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Thread: Do You Believe in Soul Mates?

  1. #1
    Godsmack Worshipper Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...

    Do You Believe in Soul Mates?

    Q. Do You Believe in Soul Mates?

    The theory that there is only ONE person in the entire world that is right and meant for you that you must keep on searching endlessly, for that needle in the haystack, until you find your perfect other half ?

    There are millions of people in your country alone, so you might be searching for a LOOOONNNNNG time!

    In my opinion:

    Yes and no!, I say Yes because I use to believe there was one person, that would fit together like a puzzle, but good luck finding that person and I say NO, because life is fluid, and we are always changing, what might have been THE ideal soul mate, 20, 10 years ago, would be different today..

    Looking for your opinions

  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Logically, no.

    However, I'd like to think there is such a thing. I'd like to know that people find their perfect partner, and that all is special and good. I'd like to think my boyfriend is "the one", but who knows?

    I look at my parents, and KNOW they weren't meant for each other. Knowing this, and having to live in the same house as it, I just want to move out. =\ Sadly, I need to save up a lot more til I can afford an apartment someplace.

    The person in my avatar is me.


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  3. #3
    Gingersnap Do You Believe in Soul Mates? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    While I don't believe that there is one person in the entire world that would be a perfect match for you... I do believe in finding a soul who perfectly compliments your own.

    I think people have several options. I don't believe in "the one," other than that being the person you end up with. However, I do believe that it's possible to meet someone who just seems to fit. They may not be the only man/woman for you, but they're certainly one of the best options.

    So in a sense, I do believe in soul mates in that it's possible to find that kind of deep and satisfying match with someone. But I don't think that you only have one opportunity at that kind of happiness.

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  4. #4
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I honestly do believe in Soul mates. I believe that there is someone out that is destined for you. Kinda like Bacon & Eggs, or foot & shoe, or CD to a CD drive. XD I'm using figures of speech again, but hey, its fun and it makes sense. Some people are meant to be, and some aren't but I think that once the two meet their is a connection if you know what I mean. Trust your heart, only you know who you are destined to be with.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  5. #5
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Ayse's Avatar
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    I believe one person can have many soul mates. I also believe that we aren't meant to romantically be involved with all soul mates. Some are just meant to be very close to us, some we might want to go further with. It really depends on how much deeper you feel for one person compared to another.

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  6. #6
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? X SlAyEr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    While I don't believe that there is one person in the entire world that would be a perfect match for you... I do believe in finding a soul who perfectly compliments your own.

    I think people have several options. I don't believe in "the one," other than that being the person you end up with. However, I do believe that it's possible to meet someone who just seems to fit. They may not be the only man/woman for you, but they're certainly one of the best options.

    So in a sense, I do believe in soul mates in that it's possible to find that kind of deep and satisfying match with someone. But I don't think that you only have one opportunity at that kind of happiness.
    Iam with you in your words
    it's so hard to find a soul mate in these days
    because you can't trust all people and you can't give them a name for exemple a soul mate or where ever you call them easily
    relly it's so hard to find the soul mate
    and thinks Omega Weapon for the writting

  7. #7
    Arachnie Suicide Do You Believe in Soul Mates? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    ...Yes, I believe this theory.

    ..But I don't believe that just because two people are meant for eachother that they're just going to somehow magically end up together. I don't believe everybody finds that person. I also believe that alot of people believe the person they're with is that person when they aren't..

    Short post, I know. But that's all that really needed to be said, isn't it?

    I think I found mine =P
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 05-26-2008 at 08:29 PM.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm also of the opinion that the individual can have multiple soul mates. A soul mate to me is someone you'd do anything for and they'd do the same for you. Or someone you have a deeper connection with, one you may not be able to forge with any plain old person.

    My mates here are my soul mates. If it came to it, we'd probably give our lives for each other. No regrets. And we don't always have to speak to communicate a message. It's the little signals we interpret. And then there are others I know. They'd lack the courage to do what my best buds would, but they seem to know me better than I know myself at times. Like the things I could be capable of doing in certain situations. It's people like these who ground me at times, stopping me from making some nasty mistakes.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #9
    That One Guy Do You Believe in Soul Mates? dimmufan's Avatar
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    With over six billion people populating this planet it would be kinda hard to believe that there isn't at least one person who would share the exact same interests and ideals as me. Yes I do believe in soul mates. But the odds of finding that special someone are pretty close to nil. The perfect woman for me might live in a state that I would never visit, or even in a country that I'll never travel to.
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  10. #10
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Blitz King's Avatar
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    Im with Dimmufan It is hard to say that there is only one person in this world for you. I would like to think that there are alot of people out there for someone.
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  11. #11
    We Iraqis ( Christians who live in Iraq not Muslims ) believe in soul mates, We don't know why but we believe that every man/woman is destined to meet his/her other half someday, Its kinda hard to believe but that it.

