Ok this is going to be an of the wall topic that I was thinking about doing in ID but really it is not suitable for that section just because I don't want lame *** responses.

First off I want you to think before you speak here and I do mean to take a few minutes to actually think about it.

:: Back story ::

The wife and I where laying in bed the other night when I made the comment that if I could trade places (bodies) with her (regarding the pregnancy) I would.

This thread is also somewhat inspired by Anne Rice's Tales of the Body Thief; seeing that to got my mind racing about something similar.

Honestly this comment got my mind going, what if it was possible to trade bodies with anyone you want to for any given period of time. I was even thinking about it at work today because I was working in isolation and had no one to talk to but myself.

Not so much as completely taking over that person’s body but taking over the conscience part of the brain. The motor skills, primal instincts, basic instincts, and knowledge from that person are still in tact.

Given if you took over someone’s body you would also have to take over their lives. Meaning who ever you choose you would have to live their life for the most part.

So now that I have your attention here are a few questions.

If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?

Who would you change places with?

For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?

What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)

What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?

Also keep in mind when responding to this that if you take over someone they in turn have access to you and your body and memories.

What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?

Do you think they could live your life?

::Edit:: I will respond to my questions at a later time.