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  1. #1
    Registered User Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!
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    Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Does anyone wish that some of the things that don't seem to be made anymore would be brought back and available for purchase? I can think of a few right now that I would like to see:

    Starburst Fruit Twists

    Haha... I was reminded of these in that commercials thread that popped up. I loved this candy a lot. It tasted like a better version of Twizzlers, since it kept pretty much the same flavor of the Starburst candies, but was shaped in a cool twisty form.

    Cranberry Fig Newtons

    They were available on store shelves I think only during Christmastime for a few years, and after that, never again. I have a friend who says they were delicious, and I love cranberries and Fig Newtons, so that sounds like a winning combo to me!

    I'm also kind of curious about Crystal Pepsi. I was never a big soda fan, but there's quite a few petitions around the internet to bring that stuff back. Makes me want to know what it tasted like.

    As for non-food and drink related stuff (at least it's not meant to be ):

    Gak and Floam

    Don't know how many TFFers were playing with this stuff when they were little, but I was a big fan of it, but I was a little more of a fan of Gak than Floam. Yeah, Gak didn't have a very high shelf life, and my mom used to say that I may as well be playing with snot, but I thought it was awesome. I remember getting some that was supposed to smell like buttered popcorn. Heh... I don't remember it smelling quite like that, but I still played with it. It was fun to make fart noises when you pressed it up against the container.
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  2. #2
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Some sort of Cheetos footballs!!!

    They are these ball shaped cheese flavoured chips with a football pattern on them. (That's soccer for you Americans). And they are really great. They aren't too salty like a lot of chips. Best chips I have ever eaten. In my mind I associate fighting Trance Kuja with those chips, cause I first defeated him while eating them, years ago. It was fantastic. Ah, melancholy.

    The expiration date on that bag mentions a date this year I think. So that must mean they still exist, even though I can't seem to find them over here.

    This thread has brought the possible current existence of these wonderful chips to my attention. Thank you!
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  3. #3

    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I can't really think of anything, but I know there's tons.

    The first thing that popped up for me was squand, if anyone knows what that is. It wasn't even that fun but it was just so weird. It was that colored sand you could put in water, yet no matter what it was dry when you took it out. There must have been a gypsy curse on it.

    It was always fail though because there was never a decent way to put it all back in the bottle, unless you used maybe a funnel.

    Buuuuut, of course I wasn't that smart as a child :s

    Omg and count chocula wtf!

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  4. #4
    This ain't no place for no hero Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I wouldn't mind seeing Crystal Pepsi around again. I loved that stuff! Although I wasn't a fan of Pepsi Blue. Gross.

    And although I know they're totally pointless now with Digital Cameras and all... but I do miss Polaroid cameras and pictures. That was huge for me and my friends back in tha' day.

  5. #5
    Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I know they still sell this state side, but I haven't seen Vanilla Coke in Canada in quite a few years. Oh how I miss it so! So om nomming good.

    Until now!

  6. #6
    This ain't no place for no hero Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    I know they still sell this state side, but I haven't seen Vanilla Coke in Canada in quite a few years. Oh how I miss it so! So om nomming good.
    By mixing coke and Vanilla Vodka it tastes the same as regular vanilla coke. Delish, but you get wicked hangovers cuz of the sugar.

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Coca-Cola Vanilla. I'm assuming it's been discontinued over here because I've not seen it in years. I liked it... I also liked the Lemon and Lime one that came out, but I think it's still sold here - just need to find out where.

    Also, Mountain Dew needs to come back to the UK. I can buy a small can of it for £1.25 at Cybercandy, but that's taking the piss (normal cans are 50p, sometimes 60p in some shops).

    It seems I can't think of anything but soft drinks. I'd say those gameboy shampoo bottles need to come back, but the amusement factor of them has pretty much gone now. Besides, the shampoo/bubblebath inside is crappy.

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  8. #8
    Professional Klutz. Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    A few months ago I'd have said the Wispa bar. Some unknown force deemed to answer my prayers, though. It's back... Every now and then... Such a tasty chocolate bar. Much better than that damned Aero nonsense.

    I do miss shops having Wonka Bars in them. I loved that crunchy stuff in them that popped in your mouth. Utterly delicious.

    I think America still has this but no chain supermarkets do in England: Lucky Charms cereal. It was possibly my favourite thing to eat when I was younger. I had it every day whilst I watched cartoons and got ready for school.

    On the subject of coke; I miss Cherry Coke. It tasted like Dr. Pepper but so much better.

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  9. #9
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts

    It's essential that they return. Originally, the Pop-Tarts brand used Smuckers (R) brand jelly for their filling, and the flavor of the filling was enough to cover the awful sweetness of the top frosting. Namely, I preferred non-frosted versions of the tarts than the frosted versions. Also, for the record: aside from, say, Brown Sugar Cinnamon, I didn't went for the new flavors. I recall icking over Wild Berry because it was far too different.