    Muslims in Iraq don't believe in soul mates! 28 millions people are living in Iraq! there is no way to find your other half, Muslim gals need to get married someday without thier will! and thats ridiculous! They don't have the opportunity to go out and meet guys too!

    Personally, I believe in soul mates, Oneday I will meet my soul mate and I am sure about that!
    Special thanks to Omega Weapon
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  12. #12
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Bekki's Avatar
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    It depends on the person. My mother married twice and the ended in failure when she thought that found her soul mate. She is now with someone and the are perfect for one another.

    You could go out with a few people before you find your pefect soul mate and when you find it you want to be with that person for the rest of your life.
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  13. #13
    I do believe in soul mates. The someone that I'm going out with, I hope to married before I graduate my 2nd year at College. Now even though some people do break-up or divorce I still think that there is someone out there for everyone.

  14. #14
    Amor fati. Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    I believe that there is someone out there to compliment everyone's weaknesses and strengths. Not necessarily someone that will be involved with you romantically, but someone who brings out the best in you. Maybe a close friend, a sibling ... people you can confide in and trust with your life, who would give it for you and you for them. I believe these people could be called soul mates.
    In the romantic sense? Yes and no. I also believe that there is someone for everyone out there, but that's no use if you never meet. If you change, or do something the other isn't comfortable with. Maybe it just isn't meant to be, no matter how much you want it to. Who knows?
    My opinion is a mix of everyone else's, I suppose.

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  15. #15
    The Old Skool Warrior Do You Believe in Soul Mates? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan View Post
    With over six billion people populating this planet it would be kinda hard to believe that there isn't at least one person who would share the exact same interests and ideals as me. Yes I do believe in soul mates. But the odds of finding that special someone are pretty close to nil. The perfect woman for me might live in a state that I would never visit, or even in a country that I'll never travel to.
    A soulmate isn't always someone who you end up falling madly in love with and spending the rest of your life with, either. If you find someone who shares your every interest, there's nothing to keep it fresh. I know, I met my "other half."

    She was a girl named Sarah that I happened to meet at a summer camp one year. We liked ALL of the same things. It took us weeks to find something we DIDN'T have in common... it came down to favorite color, in the long run.

    With nothing to make us different, we realized very quickly that a relationship would be very boring. There would be nothing to discuss, nothing to learn...

    On the upside, she makes for one hell of a friend because of that.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  16. #16
    I do believe in soul mates. While it's not a very good chance, I may have even found mine.

    My closest friend back home and I have a lot of the same interests, we understand one another, and we've even been able to guess what the other is thinking at times. We used to date, but the only difference between her being my girlfriend and our friendship was that it was official. We did just about everything together, and the whole bf/gf thing just made it feel... I don't have a word for it. So, we broke off our relationship, agreeing it was better that way. Here it is, a year later, and we're still very close, I still love her so much, and I believe my heart's been stolen by her; I haven't dated anyone since her. I've tried flirting with other girls, but it's just not the same as it was before I dated her.

    Do those circumstances not seem like the makings of a soul mate? Because she hasn't dated anybody since we broke it off, either.

  17. #17
    The Old Skool Warrior Do You Believe in Soul Mates? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Perhaps you're just not ready to be with one another, because it sounds to me like you're set up for something wonderful to happen, sooner or later.

    Don't spend your whole life waiting for her though. You don't want to sit there for years and expect it to happen. I'm not saying you should go for it again right now, but it's worth trying again whenever it happens to feel right. You'll know.

    I know that all sounds like a bunch of romance-novel-bullshit, but your mind and your heart are the only ones that can truly guide you. The two of you may find yourselves as friends for the rest of your lives, and that's okay too.

    There's no shame in dating other people if you can't be with her. It never hurts to try. You might be a little bit hung up on her, as you noted that flirting with others hasn't been the same since you two were together. Try convincing yourself that you can be with other girls, and it'll be easier and more natural to do so once you do.

