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Thread: Can you remember the dream you had last night?

  1. #1

    Can you remember the dream you had last night?

    I can and i keep having it, its very strange. I get fired from my awsome job theres a giant sports screen thingy and theres a rafting adventure sorta thing involved maybe i should stop drinking.... haha
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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    The dream I had yesterday... Now that I think about, no I can't remember it lol! BUT, I do remember it being quite sad, and funny at the same time!

    Ha, I remember all my friends in it though... And a weird looking wall with doors all over it...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  3. #3
    Registered User Can you remember the dream you had last night? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Its normally nightmares i remember rather than good dream, one that has always stuck out in my mind was, me running down the road and the next thing i knew i had plummeted into a river and started drowning, i woke up at the exact point where i felt like i was guna die and what scared me was that i felt really outa breath when i woke up like it had just really happened, that was really freaky

    My TFF Family

    My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
    My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
    My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
    My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco

  4. #4
    i don't usualy remember what i dream but the last one i do remember was really wierd. me and my friends were like adventurers(sorta like dnd characters) and we were investigating reports of vampires in the area that we were at and we found 2 of our friends dead and then i was in my house and i looked out back and the grass was as tall as if it were a field and there was a deer/human sneaking through it and i freaked out and locked my window but i was afriad to lock the others because i thought it would notice me locking them and i didn't want it to know i was there. then iwoke up and was kinda freaked out. i'm not sure that was a good dream though... it seemed more bad than good.

  5. #5
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Can you remember the dream you had last night? Lithium's Avatar
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    In the dark
    My dream yesterday was a bit off and awkward.
    Well you coulkd say it was a Nightmare in some sort.

    Anyway, I was walking in the dead of Midnight, when all of a sudden I see this firgure pop out in front of me. Just standing there looking at me with big silver eyes. And I just stood there looking into the eyes. I could see myself in the eyes, falling into the dark. I just kept falling untill I hit the ground and laid there not moving. Next thing I know it happens. I am falling, down, down and them I hit. I lay there not moving. I try to move but I become chained. I don't struggle. Then I see a glint of light. It hits me in the forehead, and I am envisioning my death. I close my eyes, trying not to see the fall of myself, but I cannot. I cry. As the tears stream down my face, another glint hits me. I cry louder. Then out of the shadows walks a man with a knife. He stares at me, then drives the knife through my heart. It doesn't hurt anymore, I am dead. But I still see myself flying through the air as a lifeless soul. I fly to the light, then I awaken.

    So basicly I am not afraid of dying, but I fear what my death will be.
    I could decide to stop breathing, I may decide to die. Only to show you what I truly mean. ~Devon L. Kay
    ~Signature made by Mike of Legend of Zelda~
    Just because I smile, does not mean I am happy. Just because I laugh, does not mean I am not hiding something. When I cry, something is wrong. When I am sad, do not comfort me. And when I love you, it is forever. ~Devon L. Kay
    The blood that spills, to the tears that I cry. I only wish for the nighttime to come. I wait and I wonder, I whisper and I stare, there is nothing that is ever there. I slowly close my eyes, as they grow silver with lust. ~Devon L. Kay
    All quotes by me

  6. #6
    Registered User Can you remember the dream you had last night? Halie's Avatar
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    My dream from last night was weird. I can't remember every detail, but most of it.

    It started off as though I was in some sort of Psychology or History class, and my teacher was a cliche mad-scientist type of man. I was the only one in the class, and he was telling about some woman from the 1930s that had been murdered. Suddenly, I learn I have two mothers somehow and the murdered woman was one of them. How the hell that worked, I have no idea. Especially because in the dream I'm a teen. Woman murdered in 1930s = mum of two to a teenager living in the 2000s. Wtf?

    Anyway. So I get images in my head of this woman being pushed down a dark hole by someone who appears to look a lot like someone in my year at school, so I decide to falsely accuse them of murdering my mum. I tell all of the teachers at the school to arrest him (yes, teachers to arrest a student >.>), but they won't listen. So then I decide to grab me old best friend's arm (who appears out of nowhere) and then run away from the teachers with her, even though they're not chasing me. For a while, we end up sneaking through the corridoors and running away from teachers. Then we think our Form Tutor is onto us and trying to stitch us up as though we're a pair of maniacs who need to be taken to a mental hospital, when actually all she wants to do is talk to us. Either way, we keep running. Then my old best friend disappears, and I'm left on my own. THEN, I decide to take matters by myself because the teachers won't arrest the guy who I believe to have murdered my mum, and I hold a court meeting in my old Welsh classroom at school. All the kids in the class are the jury, and my ACTUAL mum is the judge. The guy who I fasley accused makes a short, sarcastic speech about how he didn't do it, and then the kids laugh with him. Then I make my meaningful, emotional, long-winded speech about how I've lost my mum because of this murderer (even though I hadn't met her) but none of them listen. Then my real mum gets mad and randomly decides to scream at Mooboy. For no reason.

