View Poll Results: What Are Your Favorite Cereals? (Multiple)

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  • Frosted/ regular Flakes

    5 17.24%
  • Wheaties

    6 20.69%
  • Cheerios; reg./H. nut/Frosted/ect.

    11 37.93%
  • Captain Crunch

    7 24.14%
  • Apple Jacks

    3 10.34%
  • Pops

    5 17.24%
  • Smacks

    3 10.34%
  • Raisin Bran

    1 3.45%
  • Kix/ Verry Berry

    3 10.34%
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch

    7 24.14%
  • Honey Bunches Of Oats/ other versions of this...

    2 6.90%
  • Fruit Loops

    5 17.24%
  • Trix

    4 13.79%
  • Lucky Charms

    3 10.34%
  • Other

    14 48.28%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 23 of 23

Thread: Cereal ?

  1. #1

    Cereal ?

    I find that a lot of people's lazy food is cereal. I don't eat it as much now, but as a kid I ate a lot. First, do you prefer Cereal, Oatmeal, or Cream Of Wheat?
    I prefer Cream Of Wheat over all, and then Cereal. Even though I eat creal most often, Cream of wheat is just good. I don't eat oatmeal too much anymore, I got tired of it.

    Second, What's your favorite cereal? Least Favorite?

    My most favorite Cereal in the world was called " Verry Berry Kix" but they either don't make it anymore, or it's really hard to find. I've looked everywhere for that stufff... If you know where I can buy it, do tell.

    I Hated this Cereal called "French Toast crunch" It originated from "Cinnimon Toast Crunch". It looked cool because every individual piece looked like a small piece of toast, crust and all. But, it tasted horrible. It's one of the nastiest things I've ever eaten in my life -_-

    Third, is there a cereal you used to like that they don't make anymore?
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-28-2009 at 01:42 PM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User Cereal ?
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    2,581 threads! I never get sick of 'em. Maybe because I just really like food! I like this one because cereal happens to be one of my favorite quick-meals. I'm not a big fan of any kind of hot cereal. It's not that I think that hot cereal tastes gross (some are actually pretty good), it's just that I hate preparing it. So I don't eat it all that often. I prefer cold cereal.

    My favorite right now would be Multi-Grain Cheerios. It's got a slightly sweet taste to it, which is what I like. I don't like my cereal too bland or too sweet. I wouldn't say this is my favorite, but I eat Bran flakes a lot. Not Raisin Bran. I hate raisins. Regular Bran flakes. It's not the most exciting food in the world, but I find that when I eat Bran Flakes for breakfast, I stay full longer. It really helps to eat it before work, because sometimes I don't get breaks.

    I find that some cereal hurts my mouth when I eat it. Cap'n Crunch is most guilty of this. Apple Jacks does it to me, too. Maybe I just have a sensitive mouth.

    I hated Life cereal. I never understood why Mikey liked it so much. It got soggy in milk way to fast, and then it would be all mushy and gross.

    I don't know if they still make this or not, or maybe I just never looked hard enough, but I liked strawberry-filled Frosted Mini Wheats. Soooo delicious!
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  3. #3
    Master of the Shadow Key Cereal ? KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I eat both cereal and oatmeal. I have always heard of cream of wheat but I don't actually know what it is.

    Anyway, my favorite cereals are Frosted Flakes (a classic) and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I can't live without the wonderful taste of that cereal and Frosted Flakes just plain wakes me up. It's odd seeing someone who doesn't like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Meh, maybe it's just me.

    My least favorite has too be those nasty oversugared slops like Coco Puffs, Froot Loops, and Coco/fruity pebbles. Ugh, that's not a breakfast.
    Last edited by KeybladerXIII; 10-28-2009 at 02:53 PM.
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  4. #4
    Bananarama Cereal ? Pete's Avatar
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    Cocoa Pebbles all the way. It's like rice krispies, except tasty. Best of both worlds!

    I used to love Fruit Loops until I checked the sugar content and realized that on paper, it's the worst cereal in America (health wise). I also used to love Oreo O's, since it was like eating cookies for breakfast. Although, the greatest cereal in the history of time was the Ninja Turtles Cereal. Chex with Ninja Turtle marshmallows with green "ooze" (aka honey). Freakin' amazing.

    Usually I'll have Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Pebbles, Shredded Wheat or Wheaties for breakfast. Trying to do the whole healthy eating thing, with a few guilty breakfasts along the way.
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  5. #5
    Gingersnap Cereal ? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I consider cereal a dessert, not a breakfast. So when/if I buy it, I'll usually go for Reeses Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or Cocoa Pebbles. With vanilla almond milk (no lactose for meeeee). It's a nice treat sometimes. But I do admit that I keep some granola around to put in my plain yogurt when I'm in a morning rush and don't have time to cut fruit.

    But really, it's all pretty useless for you.

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  6. #6
    A Plain Old Derp Cereal ? Padraic's Avatar
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    First, do you prefer Cereal, Oatmeal, or Cream Of Wheat?
    Cereal FTW!!! Its delicious and comes in boxes?? how can anything be any better!

    What's your favorite cereal? Least Favorite?
    Reese's Puffs Probably only cuz of the peanut butter cuz those would always be the first things polished off in my bowl But I have to say All Bran? EWWWWWWw. Kids today would be much smarter if theyjust ate cereal I would know, its my generation

  7. #7
    Arachnie Suicide Cereal ? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Cereal is kinda nasty. And I'm lactose intolerant anyway. I'd use soy or almond milk, but I really don't desire cereal enough to try it.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  8. #8
    I have to say one thing.

