WTF is wrong with people nowadays. Seriously.
I can't even expressed how stupid this is.
No gender allowed at preschool; 'Him' and 'her' nixed to keep boys and girls equal - NY Daily News
The article is about a Swedish public preschool which is attempting to create a genderless environment for children.
Read it.
Do you think this is the right way to achieve equality, if indeed we need to? Do we have to eliminate gender, or can we acknowledge gender while maintaining that they are equal?
This should probably be in ID, but I want to read short responses too. I'll post my thoughts when on a real computer.
WTF is wrong with people nowadays. Seriously.
I can't even expressed how stupid this is.
My friend worked in a daycare and ran her own daycare, and she was telling us about something like this before. So Superman becomes Superperson, Batman Batperson... He Man They Person. They Person got a raw deal out of it.
I don't think that it promotes equality. I think it just causes confusion, and generally be a pain in the ass for the staff to get used to. Boys will still figure out a way to play with pretend guns anyway, I remember from my psychology classes, I believe. Maybe it was something else. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
The only way I see this working is if this preschool keeps the children for an extended period of time, or if the school requires that the parents also practice calling has and hons hens. The school only has the kids for several hours each day. There is nothing solidifying these practices after class is dismissed.
Why don't they just teach that both genders are equally unique and special, instead of making a whole genderless curriculum? This way, you could still have hims and hers, and celebrate the accomplishments of each gender.
I think it's retarded. You should teach the differences in genders, but obviously not the anatomical differences to children that young. However, you shouldn't stereotype and pigeon hole certain jobs and activities to specific genders. Let kids make their own assumptions and figure some things out on their own.
If schools subscribe to something so foolish, we'd all become the goobacks from South Park.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
In my perfect little dreamworld, we embrace the differences of the two genders, but we never stereotype them. Or get offended by stuff.
I don't want to trade less stereotypes and more equality for being more sensitive.
Last edited by che; 12-20-2011 at 04:01 PM.
Doesn't seem like the best way to go about it, as far as I've learned gender identity is an important part of child development and I think maybe this type of thing could interrupt that. To me it sounds silly and seems like another Communism disaster waiting to happen.
In my old school, which my little brother is attending right now, they have to do this exercise everyday where the children massage each other. To me it sounds really creepy, but apparently it's suppose to boost confidence with other people and improve social skills. Apparently. We'll see how my brother turns out.
What happens when they need to go to the bathroom? This is just stupid. Children massaging each other? That is creepy. In my school we were discouraged from touching each other. But that was high school and I think it was to stop teenagers from making out in school.
So are guys gonna start getting titty fucked now too?
Hey you!
NO that kid
Nope one to the left.
No not you.
Me or him?
couldn't you just say that in the first place.
Common sense is just lost some on people. Does that mean they will have unisex bogs and changing rooms? Im sure the kid will notice a difference then... ****ing morons
So... what exactly is the aim of not saying there are two genders, anyways?
Shouldn't this be about equal rights instead of eliminating the existence of genders? I don't really get WHY they're doing this.
Besides, I think it's good for children to have a sense of their gender. Being a girl is great and just because I'm a girl, it doesn't mean I can't do boys' stuff. (Aaand the other way round that's great as well!)
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
This pretty much sums up exactly what I was trying to say... minus the whole thing about me being a girl. Gender differences should be taught, but limitations shouldn't be.
