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Thread: Do any weird things happen to you in daily life?

  1. #1

    Do any weird things happen to you in daily life?

    I always hear how weird, interesting and funny things happen to a lot of people I know, but these things never happen to me.

    I guess my life is boring after all -.-

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    Chief Inspiring Officer Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Cyanist's Avatar
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    If we're going to talk about drugs again, I'm going back to sleep

    Does weird stuff happen to me? Heck yeah! Why just the other day...

    So, I was sleeping soundly, okay, a little TOO soundly for 2 PM, when my phone started buzzing like some manic bee. I pick it up and someone had sent me a text message. I thought it was my brothers joking around with the new Tag phone they got (1000 free texts?!? Really?!? Big brother is funding little brother pranks, now?) The following is a transcript of the exact convo:

    Mysterious-caller: PSSST!!
    Me, furious: WHAT?
    M.C.: I love your man
    M.C.: He's been talking to me.

    At this point my brain was starting to focus. I was like 'what the puck? Is this one of my brother's whacked friends or something', cuz he and his friends borrow my phone regularly...

    Me, muddle-brained, but beside myself with curiosity: Which 1?
    M.C.: Gideon...he's mine!!!

    Gideon sounds too much like a name my brothers would make up to annoy me, but at this point I was groggy and didn't care who it was, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

    Me: Oh him. You can have him. Send me an invite to the wedding - best of luck.
    M.C.: It's me. The guy behind

    Cue the horror music. This is where I started to freak out. I warily turned around, just expecting a cackling little brother or a serial killer to be standing behind me, or all of the above... I frantically got out of bed and looked around, finding no brothers (or serial killers).

    Me: Gideon's gay?
    M.C.: Wait who is this?
    Me, breathing a sigh of relief: You have the wrong number.
    M.C.: Crap...

    Obviously, I was not going back to sleep after that. Aren't texts just the creepiest, mistake-ridden form of communication?

    So... I think the trick to having weird stuff happen to you is just go with the flow. A good sense of humor helps escalate things, too. Keep yer chin up, it'll happen
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Clint's Avatar
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    Some weird stuff happens to me. I can perceive things before they happen. For example, I got hit by a car while I was parked at a red light the other day. Before I pulled up to the red light, I had a feeling like I was going to get hit, and my instincts urged me to switch lanes. As I always do, I shook off the feeling, assuming that I was just being weird. Sure enough, about 30 seconds later, some old shithead in a silver Prius named Eric plowed into the back of my car, and that wasn't even the first time I've had perceptions that something was going to happen.

    I took a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina two years ago and had a feeling like we were going to get into an accident on the drive down. Sure enough, we did. Luckily, it was very minor. We went to the Outer Banks again last year, and I had the feeling that one of our cars was going to break down, and sure enough, one of our cars did.

    I don't know how I know shit. I just do, and it's weird. I never seem to listen to my instincts, though, but since the last time I didn't listen, it wrecked my car, I probably should pay attention from now on.

  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    A couple weeks ago while I was working, some kid from the village starts following me around during my deliveries. He clearly didn't have friends to ride bikes with, so I guess he thought the next best person to hang out with was the guy that rides a bike around the village, throwing papers at houses. Anyway, we get to a senior citizen complex and while I am walking to the apartments, he starts asking me questions. How fast do I normally ride? Do I get paid a lot of money? And several other questions that I answer with little replies. I was hot and tired, and wanted nothing to do with this kid.

    Anyway, I get to my bike, and then he asks me if my name was Michael. I turn white as a sheet (kind of hard to do with this tan, but you get the point), and say yes. Then I ask him how he knew my name. He doesn't answer, I get back on my bike, and pedal off as fast as I can to delivering to the last two streets. Now, being a public figure, as well as a member of one of the biggest families in the village, it's not surprising that he didn't know my name. But it still struck me as odd.

    It wasn't until I had to reach behind me to get papers from the box I had strapped to my rack when I realized how he knew it. It wasn't because of how I'm known throughout the village. It wasn't because of my family connections.