    Then, all of a sudden, they discontinued Apple Cinnamon. It was a perfect balance, what with no frosting, cinnamon sprinkled on top, and then apple filling inside which was the closest thing to eating apple pie every morning. Without the goodness-awful frosting to top it, it was my predilect breakfast for when I had to eat something sweet, fruity and swift because I had to go to college or something. Alas, it has been ripped from us, an untimely and unnecessary death as they still promote the frosted versions and they have lost their north. I know they no longer use Smuckers (R) brand jelly, but at least they could have kept the darned flavor in the shelves! Pop-Tarts is not just for kids!

    And, since it's one of the few things I currently consume from Kellogg's...

    Another is mostly a local brand, but one I loved. It was an attempt of the local dairy to produce flavored milk, with flavors such as the classic Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. Now, this particular brand of Vanilla was deliciously sweet (I'd say half the sweetness of mythical Ambrosia), and it was on a size between a pint and a half-quart, so you could drink at your heart's leisure. Then, they brought a Cookies n' Cream flavor which, while not as awesome as Vanilla, it was decent enough.

    What happened? They replaced the flavors with Nesquik (TM) brand flavored milks. I was never a fan of Quik (or the successor), but I think I threw up the milk once I tasted it. It was nothing like the vanilla I was used to, yet somehow the brand has prevailed. Ironically, it is marketed by the same people that produced the old flavored milk, so it was mostly a replacement of the old brand; I think ever since then, I haven't drank as much milk as I used to (then again, I have a very specific mania about milk).

    Never a big fan of Crystal Pepsi, in any case. If I want something that's clear and tasty, I'd rather go for a 7-Up. Which reminds me: they no longer distribute Royal Crown cola in these parts. Kind of a shame, in any case (kind of since I'm a bit more of a Pepsi loyalist than a rabid Coca-Cola fan).
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  10. #10
    This ain't no place for no hero Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post

    I think America still has this but no chain supermarkets do in England: Lucky Charms cereal. It was possibly my favourite thing to eat when I was younger. I had it every day whilst I watched cartoons and got ready for school.
    I love Lucky Charms! They're magically delicious! Wish the shipping wasn't so outrageous, otherwise I'd send you a few boxes. On the Mom/Pregnancy forum I'm on its predominately UK members, and I participated in a candy swap. It was ridiculous how much they wanted for a small parcel to ship over there. Blah.

  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I'll have to motion for Vanilla Coke or Pepsi Vanilla; I remember they brought it back, again, 1 or 2 years ago but it disappeared once more.

    But what I really want back is Pepsi Blue - that was the stuff. I know that after they had discontinued Pepsi Blue in the U.S. it was still being sold abroad - like Sweden but that did me no good. One day, a few years after Pepsi Blue had been discontinued my friend and I found that he had some cans left of Pepsi Blue; they were expired but we decided to drink a can each. He still has 1 can of Pepsi Blue in his fridge, sitting there. If a situation ever arose that I would get some compensation from Pepsi-Cola, part of it would be in the form of Pepsi Blue.

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  12. #12
    The British Guy. Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    A few months ago I'd have said the Wispa bar. Some unknown force deemed to answer my prayers, though. It's back... Every now and then... Such a tasty chocolate bar. Much better than that damned Aero nonsense.

    I do miss shops having Wonka Bars in them. I loved that crunchy stuff in them that popped in your mouth. Utterly delicious.

    I think America still has this but no chain supermarkets do in England: Lucky Charms cereal. It was possibly my favourite thing to eat when I was younger. I had it every day whilst I watched cartoons and got ready for school.

    On the subject of coke; I miss Cherry Coke. It tasted like Dr. Pepper but so much better.

    Cherry coke is still around in the UK i buy it all the time although Wonker bars are something i miss
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  13. #13
    The Bad Boy of TFF Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Block's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    On the subject of coke; I miss Cherry Coke
    Not that it's discontinued per say, but it has been removed from most fountain options at a movie theater or gas station. This makes me sad. I love Cherry Coke and popcorn (or popped corn if your Sgt. Hatred) it just works well together.

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  14. #14

    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Crystal Pepsi, I remember being 5 and loving that soda even when I didn't like soda. The last time I had it I think I was about 7 or 8 and it was it's possible I got a bad bottle or I grew up and realized it tasted like shit. I'd be willing to test the waters again to get my answer straight.

  15. #15
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I don't know if they are still sold elsewhere, but they are damn near impossible to find here in North Carolina.

    Mountain Dew: Livewire. It was this orange mountain dew that used to be available during the summers, until Pepsi decided that the southeast would get Sunkist instead, and they stopped selling it here.

    Sprite Remix: This stuff was like a caffeine free orgasm for my mouth. it was fruity, while still retaining that crispness that makes sprite so good. Haven't seen it in about four years now.

    They still sell count chocula, it's just REALLLLLY hard to find.

