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Thread: Discussions and update about what'sup

  1. #1
    Synthesized Ascension Discussions and update about what'sup Zardoch's Avatar
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    Discussions and update about what'sup

    I'm posting this here because the topics I want to post are a fusion of a couple topics that range from forum to forum, so blah blah.

    First, I've been gone because my computer is a jackass. After getting a virus that truly sucked, I tried a system restore and now that doesn't even work. So now I'm using my dad's mac and more often than not I don't get online a whole lot other than to check mail. That should explain that.

    Secondly, because my PC is a jackass, I'm deciding to switch OS's and get a mac. It'll be a couple weeks before I get one though.

    On the subject of macs, however, I'm wanting to ask everyone here who uses or has used a mac, how is it and would it be a better choice for me? Considering I never play PC games and use photoshop, is mac ideal for someone like me? Also, how can you put files from a disc onto the actual mac without simply creating a stupid shortcut of the files? I remember hearing that crap like that doesn't copy. Oh, that reminds me if anyone knows of a guide that would help someone like me, a windows guy transferring to mac, in what to expect and shit.

    Anyway, since I've been gone, can some of you give me an update on what's going on here? BTW, This mac doesn't have MSNM or AIM and probably couldn't even sustain the ram of either, so I can't get on IM.

    Insincerely yours, Valkyarc

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Discussions and update about what'sup Victoria's Avatar
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    You can use an alternative called Pidgin, I think.
    Also, yes, a mac would be better off for someone with your requirements.

    You don't really need to do much, and you can move stuff, you just don't drag and drop. You have to right click and select copy, and then right click and select paste. (or command c and command v)

    I'm sure Loco or Ally can tell you more.

  3. #3
    I use a Mac (as well as Windows and Unix, hah) and I have to say, it's great.

    You're less likely to get any spyware or viruses etc, for a start, since a vast majority of them are developed for Windows. Furthermore, Mac has AMAZING customer service in my experience. The Mac stores here always seem to have more staff than customers, and they fixed a hardware fault on my Mac in one day. Make sure you get the warantee/protection cover for a few extra bucks, its worth it. Without it my hardware fix would have cost £400.

    As for IM, I thought Pidgin was a Unix client, but maybe it exists for Mac as well. There's one called 'Adium' for Mac though, which supports multiple IM clients such as MSN, AIM, Google etc. The only problem I encountered with Adium, however, was a difficulty and changing my screenname and getting it to stay. Since I only use MSN and Skype these days anyway, I just use the official Mac clients for those two protocols.

    One thing that is confusing about switching to Mac is that pretty much anywhere you'd use 'Ctrl' on Windows, you have to use the Mac's own 'cmd' key instead. Also the whole one mouse button thing is a bit stupid, but you can rick click by holding down 'ctrl' and clicking. I plugged in a 2 button USB mouse anyway so at the end of the day, it's not much of a problem.

    Installing stuff is a lot easier too. It's pretty much a case of dragging and dropping new applications to where you want them.

    Some people tend to not like Macs, but it seems to me they only say that because they're just not used to them. When you get used to a Mac, you like it. Very much.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

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  4. #4
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    How do people have problems like that? I mean seriously I've never had any major problems with my PC and I download crap from all over the place. One of your torrents I presume? Probably be best to just reformat the whole thing.

    I've never used a mac but I know there are web based versions of MSN (I swear theres like over 9000 versions of it) which I presume usable on a Mac. I think Froggie uses one so you could ask her.

    Overall nothing much is happening, some misinformation has been going around the whole forums in general but that seems to be the usual here.

  5. #5
    Synthesized Ascension Discussions and update about what'sup Zardoch's Avatar
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    I know. I've never really had this bad of a problem before, but the kind of virus I had was pretty much the most difficult to get rid of. It attaches itself to exe and dll files, particularly to very important files. Then when a anti-virus program catches it, you can't heal it and must delete it. This can screw with a PC quite a bit and I did everything to get rid of this thing. In the end, I did reformat and then did a system recovery, but apparently some of the exe files that were deleted, particularly important ones, did not correctly copy in the recovery and so when I restarted I had to go through the introduction process for my particular PC, I couldn't get past this as certain graphics and systems were not there. So I couldn't move forward with completing the system restore. Nothing fixed this either.

    Anyway, the last thing we're gonna try to do is get a xp disc and see if it will restore properly. If not, this PC of mine is pretty much screwed and I'll go ahead and get a mac.

    Whew, man do I hate people who make such viruses.

  6. #6
    Lady Succubus Discussions and update about what'sup Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, it should restore properly.
    When you reformat, EVERYTHING is deleted/removed. There is no way for it to stay after that.

    It gets a clean slate that you have to re-install windows on.

  7. #7
    Au revoir. Discussions and update about what'sup Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Yeah, a Mac would be well suited for someone with your requirements. That's what I use my Mac for, and it does the job perfectly.

    Adium is pretty good for chatting. I haven't come across any problems with it. It doesn't have voice or video capabilities though, so if you do that a lot, I'd recommend aMSN.

    Apple has an online guide for people switching from Windows to Mac, appropriately named Switch 101. Have a link. I found it pretty useful when I switched, but other people I've talked to didn't like it. And if worst comes to worst, you could always set up a Windows partition on the Mac. =\

    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Necron View Post
    Also the whole one mouse button thing is a bit stupid, but you can rick click by holding down 'ctrl' and clicking.
    You can actually change the Mighty Mouse so that it can right click. System Preferences ==> Keyboard & Mouse ==> Mouse. You can choose exactly what you want each of the four buttons to do there.

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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Rocco View Post
    You can actually change the Mighty Mouse so that it can right click. System Preferences ==> Keyboard & Mouse ==> Mouse. You can choose exactly what you want each of the four buttons to do there.
    True, but on a Macbook, the trackerpad has the only one button.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

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