    It was because that same day, I wrote my name on the box.
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  6. #6
    Queen Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Crescent's Avatar
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    Random ppl asking for photos with me. At the clubs n when my friends n I are eating out.

    I was waiting for a friend outside my apartment complex on the weekend n a taxi pulled up to the curb n the driver asked if I wanted a free ride. This happens mostly during the day n its not just weirdo taxi drivers. Its happened while I was waiting at a Bus stop with other ppl #embarassingaf

    A crazy lady snatched a water bottle right out of my hands n goes "OH U LOOK NICE ARE U A PROSTITUTE?!" My friends n I pissed ourselves n I offered her the rest of my food.

    A guy stopped me in the middle of the street on a night out (with all my friends there n his) complimenting me then started serenading me with Kiss from a Rose lmao
    Was one of my favourite songs n I haven't listened to it since because of that loser xD I even deleted it off my phone lol

    Weird sh*t happens to me all the time. Makes for good lols with friends.

  7. #7
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    The latest weird thing with me is this dude on my Facebook.


    Okay, I'm from a really small town - everyone knows everyone and everyone definitely knows my brother and sister because they were mad popular in high school - just for drastically different reasons. And because of them, pretty much everyone knew/knows me. I'm "Br. and A N's Little Sister". I don't remember like half of the people in that town. I've blocked out most of my childhood.

    Anywho, so this one guy friended me. And I remembered my sister talking about him once (he's the little brother of a friend of hers that I kiiiiind of remember) and how sweet he was, so I accepted. I don't remember him. At all. But he starts commenting and liking pretty much all of my statuses (and liking his own comments, which freaks me out) and talking to me on FB messenger. And it's not just like "Hey! How are you? Do you remember me?" talk. This guy is going on about 90's hip hop and going to L.A. to hang out on Skid Row and do crack or something. I went along with it, joking around and talking with him and stuff, because I'm a nice person.

    But then things got even weirder. He's obsessed with Hilary Clinton and messaged me one day asking if he could stay with me and my bf if he came to NYC to volunteer for her campaign in Brooklyn. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but I told him no anyway. He knows I have a boyfriend and I just said we wouldn't have space. Then he asked if I wanted to volunteer with him and could show him around the city. No on both counts 'cuz I barely know how to get to the grocery store a block away, forget about traipsing all over Brooklyn and Manhattan and I have no interest in volunteering. For anything.

    While I'm in the middle of telling him no to all of this, he says, "Nox (used my real name tho obvs), I'm so depressed and upset and heartbroken." and I'm like "o.o why"...

    He was crying because my sister had to put her dog to sleep. He's never even met her. The dog, I mean. He even asked my sister if she would send him something of Charlotte's - like her food bowl or one of her toys.

    IDK, my life is full of weird shit.

    If I have my kid with me, a lot of times people in stores will just give her stuff. A Kroger store manager gave her a stuffed bunny rabbit one night and the gas stations we used to frequent, the cashiers would let her pick out a piece of candy. And people almost always will give up their seats for us on the train.

    And one time, I gave a homeless man $4. That night, my ex and I got a note on our door from the apartment complex's office saying that we had an $800 credit on our account, so we didn't have to pay any rent for December and only 1/2 of January that year. That was awesome.

  8. #8
    Banned Do any weird things happen to you in daily life?
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    I would describe the vast majority of my earthbound experiences as nothing short of weird. People are weird. Irrational, illogical; bound by emotion and circumstance. Everyone is different, in different ways for different reasons, stuck in the vortex of a universe we'll never really understand. People are inherently weird, and the universe is ultimately a weird place.

    My life has been a series of weird or otherwise perplexing events. Take my very existence, for example.

