What do you prefer Carob chocolate or Cocoa chocolate.
I like dark chocolate the true chocolate not all this white crap and milk chocolate. 70% that's the best percentage not to sweet and not to bitter.
What do you prefer Carob chocolate or Cocoa chocolate.
I like dark chocolate the true chocolate not all this white crap and milk chocolate. 70% that's the best percentage not to sweet and not to bitter.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
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A thread dedicated to chocolate...AND NO ONE HAS RESPONDED YET?!?!
I love chocolate, and I'm in agreement that dark chocolate tastes the best to me.Funny thing: I'm the only one in my family that eats it. Everyone else likes the milk chocolate or white chocolate. I actually can't stand white chocolate. Bleh... So I guess I don't like carob that much. Cocoa all the way for me!
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I'd have to go with Cocoa for this one. I'm not too fond of dark chocolate stuff, I eat it but I don't like the taste all that much.
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Cocoa chocolate rulesNuff said
I like white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate. I do prefer dark chocolate out of them though. I don't know why. Also, as hot drink... even better!
The ladies call me white chocolate because I'm so sweet. It may also be because I'm unbelievably pale. That's what happens when you live in god damn Wisconsin, where it's cold 8 months out of the year. I mean, what am I supposed to do, go to a tanning salon? Do I look like a guido? Though I supppose if I did tan until I had a sultry golden brown glow, the ladies would start to call me Milk Chocolate, which would be nice. Ooh, or maybe they'd call me caramel. Maybe then I could finally fulfill my dream of being the baritone of a Rhythm and Blues group. I think a good gimmick for a Rhythm and Blues group would be to have every member named after some type of candy. Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Taffy, maybe Bubble Gum.
This brings me back to my point that I like milk and white chocolate. The cocoa kind. I don't think I've had legit carob before.
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Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
I don't eat to much Chocolate any more. But bakc in my porkster days I was quite fond of Dark Chocolate. It has more of a bitter taste to it. Not to strong and not to weak. Milk chocolate taste good, but Dark is where it's at. I am not fond of White Chocolate it has a strange taste to it that makes me nauseous.
I like all types, but I like teh bitter stuff. Baker's chocolate is amazing lol
But, I also like white chocolate and milk chocolate pretty extremely, but the bitter wins
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
I tried Carob, but it didn't taste right to me. White, and milk chocolate also disgusts me.
I am a BIG fan of Dark chocolate though, and I can eat it all day, because I'm a fat ass!![]()
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Milk or dark chocolate for me. I can only eat white chocolate in a Kinder Suprise (a child's chocolate egg that is milk chocolate on the outside and white chocolate on the inside, with a toy in the middle).
I tend to eat Galaxy bars more than anything, which is quite a rich, creamy milk chocolate, but it is so damn good! I don't normally like really sweet things, but I do love that! One of my friends can make an amazing chocolate cake with one!
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
I think I must be a gluttonous fatty because sweets are sweets and they all are good, lol.
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