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Thread: Car Bombs

  1. #1
    The Bad Boy of TFF Car Bombs Block's Avatar
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    Car Bombs

    Irish Car Bombs. Who has had one? Who liked it?

    I personally love the taste of Irish Car Bombs, but the Bailey's just doesn't sit well in my stomach. So I have modified the Irish Car Bomb to include a shot of Whiskey as opposed to the shot of Bailey's normally in the Bomb.

  2. #2
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Car Bombs midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Me. I Love Them. I love taking bets on who can drink them the fastest and then make the loser pay. I Pay For So Very Few.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Car Bombs are the best. Like drinking a milkshake. Just down it quick!
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  4. #4
    I do what you can't. Car Bombs Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    I can't stand Jameson, so I don't care for them much. I drink Guinness all the time -- that's prettymuch all I drink anymore ... the bar down the road from my apartment orders at least three cases of Guinness every few weeks, and I'm the only one who drinks it, really. They didn't even have Guinness there, until I guaranteed them that if they started stocking it, it would be drank.

    And Bailey's is alright, but prettymuch the only way I'll drink it is in a Baby Guinness shot ... That's when you fill up the shot glass most of the way with Kahlua, then pour a little Bailey's over a spoon or knife or something that rolls it into the glass. That'll slow it down so it rests on top instead of mixing with the Kahlua -- so you have a shot glass that looks like a tiny little Guinness. Tastes like chocolate. Good shot to buy a girl.

    Yeah, I've kinda had problems with whiskeys since '03 when I downed a liter of Jack in about two hours, plus some assorted other alcoholic drinks. Since then, the most whiskey I can do is something like a "Hot Beaver" or "Apple Jack" shot, which are half Jack Daniels and half Watermelon or Apple Pucker, respectively. Most other alcohols, I'm fine with ... but me and whiskey don't get along well anymore.

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  5. #5
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    I personally love the taste of Irish Car Bombs, but the Bailey's just doesn't sit well in my stomach. So I have modified the Irish Car Bomb to include a shot of Whiskey as opposed to the shot of Bailey's normally in the Bomb.
    They're supposed to be half-and-half-and-half.

    half-shot of Bailey's and a half-shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey dropped into half a glass of Guiness.

    Anyways, I love 'em. Definitely my shot of choice, but christ they're expensive to buy at bars.

    Depending on the Guinness used, too. I can't use extra stout because the fizz gets me too fast, it's like drinking a soda too fast, and my throat just burns and ruins it. Guinness out of a can is... meh. It's hard to find bars around here that serve it off the tap.

    Had a bartender that would always pour an extra shot of Jameson in the beer it's self.... always got me trashed pretty fast.

    As far as the individual components go... I used to drink Jameson as my mainstay shot, but I can't really stand it anymore. Jack and Jim and I still get along fine, but just not Jameson and I.

    I drink Bailey's pretty often; a chef I used to work for called me an old woman for it, but I enjoy Bailey's on the rocks, but it feels like it's weighing me down after too much, too heavy on the stomach.

    I used to drink Guinness pretty often, too, but it's grown to be too bitter on my palette. I'll drink it occasionally, but it's not my beer of choice anymore.

    Something about all 3 mixed together though.... ****ing delicious.
    Last edited by Sean; 04-03-2010 at 02:32 PM.

  6. #6
    This ain't no place for no hero Car Bombs Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    There are more bars/pubs that serve Guiness on tap here than I can shake a stick at.

    I'm personally not a fan, but my guy absolutely LOVES them. I'm more of a fan of Butter Babies, Butterscotch liqueur and Bailey's. Mmmmm.... so good....

  7. #7
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    I drink Bailey's with my lover Old Gregg all the time, then we make watercolor paintings together afterwards.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    I tried one a while ago, like half the mixer drinks I've tried it didn't do much for me.
    Baileys itself is alright and to say I love the Baileys chocolate liquors is a massive understatement but I tend to go straight dark rum shots these days unless the place I'm drinking at is one of the few that'll make a mai tai. Now they can be pretty expensive but damn do they go down well.

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  9. #9
    The Bad Boy of TFF Car Bombs Block's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Okay so who likes car bombs?

  10. #10
    Death Before Dishonor Car Bombs Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    They are ok. But I am more of a fan of straight up drinks.

    Give me a bottle of Crown, and a 2 liter of Coke and I am good.

    Or some Gray Goose Vodka. Drink that shit straight delicous. I am not however a huge fan of beer. If I do drink beer it is usually Coors Light, or if I am tight on cash that night Busch, or Natty..

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  11. #11
    A Plain Old Derp Car Bombs Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    I've never had one, but they look, and sound amazing. If they're as good as an Irish coffee... mmm

  12. #12
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Car Bombs Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    Okay so who likes car bombs?
    I was totally thinking while reading this thread, "Man. For a thread entitled 'Car Bombs,' there are not nearly enough terrorism related posts for my liking." I'm glad you fixed that.

    But as for the drink, I've never had one. I don't like the idea of throwing down a half a pint (or whatever the recipe calls for) of Guinness in one chug. But that's more because I'm a giant pussy than anything.

