View Poll Results: When I hear a car alarm:

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  • I check to make sure no one is actually stealing the car.

    3 23.08%
  • I ignore it... Not much you can do about it really.

    4 30.77%
  • If it's a constant thing, I'd report a noise complaint!

    0 0%
  • I don't do anything, because I don't have to deal with that kind of thing. HA! HA!

    2 15.38%
  • I do...SOMETHING ELSE! (I got lazy making up all the choices. )

    4 30.77%
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Thread: Car Alarms... GAH!

  1. #1
    Registered User Car Alarms... GAH!
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    Car Alarms... GAH!

    It's so freaking annoying when car alarms go off in the early morning, and people can't seem to figure out how to turn them off! They're annoying at any time during the day really, but when I'm getting in my best sleep, I don't want to be woken up to the sound of piercing wails, beeping blips, and screeching sirens. There are a few moments of glorious silence though...but it only lasts long enough for me to get my hopes up that someone turned the thing off before it starts up again.

    Though I should count myself lucky. If I lived in a bigger city, I'm sure I'd have to deal with this kind of thing all the time. Thankfully, there only seems to be this one car on my block that has a car alarm.

    What do you do when you hear a car alarm? And if you own a car with one of the damn things installed, how come it seems to take so long for people to turn them off?!?!
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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Car Alarms... GAH! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Because you have to find your keys when you're half asleep, and then you fumble about with the button thingie.

    But uh, I'm in a fairly big city and it doesn't happen very much. It used to in my old city, but I think that one was more ghetto.

  3. #3
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Car Alarms... GAH! che's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Gotta admit, I listen for my car alarm and no one elses. How am I to know whether that person is stealing the car or not? And I don't feel like being the idiot who approaches someone about it and either

    a) getting shot/stabbed
    b) making the guy show identity? how would you even go about verifying they are the owner, and who's to say they'll listen even if they are?

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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Our car alarm sounds different. Besides, no one wants to steal that thing.

    Honestly, lately we've been having more noise from helicopters than car alarms. Loads of searchlights and army helicopters going around at night, and I don't know what for. I can hear one right now, and it's been circling for the last hour. Won't stop for another few, I imagine. =/

    There's this wannabe rich dude who lives in the block west of mine who bought himself a flashy motor with an over-sensitive alarm - all you have to do is fart near that thing, and you're deafened by its alarm. It went off ALL day once, every five minutes. I think he got rid of it in the end or her moved away. But that was annoying.

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  5. #5
    Certified tech, come at me! Car Alarms... GAH! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Car alarms will be car alarms haha. Nothing really you can do about it except hope for it to stop also goes for fire alarms and other related stuff. I just deal with it.
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  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD Car Alarms... GAH! Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Honestly, lately we've been having more noise from helicopters than car alarms. Loads of searchlights and army helicopters going around at night, and I don't know what for. I can hear one right now, and it's been circling for the last hour. Won't stop for another few...
    You live in Airstrip 1, sorry, London, right? Sounds so much like 1984.

    They can be pretty annoying, but I think they are a reasonable deterrent. I once took a 3am shower, leant out the window and saw my neighbour's car being broken into. I called the police. If they had an alarm, it would have helped. As it was, they're just lucky I had been out getting drunk.

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Car Alarms... GAH! che's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    . As it was, they're just lucky I had been out getting drunk.
    Man, this applies so much to my life!

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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Car Alarms... GAH! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    When I lived in New Orleans, and a car alarm went off, everyone looked to see what was going on. Cause bastards were always stealing cars. My mom actually got her car stolen one time, but it was abandoned a few miles from our apartment.

    When I am at work, and an alarm goes off, we all go crazy. It is to f*ck with people. I yell "car alarm, oh yeah alarm, oh yeah". I just really like trying to piss of the people that come by.

    When an alarm goes off on base people kinda flip out, cause a few of the alarms we have sound like car alarms when they go off. It is a guessing game lol..