    Also, I totally can't find vanilla coke, OR vanilla pepsi. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE

    Though If I'm lucky I can sometimes find a non diet Cherry Vanilla Pepsi chillin' at a gas station.
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    Death Before Dishonor Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Pepsi Lemon & Lime. This stuff was f*cking delicious. I haven't seen it in roughly 6 years. I guess everyone else didn't share my love for it.

    Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. They still have diet, but I haven't seen regular around Ky in over a year. Pisses me off cause that shit was delicious. Now if I want to experiance it I have to go to Sonic and order a Cherry Vanilla DP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    Mountain Dew: Livewire. It was this orange mountain dew that used to be available during the summers, until Pepsi decided that the southeast would get Sunkist instead, and they stopped selling it here.
    Mtn. Dew Livewire is huge here in Ky. It is possibably the highest selling Mtn. Dew we have. I don't drin it that much, I usually go for Code Red..

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  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I want my sugar rush back

    Give me. SURGE!

    and not this Vault crap, Vault taste nasty as hell.

    I liked Pepsi had a new taste.

    and my favorite cereal is gone...I haven't seen it in ages and I look for it every time I go to a grocery store. Count Chocula...I have yet to find this anywhere.
    Last edited by loaf; 08-23-2010 at 10:55 AM.
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  18. #18
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Del Tacos usually have Cherry Cokes as a selection. But not everyone has a Del Taco.
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  19. #19
    Registered User Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I'm not sure if these have been discontinued or not, but I havn't seen any around for a very long time now, 1p sherbet straws. I used to love those, thin bright coloured palstic tubes filled wth sherbert and costing only a penny each. I remember when they were a big hit when I was middle school, kids alwasy stopping into the local sweet shop to buy a bag of sherbert straws.
    Also I havn't seen caramel Freddos or Taz bars around either, I only ever see the chocolate Freddos now, if anyone in the UK know if Taz is still about let me know, I want one lol

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  20. #20
    Bananarama Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    They still sell Coke Vanilla. I had some last week at my friends place.

    I miss the old WWF ice cream bars. Those things were the shit.
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  21. #21
    Death Before Dishonor Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I miss the old WWF ice cream bars. Those things were the shit.
    I used to love these things. I had a collection of them cause I knew they wouldn't last. My roommate ate all of em except one. Stupidass they were freezer burnt all to hell. I still have a Stone Cold Steve Austin one though. I don't plan on eating it.

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  22. #22
    I'll make you famous Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    captian crunch all berries

    tangy taffy, the watermelon flavors with the cookie pieces in it that were supposed to be seeds.

    this isnt discontinued, but i used to live and california, and i really miss in and out burger!
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  23. #23
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    captian crunch all berries

    THIS! The greatest captain crunch ever made!
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  24. #24
    #LOCKE4GOD Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    They don't have Vanilla Coke in Canada, the UK, or the USA? Wow. My brother just bought 4.5 litres (3x 1.5l) of the stuff for NZ$5.

    I can't think of anything I want back at the moment, I just wanted to post my realisation of how awesome Vanilla Coke is.

    Not that I drink Coke often/at all -- but I would only go Vanilla.

  25. #25
    The Bad Boy of TFF Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Block's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    They don't have Vanilla Coke in Canada, the UK, or the USA?
    USA still has Vanilla Coke.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
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  26. #26
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Dunno if it was discontinued or places locally just simply stopped getting it in, but Chopper Heavy Lager. I don't see it around anywhere these days and it was one of my favourite beers for a bit. Good stuff.

    Going away from the food/beverages, I also miss these metal spud guns they used to sell at the markets here when I was a kid. I imagine they were discontinued thanks to the Government getting stricter on less safe toys like that. They were amazing though, came with some pellets and a water pistol attachment and when you used it as a spud gun with bits of potato or apple you could get a good deal of force behind the projectile.
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  27. #27
    HRH Albha Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I really want Cadbury Dream bars to come back, it was nice to have white chocolate in a bar the same size as a normal Dairy Milk. Milkybar is good, but they're always too small to make me happy.

    I would also like to see the return of 5p Freddos and Taz Bars. Cheap chocolate is the best kind.

  28. #28
    Registered User Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    I really want Cadbury Dream bars to come back, it was nice to have white chocolate in a bar the same size as a normal Dairy Milk. Milkybar is good, but they're always too small to make me happy.

    I would also like to see the return of 5p Freddos and Taz Bars. Cheap chocolate is the best kind.
    Freddos are still about but the last I saw they had gone up to 15p, it's the caramel Freddos and Taz I've not seen for a long while.

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  29. #29
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I had a Vanilla Coke last week!
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    Certified tech, come at me! Discontinued items that should be brought BACK! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Discontinued items that should be brought BACK!

    I would like to see Butterfinger BBs again and maybe those Pot Pie Hot Pockets. The other thing that comes to mind that I really want to see around again is Mountain Dew Pitch Black.

    Now something that i wish WAS discontinued is Mountain Dew Game Fuel or anything of that sort. Had that stuff once and it was disgusting.
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