Good question old chap.
Well I dare say, I found the best way to find a suitable career by looking at the industries in need of more people and then picking one I felt I'd enjoy with a rather sizable salary.
In the locale I currently find myself in, there are plenty of Security Guard jobs available due to new training being implemented causing much concern amongst some older guards who decided to leave the industry because of the required retraining. And with an award wage of just over $600 a week, it's quite a favourable job to look into.
I'm currently at the stage where I'm holding my Certificate I in Security Operations, yet I must wait another couple of weeks to actually get my ACG class license due to various checks and safeguards implemented in an attempt to keep unsavoury sorts from becoming security guards. Once I get it, I will have my choice of any jobs falling in the following categories:
- Static/Mobile Guard
Your basic all-purpose security guard. The guys who patrol malls, sit in gatehouses, all that jazz.
- Crowd Control
Bouncer work, controlling crowds at sporting events, that kind of thing. Often riskier depending on the location in question.
- Finance Loss Prevention
Most notably those you see checking bags at stores, or following people around whilst trying not to be seen if they've seen the person grab something.