    It's 1981, my mother is pregnant with her first child. There are complications, and the baby doesn't survive. Michelle Ann Saulnier, my eldest sister passes away... My parents decided on 2 kids. Ideally 1 boy, and 1 girl (my dad's wishes, my mother probably didn't, and definitely wouldn't care). So they agreed that they would keep trying. In 1983, my big sister Jamie Lynn Saulnier is born. Two years later, on a cool April night, I was born. In the Hospital, some unknown nurse wraps me in the wrong swaddle... A young mother, mistaking me for her daughter, picks me up to walk around, talk to me, you know, the usual stuff. Upon realizing that her tiny princess has a penis, this coked-out bitch screams, jumps back, dropping me on the cold tile floor. Luckily the bones and skulls of infants are very soft and can handle a 4-5 foot free fall.

    May not seem weird, but had Michelle survived, I wouldn't have been born, and my father wouldn't have a son to continue the Saulnier name (which is dying out due to an unusually high volume of female children).

    I always thought that was eerie; like I was put on earth for a reason. The odds have been firmly stacked against me since that fateful day.

    Even stranger. This is frankly one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me, period. In my sharing this with you, you join an exclusive list of the greatest people I know. My family, best friends, and comrades.

    The year is 1992. I'm 7, not givin' a **** about anything. My grandmother bought me SICK blue bike for my birthday just past, and we just moved in to a house in the country, just outside my town of Sydney Mines. I can rip my bike around the quiet sub-division (Meadow Brook) that sits just behind our house. A connected series of about 7 smooth roads I can shred all day. Beyond that, there's a nice patch of untouched wilderness on either side of the highway! I was high on life. But back to our new home... A cute, cozy 1-story with 2 bedrooms. The basement was rough and unfinished, and the attic was no better. Most of the floor wasn't finished, so if you weren't careful, you could end up falling through the ceiling. Needless to say, the attic and basement were forbidden to us kids. We had Meadow Brook, so whatever! We were good!

    Day of the big move, my uncle Kevin (who lived in Meadow Brook) is helping my mom move in and set up. In the attic, in the far back corner, he finds an old, antique rocking chair...

    He brings it down (still remember sitting onthe kitchen floor playing with hotwheels when he brought it down and showed my mother) and my mother falls in love with it, keeping it at the head of the table.

    Few weeks pass, everything is normal. One night, my mother is woken up by the sound of my voice coming from the kitchen. She comes out to send me to bed (assuming I've raided the fridge). What she finds has become the stuff of Saulnier & Latwaitis legend.

    I'm sitting at the foot of the table in my JP's, across from the rocking chair which is swaying back and forth steadily. As she rounds the corner, it slows to a stop...

    This happened the next two nights in a row. The chair is placed back in the attic, and we were packed up and gone the very next day.

    I honestly still have VERY fuzzy, blurry memories of having conversations with an older gentleman in that kitchen. I have no memory of what we discussed, or even going into the kitchen at all, but I remember him, clear as day. I know he reminded me of my grandfather; caring, honest, harmless. It didn't scare me. I was honestly too young to grapple with it at that time. I sort of ignored it.

    The family did some digging around and found out the home was built by and belonged to a sea captain who fished on the Atlantic for over 40 years. He died in he home about 30 years before we moved in, and the new owners had trouble keeping people in the place. Tenants would smell tobacco smoke, here creeks in the attic, and whistling in the dead of night.

    The property was renovated about 10 years ago and it now serves as a small church for the Meadow Brook community.

    Another strange experience of mine happened in 2000. I'm 15 at that time, and... What you have to understand is that I wasn't always the man I am today. This goes way in the day, before 9/11 inspired me and changed my life.

    I had just been released from Waterville, a juvenile detention centre. I had been pinched for pedalling weed in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia whilst living with my father and step mom back in '99. After my release, my step mother gave my father an ultimatum: Send your only son back to his mother, or I'm taking your baby girl (my sister Stephie) and you'll never see us again.

    Off I go, back to Cape Breton. Back to my stomping ground. I've been back about 2 weeks now, been hanging with the old crew, Dave & Josh. My best bros growing up. On a Wednesday morning Dave and Josh 3-way called me. I had been trying to keep my nose clean in order to earn favor with my dad and step mom, hoping to get another ticket off the island (it's a Cape Breton thing. Everyone who grows up there dreams of finishing high school and getting as far away as humanly possible). So the boys had been loyally helping me stay out of trouble. You gotta understand, I was the one guy of our age group and crew that made it out prior to my 18th birthday, only to end up in Juvi, then shipped right back to the Rock. It had become our mission to get out, dead or alive, together or alone.

