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Thread: The Dating Game

  1. #1
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    The Dating Game

    Since atm TFF is all about discussing girls and guys, men and women, etc etc I thought I'd make a thread about dating, courtship, marriage and love since that's what life is all about. What is your current relationship status? Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what? Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes? Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years? Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before? Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

    I'll start! As of right now, I'm currently single, and even though I've been "seeing" other women during that time, I've not had a serious relationship for about 2 years now. After breaking up with my most recent ex, I was more interested in meeting new people and expanding my group of friends from what I had. I'd say that I am more ready to find a girl I could be in a relationship, now that I've matured a bit and am seeing the overratedness of partying and being single; I mean yeah that shit is great and all but I'd be even happier to find someone whom I could share a little slice of life with. I'm currently "seeing" a chick that returned from a missionary trip overseas just the other day, and it would be cool to build a relationship out of it but it definitely wouldn't be the end of the world since I'll be at college and in another state in the next couple of weeks (though not that far away that I couldn't travel back whenever.) By the beginning of August '11 I'd hope to find myself in a steady relationship with a woman, but I'm open to wherever life takes me and if something else comes up along the way, it happens no worries.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  2. #2
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status? Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what? Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes? Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years? Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before? Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

    I suppose I'll go down the line here.

    Currently I'm engaged, have been since May. My fiance and I have been together for about a year and 3 months, now, and we currently live together.

    In 12 months, I plan to be... engaged. We're not getting married until her senior year of college, or after, which isn't until summer of 2012, at the earliest.

    Over the years I've always had the same views. I've never been a one night stand or casual type person, I've always been all or nothing.

    Yes, I've "dated" a couple people online before. I was naive and always thought they'd work out, somehow.

    I was "single" for about 4 and a half years after my last real relationship ended, in December 2004. I dated several girls, dated the two online girls in that time, but never found someone I liked much, or lived close enough to make something real out of. In May, 2009, I finally found my fiance, and, well, I wouldn't have proposed if I didn't love her.

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD The Dating Game Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    What is your current relationship status?
    Taken. Will have been for three years on the 24th.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    Maintaining my current relationship. I'm a sucker for monogamy. That, or I just really, really like my girlfriend.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    Going into my fourth year in this relationship.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    That having a long-term, stable relationship isn't difficult. It's about being patient before you make the commitment to begin with. Then it's about listening and sharing, and not being afraid to be assertive. The worst thing that can happen is for one half to be dominant, and for either partner to feel as though they have lost a sense of freedom by being in the relationship. Being assertive yourself will inspire your other half to do the same.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    I would never do that. I could never do that. I remain highly sceptical that it is even possible.

    Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

  4. #4

    Re: The Dating Game

    My status? single, I was talking to this guy I work with for a while but I'm not "looking" so I kind of let him know. We still hang out but it's not actually "dating"

    Do I want a boyfriend? Yes, but not now it's not good for me atm but maybe at the end of this year or around October- December I'll be more open since there will hopefully be less stuff going on in my life. I'm open for hanging out and meeting people though, whether it's for friendship or relationship, I like a balance.

    My view of relationships over the years haven't really changed. I've never been one to "seek" a relationship probably because I never feel like I needed one (I like my "me" time), but that probably comes from having too many friends in the past that are too dependent on their boyfriends. I don't ever want to be like that.... though when I do have a boyfriend I like having one, it's verry nice
    *Also what Alpha said + Rep

    Last question:
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-10-2010 at 04:35 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Dating Game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Single, unfortunately (maybe not).

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I always meet new people, may I want it or not, but rarely do I develop any meaningful bonds with any of them, I guess the friends I have right now are more than enough for me, as for a relationship, making a serious one would certainly be a nice change.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    It may sound crazy but being single is currently the best solution for me, as I have a lot of things going on, a lot of things to take care of, I'm afraid I wouldn't have much time and will for anything serious right now. But 12 months from now on, maybe, I certainly would like to date someone in particular at that point.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    I have a different view on some things now, but overall it stayed pretty much the same.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Nope, can't really see how could it possibly work.

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  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! The Dating Game SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?


