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Thread: Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O

  1. #1
    Aww yeah! Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Wolf's Avatar
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    Angry Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O

    So I was thinking about this just recently.

    I remember I got into a car accident last August and totaled my old car which was a 93 buick lesabre. I was trying to pass a vehicle and I was about to when I saw a police car with its lights on heading the opposite direction, so I had to swerve back over and get into my lane which I did, but then the car in front of me slowed down too fast to pull over to make room for the cop car so I ended up rear ending them. The vehicle I rear ended was a jeep. I totaled the front of my car, and all I did to the jeep was take out its muffler. I ended up getting a ticket too for roughly $150. About a few weeks later I got a new car which was the same car but it was a 98. I hated those few weeks of not having a car, I had to get my friends to drive me everywhere. I've gotten 4 tickets in my 3 years of driving. One for speeding, one for tailgating, a parking ticket I guess, and then the one I previously mentioned above.

    As for road rage, I don't get too mad when I drive, I just get mad when careless drivers cut me off, or don't realize when someone has the right of way. Most of the time I just honk, but if they give me the finger or something else, I just open my window and yell swears at them and lay on my horn for 10 seconds straight basically as a way to tell them to eff off. So those are some of my driving stories.

    Now here's the questions for everyone who's driven a vehicle before:

    Have you ever been in any car accidents?

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?

    Have you ever had road rage?

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  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Clint's Avatar
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    Have you ever been in any car accidents?
    No, I haven't, but that may be because I tend to avoid driving if at all necessary, because it completely sucks. There are far too many cars on the roads for everybody to be driving. They should really put a limit on how many cars can be produced throughout a year, as well as a limit on who they give licenses to.

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?
    No, but as I stated above, I don't drive that often, only when I desperately need to get somewhere quickly.

    Have you ever had road rage?
    No, actually. I tend not to get road rage, because instead of getting pissy over somebody cutting me off, or some petty crap like that, I look at how much I value my life, and how much risk I'm putting it at if I drive like an ass because some guy cut me off. The way I see it, people who get mad at other drivers on the road aren't really angry at those other drivers, they just hate their lives.

  3. #3
    I will finish the hunt Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I think I made a thread like this before lol

    Have you ever been in any car accidents?
    Yes, a crack head saw me pulling out, speed up, and parked behind me...I slightly his her side door (I am a very good braker). The next day she was calling me up asking me for money. It happens all the time in Houston.
    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?
    I got one the day before I went to get my stickers renewed. It was for my registration I believe. I also received one for passing in a no passing lane. In my defense if I had not have passed them I would have hit them because they pulled out abruptly when I had the green. However, it was a small town cop that pulled me over so of course I got the ticket.
    Have you ever had road rage?
    I have constant road rage. I really have to watch it in front of my son too. I will curse and honk if someone pisses me off. I am a really good at driving, but I tend to get very angry...I can see how that might be a little distracting.
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 04-14-2009 at 07:42 AM.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  4. #4
    No, no and no to all of those questions. Worst I ever did was scratch the side of my mum's car trying to maneuver in the tightest drive in the world, but we sorted that out with a bit of a paint job. I nearly was in an accident last year when some muppet van-driver sped out of a junction on the main road without stopping to check for other traffic just as I was driving along said main road. If it wasn't for my over-cautious driving as I approach junctions in general, the van would have smacked my car right in the side at 30mph, and I probably wouldn't be here making this post.

    Speeding makes me so sick. There's absolutely no fricken' excuse for it except maybe in an emergency. Okay, we all slip 5mph over the limit by accident every now and then, but what pisses me off something stupid is people who purposefully break the limit. There's NO excuse. I don't care if you think 'it's fine, I know what I'm doing'. I bet in a large portion of speeding accidents, some moron thought that before the accident happened. The fact of the matter is, the limit is set for a reason, because statistically people die more often when people break that limit than otherwise. A friend of a friend actually killed somebody as a result of speeding. He got jailed, and of course, lost his license. He's out of jail now, but for some stupid reason he's being allowed back on the road if he passes a test again. It sickens me that somebody like that would be allowed back on the roads, and that other people who insist on speeding use them also, endangering myself and so many people I love who also use the roads themselves.