    Problem was we had done it all. We were smack dab in an old school CB winter, so options were limited at best. When I first got home, we spent $100 on junk food. Everything you could imagine! So much fat, salt and sugar we had to get a cab to Dave's with it all. We then proceeded to dominate all of our favorite games together in a 2 week marathon of 2 and 3D mayhem and madness. Rock & Roll Racing, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Golden Eye, FF6, FF8, Earthbound, Star Craft, Diablo, the list goes on for days. We beat every good game from '95 to '99.

    The night before, we played Texas Hold 'Em using toffee candies as poker chips. Only the industrial sized bag of "toffee candy" we thought we grabbed, was one of the "molasses candy" bags which were cunningly placed directly next to the toffee greatness. Needless to say, the rules to our game did a 180. Losing hand (or 1st fold) takes the pot, meaning the objective is to get rid of your candy, rather than win.

    Josh lost, but we ended up feeling so bad we helped him finish the candy. (After about 30-40, you begin to lose all sense of taste, so it becomes easier.)

    Back to the event in question. Dave had called me morning after to set up his plan. We were going to head down to Snow's (Josh's neighbour, and lil bro of my sister's gorgeous friend) house and marathon Silent Hill until we beat it. Our good friend Matt was also joining the crew for this one, so we were all pumped. It was maybe 11am, sun was shining a beautiful orange light through the large maple outside my living room window on Beech Street. I fall asleep on my couch. Open my eyes what felt like less than a tenth of the second later. I mean I didn't even feel like I slept! No dreams, no tossing, turning, morning breathe, sleepiness, NOTHING! I feel no different! Sun is still in the same spot, shinning the same brilliant orange light through the old maple outside. Phone starts ringing off the hook. It's Dave.

    "where have you been? We beat Silent Hill hours ago!"

    It's now roughly 11am on THURSDAY morning! No pranks, no confusion. I had missed a day of school, my mother and sister had seen me sleeping for 24 hours, mom tried to get me up for school before leaving to work... I lost an entire day in what felt like a second...

    They are the two strangest, unexplainable things to happen to me. As for generally weird stuff, I could write a novel I my adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq, but DND would have a serious problem with that.

  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    It has been raining where I live this week and one of the days it has been raining hard, I had ordered a pizza for delivery and since there were no cars at the house during the time, the pizza guy didn't know where to deliver the pizza to, at the same time my family dog ran away from the house, scared of the rain and my mom went to chase after the dog, so all of this was happening at the same time. My mom brought the dog back into the house and then the dog decided she was going to run away again so my mom had to chase her down again all the while i'm trying to get the pizza delivery taken care of.
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  10. #10
    Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    My younger years were packed with weird experiences, but that seems to have toned down now that I live in a more city-esque area and have gotten older. Most of the weirdness I kept to myself for years, due to the fact that I had little friends to begin with and my Step-Mother was likely to write off whatever I told him as an overactive imagination which would lead to jokes about my ability to tell reality from fiction for the next several weeks. We reaaaaaaallly didn't get along when I was a kid, though she is much better now since we've both grown and I understand her mentality and she understands her problems a little more. That's neither here nor there, but can be added in to a later story for weirdness.

    My first note is that I've always had really bad trouble with the whole "Prediction" or "deja-vu" thing. I've never meant to, and usually don't quite understand what's going on until later, but I tend to figure out things before they happen sometimes weeks or months ahead of time. When I was about 6 or so, I was getting ready for my first day at the new school. (I moved a lot as a kid and to date have attended more that 20 schools before finally settling into my current area for all of high school and beyond) Now the weird part here is that I had never seen this school before, not even pictures, until I got there the first day. Somehow, while my mom was talking to the principle at that time, I managed to walk out the door and decided I knew exactly where I was going. I followed hallways based on some filtered memory of images and ended up at my classroom standing outside the door for my mother to find me. I probably got lost later at least a dozen times, but for some reason I seemed to know exactly where I had to go and which hallways to take on my first day. When my mom asked me I told her I'd had a dream a few days ago and the hallways looked the same. Whatever, I was 6, so she shrugged and let it go.

