View Poll Results: Vote for your favorite sig.

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  • Sig 1

    1 4.17%
  • Sig 2

    1 4.17%
  • Sig 3

    2 8.33%
  • Sig 4

    10 41.67%
  • Sig 5

    5 20.83%
  • Sig 6

    3 12.50%
  • Sig 7

    2 8.33%
Results 1 to 19 of 19

Thread: Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Violet's Avatar
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    Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2

    (note: I couldn't create a transparent background, because some of the sigs wouldn't open up in my photoshop.)

    Finally, polls are here. Time to start voting. If you are found cheating, I will disqualify you from the contest. Cheating: Telling everyone whose sig is whose. Advertising your sig for votes. Voting for your own sig. ETC. Just keep quiet and vote for whichever one you like personally.

    Results will be posted in Art forums. This is in GC so it can get more people's attention.

    If anyone wants to review the sigs, go for it.

  2. #2
    Angelicos Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Alther Primus's Avatar
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    Bah, bummer I didn't realize it, Oh well... Bummer. THere's always NEXT year! *Cackles madly*
    I'll probably do a review when the Poll finishes.

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  3. #3
    Tsuna Feesh Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Hmm, I'll have to wait to review, too, since I'd have to review my own and give it away if I do it now. Actually, that comes to mind a question. Forgive me for asking, but out of curiosity, when is the poll intended to close?

    .:EDIT:. To Dodie's reply: I totally overlooked that part! xD
    Last edited by Fate; 01-02-2010 at 11:27 PM.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

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  4. #4
    Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Jin's Avatar
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    Number five wins because it has the nicest pair of animated boobs incorporated into it.

    Until now!

  5. #5
    Registered User Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    Forgive me for asking, but out of curiosity, when is the poll intended to close?
    It says at the top of the poll when it's going to close.

    This poll will close on 01-09-10 at 11:27 PM

    That's what it says for me anyway.

    I plan to to a critique as well, after the results are all in. I wish everyone good luck!
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  6. #6
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    All of the entries look great and I cant wait to see who brought waht to the table this year. Good luck to everyone!
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  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Number five wins because it has the nicest pair of animated boobs incorporated into it.
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  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Really is that what the comp is turning out to be????? The nicest animated jugs?

    If so I am sorely disappointed.

    The art work around all of the sigs are better then just who the best tits belong to.

    Sucks the actuall art is limited to such a bias.

    If this is the reasoning behind the last few comps then you can count me out for the next one. Not saying sig 5 is bad by anymeans. But the over all shouldn't come down to pixilated boobs.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  9. #9
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Treize's Avatar
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    I voted for number 5 too, but not for the boobs. I don't really understand why Chopper is in the background, but I guess it works. Number 4 didn't look too bad either, but I thought there was just too much going on. Sometimes simpler is better. Also number 1 seemed like it could have been okay, but not enough of the image is shown. I can't really tell what the image even is except for the two people, and even they are hard to make out because you can only see half of their heads.
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  10. #10
    Ellipsis Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Meigumi's Avatar
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    I vote for 7. It's nice, detailed, and cute, but lacks green (sadly).

    4 is also nice, but it lacks emphasis. It's bright, but it doesn't feel very exciting... Maybe we need that "!" after Christmas. xD
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  11. #11
    I actually really like #5. I almost voted for it. The risqué nature of it lost my vote.

    Although I think it could have been a little better, #7's cuteness factor has appealed to me. I do think it's good even though I feel it could be better, though.

    #1 is nice, too. But something about that image in there threw it off for me.

    I don't know what to say about #6. It's not bad.

    I can't take #3 seriously.

    #2 and #4 are well done, and have a very traditional feeling. Very nice, but...

    Cuteness shall prevail!

  12. #12
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Polk's Avatar
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    I voted for number 3 for two reasons. One, it wasn't just some picture of a ****ing anime girl with "Merry Christmas" written somewhere on it.

    Two, it made me smile, where the other ones, while capturing a good feeling of the season, sort of bore me.

    Congratulations, number 3. You officially get my Presidential seal of approval.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  13. #13
    Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Really is that what the comp is turning out to be????? The nicest animated jugs?

    If so I am sorely disappointed.

    The art work around all of the sigs are better then just who the best tits belong to.

    Sucks the actuall art is limited to such a bias.

    If this is the reasoning behind the last few comps then you can count me out for the next one. Not saying sig 5 is bad by anymeans. But the over all shouldn't come down to pixilated boobs.
    That's what happens when you make voting open to the public. It's why you can never trust the fan review scores on gaming websites.
    Last edited by Jin; 01-03-2010 at 10:40 AM.

    Until now!

  14. #14
    Lady Succubus Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Victoria's Avatar
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    Jin's right. As long as voting is open to the public, they'll vote under any criteria they want.
    Best boobs, best art, how funny it is, etc.

    That's the risk for having polls in things like this.

  15. #15
    Air from my lungs. Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Violet's Avatar
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    Well, polls make it more fun because it includes everyone, not just the select group of sig-makers. This IS just for fun and tradition, this isn't supposed to be anything professional. Everyone judges things differently. Some vote for the best overall appearance. Some vote for the funniest ones. Some vote for the ones with the best message.

    I voted for 4 because it feels more Christmasy. My only complaint is that there's a bit too much going on in the background and something about the font just takes away from it.

    As far as I'm concerned, these polls are no more fair than how it was handled in the first Sig contest(where it was me, nathan, and chez judging the banners). Hell, maybe I should make a "no anime" rule from now on.

  16. #16
    Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Jin's Avatar
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    I'm not knocking the poll. I'm defending my use of stupid criteria to make a selection.

    Until now!

  17. #17
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I don't think there should be a no anime rule, honestly I didn't think my responce would get such an out cry of responces.

    Maybe I shouldn't of made my post in my drunken state, even though I feel it to be true. Honestly it is for fun so I am more then likely thinking way to much into these things.

    If I really wanted to compete in a serious art contest then maybe I should look into an art forum then ay?

    I voted for number 4. I found it over all to be very easy on the eyes and it had a very nice christmas feel to it. I was glad to see some traditonal Christmas colors used in it with out going to far as to add a traditional holiday out look to it (meaning no Santas ect ect.) The one thing I would have to make a negative comment about is the poinsetta in the upper left seems to be more on the blurred side comapared to the rest but I must say that doesn't really affect the over all appeal. Kuddos to who ever made that one!
    Last edited by Meier Link; 01-03-2010 at 07:52 PM. Reason: errors, got to love them
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  18. #18
    Registered User Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Dimi's Avatar
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    ****. If I were a biased poster, I'd say 5 too. Haha. But overall, I have to go with Sig #4. Whoever worked on this sig did an amazing job. This one stood out to me the most because of the borders around it. It's very colorful and sets the mood for that Christmas feeling. And the background is nice too. The only thing I don't like about it is the font that Ann had mentioned. Maybe it could've been a bit bigger or maybe a different type of font, perhaps? It's just that the font in the sig looks like wallpaper with the background when it should also stand out. But like I said earlier, overall this one is my favorite.

  19. #19
    Air from my lungs. Christmas Signature Contest Polls v2 Violet's Avatar
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    Alright, so.. I made the Sig Results thread in the Art forums.. here's the link:

    This thread can be closed now, btw.

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