    And then it ended. I can't remember the name of the guy I accused though. I think it was Rob something. =/

    But yeah. WEIRD.
    Last edited by Halie; 07-27-2008 at 04:28 PM.

  7. #7
    Bananarama Can you remember the dream you had last night? Pete's Avatar
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    I dont remember many dreams, but I'll list some of the more ridiculous ones.

    My friend and I decided to get monogrammed tshirts, just because we could. We walked all around town like we were the shit, and everyone thought so. When people asked us why we got monogrammed shirts, we said "why not?". Eventually it became a huge trend.

    In another dream, I had a car with a backseat with handlebars like a motorcycle. I started listening to the newest CKY cd (a month before it came out, though the music wasnt the same at all) wound up maxing out/ having sex (I don't remember which) with a girl, until this crazy black lady threatened to kill me over a parking spot. I think I shot her and ran away.

    The crazy thing about that dream, was that I actually met the girl from that dream last year, and I had the dream in 2005.

    I also had a dream that I got shot by a sniper, after my entire neighborhood just went to war. Everything went all white and that was all I remember from that one.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    Banned Can you remember the dream you had last night? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the little boys and girls
    I dreamed that I cut off my own **** and then ate it with a fork and knife mannerly at a kitchen table.

    I wish I was joking.

  9. #9
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I keep having dreams about lesbians. The details disturb me.

    I also dream about my ex a lot, and in the dreams, he's a lot nice than he actually was in real life. I believe that dream could be linked to the fact that my ex was nice, but my current boyfriend is friendlier and nicer to me and that my ex should've treated me better. Hm.

    I also have a lot of dream about my hamster, too. He gets up to some strange shit in my dreams.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  10. #10
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    One dream that I remember pretty well was when myself and my friend were sitting out late one night, me strumming on the guitar while he was making up lyrics for his love song as it was going.. He somehow incorporated iguanas into the song, which I found to be really funny and busted out laughing.. Later that night I had a dream about a giant Iguana that charged and tryed to eat me. It was kinda scary stuff, because it squealed like a pig as it charged me and stuff.

    Another night, back when I was on painkillers when I messed up my arm, I was up late playing Warcraft or something, and during right before I went to sleep I ended up having a couple painkillers mixed with 2 liters of Coke. I think that night I ended up having about a month's worth of dreams. They were all really realistic and clear, just really wierd stuff. Like while I was dreaming I went through a couple weeks of school, winter break, christmas, and all kinds of wierd events. Then when I woke up, I realized I had only slept for 4 hours total. Strange stuff indeed.

    The one that I just had a couple of nights ago was when I was chilling at some random house party, the sirens went off, but instead of police showing up, Darth Vader busted down the door and arrested a bunch of people. Luckily I escaped, but I was chased down by a midget Boba Fett, who ended up shooting a propelled net at me and dragging me off to some mine where I worked all day.

    Dreams are a wierd thing.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  11. #11
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    On a Journey To the Promised Land
    Well this is a wet dream really, but a dream nonetheless. I dreamt I was in a classroom, and I saw the one boy I had a major and I mean MAJOR crush on. His name is Clifford, no, not the red dog if that's what your asking. I had somehow been reverted to how I looked when I was in 4th grade which was a very long time ago lol. Anyway it was like a replay of my earlier days.

    It was during recess that Clifford called me into the boy's bathroom...The bathroom was usually empty during recess back then. He said that he was always afraid to talk to me because HE had a crush on me! He was cute as HELL back then, no joke. He literally....and I mean literally came on to me! I was shocked at first...but of course we were both horny ass boys back then XD. I wont go on, because its the private wet dream part of the dream lol. All I can say is when I woke up I got
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

    Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.

