First tell me what this 'Nirvana' you are talking about actually is.
Is it Buddhism's Nirvana? (Or perhaps a grungeband from the 90's?)
Or is it a concept you just thought of?
Never heard of Nirvana.
What i have seen in books... Nirvana is said to be the ''Land of Dreams'' where all souls depart... Do you think it exists? Personly... I really belive it exists...
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First tell me what this 'Nirvana' you are talking about actually is.
Is it Buddhism's Nirvana? (Or perhaps a grungeband from the 90's?)
Or is it a concept you just thought of?
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Nirvana isnt supposed to be an actual place. its a state of mind... or a grung rock band with suicidial singers.
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I've never even heard of Nirvana in my life...
Besides the band of course.
What do you mean? a state of mind?
I'm not too knowledgeable of this, but I think I know the basics. It's a Buddhist belief that if one clears one's thoughts of negativity and desires for worldly things, you achieve supreme happiness. A Buddhist's ultimate goal is to achieve Nirvana.What do you mean? a state of mind?
You ever hear of Good Karma and Bad Karma? Those are Buddhists' beliefs as well. The more Good Karma you have, the closer you come to reaching enlightenment, and ultimately Nirvana.
I think that Buddhism is pretty interesting. They have a lot of ideas that I think are pretty awesome. As for the topic, Nirvana exists if you believe that it does. It's kind of one of those "Philosophy of the mind" type things.
I hope that answered your question.
Click at your own risk.:
"Land of Dreams"?
Nah, I don't think it really exists. See, the only place I believe that exists is Heaven and Hell.
Dreams are actually images in feelings and emotions, I believe. If you're DEAD, what can you feel? You passed away. Everything's over. No more reason to feel, and so on. Maybe you'll reincarnate. Who knows?
See, you can dream when you're SLEEPING, not dead. So, no. Nirvana does not exist.
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
Nirvana is supposed to first be a state of mind where you are free of all worries and impurities, and is at peace with the world. It's also a sort of after life for your soul if you've gone through the wheel of reincarnation enough times to balance out any bad karma you've built up in your current life or past lives. After you've attained the supreme understanding and can see the world without having any impure thoughts and you've cleansed yourself, you'll go to Nirvana.
That's what I've figured out anyway. I'm Buddhist (kind of), but that's all I know. I guess I kind of believe that it exists, but more in the state of mind than the after life thing.
That's a good explanation, but you can't be entirely sure that that's what Alther Primus was talking about.
Perhaps he interpreted in a different way.
If we're talking about the Nirvana from Buddhism, I don't think there's really a thing like 'believing it exists'. It's really different from the classic Christian 'heaven', although Christians are obviously not bound to have the same idea of heaven.
It's not really an afterlife you 'go to', Nirvana.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
It exists if you believe it exists.
I don't believe it exists, but maybe its where Final Fantasy characters go when they aren't in your current party.
True, but the way he was talking about it, I assumed he meant "the place", because he said, "Where all souls depart." I don't know what else he could mean, but we'll go with it when Alther Primus explains.
If it's not that, do you mind explaining, because that's really what I always interpreted it as. I've never really understood the chants and prayers that they say at the temple, but it seems like a lot of it is teaching you how to attain the mental/spiritual Nirvana and just telling how to be a better person in general. That should end up leading to your soul going to Nirvana eventually anyway, or so I thought.
I'm really not familiar enough with the term to judge over its existence.
I'll read into it and get back to you.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
I am a devout atheist but if I was to pick a religion it would be buddhism as I have stated before so yes I certainly believe in Nirvana...
"Pick" a religion? Are religions trendy now?
very goodalthough it should be noted that the wheel of karma began as a hindu believe, which bhuddism was built upon. i am a very devout buddhist and yes i believe in Nirvana. although i dont think its someone someone believes in, as someone stated before me. if someone was to defeat all desire, they would achieve it, i dont think it is something disputable like the beliefe in heaven or hell.
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Originally Posted by Che
I believe Nirvana could exist, but not as a (can I use this next word to describe Heaven or Hell?) physical place like Heaven or Hell. To be absolutely honest with you, my ideas of what happens to you after you die even confuse me sometimes, and my ideas are constantly forming and changing.
For me, someone who is interested in one day following the teachings of Buddhism, I can believe it.
Haha, apparently.Originally Posted by Che