Since atm TFF is all about discussing girls and guys, men and women, etc etc I thought I'd make a thread about dating, courtship, marriage and love since that's what life is all about. What is your current relationship status? Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what? Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes? Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years? Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before? Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

I'll start! As of right now, I'm currently single, and even though I've been "seeing" other women during that time, I've not had a serious relationship for about 2 years now. After breaking up with my most recent ex, I was more interested in meeting new people and expanding my group of friends from what I had. I'd say that I am more ready to find a girl I could be in a relationship, now that I've matured a bit and am seeing the overratedness of partying and being single; I mean yeah that shit is great and all but I'd be even happier to find someone whom I could share a little slice of life with. I'm currently "seeing" a chick that returned from a missionary trip overseas just the other day, and it would be cool to build a relationship out of it but it definitely wouldn't be the end of the world since I'll be at college and in another state in the next couple of weeks (though not that far away that I couldn't travel back whenever.) By the beginning of August '11 I'd hope to find myself in a steady relationship with a woman, but I'm open to wherever life takes me and if something else comes up along the way, it happens no worries.