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  12. #12
    Can you remember the dream you had last night? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Me and my ex (Kyle) got back together in this weird college/hospital sort of thing. We are all kissy and lovey-dovey. He comes into my room to take a shower with me and my mother knocks on the door loudly. Me and him get our clothes back on. Kyle leaves me with a kiss and my mother sees me half dressed, and she says that this was a bad time to try to have sex with him. Me and him meet up later, and he mentions something about wanting sex before Wednesday and I of course was more then amped for it. The dream ends. Weird stuff huh?

  13. #13
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    For once I actually can remember what I dempt last night.

    I was woke up late for work, only to find that my wife never woke me up, she wasn't even at home. Apparently she had left some time during the night. So I rushed to get ready started to head out the door and remembered I needed to get my son up, but when I went in there to get him he wasn't there either. So I rushed to my in-laws house to see if Rachel had brought him by and there wasn't anyone there too! So then I decided just to come into work and sure enough everyone I was looking for was there at my job working including my son! It was kind of cute he had a plastic hammer and he was working on his little plastic dump truck.

    So yeah that was my freaky little tid-bit of a dream, hope you all enjoyed reading about it. Yeah I know it was stupid.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  14. #14
    For some reason, in most of my dreams, I'm doing something illegal, or impossible. Last night, the dream was of myself, being a thief. I was a fake waiter at some fancy dinner party where a giant ruby was being exhibited. I was part of a ninja group trying to steal the ruby, and just when I was about to shoot the glass case the ruby was in, I woke up.

    If you keep the theme, and change the little details, you'd have the general idea of most of the dreams I've had in my life.

  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. Can you remember the dream you had last night? Clint's Avatar
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    I don't usually remember my dreams, but I did remember one that I had the other night, just because it was so bizarre.

    I heard a scratching coming from inside of one of the closets in my brother's room, so he and I were attempting to open the door to find out the source of the scratching. The door is always jammed, though, so we were having trouble prying the door open. Finally, we get the door open, and there, standing before us, is American professional wrestler and Olympic weight lifter Mark Henry, naked, with an assault rifle. He shoots my brother, and tackles me onto a nearby bed. Obviously, the silver back gorilla lookalike is planning on raping me, so I scream. The scream woke me up, because not only did I scream in the dream, I screamed in the real world. It was creepy.

  16. #16
    Last night I dreamt that I was Swarchenegger's sidekick. That was freakin' awesome.

    I had to run through some maze to find him and warn him for something, I don't remember what. Then we ran around together, fleeing from our enemies, occasionally shooting some down. Eventually it turned into an MGS1 style game, complete with jagged PSX graphics and a game-over screen anytime either of us got shot. It was most fun.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  17. #17
    oh this is one of the funny threads i ever encountered hehehehe

    well last night i totally forgot my dream last night... but sometimes i can remember some of them but mostly i always forgot most of my dreams... well i don't even mind them anymore because i have someone with me on the bed (hihihi) my husband really snores a lot!! that's one reason why i don't remember my dreams lol

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  18. #18
    Cilla vs. Games Can you remember the dream you had last night? Priscilla's Avatar
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    The last dream I had I can only remember bits and pieces.

    Pretty much I was in a big band with Ellen and I was playing the violin. But I had never played it before so I was just pretending. Which didn't go so well so I just put it down and waited for the song to be over.

    Then a lady comes up to me with a younger girl and asks me who it is. I have no idea so she goes on to tell me that the younger girl is my faerie god mother. Which I thought was odd. Then my 'faerie godmother' hands me a wooden box. I open it and it is full of compartments. In these compartments are letters addressed to me that I have never recieved, old pens I have lost, notes to my friends, one of my work name badges I had lost and other random things associated with me. So she had been stalking me.

    The next thing I remember is being in my Primary school toilets and telling people about how weird it was. Then I got a drink from the bubbler.

    That's all I remember. But my dreams are usually weird.

