Does anyone wish that some of the things that don't seem to be made anymore would be brought back and available for purchase? I can think of a few right now that I would like to see:
Starburst Fruit Twists
Haha... I was reminded of these in that commercials thread that popped up.I loved this candy a lot. It tasted like a better version of Twizzlers, since it kept pretty much the same flavor of the Starburst candies, but was shaped in a cool twisty form.
Cranberry Fig Newtons
They were available on store shelves I think only during Christmastime for a few years, and after that, never again. I have a friend who says they were delicious, and I love cranberries and Fig Newtons, so that sounds like a winning combo to me!
I'm also kind of curious about Crystal Pepsi. I was never a big soda fan, but there's quite a few petitions around the internet to bring that stuff back. Makes me want to know what it tasted like.
As for non-food and drink related stuff (at least it's not meant to be):
Gak and Floam
Don't know how many TFFers were playing with this stuff when they were little, but I was a big fan of it, but I was a little more of a fan of Gak than Floam. Yeah, Gak didn't have a very high shelf life, and my mom used to say that I may as well be playing with snot, but I thought it was awesome. I remember getting some that was supposed to smell like buttered popcorn. Heh... I don't remember it smelling quite like that, but I still played with it. It was fun to make fart noises when you pressed it up against the container.![]()