    How could you forget Cookie Crisp? That cereal is the best ever! Little chocolate cookies in milk! Mhm!!!!!!
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  9. #9
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Cookie Crisp got changed like 10 years ago and has been crap since. :\

    I like... Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Peanut Butter Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Corn Chex, and... well practically any cereal.

    My favorite that they don't make much these days is Booberry.

    I, too, am lactose intolerant. I take a lactase enzyme supplement before I eat cereal or ice cream, and it doesn't effect me at all. Afterall, lactose intolerance is only caused by a lack of your stomach producing the lactase enzyme.

    Certain cereals are a pretty decent form of nutrition, especially ones that are naturally high in fiber like raisin bran, and since they add the essential B-Vitamins to practically every form of grain-based food these days, you get a decent amount of that as well, plus vitamin D from the milk, protein, simple and complex carbohydrates, etc etc. The "kid" type cereals are the ones that are a real danger, way too much sugar in a majority of them.
    Last edited by Sean; 10-28-2009 at 08:47 PM.

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    CHEERIOS. I prefer the honey ones, but the normal ones are okies too.

    I don't really eat anything else in the mornings. I prefer the taste of soya milk over normal milk anyway, although it does taste weird with some cereals... I've been known to take risks with normal milk, and I'm usually okay give or take a slight headache and/or sicky feeling. I can't eat bread too much, so toast is usually out of the option unless I feel like it.

    I used to like Cookie Crisp...

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    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  11. #11
    Crash Boom Bang Cereal ? Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I love special K, Bran flakes (though I ate like,4 bowls yesterday and made myself ill) and Coco Pops. Ilike Weetabix with fruit as well, wellll nice with chopped banana... though I went off them for a time as well, I think I used to eat to much and just went off weetabix altogether for a while.

    I tried Cinnamon Grahams once, they were vile...Im not really into the sugary cereals like Frosties and Ricicles either, I dont add sugar to my cereal so I just find them far too sweet for my liking, which is weird I used to love them growing up xD

    I tend to just have toast for breakfast though, whenever I have ceral I just sit and eat my way through it like its going out of fashion so I rarely buy it, Monday was the first time Id bought any for like, months and Ive got like, one bowls full left in a massive box ¬_¬

  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I'm finishing off a box of Count Chocula, myself. There's probably just enough left for a bowl tomorrow. Hooray for the kind of cereal that acts more like candy! Although I don't eat cereal every day; a lot of the time, I'll just eat a sandwich or something, and maybe some other random stuff before dinner at random intervals.

    Sean, I actually saw Booberry when I ogt my Count Chocula. I'd thought they'd discontinued it, too. Got it at Target. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  13. #13
    Tsuna Feesh Cereal ? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I love cereal. Though, I don't really consider it to be a breakfast, either. And I usually don't eat cereal with milk; I prefer to just eat it out of the box. The milk sort of drains away the flavor of the cereal.

    My favorite, I think, is Honey Nut Cheerios. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is good, too, and the Reese's one. Other than that, I don't really like the other brands. Fruit Loops, especially, got so boring because there was a time where someone wouldn't stop buying it. Even now, I can't bear to eat that anymore.

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  14. #14
    SURFS UP!!!!! Cereal ? Unknownangel's Avatar
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    I love a lot of kinds.My favorite might be Waffle Crisp.

  15. #15
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    I'm finishing off a box of Count Chocula, myself. There's probably just enough left for a bowl tomorrow. Hooray for the kind of cereal that acts more like candy! Although I don't eat cereal every day; a lot of the time, I'll just eat a sandwich or something, and maybe some other random stuff before dinner at random intervals.

    Sean, I actually saw Booberry when I ogt my Count Chocula. I'd thought they'd discontinued it, too. Got it at Target. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
    Seems they bring it back in little spurts. The last time I had it I actually ordered a case from the manufacturer's website. =D

  16. #16
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Cereal ? Joe's Avatar
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    Oh dear god I'm a cereal FIEND. I <3 cereal when I have it.

    I'm ASHAMED That there's almost no love for Cinnamon Life or Frosted Mini-Wheats. What the hell is wrong with you people?

    I'd have to say my favorites as a kid were Peanut Butter Crunch, Cinnamon Life, WAFFLE CRISP, Cookie Crisp, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Pebbles, and Count Chocula.

    Yes, I do have a sweet tooth.
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  17. #17
    I don't eat it, so I picked "Other". But, when I did eat Cereal I fancied Cornflakes a lot.

  18. #18
    I will finish the hunt Cereal ? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    King Vitamin is the shit. I can't find it anymore. I think they stopped selling it. What I wouldn't do for just one more bowl of that yellow mushy goodness !!
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  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor Cereal ? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen View Post
    King Vitamin is the shit. I can't find it anymore. I think they stopped selling it. What I wouldn't do for just one more bowl of that yellow mushy goodness !!
    You need to go to save-a-lot they have that shit super stocked...

    First and only favorite
    My first and only favorite cereal is captain crunch, after i had it once no other cereal has ever touched my lips nor will it ever.

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  20. #20
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Cheerios give me boners every morning!

    I shove a handful in my mouth and then put my dink in the bowl! Boy, oh boy. Them's flavour hoops really get my jiggily.

    (I prefer Cheerios but fruit loops are nice also.)
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  21. #21
    fooking hell, i knew one of the cereals you listed but thankfully it was my fav kind.

    Cheerios ****in rock!

  22. #22
    Registered User Cereal ? WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    I like either Toast or

    Weetabix [img][img/]

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  23. #23
    i like flakes, especially cornflakes... it is not as sweet as other cereals... the good thing about it is you can put some fruits and honey for that... well i really like that!!

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