    I'd had similar instances of this before and since, usually little things or snippits like knowing what someone was going to say before they said it or being able to watch how a certain event or conversation ect was going and recognize that I had seen it entirely before but couldn't place when. Usually these events have been dreamed or daydreamed, and like most people I don't remember them until something triggers the memory. I also have a partial photographic memory which means that most of the time it's sight that triggers it and leaves me confused and with a weird kind of double vision going on.

    Next weird thing. When I was 11 years old I lived with my dad in a wooded area near a large creek. We had a small neighborhood, but once you got out it was country for miles and the closest store was a gas station. Well, after a fight between me and my Step-mother I took off and went for a walk along one of the trails in the woods. I was upset and not paying attention. Ended up kinda turned around. Then I saw this really pretty Husky, had one brown eye and one blue eye. It was pretty close to me, but just far enough I couldn't touch it. I love animals, always have, and it seemed friendly enough so I called to it and held out my hand but it just watched me before turning and walking a bit up the path and then circling around back to me. Like the obvious horror movie protag, I followed him and we repeated this song and dance until I was basically just following him along and talking to him, wondering out loud who his owners were and telling him how pretty he was. Eventually he led me back to the neighbor hood and when the yards started coming into view he walked off the path. I went to follow, but he was gone, like he'd run off back home. I took it in stride and went on home, thinking that he was a nice dog and probably played out here with his family who likely had kids since he was nice to me. A day or so later I'm standing at the bus stop for school and asking some of the kids if any of them had seen the dog. I hadn't seen him since, but I wanted to make sure that he wasn't lost and that he had made it home. Two boys from the street across from mine came over and asked me to describe the husky again, which I did, thinking that maybe I was being helpful. The looked at me weird and stated that their dog had looked exactly like that, down to the eyes, and had that he had passed away last month. They said he used to go on trails with them all the time without his leash, but had died from some sort of heart abnormality. Insert weird spooky goosebumps theme.

    Some other things similar happen along the way through middle school, most unnoticeable and I try not to mention them because kids are cruel and no one likes to be called crazy. Insert my high school years. Somewhere along my sophomore year, my cat of nearly 12 years passes away from cancer. I had raised her from a kitten and paid out of pocket by getting a job as soon as I could for her treatments, which ultimately failed. Distraught over not being with her in her final moments, as she had been at the vets overnight after a scare and I'd been encouraged to go home. The next day we brought her home and buried her, planting a cherry tree over top to prevent her from getting dug up by the dog. Afterwards I felt like she was still in the house, occasionally rubbing against my legs or sleeping at my feet. I thought I'd see indentions on the blankets and pillows where she would normally lay. This continued for about a week or so. Several months later, as the tree was growing, we began to notice that it was growing oddly. We'd planted it straight, but it was now growing at an angle. When further investigated by going into the back yard, the tree was growing towards my upstairs window. Now, almost 10 years later, the tree has limbs that literally touch my window but the rest of it has grown straight and continues to do so, but I can now reach and touch it from my room. My mom used to joke that my cat became part of the tree and wanted to be able to watch over me as she had always done so before.

    Away from the weird and unexplainable, another odd thing from my life is the way me and my other half met. Freshman year of highschool, maybe my 3rd day, he's riding the same bus as me and minding his own business in the seat with his best friend. I was sitting next to a girl who knew them and although I can't remember exactly what she said, she was encouraging me to play along with her silly insults at them to just play. Small things, full of laughter and petty things like asking them if they were going out (his best friend was gay at this time and he got a lot of crap for it on occasions) ect ect. Well, I've never been good at social interaction and I thought he was cute besides. Meaning I was especially awkward but I wanted to prove to this new friend that I could be fun too! The words that came out of my mouth were immediately regretted and left me wondering if he hated for the next several months and trying to get him to forgive me enough to at least be friends but they were hilarious none the less. I also made a very spectacular impression and he could pick me out of the crowd after this. Mostly in avoidance.