    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I'm both interested in meeting new people and eventually getting into a relationship with a girl.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    I hope to eventually reach the in a relationship status once I get a good job going and have everything going nicely from there. When I date a girl, I'm only sticking with that one girl I date unless the person I believe in has someone else for me.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    Well, i didn't have the best views back when i was 16-17 years and now that i'm much older and more knowledgeable compared to back then, I see relationships as not only getting to know the person, but also to let the other person know they can trust you and being able to hold up your part in the relationship. I probably will understand even better once i'm in a relationship.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    I have not, probably isn't the best thing to do. I'd only go as far as becoming really good friends with the girls I meet online which is the best you can do at meeting people online. If you try to turn that into a relationship or something of the sort it only complicates things and becomes messy.
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  7. #7
    Registered User The Dating Game
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?
    Single. Plain and simple.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I'm a little mixed on this: I don't mind being single, since it leaves the door open for...anything...I guess, but it would be nice to meet someone special and start building some sort of a romantic relationship with him.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    I'm really in no hurry to do anything relationship-wise, so I can't really say where exactly I want to be, and considering I haven't had any prospects in romance for a while, I don't think I'm apt to get much further than I am right now. However, I would like to say that I'm at least dating someone.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    Boys used to be icky...and now I like them very much.
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  8. #8
    Never getting back together... The Dating Game JillXWesker's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Dating a guy, who is sweet, and kind =) Been dating since 5th grade XD

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I'm afraid after this relationship breaks up (Which it's about to) I will stay single. After college, I'll try to get a guy.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    Still in this relationship, but I've heard rumors about him cheating on me with my best friend. So... Probly Single.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    At first, I thought boy's were icky, but when I had "Health Class" for the first time, I started to find out that their not as icky as I thought they were XD

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    No... But I've been hit on a mllion times.

    Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

    Um... *Thinks about it* No and Yes? No, because I'm 13, but yes if I were a bit older? Like... 19, 20, or 21? Oh, and plus, I don't know you that well XD.

    Love JillXWesker

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  9. #9
    Crash Boom Bang The Dating Game Lily's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I was beginning to feel like I was definitely ready to settle down, though I didn't wanna go out with the mindset 'I want a man, any man will do' I was willing to be single for quite some time - so I guess, interested in meeting new people - hopefully finding Mr. Right along the way..?

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    Well, I've only had one date with this chap, and texted a fair bit, but we hit it off superbly, so hopefully, if all goes well, this could develop into something. Other than that, I don't tend to think that far ahead. So far so good though

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    I think I've learnt an awful lot about myself and relationships recently

    From previous relationships, I toughened up, wouldn't let folk treat me like a door mat, tell me what to do who I could see etc. I became too independent even within a relationship after splitting with a bf of 3 years who just controlled my life. It was a case of, I'm doing this, if you don't like it, then you know where the door is. I'm not sure if it's my build, or something about me, but folk seem to think they can push me around, and I learnt to fight back, even if it was only with words. But I can have a very venomous tongue when I want. I never shared my feelings or opened up, because I always thought it was something they could use against me in the future. Pretty ****ed up view of relationships there

    There was someone that made me realise that it's not supposed to be like that, opening up, and placing your trust in someone is part and parcel of the whole relationship, otherwise, its not really that is it? Taking it slow and getting to know the person first is the key I think. Diving head first into a relationship is never gunna work - not for me at least, as talkign about feelings and shit is never anything Ive ever been really comfortable with, Im quite a private person in that respect, my business is my own etc. So trust, that's a big one for me. I trusted this guy, and the relationship was so much better for it, I felt comfortable with him, I knew he wouldnt deliberately try to hurt me. Distance pulled us apart in the end, but I've no regrets, I've taken a great great deal from him.

    I'l never be a door mat though, I hope ive had enough good and bad experiences to mix together and give me a healthy view of relationships xD

    It's not always hearts and roses, things will get tough. A relationship that is worth it, is worth working/fighting for.

    Another thing to just throw in, a person won't change no matter how much they promise they will.

    that was a bit of a disorganised essay haha

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    yeah, and we were on and off for like, the past year or so, we spent like, a week together every 4/6 weeks or so, but the distance and commitments just made it too difficult. (points up to the chap that changed my relationship views)

    Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)
    Do you have ice cream?