    I do love me some Bailey's, though.
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  13. #13
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Car Bombs midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    I don't like the idea of throwing down a half a pint (or whatever the recipe calls for) of Guinness in one chug.
    I've had plenty of bar tabs paid because I could slam a guinness before someone could slam their normal beer. Some reason people think this is impressive, I just think it's Delicious. <3 <3 <3 stouts.

  14. #14
    Gingersnap Car Bombs OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    I like to sip and enjoy my booze. Take my time with it (like sex?). It's not a race for me (like sex?). And Guinness is like a goddamn meal, I don't want to get full and bloated from chugging it (ahehehe).

    But I do love a well-poured Guinness. So delicious. And Bailey's is good in small doses, but it's so sweet, I prefer it in coffee. I mean, if someone put together a car bomb for me, I'd try it, but I wouldn't gulp it down. Or pay for it... not when I could just have a good beer.

    I pride myself on my palate rather than my tolerance or speed ( sex).

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  15. #15
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    In general, explosions have their appeal. They serve their purpose well; eliminating undesirables in a big, fiery flower of doom.

    I like me an irish car bomb. They're one of the first alcoholic beverages I remember drinking that actually tasted good (though I'd mostly had beers up until then.) My first one was the eve of my 21st, bought for me by one of my older brother's friends, who happened to be in the bar at the time. Good times. Many brain cells have been lost since then... ...anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  16. #16
    The Bad Boy of TFF Car Bombs Block's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    So delicious.
    like sex?

  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I mean, if someone put together a car bomb for me, I'd try it, but I wouldn't gulp it down.
    Trust me. You want to gulp it down in one chug.
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  18. #18
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Car Bombs midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I like to sip and enjoy my booze. Take my time with it (like sex?). It's not a race for me (like sex?). And Guinness is like a goddamn meal, I don't want to get full and bloated from chugging it (ahehehe).

    But I do love a well-poured Guinness. So delicious. And Bailey's is good in small doses, but it's so sweet, I prefer it in coffee. I mean, if someone put together a car bomb for me, I'd try it, but I wouldn't gulp it down. Or pay for it... not when I could just have a good beer.

    I pride myself on my palate rather than my tolerance or speed ( sex).
    Hmmm... I only chug Guinness when after 3 or 4 and everyone that's with me has to switch to "*enter beer* Lite" after talking themselves up as huge guinness drinkers. Then I usually get the, "But they're so filling, like a meal." which I never understood, as they're not like that for me once i mention that, it's almost always followed by, "Then lets have a chugging contest!"

    Free bar tab.

    Though... I much prefer just enjoying my stouts... and the more head the better <3 (Just like sex???)

  19. #19
    The Bad Boy of TFF Car Bombs Block's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Trust me. You want to gulp it down in one chug.
    like sex.


  20. #20
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Car Bombs midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    like sex.

    I c What u Did there! (like sex....)

  21. #21
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I like to sip and enjoy my booze. Take my time with it (like sex?). It's not a race for me (like sex?). And Guinness is like a goddamn meal, I don't want to get full and bloated from chugging it (ahehehe).
    Fruli is like a three-course meal in a glass. Seriously, and I was sipping it slowly... trying to get through the second one was like torture. x.x

    I take my time with my drinks also. I like the taste, and just slowly relaxing - I don't like getting tipsy too quickly.

    Now I'm tempted to try this one. o.o

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  22. #22
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I mean, if someone put together a car bomb for me, I'd try it, but I wouldn't gulp it down. Or pay for it... not when I could just have a good beer..
    Problem is if you don't drink it fast the Bailey's starts to curdle in the beer and it looks pretty gross and starts to taste blegh.

  23. #23

    Re: Car Bombs

    I've never had one and as much as I love my Guinness (And I do) it's not for me.

    When the IRA kills people do you think that's their victory choice of drink?

  24. #24
    Registered User Car Bombs Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Car Bombs

    When I was in college I use to drink these a lot. Now, I have a black and tan or two and just relax. If I am in the mood for a stout. Most of the time, I drink beer(Molson, Bud light, Labatt Blue light, Miller Lite, or Yuengling) with shots of chilled grey goose though.

    Scene from a movie.
    [Having pulled over a speeding driver.]
    Mac: All right, how about Cat Game?
    Foster: Cat Game? What's the record?
    Mac: Thorny did six, but I think you can do ten.
    Foster: Ten? Starting right meow?
    [They go up to the car.]
    Driver: Sorry about the...
    Foster: All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.
    [The man gives him his license.]
    Foster: Your registration? Hurry up meow.
    Driver: [laughing] Sorry.
    Foster: Is there something funny here boy?
    Driver: Oh, no.
    Foster: Then why you laughing, Mister... Larry Johnson?
    [Foster stares at him.]
    Foster: All right meow, where were we?
    Driver: Excuse me, are you saying meow?
    Foster: Am I saying meow?
    Driver: I thought...
    Foster: Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going?
    [The man laughs.]
    Foster: Meow. What is so damn funny?
    Driver: I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster: Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
    [The man is uncontrollably laughing.]
    Foster: You stop laughing right meow!
    Driver: [Stops and swallows hard.] Yes sir.
    Foster: Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.
    [Rips off the ticket and hands it to the man.]
    Foster: Not so funny meow, is it?
    [Foster gets up to leave, but Mac shakes his hands at him, indicating only nine meows.]
    Foster: Meow!

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