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Thread: Changing places.

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Changing places.

    Ok this is going to be an of the wall topic that I was thinking about doing in ID but really it is not suitable for that section just because I don't want lame *** responses.

    First off I want you to think before you speak here and I do mean to take a few minutes to actually think about it.

    :: Back story ::

    The wife and I where laying in bed the other night when I made the comment that if I could trade places (bodies) with her (regarding the pregnancy) I would.

    This thread is also somewhat inspired by Anne Rice's Tales of the Body Thief; seeing that to got my mind racing about something similar.

    Honestly this comment got my mind going, what if it was possible to trade bodies with anyone you want to for any given period of time. I was even thinking about it at work today because I was working in isolation and had no one to talk to but myself.

    Not so much as completely taking over that person’s body but taking over the conscience part of the brain. The motor skills, primal instincts, basic instincts, and knowledge from that person are still in tact.

    Given if you took over someone’s body you would also have to take over their lives. Meaning who ever you choose you would have to live their life for the most part.

    So now that I have your attention here are a few questions.

    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?

    Who would you change places with?

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?

    Also keep in mind when responding to this that if you take over someone they in turn have access to you and your body and memories.

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?

    Do you think they could live your life?

    ::Edit:: I will respond to my questions at a later time.
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  2. #2
    I think this is something everyone has thought about even once. I did, at least. xD"

    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    Never! I admit that it could be very interesting to know for example how a man feels and what he thinks when he does various things. A few months ago I think I'd have made it just because I wanted to know what a man was feeling. But in the end.. I don't really want to know, I want to find out myself, in MY body.
    I wouldn't change with a woman either. Every person has her/his own problems and I don't want to see all this. For example, my sister. She somehow couldn't stand that someone once said that I looked older than her. I don't want to know how she felt then. She must've felt terrible just because of this. And if she has a problem with such small things, I don't want to know what she feels like when she argues with her boyfriend or even with ME.
    No, thanks. I'm happy with my own body, I wouldn't want to experience other people's feelings and everything. :/

    Who would you change places with?
    If I really had to - no chance to say 'no'... It'd be my mother. She leads a good life, she has everything that I'm still aiming for and I think I wouldn't have many problems in her body. All her emotions are quite easy to handle because she's so calm all the time. Would be quite nice, I think. (But I wouldn't make it voluntarily.)

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    24 hours. Haha, I'm so classic. .,." I think one day in the body of another person is enough to see how this person thinks and feels. And I don't think that it'd be good to change bodies for longer than one day. Oo"

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)
    I'd probably try to act like the person I changed with. Okay, depends on the person. Let's say it like this: I got huge problems with the lifestyle of a few persons, so I'd probably try to change their attitude. Or their environment. Try to get them away from problems. I don't know how I'd do that, but I'd at least try (because I'm so damn naive and think that my opinion is always the right one).

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    I'd learn to appreciate my own life, I suppose. As I said, all people have their own problems and it came to my mind a few years ago that my life isn't that bad at all, that other people had a worse life than I had. After experiencing that first hand, I think I'd really be happy to be myself again.

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    Depends on the person, again. My mother wouldn't change anything, she'd just be as calm as she is. (I am calm myself sometimes, so it wouldn't matter x3") Most likely, she'd smile and think that the problems I have are relatively small. Just because she knows that all these problems I currently have will be gone soon. And I really think that at the moment she'd enjoy being me. I got so much spare time, I'm making a movie with a friend, today I'll go to cast people again... I think everyone would like to be me at the moment. xD

    Do you think they could live your life?
    Not everyone, because some people I know are quite... erm, let's say emo. xD" A friend I lost a while ago for example couldn't handle my life. For her, it's important to be drunk every once in a while and if she were me, she couldn't drink something. Also, I'm a bit too happy for her, I suppose. I always try to see the good things in live. (Try! XD) And I think there a many many people who couldn't. All my classmates would probably die in my body because they would love maths XD
    Okay, now it gets to funny here. ^^"

    All in all... I wouldn't do it, although after answering all the question it would really be interesting to know if all that would happen.