  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    [QUOTE=Rocky;1280128] What is your current relationship status? [quote]Single.
    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I am more interested in getting my shit together. I would like to eventually marry someone, but I have to feel I am ready and capable of supporting such a relationship. I also have to feel a strong attraction to the girl, obviously.
    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    I'm not all that worried about it, so whatever happens, I guess. I'd like to have a job that will at least support me, though, so I won't be a "scrub." Been hard to come by...
    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    Not much.
    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    Nope. I've seeked them out before though... Makes me feel like a total weirdo to admit it, although I have heard of such relationships working out for other people-including people I've known in real life-so maybe it shouldn't be knocked too much? Eh. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    I used to like to find some girls to kikit. ;]
    But no I'm single and I mainly look for someone to spend time with but I aint in no rush for that.

    Knowing me I wont have a relationship in 12 months but it would be long as I have a job. I just hope she has a lot of stuff in common with me. Whether it be video games, the same video games, some movies? Anything, I like being able to talk to someone about anything.

    Well to me it's been a type of thing if you aint got a job or commitment then don't go for it. At least around here I've seen it, they want stuff you gotta buy. Not all girls are like that though so I just gotta look into it better.

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  12. #12
    Registered User The Dating Game winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Taken, can't think how long we been together. I know we met November 05 and were on and off, on and off till May 06 when I found out I was pregnant, we broke up for about 3 weks til he came to terms with the pregnancy then it was once again on and off till June 07 when we broke up for 7/8 months, got back together and been together since, no on and offs but had a few close calls.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I've always wanted to have a happy relationship, but I do sometimes miss meeting new people, especially when I'm out clubbing and get chatting to other men, for the record I always tell them I'm taken, I'm a good girl

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    I have no idea, it would be nice to still be together, but we do have a tough relationship sometimes and often think everything will be easier if we broke up. We are unpredictable so anything could happen between now and the next year.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    Harder than I expected lol

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Yes. I was 15 and he was 26. We meet on a chatroom and I was one of those teenage kids who got sucked into the sweet talk and effection of an older man, we meet up once but nothing happened, almost did but it didn't and I'm glad it didn't. We didn't date date because of the 3/4hours distance between us, kind of a long distance relationship thing. I would never do it again tho, you can't always be sure the person your talking too is the person you they say they are.

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  13. #13
    Death Before Dishonor The Dating Game Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    What is your current relationship status?
    I am currently engaged with a child on the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    I hope that I will finally marry my girlfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    A few years ago I didn't want a relationship I just wanted to bone as many chicks as I could. Don't get me wrong it was great for a while, but eventually it is boring. It is wham, bam, thank you ma'm. That is what I wanted anymore. So I begin to creep, in order to find the right girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    Yea I have, and of course it didn't work out. It is dumb as hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the MEN): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)
    I just had to fix that for you Rocky. Come on, there is no hiding how you feel.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  14. #14
    The Lone Dagger The Dating Game Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    I am currently taken, I have been dating a girl that I met in college my sophomore year. We began as friends because I was previously taken going into the college but I broke up with my high school girlfriend and just enjoyed a good 5 or 6 months to myself before sparking up a new relationship

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I'm interested in keeping my relationship that I am in right now because I do care for her very much.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    In 12 months I hope to still be the girl that I am with right now and with my trying to be in Medical School this time next year and her trying for PT school we're gonna be busy and distance could be an issue.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    It may sound cliche to me but I've learned two things:
    1) When it is right it really is easy. Dating the girl that I am dating now and seeing how at ease I am with her and how easily we get along makes me realize that the other relationships that I was in were never right.
    2) All girls are the same, doesn't matter what you think they will all say the same things to their boyfriends, it amazes me hearing from my friends that their girls are saying the same things as mine.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    No I have never dated anyone online and wouldn't think of doing it either.

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  15. #15
    Registered User The Dating Game kupo's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    happily taken for just over a year now.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    nah, i think i'll stick in my good 'ol monogamous relationship

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    still with the guy and (hopefully) he'll be able to transfer schools next year. he lives about 3 hours away which is annoying at times, but its not so bad. neither of us are really clingy people.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years

    i wouldn't say they have changed, but experiences have caused me to be stronger in my views.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    nope, i dont really see how that can work

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  16. #16
    The Bad Boy of TFF The Dating Game Block's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    I am engaged to a beautiful girl that I have been with for a little over 3 years. We just moved in together not too long ago and things have been going well. I'm trying not to be a douche to her when video games get me in a bad mood (not as though that happens a lot, but it does happen). So far things are going great and I can't wait to share the rest of my life with this girl.