    To answer your question, what exactly did I say? Well..... How about "Shut the **** up before I tape you naked to the front of the bus with your gay best friend." for first words to your future life partner?

    Needless to say his first impression was that I was a bitch. Hilarious, since I'm usually VERY timid. Oddly enough, and in his opinion calculated and creepy, in a mere coincidence of chances I ended up becoming very close friends with said gay best friend and several of his other friends. I somehow ended up in his close circle of friends within a few months and he begrudgingly put up with me for their sake. Eventually he saw I wasn't exactly as he'd expected and became my reluctant friend as well. He says he's not sure exactly when I went from the "crazy bitch from the bus" to the "kinda cute friend he debated asking out" to "Wow I really like her", but he says it was a downhill trip for his heart from there and now we're here expecting our second child after almost 9 years together. Most of his previous friends were completely baffled by this as well as himself because he went from a reckless pre-teen and teenager to a perfect gentleman around me and no one was allowed to even look at me wrong or they'd have words. I was unaware of any of this, funny enough, but he apparently got into a lot of fights before we met and had also done quite a bit of recreational law breaking things so he had his own "follower/worshipper" group of guys who saw him as the ultimate rebel and then I cam along and he refuses to do any of that stuff with them anymore but still beats the shit out of them if they try to bad mouth me when I'm not there. When he left our high school the next year because of a transfer, I even got a few guys trying to be badass and coming up to me telling me they weren't scared of me now that Dustin wasn't there and I was baffled that they had been scared to begin with? Because I just thought they were his quirky friends and that they kinda liked me but mostly hung around for Dustin but apparently I was scary? Yeah, that whole experience was weird.

    That's the weirdest things I can think of at the moment other than just more weird ghost stories. Depending on if you even believe in those things or not, the coincidences when lines up like that, especially as a kid, struck me as kinda creepy but I'm just kind of whatever about them now. Still get deja-vu a lot but I've learned to ignore it mostly.

  11. #11
    Banned Do any weird things happen to you in daily life?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Random ppl asking for photos with me. At the clubs n when my friends n I are eating out.

    I was waiting for a friend outside my apartment complex on the weekend n a taxi pulled up to the curb n the driver asked if I wanted a free ride. This happens mostly during the day n its not just weirdo taxi drivers. Its happened while I was waiting at a Bus stop with other ppl #embarassingaf

    A crazy lady snatched a water bottle right out of my hands n goes "OH U LOOK NICE ARE U A PROSTITUTE?!" My friends n I pissed ourselves n I offered her the rest of my food.

    A guy stopped me in the middle of the street on a night out (with all my friends there n his) complimenting me then started serenading me with Kiss from a Rose lmao
    Was one of my favourite songs n I haven't listened to it since because of that loser xD I even deleted it off my phone lol

    Weird sh*t happens to me all the time. Makes for good lols with friends.

    Understandably tiresome, perhaps even bothersome.

    But can you blame them? The woman is God's, or the universe's (whatever you believe) greatest creation. The most beautiful, majestic and Devine entity on the planet earth. Is she not to be worshipped, marvelled over? One who bares life, is without question Devine.

    Granted some guys are just desperate and creepy, but some are subjects of the female form. We love you, all of you. Not in a cheat on your wife, gotta catch 'me all, kinda way, but in a respectful, worship from afar sorta way.

  12. #12
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I guess the weirdest thing with me was back when I was younger, nine or ten years old I suppose, I just knew things. Like a sixth sense. It still happens occasionally now.