    When you learn to drive, the thing that is emphasised more than ANYTHING is to not speed, yet so many people do thinking they can do it safely. It genuinely makes me furious.

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  5. #5
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Have you ever been in any car accidents?

    Well not any major accidents but i reversed into my mates car!!

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?

    yeh i got three speeding fine ....naughty

    Have you ever had road rage?

    Not to the extent of getting out my car and beating someone up but i swear yell and honk as necessary


  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I've only just reached the age to start driving school, so I don't have a car... and I don't want one. But I have driven a car... not that far - just a few meters into a parking space, the whole time crapping myself thinking that I was going to crash. ^^;;

    Have you ever been in any car accidents?
    Two, but they weren't that bad. The traffic lights were playing up at some juction when I was a kid, and my mum had to quickly sow down. The car behind us rammed into us, and our car flew into the car infront. It screwed my mums back up, and me and my brother (who where only 6-7 at the time) were in shock.

    Not really a car on car accident, but I got hit by one. I was ok, in shock I guess, and ran off a few seconds after impact. I had a graze on my knee and elbow, and a cut it my hair-line where my head wacked the pavement. When I got home, I threw up and put a bag of peas on my head. :S

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?
    Well, my mum has. A few stopping in a juction when there was traffic (she had no choice ), parking in wrong places or for too long, and one for driving through a red light.

    Have you ever had road rage?
    Yup. And I'm a passenger. I rule, j/k. I know when to spot a dickhead on the road.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  7. #7
    Registered User Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O winterborn86's Avatar
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    I don't drive..yet, Hope to start this year
    But I know for a fact that I will have some road rage in me, I get it trying to cross the road near a roundabout and you get the tw*t that doesn't indicate or waits til you step into the road, I always have to scream abuse at them and give them the finger, so I'm likey to be just as bad driving. After reading what I just said I think that maybe the roads would be beter of without me being on them lol

    We have a car even tho my partner can't drive it without someone with him and we already have a parking ticket lol, we need a permit to keep the car outside and havn't got one yet, not a good start.

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  8. #8
    Vagabond Thief Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I've never been in an accident,nor do I have road rage. But I did almost get into an accident the other day when some guy decided to take a turn and i slammed on my breaks to avoid hitting him,then the person behind me dared to blare their horn at me.

    also one time when i was going to work in nov 2007 or so i was really sick,and mall hours were earlier since it was holiday too,hence I was up at 6am going to work. But anyway,I stopped at the stop sign,looked both ways and started to go wella ll of a sudden a red van outta nowhere was infront of me so i slammed on my breaks and he went around me,well he proceeded to follow me after i took my turn and got out at the rotary and started yelling at me.

    I really think there needs to be more strict laws about road rage. I'm lucky he didn't have a gun.
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  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Car Accidents and Road Rage? = O Polk's Avatar
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    Have you ever been in any car accidents?

    Just one. Senior year of high school, I was trying to make a turn into traffic to get out of the school parking lot. When I was waiting for traffic to clear, the car behind me rear-ended me. What happened was the car behind him (who happened to be a good friend of mine) had its transmission jump, and it juked forward, hitting the guy behind me, who hit me. There was no real damage to my car, save for a small split in my bumper that remains there to this day.

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?

    No. For the most part, I still follow all the guidelines that I learned in Driver's Ed. I tend to speed though. It's hard not to when you make "vroom vroom" noises when you drive. Wee! Look at me! I'm in a race car!

    Have you ever had road rage?

    Other than the occasional "flip off the asshole that really deserves it", not really. I have the habit of singing in the car. A lot. So I guess when I'm singing a rather angry song, it looks like I'm angry.
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  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Have you ever been in any car accidents?
    About four -- and zero of those times had me behind the wheel. But I was only ever rushed to hospital via car accident one time.

    Have you ever gotten any traffic tickets?

    Have you ever had road rage?
    I usually only get angry if I can see that other people are on the road are being serious knobs.

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