    If the two of you are supposed to end up together, it'll happen sooner or later. I'm not telling you to put your trust in the Fates. You're in control of your own life, not anyone else. All the same, test the waters. See what else is out there. You need life experiences to broaden your horizons. You need to make mistakes so you can learn.

    But more than anything else... just have fun. Do what feels natural, man.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  18. #18
    I giggle at you.

    No convictions in this thread.

    No Soulmate exists.


  19. #19
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    This is in interesting thread; thought I'd revive it.

    Although I do not believe that for every person, there is a soulmate whom you end up spending the rest of your life with, I think with some people, you have better compatability and thus you would be able to keep a relationship with a higher success rate than with other people, hope that makes sense. As Lococolt said, don't wait for the rest of your life to find that soulmate, just go out there and make progress. Just make sure that when you get out of a relationship, you get some closure so you don't mess up your chances with the next one.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  20. #20
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post

    With nothing to make us different, we realized very quickly that a relationship would be very boring. There would be nothing to discuss, nothing to learn...
    Which is why i reckon soulmates are more suited to friends than anything else.

    Anyone remember the beer advert that said "Do you believe that arguing is worth it for the making up?"

    Er... well my opinion is that it's incredibly unlikely that there is anyone who is completely like me. I have many friends who share same philosophies or ideals etcetera, but at the same time we have different opinions on many things, which creates debate and interesting discussions.

    As appealing as a soul mate is, i don't think i could live with a clone of myself.

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  21. #21
    I would like to believe that I have a soulmate but sadly I don`t know where he lives (lol) I used to think that my boyfriend of six years was my soulmate but he has hurt me in the past and I`m still getting over it not that I don`t love him but it`s never going to be the same

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  22. #22
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    i have a weird out look on this topic, i beleive that every one has someone that is perfect for them, at that current time. with people being highly changing and highly adaptable i have noticed that some one that is right for me now might not be the right person for me 15 years from now. if you are reading this (and you know me) then you are proly thinking ::meiers married isnt he?!?!:: well yes i am, and the only reason that i am is because she is the only person i could see spending the rest of my life with. but as for the future i have no idea what it has in store for me or rachel.... we might drift apart by some weird situation, one of might die and the other might meet some one else. who knows. but i will leave you with this, i see rachel as my hearts perfect counterpart for now, but who knows what the future will bring.

    ::end rant::
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  23. #23
    Registered User Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Halie's Avatar
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    I can't really decide. I think that perhaps you can have a soulmate, but it's your choice for someone to be yours. A person coul fall in love and want to believe the one they loved was their soulmate, or they could believe that there are 'plenty more fish in the sea'. I don't think fate decides it for us, I believe we do so ourselves.

    The thought of having a soulmate is wonderul in my opinion. Having someone who will always be there for you, someone you can trust, all that. It's nice. And I don't think that person particularly has to be a clone of you or at have loads in common with you, but at least understand you no matter how alike unlik you both are. That's my idea of a soulmate, at least.

  24. #24
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? You's Avatar
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    ^^^^^^Wow I couldnt have put it better myself Dystopia. Are you my soul mate?.....Ok bad jokes aside, I totally agree with her. A person can make themselves believe they have found their sould mate and as such because of this they have. If you believe in something so much it can become real.

  25. #25
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    The soulmate theory (if you can call it a theory) is quite a paradox. 15-20 years ago the world was a smaller place. People didn't really travel as much. One major reason for this is the internet. It has connected the world in such a way that you may see pictures of a really cool vacation place or meet someone online and travel anywhere from 100s of miles to halfway around the world. So most people actually just stayed regional. In that time you would maybe only see about 10,000 people in you life. *note* I said see, not meet.* Now the odds of meeting your "soulmate" would be one in 10,000 then. Now people have contact with hundreds of thousands of people in their lives. But you don't have a one in one hundred thousand chance of meeting your "soulmate". In fact the odds are in your favor. Unfortunately things get a little more complicated. With a bigger pool, more people may be a good match for you. Because of this it is actually harder to keep a soulmate. When problems arise in a relationship many people choose to just move on to another match rather than actually WORK to keep their current relationship strong. I mean, look at the divorce rate. How often do you hear about someone cheating on their spouse with someone they met on the internet?