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  3. #3
    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    Hmmm... Well as I'm going to go through and answer the rest of this, my answer is yes. I'm always curious as to what that would be like... To see the world through anothers eyes.

    Who would you change places with?
    I would change places with... my boyfriend. Why? Well primary reason, because he's a guy (nothing dirty intended in that haha) and I'd like to see what life is like as a male. Another reason would be I want to see what it was like to be in his body, how he feels the world... Maybe we could be closer after and connect more deeply? Who knows.

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    Now that is a tricky question... Umm.. I wouldn't want it to be a terribly long period of time in risk of becoming a body snatcher (XD), but long enough for me to have a real experience to learn from. Maybe a month? That may appear a long time.. but if he was in my body Im sure he wouldn't mind ^~

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences) I wouldn't do anything to harm it, or destroy his reputation xD I'm not that kind of person ^~. But hmm... I'd live his life... and see how he sees things. What emotions he feels... what everyday life feels like. My main objective would just be to feel what he feels. If that even makes sense...

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    Just how he sees, feels and hears the world around him. I could also learn how to be a better partner for him and stuff I guess. Because all I want to do is make him happy.

    Also keep in mind when responding to this that if you take over someone they in turn have access to you and your body and memories.
    Good - because I'd want him to get the experience too ^^.

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    Hmm... I would think pretty much the same things as myself. I know he would have some fun haha xD. But nothing too bad (one hopes)... He always goes on about how he wish he could know what I'm feeling and everything, so I think he would pretty much just do the day to day routine and learn from what he feels.

    Do you think they could live your life?
    That's impossible to say really. I could say yes my life is easy... or I could say no that my life is emotionally hectic, with the odd cramps of pain... I don't know. We all live the life we are given. My life isn't especially hard... I go through patches. In my past I have had it very hard. Physically and emotionally.. but now I'm cruising. So now yes, anyone could live my life. My past... I don't know. You'd have to be strong to stay happy and pull through.

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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Changing places. Xanatos's Avatar
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    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    I cant say that I wouldn't, I mean surely I would be in temptation to do that sometimes but yes I would transfer bodies with other people.

    Who would you change places with?
    Well there are many people, but my first choice would be some famous soccer manager like Gus Hiddink or Carlo Ancelotti, top choice would be Carlo because he's manager of Chelsea now.

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    Not very long that's for sure, maybe one official soccer match, that's all the time I would need. And after the match I would return to my old body because I wouldn't know what to do longer in his body.

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)
    Pretty simple, I would like to lead my team in only one champions league match, just to see how it's like to be a manager, and to experience that tremendously amazing atmosphere. Nothing more than to experience something that I always wished for.

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    When my team loses I'm always angry and I blame everyone for that, first the manager than the rest. Except that I want to experience something new I always wanted to see how the manager endures all that pressure from fans, players even the media, how he stays cool headed after all that. Also how he make the players to respect him and do they respect him at all.

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    Don't know for sure. He would probably tactically observe the situation and come out with the best solution and that would be just to act normally and not to draw to much attention to himself. Also he's calm person just like I so I don't think there would be that much problems.

    Do you think they could live your life?
    I highly doubt that, maybe someone could but I don't want that somebody lives my own life. I'll live my life til the end.

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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    Sure, why not? I mean... if it made the other person happy, then of course. I could take on someone elses pain/life/memories for a while, and give them a chance to try something new.

    Who would you change places with?
    Some members of my family, lovers and close friends. Mainly people who know me, and what I go through would be better, because... there are a few things I don't want some people knowing.

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    I'd like to be in control of how long I've changed for - if I say its for 15mins, I want it to be for only 15mins. But I'm happy to go up to a month if it means I'm making someone happy.

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)
    Er... I wouldn't know what to do. If I was in a wheelchair, or heavily pregnant before the change, I'd make the most of being able to walk, or maybe even go sky-dive. But then I'd be pretty ****ed if I screwed up the other persons body, so I'd take good care of it, and just be normal.