  17. #17
    This ain't no place for no hero The Dating Game Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Dating. Nearly 3 years (on the 22nd of Sept), moving in together and a kid later we're doing great!

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    Totally happy with where I am in life, so no need to meet people with a relationship in mind.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    I'd still like to be where I am! Sure, getting engaged would be nice too. I know it'll happen, I'm just not sure on the "when" it will.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    I always thought I had a type. Then after being in an abusive relationship for nearly 5 years I learned that its the PERSON not the TYPE that matters. I don't think I would've even given my guy a second glance had I not gone through the hell that I did while with my ex.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Yep. It was fun! Him and I are still friends to this day.

  18. #18
    The British Guy. The Dating Game Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Im Single and im not really looking for a relationship.

    I am trying to expand my group of friends, as i love meeting new people im not shy (after the first 10 minutes) i love people with stories to tell and im a good listener and im 16 so really i suppose i should feel pressured to be in a relationship. But i dont in any way, Im only 16 and i think the main thing is im not sure who i am other thna im engergetic so i want to know more about me before i share me, if that makes sense .

    In 12 months ill be starting my second year of college (i think its different in england than in america) and i dont think ill have a girlfriend but ive been suprising myself lately, and funny chat up lines are my speciality.

    Lastly just wanted to put all of your posts are nice more or less and i wish you all the best of luck and happy years to come.

    Edit: I think that sounded less "corny" in my head if corny is the right word

    Last edited by Robbo; 08-16-2010 at 04:50 PM.
    CPC8... Makin' it happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin
    Ruin says
    someone fart in my eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
    Melibooyah says:
    Uggh bbl everyone is blowing me uo and I have to do my homework -_-
    Typo's change everything ^

  19. #19
    Memento Rhapso The Dating Game Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?
    Dating, nearly a wonderful year. October 22nd, here we come

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I'm quite happy with how we are now, no polygamy. I despise cheaters.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    Right where we are, maybe a few more freedoms

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    Nope. Well technically. I used to think any relationship was fine, but now I've learned week long flings and relationships with unfaithful people can do a number on ya.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    My parents would never quit laughing at me. That's a negative, ghost rider.

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  20. #20
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?
    I'm in a relationship currently. We've been together just over fifteen months. ^^

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I'm more interested in having one significant other. I like making new friends though, who I like as... friends. Nothing more. I had a crush on one friend a while ago, but I didn't want anything further to do with them because I was already happy with someone - they didn't seem to understand that, and I lost a friend. Sad tiems.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    Somewhere much closer to where my partner lives. Where dating online does have some benefits, it also sucks when you need someone with you to share life with. =(

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    They've changed... quite a lot, as some could probably imagine. Then again, I'm still pretty young and new to relationships, so they could keep changing. xD

    I guess when I was a young teen, my views changed when I ended up with a crush on a female teacher of mine. I'd been raised believing in meeting a Knight in Shining Armour, and that we'd one day have kids, and blah blah blah... but I didn't consider the possibility of them being female, and me not having kids. Nor did I consider dating a Japanese guy who'd then dump me for not wanting sex. Nor did I consider meeting someone online.

    Honestly, if someone told me what things were going to be like when I was twelve, I wouldn't have believed them. ^^;

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    Yup. I'm with them currently.

    I've heard a lot of negative things about my current relationship, and online relationships in general. After telling a friend who I was with, their immediate reaction was: "But you don't know them - they could be anyone!" But... you know. Did that stop them flirting with some stranger at a bar, and going home with him? He could have been anyone too. The way I look at it is I wouldn't put myself in a situation where I would be unsafe - if I felt unsafe, I'd stay clear. Simples.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  21. #21
    Registered User The Dating Game Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    I really like meeting new people for them to be friends with, but as much as possible I want to stay single.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself?
    Mmm.. No.
    Last edited by Yesha; 09-02-2010 at 04:34 AM.

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    “Try harder to succeed.”