    This larger, more connected world can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.

  26. #26
    The Lost Writer Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Psiko's Avatar
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    A girl I was talking to fairly frequently for a while once asked me what my thoughts on the idea of Soul Mates were. I believe I had expressed myself fairly well at that time, and will try to replicate that here and now for you.

    There is not a singular "perfect person" for anyone, but rather an infinite number of people who are potentially your "Soul Mate". Everyone has the same general notion about what a Soul Mate should be, but the specifics will vary from person to person, therefore there is no singular mold for a person to fit into to be that Soul Mate. There are also billions of people in the world today, and no person will ever meet every person in the world to know that there isn't a million Soul Mates for them. The fact that a Soul Mate can only truly be defined by an individual, and that as individuals our thoughts and emotions are constantly changing as we grow and adapt to life there are people who will ebb and flow into and out of that Soul Mate idealness. I've met two girls so far in life whom I have felt, at that time, were my Soul Mate. One is already married, the other is getting married in July. I still talk to both of them, although very rarely because of circumstances and all that.

    That somehow sums it up.... O.o
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

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  27. #27
    Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    I suppose it depends on what you define as a soulmate. I'd think of it as someone you feel comfortable being yourself with, be it romantic or no. You go through a lot of people in your life, friends, enemies, for some people, even family. Not all stay, most get lost. I think 'kindred spirit' would be a better suited term. I don't have to share any interests with a person to get along with her/him. Fire and water can exist together, as long as there's that chemistry. Where that comes from, who knows?

    There's precious few people I've met that I have an actual close relationship with, friend or whatever, that I know I can trust and love. Those people, I'll remember all my life. I've also had people of that sort **** me completely over, so does 'soulmate' mean they never hurt you? Sadly, love, whatever kind, always, sooner or later, involves you getting hurt. How do you know if a relationship, whatever kind it may be, is right? All you can do is listen to those nagging voices in your head (just don't mention those to people, you MAY get institutionalized) and your um, heart thing.

    Every time we meet a person, we live, grow, our lives are enriched by experience. I don't know if I can believe there are 'soulmates', as I believe they're meant here as your One True Love, but I'm more prone to believing that perhaps some people come into your life or you invite them in on purpose, and that, would always enrich your soul.

    ....I SUCK at meeting people. Seriously. Can I mine for fish?
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  28. #28
    no i dont really believe that there is someone out there that would be (perfect) for you to spend the rest of your life with. because of the millions of ppl out there, odds are that there is always gonna be someone who is a better match for u. i know i have met some girls where i thought that they were the person i cuold spend alot of time with, but but there is always some one who would be better. plus there are many ppl with the same likes and interests as u so u would have to end up choosing one lol

  29. #29
    I will finish the hunt Do You Believe in Soul Mates? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I am going to say NO.I believe that the average human being can pretty much fall for anyone as long as they interest in you/give you attension 2.say what you want to hear in the begining, and make any half assed attempt to charm you 3.are do-able, bone-able,kinda cute, or you are drunk an believe they are prettier than they really are(And I have seen some relationships start from this very situation). There are some deal breakers for us girls, but I would not say that there were A LOT of deal breakers, nor can I say that girl in general can't be very pliable when picking a mate.Sometimes posessing one great quality is enough.

    Another reason I do not believe there is only one person for everyone; no one can meet anyone's standards of perfection unless they were not human at all. A soul mate is supposed to be a lot of things that humans today just aren't. We can barely date someone who treats us good much less someone who treats us great. There are just too many people in the world, and us as humans would probably grow tired of them/mess things up.

    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  30. #30
    Not really. Although I do believe that me and Zach were meant to be... <333

    Refieth|Cesa|Miguna (Rune Factory)

    shiny lapras' lake. join today.

    TFF Family, Avvy Credit & Other Randomness:

    My friendly neighborhood pilot, FF Ace Cid
    My rocking on niece, Unknown Entity
    My grammar obsessed cousin, Doc Rocco
    My crazy sister, X SlAyEr
    My morally ambiguous cousin, Silver
    My anime addicted sister, Athna Loveil
    My seriously awesome uncle, Fishie
    My random, friendly, and sugar-eating aunt, Xeim
    That zany cousin that magically appears from time to time, Meier Link
    My Haruhiist brother, Morik the Rogue

    Avatar credit to Shiro

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