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    Possibly. I'd love to know what its like at my mums work for one day, just to understand why 60% of the time, she is in a strop. XD

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    Totally go through my thoughts and memories. They'd want to gather dirt on me to bribe me with in future. Or maybe screw around with my friends for the laughs when I'm back in my body.

    Do you think they could live your life?
    Uhh... sure? I don't doubt them, but... when we turn back, I'd rather not talk about it.

    EDIT: Just thought - a male in the body of a woman with a period. That'll show them. XD
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 07-29-2009 at 08:37 AM.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Changing places.
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    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?

    I think it would be kind of cool to try it out, so I suppose my answer would be yes.

    Who would you change places with?

    I would like to trade bodies with my mother as well. She does a lot of things for me and the whole family, and she never complains about it. I know she gets tired, but she never shows it. I would like to trade bodies with her because I would love to know where all her strength comes from.

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?

    Again, I'm with Freya on this. 24 hours. That seems like a pretty decent amount of time to spend in someone else's life/body.

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)

    I would try my best to do the things that my mother does on a daily basis. I don't think I would do as good of a job as she does, but I would try anyway. Oh, and just for fun I would take my new body and go get a makeover done. She deserves some pampering, but she would never go herself.

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?

    A lot, and I do mean a LOT! Okay, maybe not a whole lot, because I have a pretty terrible memory. lol. But in seriousness, I think I would learn exactly what my mother goes through in an average day.

    Also keep in mind when responding to this that if you take over someone they in turn have access to you and your body and memories.

    Oh, snap!

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?

    I really have no idea what she would do. But if I had to guess, I would say that she would find all my artwork and take it to places to have me better myself in that field. She always said I had a talent in art, but I'm too shy about showing others what I can do. I can't take harsh critcism and rejection very well, so I get scared.

    Do you think they could live your life?

    Yes. I don't live a very difficult life, and my problems are miniscule compared to some other people my age. I know that I am blessed with a great family who love and support me.

    All in all, I suppose my body switching experience would closely resemble the mother and daughter scenario in "Freaky Friday" (the book, not the god-awful movie).
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  7. #7
    Registered User Changing places. Yesha's Avatar
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    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    Yes, to experience.. why not?

    Who would you change places with?
    Lady gaga! LoL!

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    For a week?

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)
    Mmm.. of course.. just go with the fLow of her scheduLes, Like, if she have some autograph signing sessions, rehearsaLs..

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    How to be famous.. LoL!

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    QuietLy.. watching me.. 'coz she can't do a thing, If I'm in her body..

    Do you think they could live your life?
    Mmm.. yes.. my Life isn't that bad!

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  8. #8
    I invented Go-Gurt. Changing places. Clint's Avatar
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    If you could transfer bodies with other people, would you?
    That depends on the person who I would be able to transfer bodies with. My body now is healthy and disease free. I don't want to transfer to somebody with HIV and severe anal cancer. I also don't want to transfer to a Jew body. I'm just not the Jew type.

    Who would you change places with?
    Christian Slater, to find out just what the hell he's been doing for the last ten years.

    For how long would you keep it, if you where able to choose the time allotted with in that body?
    I'd keep the body for exactly thirteen days, nine hours, seventeen minutes, and twelve seconds, because that's my favorite time to keep something that isn't mine. Like that nuclear warhead that I had stashed in my closet a few years ago.

    What would you do with the newly aquatinted body? (Remember actions have consequences)
    I'd sign on to do a movie that's, you know, interesting and good, unlike most things that Christian Slater has done, which is a shame, because he's a good actor. Then I'd give dollar bills to a whole bunch of Capuchin Jews.

    What do you think you could learn by living in that person’s shoes for the time you specify?
    I could learn what the hell he's been doing for the past ten years. Hollow Man II, I presume.

    What do you think the person would do while playing host in your body?
    Eat a beagle, which is odd, because why would anybody want to eat something as cute as a beagle?

    Do you think they could live your life?
    Of course. There's nothing hard about my life. I do random crap to keep me busy, like painting the entire house, because I can't find a job.

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