  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I had a dream last night that Moths were poisonous to cats. One night, I found two petrified cats in my garden. Then next day, I found a further two, nearby to Jari's gravesite. His grave was uneffected, maybe the cats had been trying to protect it. In any case, it was freaking weird. The moths didn't even look like moths. They looked like those flying things you make a wish on then throw away into the air. Weird shit.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  20. #20
    Air from my lungs. Can you remember the dream you had last night? Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    Last night, my dream started out as me in this shoe store and I was with Nathan. My dad was there, sitting down waiting for either me or my mom. He kept watching me and Nathan, making sure we didn't act all clingy and whatnot(not that he would irl). We sat down behind this shelf of shoes. I pointed out one of the shoes I liked, and Nathan said "Ok, if you want it, pick out a pair." So, I was trying on all these different ones. The ones I was trying on were too small, even though they looked big. They were slipper/flats colored pink with frog designs on them. I decided to turn the shoe over to check the sizes. The ones I tried on next were too big. Then, I saw this pair of ankle-high boots with a small highheel. They were bright hot pink with black tiger stripes(tacky, I know). And I was wearing teal-colored socks.. and I tried them on. I liked them, but the teal didn't go good with it, so I just took them back. I couldn't find a pair of shoes and I felt like I was eating up the time and annoying Nathan and my dad. So, I ended up never picking a pair. Nathan said "I won't be around tomorrow." Then the dream switched and I was in this yahoo chat and invited everyone from MSN into it. I don't even have Yahoo chat T_T.

    But yes, that is the end of my dream.
    Last edited by Violet; 08-07-2008 at 10:05 PM.

  21. #21
    Gingersnap Can you remember the dream you had last night? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I had a dream about getting a cat. I went to Sam's Club with my parents looking for a cat that I could take back to school with me. And they had these specially bread cats that were really tiny. Like... you could hold them in your hand, and they were fully grown and lived in little toy houses. And they cost $600. I didn't want a miniature cat, especially not for $600, so we had to go somewhere else. I decided to rescue a cat, and ended up with a red one. Not red red, but like... it had red fur like I have red hair. And then poof, we were back at Sam's and I was picking out a crate. I got an orange one. And the entire living room of my mom's house turned in to a crate area for this cat, because she couldn't play with the dogs. And I was standing there in the dream thinking, "Shit, I don't know anything about cats."

    Not one of my most colorful or exciting dreams, but I've remembered it all day. The other night, I was a ninja, but that's another dream for another time. I enjoy reading these.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 08-07-2008 at 11:51 PM.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  22. #22
    Au revoir. Can you remember the dream you had last night? Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Last night I dreamt I was at school in my English class, where my teacher was explaining how on his honeymoon they had Eggs Benedict but there was no Hollandaise sauce. So instead they mixed barbecue with sweet chilli which tastes the same apparently. I then went home to find my computer in my bed working fun despite the absence of a power point. I chatted to people on MSN and saw a virus eating my computer, so I poured some antibiotics on it. That seemed to fix it. Then I woke up. =D
    Last edited by Doc Rocco; 08-08-2008 at 01:27 AM. Reason: Enlish is NOT English

    |Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|

    "I can't disappear yet..."
    Banner and avatar by myself.

    TFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:

    =TFF Family=

    Lily, Craven, Froggie, Bleachfangirl, Priscilla,
    Hyzenthlay, Xeim, Crazy Chocobo, Halie, Refieth, Rikkuffx, Martin,
    FF Ace Cid, winterborn86, L Lawliet and T.G. Oskar.

    PM/VM me to adopt me or join!

    Because we're clones and stuff.

    Memorable Quotes:
    Rachel : I hear you're advanced in twittery. =D
    Rocco : PhD level. =D
    Rachel : And beyond. =D

    Ann: It's like asking someone "How do you brush your teeth?"
    "What's your methods of toenail cutting?" "How do you get rid of nosehairs?"

    Jules: Bullshit. She thought it happened.
    Rocco: It was that quick huh?

    Cilla: Closets are so hot.

    TFF vs. World's Biggest Idiots:
    Matt :
    y = X x T
    C x V
    y= -6
    Rachel : For what, may I ask? Your intelligence?
    Let X, T, C and V all equal zero.
    Rachel : And you'd still come up with -6, because, let's face it, you're not the brightest spark.

    TOM: thought id take a pic of mine [his penis] and show u's
    TOM: its nice aye
    George: i wanan touch it

    TOM: i will go ****ing hulk on your ass ok
    .::.Sammy.::. : ill go like super sayian 5

    Quotes of Lily's:

    Hayden says:
    r u sure theres not a man standing behind u with a knife
    Rachel says:
    Quite sure.
    Hayden says:
    maybe its me
    Rachel says:
    I seriously doubt that your IQ is high enough for it to occur to you that you cannot walk through solid objects.