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  9. #9
    Registered User Car Alarms... GAH! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    I usually ignore car alarms, unless they just keep going on and on, then I will take a peek to see who's car it is. There was a car down the road from me and the alarm must of been going on for about 10 mins before someone went out there to turn it off, that was slightly irritating.
    As for our car, it doesn't have an alarm, well not that I know of anyway.
    I've been debating on getting a wheel lock tho, as I have an awful habbit of forgetting to lock the car after I've used it, something that my other half gets verrry ticked off about.

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  10. #10

    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    a) getting shot/stabbed
    b) making the guy show identity? how would you even go about verifying they are the owner, and who's to say they'll listen even if they are?
    I always wondered what I would do if I actually caught someone attempting to steal my car from the alarm going off; like what am I supposed to do? go outside and shoo him/her away? haha

    "HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I SEE YOU DON'T YOU DO IT" *points finger*
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 01-27-2011 at 03:12 AM.

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  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Y'gotta run over there and kick their ass, of course. Stand up for what you believe in!

    When car alarms go off, I get annoyed. Don't really do much of anything else except bitch about it to someone else. Generally, some damn thing like the wind or whatever sets them off more often than burglars, where I'm from. There was this one time though that cars were getting broken into on our road, last year. I was ready for a fight that night, mostly because I heard it was two kids. Probably would've gotten shanked, but I am INDESTRUCTABLE. So it only would've been like a paper cut.

    Always remember Dodie: the car alarms love you! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  12. #12
    Registered User Car Alarms... GAH! Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I always wondered what I would do if I actually caught someone attempting to steal my car from the alarm going off; like what am I supposed to do? go outside and shoo him/her away? haha

    "HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I SEE YOU DON'T YOU DO IT" *points finger*
    If I was stealing your car and you did that, I might die from laughing. The mental image of someone yelling "HEY YOU" at a car thief brought tears to my eyes. So to actually be in the moment... hahahaha

    The *points finger* just cracks me up...

    Really though if you notice someone stealing something other than a pack of gum I'd probably get a hold of the police. I not one to get shot in the face for doing the right thing.

    Scene from a movie.
    [Having pulled over a speeding driver.]
    Mac: All right, how about Cat Game?
    Foster: Cat Game? What's the record?
    Mac: Thorny did six, but I think you can do ten.
    Foster: Ten? Starting right meow?
    [They go up to the car.]
    Driver: Sorry about the...
    Foster: All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.
    [The man gives him his license.]
    Foster: Your registration? Hurry up meow.
    Driver: [laughing] Sorry.
    Foster: Is there something funny here boy?
    Driver: Oh, no.
    Foster: Then why you laughing, Mister... Larry Johnson?
    [Foster stares at him.]
    Foster: All right meow, where were we?
    Driver: Excuse me, are you saying meow?
    Foster: Am I saying meow?
    Driver: I thought...
    Foster: Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going?
    [The man laughs.]
    Foster: Meow. What is so damn funny?
    Driver: I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster: Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
    [The man is uncontrollably laughing.]
    Foster: You stop laughing right meow!
    Driver: [Stops and swallows hard.] Yes sir.
    Foster: Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.
    [Rips off the ticket and hands it to the man.]
    Foster: Not so funny meow, is it?
    [Foster gets up to leave, but Mac shakes his hands at him, indicating only nine meows.]
    Foster: Meow!

  13. #13
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Car Alarms... GAH! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I always wondered what I would do if I actually caught someone attempting to steal my car from the alarm going off; like what am I supposed to do? go outside and shoo him/her away? haha

    "HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I SEE YOU DON'T YOU DO IT" *points finger*
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  14. #14
    Bananarama Car Alarms... GAH! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Car Alarms... GAH!

    I've never had a car worth stealing, and my parents never really believed in car alarms. Truth is, the majority of the older ones were too sensitive and would go off if an acorn fell from a tree and onto the car. Combine that with the fact that my block and neighborhood is mostly apartments, so it's lucky if I can park on my BLOCK, and a miracle if I get a spot in front of my actual building. Kind of ironic though, that if I lived in a nicer neighborhood, and had my own driveway, I'd more than likely have a car alarm, since I'd actually notice if something were wrong.

    Plus I live in the city, and car alarms used to be very prevalent. Oddly enough, now that I think about it, I really haven't heard one in quite some time. Either that or I've just completely tuned them out now, much like homeless people in the streets.
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