    Anyway, I had a dream that my aunt was expecting a baby. She was just pregnant in one of my dreams. The next time I saw her, I asked, and she was absolutely sure she wasn't expecting a baby. A few weeks later, we were over her house for dinner and she broke the good news to us. I had a dream that she was having a boy. When they went to determine the sex, she decided she didn't want to know. Creepiest part of all was the night she gave birth, I had a dream that she was giving birth... And later I could describe everything that happened in the room, like the two nurses, how her boyfriend left the room in tears to call a friend for advice, etc. I asked my mother in the morning when I woke up, and she said that I had a cousin called Brandon. <3

    Nothing really happened for many years. I'd just get a gut feeling, and something would happen. There would be the odd dream, and the events would actually happen. About two years ago, a friend at work was taking a lot of time off to look after her father. He was pretty ill, and needed her support. There was this one week where she needed some specific days off because he was having an operation - something pretty standard, but there's always risks when you're put under. I didn't know which day he was having the procedure done, but I had a dream that he died. When I woke up, I felt like complete shit. I was disgusted at myself for having that kind of thought. I went to work and my manager asked if he could speak with me in private, and that's when he told me. He told me because I was her closest friend - we started on the same day - and he thought I should know. I'd never felt so sick before in my life.

    Yesterday, I had a customer come into my store and tell me that he was going to start stealing stuff. I said that he could try. He then said that I was no fun, he didn't care about me, and that I should **** off. He then left, muttering curses at everything on the way. o.o

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  13. #13
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK
    Does weird things happen to me? Ummmm have you met me? Wait that's a no.

    Yes weird things happen to me all the time. I'm a 33 year old biker that plays in a band and have sole custody of my 2 kids. Weird crap happens all the time!

    "Hey dad did you see me as I scaled a wall to crawl up a basket ball goal so I could feel if the net was wet."

    "Yes son I saw it first hand as you and the goal came crashing down on me. Now please get off of me. This goal and you are heavy."

    Recently a friend of mine passed away. His "girlfriend" hit me up requesting that I aide her in his final wishes. According her his final wishes were to go TP a friend of mines house. Didn't happen because I know he was not malicious or petty and I don't know this chick.

    On stage my monitor went out which is bad because it's the only means I have to hear the rest of the band. As soon as we were done with the set the sound guy came up and it was magically working. Think the sound guy thought I was crazy.

    I have escaped serious injury on my motorcycle at least 20 times in the last 2 weeks. Random people being stupid on phones.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  14. #14
    The British Guy. Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Robbo's Avatar
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    England rep of CPC8
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    Honestly I just seem to get drunk frequently and do weird things.

    Obviously this happens to most of us but I can't turn it off as soon as I drink I get full of energy and smiles and just in general do weird stuff. Last weekend I went out and sang Can You Feel The Love Tonight to a blow up doll. If i think something is funny i'm gonna do it.

    As far as weird stuff happening to me goes I've had sleep paralysis since I was a kid but never learnt until recently what it was. I used to think there was something very wrong with me that my parents were ignoring. Also in my dreams it doesen't happen very often anymore but I'll get the sensation of déja vu but I'll see whatever it is in a dream a few nights before and be able to remeber it, never anything long around 2 seconds.
    CPC8... Makin' it happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin
    Ruin says
    someone fart in my eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
    Melibooyah says:
    Uggh bbl everyone is blowing me uo and I have to do my homework -_-
    Typo's change everything ^

  15. #15
    Gingersnap Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    The South
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    I dropped acid at a music festival and thought it didn't seem too different from normal life until I tried to get money out of my wallet to pay for something. Now THAT was weird.

    I, too, have been asked to take a photo with strangers. Only in NYC, though. I am on some tourist's camera because I was sweating on a subway platform in a too-tight dress waiting for a train back to Brooklyn at 3AM and I guess they thought, "Oh, look, a real live hot mess New Yorker." Joke's on y'all.

    I still smiled tho.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  16. #16
    アズテオル Do any weird things happen to you in daily life? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Holding down the low end.
    I'm constantly giving a handshake to people who go for a fist bump and vice versa. Once I cup their hands, then commence awkward fumbling and chuckling until we get it right.

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