I also feel like the parents play a large role in the development of gender roles and norms in a child's life. You can't just expect to have kids learn everything from school; parents have to step up and teach kids THEIR values as well.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
My school has had unisex toilets for a couple of years now and it was actually a really good idea. When I first heard it was gonna happen I hated the idea, but it's been really good. We're still technically separate because the boys use the toilets on the left and the girls use the ones on the right even though they're not labelled that way (they're cubicles). It's just sort of an unspoken rule. It's just an open space with sinks in the centre and cubicles on either side, and to bo honest it's stopped a lot of bullying. In the old school I remember lots of people getting absolutely tortured in the toilets because they were closed off and separate so no teachers could see or hear them, but now they're completely open and unisex and no bullying ever occurs in there anymore.
there's unisex bogs in a couple of the clubs ive been into, i dont think il ever get used to it... its a place where us women go in flocks and sort our make up out and have a quick gossip, we cant do that when the boys are sharing our space *flail*
I'm not sure if it's the "right" way to go about things, but I don't think keeping pronouns gender neutral can be a bad thing in and of itself. What may be a problem is that they encourage certain activities over others. Then again, this is a preschool so I'm not sure what activities would be deemed appropriate for children in that age group. By kindergarten we were pretending to be Power Rangers outside at recess... but in preschool all I remember is crafts, eating, and napping. Playing house is probably preferable to sword fighting when it comes to toddlers and younger children. Promoting non-nuclear family structures in play... shouldn't be a problem. In theory. It shouldn't be "bad" anyway.
It doesn't seem like any of this can delay the inevitable separation by gender, however. Kids grow older and will start noticing differences on their own. Not all parents (and society as a whole) are exactly on board with this kind of curriculum either. It's only a matter of time before the "reality of things" catches up. And that's excluding discussion of genetic disposition.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I think gender is a huge part of our identity, and that no one should have to nix "he" or "she". It really is important for children to grow up knowing which gender they are, and the differences between each - it's the early stages of sex education, in my opinion. There'll be a lot of awkward anatomy questions otherwise.
I don't know how it promotes equality either. It's all well and good calling each other a person, but every person you meet looks/sounds/smells different. Someone will still be the last person picked for a team at football.
...and no matter how hard we try, us girls will just never be able to do the helicopter
equality my arse
Gender studies permeate academic life in Sweden. Bergkvist noted on her blog that the state-funded Swedish Science Council had granted $80,000 for a postdoctoral fellowship aimed at analyzing "the trumpet as a symbol of gender."
Give me the cash instead. I'll build you 12, 350hp, street cars. (I'm a girl, btw) Who cares that much about symbolism? How much money do these people HAVE?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
Gender can't be eliminated. That's just stupid. I'm not going to have another guy make me a sandwich, and I'm not going to make it myself. That's a woman's job. But if there are no women, only "people," then there will be nobody to make me a sandwich, and then I'll die of starvation. Public preschool wants to kill me.
Hmmm. There's a reason why nobody gives a shit about Sweden... and it's stuff like this.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
You said it Peter!
Whats next? Passing a law to allow authorities toarrestabduct people off the street without charge or trial. Lets bring back the hitler tache into fashion while were at it.
This world needs another world war to take peoples minds off irrelevant bullshiz like this![]()
Yeah im sure everybody in sweden came up with this idea, its outrageous yes, but to tar a whole country with it is on the same level of stupidity and ignorance as the people who came up with the idea.
Meaning, your just as bad yourself, and i was being ironic with my abduction law being passed, meaning, your country (America) comes up with far superior stupid ideas than all countries in Europe combined. I havent done my homework but id wager a decent chunk of my account balance on that being fact![]()
Britan- road signs.
Nuff said about european gov't.
On topic,
The US has slowly been evolving into a culture which would like to do away with gender as well. In the work place and in schools, men are encouraged to calm down and women are encouraged to be more agressive.
I like my gender. I like the purpose of my gender. I like the things that are unique to my gender.
Likewise, I enjoy the female gender and the things that are unique to theirs.
It is possible encourage students to play their strengths. Males have strength, speed, hand-eye coordination, etc. Those are not bad traits, they should not be surpressed or ignored.
hahaha o wow this is beyond stupid.
Last edited by RainingOasis; 12-26-2011 at 10:12 PM.
Enjoying the ride of life, one adventure at a time
I don't think a female's purpose is to cook men.
Where are you from, Clint?
Don't think it matters where he is from, he's clearly insane![]()