/
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  12. #12
    Registered User Do you do this? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    lol i'll speak to som1 whose english is their second language or has a strong accent, and find myself speaking to them as if they were def or like 3 years old or something..... lol

    i have to catch myself when i notice it, but i guess its because i just wanna be understood

  13. #13
    The British Guy. Do you do this? Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Do you do this?

    Noticed i did this today in Film Studies i was sat in an unusual position that i never sit in my arms behind my head on my neck then wondered why i was sat like this then turned to my left to see a guy 2 chairs down sat in the same position i was just like "Crap i've done it again" then later that day i crossed my arms again... It's becoming annoying.
    CPC8... Makin' it happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin
    Ruin says
    someone fart in my eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
    Melibooyah says:
    Uggh bbl everyone is blowing me uo and I have to do my homework -_-
    Typo's change everything ^

  14. #14

    Re: Do you do this?

    So funny

  15. #15
    Registered User Do you do this? Selcopa's Avatar
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