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  22. #22
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Taken. And by a local too, despite me thinking that wouldn't happen.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    If I meet someone I could consider my significant other I'm all for it, if not, no use leading a person on, single's better than that. I'm also not above a casual fling, but only if not currently taken.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    No clue. I figure I'll see how things go and roll with it.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    I have become somewhat disillusioned, though part of me remains hopeful (I can stick with hope to the point I'd seem a real sucker for abuse). Just hadn't found a girl who could deal with my eccentricities before I guess.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Yeah, and because of the distance it didn't work out and I don't feel I could try it again unless it was meeting up with a local I met online or something. I get the feeling it might work for some but it's certainly not for everyone.
    victoria aut mors

  23. #23
    Bananarama The Dating Game Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Dating my amazing girlfriend.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    I'm all for meeting new people and for making new friends, but I'm not looking for any new relationships or to pursue any side action. I'm really just looking forward to getting to strengthen the relationship with my girl, and getting closer with her family, and having her get closer with mine.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    I'd like things to be right where they are. Life is good, I wouldn't change a thing with her. It's too early to say anything like I wanna be hitched, but hell, if it happens, it happens. She's def something special.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?

    It's definitely changed, for the better, I'd like to think. At first, when I was a youngin, it was just all about sex and hooking up. Sure, it's fun, but it's nothing really great. You go out once in a while, ****, and leave. In college, I was practically married, totally attached at the hip with a girl, and it ultimately drove the both of us absolutely insane, to the point where we hated each other. It also didn't help that we were both immature, and thought love was something more along the lines of spending every waking moment with each other, or on the phone, or texting. It was really difficult to even take a shit without it getting interrupted. Now, as I've matured, I can see it's not just about the sex, but also about genuinely caring about the other person, wanting them to be happy, but also wanting the both of you to be able to thrive on your own, as well as being a couple. It's really amazing to be able to talk to someone who wants to hear about your day because they care about you, and not because they're trying to make sure your story checks out.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?

    Yes and no. I was introduced to my girlfriend in person, by a mutual friend, but we really got to talking and getting to know each other, via aim, and then via calls and texts. When we met up again, it was like "holy shit, where have you been in my life?" We still started out as friends, and then only made it "official" as of July 3, but the feelings were there for a few months before that.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  24. #24
    Registered User The Dating Game Selcopa's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?

    Found a girl crazy enough to take me off the market 8 months ago, but have only been official for 2

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    While I like meeting new people, nothing relationship wise, im happy with my girlfriend

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?

    Still with my current girlfriend, getting to know her more and just enjoying eachothers company

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years

    There isn't a sudden epiphany going from single to dating, although I have noticed that I simply don't look at other women at all, but apart from that, there's no magic 'everythings good' now that you are dating someone, it takes work

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    I met the girl i'm cuirrently dating through facebook, she was under an hour away so it wasnt too bad, I had also planned on going to college near her, had already been accepted before i met her. So it worked out.

  25. #25
    Registered User The Dating Game xXx Rikku xXx's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status? Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what? Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes? Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years? Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before? Super secret David Bowie extra bonus question (for the ladies): Would you ever consider dating a 21 year old master of life and love such as myself? (will give skype if you have correct answer!)

    I am currentley single and have been for months now ebecause i can no longer be arsed with the shit called relationships. I love making new friends online if i could call them friends anyway as i see a friend as someone who i can trust and the only people i trust are my brother and my mother ( how cool am i? )
    i am to stay single until i meet that bloody dutch guy i fell for >.<
    In the time of 12 months i hope to have met dutch guy ( whose name i will not post because i might look back and cry cause i cry to easily ) be in college doing a fashion design course with a lovley internet relatinship but we meet up every couple of months.
    Relationships have changed a lot for me over the years, i dont give a shit about what he looks like he just has to have an amazing personality and i have to be able to trust them now.
    And yeah i've had quite a few internet relationships before but never met the person.
    and for the super bonus question thingy, yes i would, i like older guys but the real question is would you want a 15 y/o girl bwuahahahahaha

    anywho thats practically everything thats been happening in my life for the past 4 months... apart from one horrile little secret to do with relationships but no one must know!!!!!!!!!! O.O

    PEACE \m|/

  26. #26
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    What is your current relationship status?
    I've been with Jordan for a while now. To be honest, he was the absolute opposite of the type of guy I usually date, but I think this time, that was what attracted me to him.

    Not only is he five months younger than me (I have a reputation for dating older men), but he's blonde and the friendliest guy you could ever know. Generally, my ex's were all 5+ years older than me, usually dark haired and not the nicest of guys -- they were alright with me, but they haven't all been the life of the party in terms of connections and meeting other people.

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?

    It's pretty serious with Jordan and me... I mean, we live together so I'm obviously happy with him. That isn't to say I didn't have my party phase, however. I spent a long time seeing random guys, sleeping around and drinking a lot more than I should have done. It was all fun and games but I've pretty much ended that now as it doesn't really appeal to me anymore. I enjoyed being single very much; I'd still be enjoying it now if I didn't have Jordan... but I wouldn't be completely happy like I am now. I prefer knowing that I have a great guy by my side, somebody who I really care about.
    I prefer having a quiet weekend with a small group of friends, or alone with Jordan.

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    Jordan and I will still be together. There aren't any wedding bells ringing and there are no babies on the way (thank ****) but I'm confident we'll still be together.

    Bonus question: How has your views of relationships changed over the years?
    I used to think it was really important to spend every waking moment of my life in connection with whatever guy I was with at the time, whether I felt like it or not. For the longest of times, I wandered around just making mistakes and sleeping with all the wrong people just because I could and because I didn't care.
    Quite frankly, after I lost my virginity at age 16, I pretty much stopped giving a shit about stuff. My faith in relationships has been restored though, since I've found somebody to share my life with, for now at least.

    Extra bonus question: Have you ever dated someone online before?
    One or two when I was younger.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  27. #27
    Controlling With Fear The Dating Game Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Well, was dating this girl named Meagan for about a year until i got outta High School this recent summer. She left to go to Texas A&M, and i wanted to enlist in the military near home, so things sorta kinda fell apart. So right now i'm single, ladies....

    Ps: Jk, i'm not really a perv
    Last edited by Unlucky Rufus; 11-02-2010 at 05:36 PM.

  28. #28
    Crash Boom Bang The Dating Game Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.

    Re: The Dating Game

    Aw, things have changed

    What is your current relationship status?

    Are you more interested in meeting new people, making a relationship with a significant other, having a casual fling, staying single or what?
    Planning on staying single. No relationships, no casual flings no nothing. It would be nice to settle down, but Ive come to the conclusion that it's just one massive hassle. The pros of being on my own FAR outweigh being with some one, even if that does mean going without sex

    But, no one to answer too, no one to wind me up, no one to have to take into consideration

    When I was 'dating' and I use that term losely,o I spent half my time being pissed off, he was a nightmare and it was just too much like hard work

    Who needs a man when you have friends and family

    Not bitter... much ]:<

    Where do you want to be in the near (lets say 12 months tops) future as far as your relationship status goes?
    I'm happy enough with my life to know I won't be slitting my wrists if I'm still on my own in 12 months time. I cant guarantee I wont be climbing the walls in frustration though. I get very highly strung when I'm not getting any.

    It's just typical that now I know I'm emotionally ready for it, I can't get a man for shit haha. So I give up

  29. #29
    forever alone in hell The Dating Game final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Well I'm single...but on my own will
    I don't feel like being in a relation ship right now,I've had one Semi serious relationship,but other then that my relation ships never last more then a week...sometimes they last a month
    My good friend alicia says I get bored to easily and that's prouble why my relation ships don't last to long,she may be right but I'm not sure.
    And idk what I really plan on doing in the nexed couple mouths,I have dated online before..its really fun
    (I'm up for dating online still so if u want u can message me)

    **1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**

    time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,

    DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!

  30. #30
    Controlling With Fear The Dating Game Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: The Dating Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post

    Planning on staying single. No relationships, no casual flings no nothing. It would be nice to settle down, but Ive come to the conclusion that it's just one massive hassle. The pros of being on my own FAR outweigh being with some one, even if that does mean going without sex

    Well, i can't say i feel the same. (ive went cold turky for like a year now, and its getting pretty sad...) But anyways, i think its worth it if you can find a person that shares a couple interests with you. I don't care what anybody says, opposites do not attract. And if their is a bit of hassle, i still think its worth it to try.

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