    =Lily on Freema Agyeman [Slightly paraphrased]=
    Lily says: Freema is so pretty.
    Lily says: I wish I was her.
    Lily says: She is mind-bogglingly sexy.
    Lily says: Seriously, if I had to choose between her and David Tennant, I'd SO choose her.
    Lily says: *glomps Freema to death and rips her clothes off*

    Member of FF Cult

  23. #23
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Can you remember the dream you had last night? Polk's Avatar
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    I had a weird dream on Wednesday night. And I remember it pretty vividly, which is weird, as I normally don't remember my dreams. ANYWAY. So I was riding the bus to go to school. Then the bus driver stops and said that before we went to the next level (as in a video game level), we had to kill those little red dots. And he did call them little red dots. The way we killed them was to stand by the exit to the level, hit a little bell to lure them out, then squash them. As I said before, they were very small and also fast (also sexy?), so obviously, it was difficult. And each level, there would always be more of them.

    Obviously, I was a ****ing monster, and I was slapping little red dots like they were, I don't know, little pink dots or something. The point is, I was really good. The one point that really stands out in the dream was that, as one of the little red dots was trying to escape, the bus driver tried to do some sort of epic maneuver to get it. He got it, but in the process, crashed into and killed some little kid. His mom showed up and started crying. We all laughed at her. Psycho analyze that, sucka.

    The point is, I woke up with an erection.

    Hoo boy.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  24. #24
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) Can you remember the dream you had last night? Totakeke777's Avatar
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    Pulse :D
    I dreamed that I got punched in my stomach multiple times by a little kid. I got in trouble for being late for something after getting beat up. Very confusing.
    My TFF Family:

    Anachlirium - My (Over) Loving Grandmother
    Athna Loveil - My Anime Crazed Cousin
    Dark Squall - The God Father
    MC Benny - My Hyperactive (And Imaginative) Bro
    Meier Link - My Aunt's Stepsister's Husband's Brother-In-Law
    *Yesha* - My Hyperactive Sister

    Everything is art... But is art everything?

  25. #25
    アズテオル Can you remember the dream you had last night? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Holding down the low end.
    Just recently I dreamt that my best friend and I were in a harbor trying to catch a ship so we could go out to sea. Suddenly, my best friend was being held by some random dude and he insisted they start making out. I become angry and punched the guy off of the harbor. Before he landed into the water, a shark emerged from the sea and devoured him.

    My best friend thanked me and she hugged me. There was a parade nearby, but I didn't get a chance to explore it. My dad brought me into a facility and provided an instructor who would teach me how to handle a sword.

    I spent the next dream trying to find a movie theater that my friends were in. The area was packed of people, you could easily get lost in it. I assume that it was a metropolis due to how everything looked.

    It's pretty interesting what kind of things you will dream about. Most of the stuff you wouldn't have expected from yourself.

  26. #26
    Registered User Can you remember the dream you had last night? Yesha's Avatar
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    I dreamt Last night.. that I have to pay for my tuition fees.. aLso.. my parents said if I don't passed this year.. they gonna kick my butt out of our house.. "ouch"! LoL!

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  27. #27
    You're me...and I'm you. Can you remember the dream you had last night? Almasys's Avatar
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    Raccoon City, USA (Really just TX)
    Hmmm...I can't really remember everything that happened in my dream but I do know that it involved a story that a friend and I came up with earlier that night...

    But the other one I definately remember because it happened to be Persona-related :3 It was pretty much me, Minato from P3 and Seta from P4 fighting off Shadows and everything...even tho it was kinda weird >_>; course right when it got to a good part I woke up =.=

    And yes...I do have dreams of games and such =.= I suck lol

    ~My TFF Family~
    *Seifer Obssessed* Half sister to~Phantom
    My marksman, protective older brother~Nick
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  28. #28
    Rock On! Can you remember the dream you had last night? ~Blackberry Jam~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    California, and nothing else
    Yes, I can quite remember my dream last night. I dreamt I was chasing by my fellow classmate and I don't know why I'm scared of her, I descend many stairs over and over again, my dream is somewhat blurry. That's all I can remember!
    -I may be weak at this moment but somehow and someday.. I'll grow more stronger than you are!

  29. #29
    For some reason, my dreams are either really strange (out of place), epic, or sexual. I do have nightmares, but not nearly as much as when I was a kid. It's very rare now. I'm only in about half or a little more of my dreams, too.

    I had two really epic dreams when I was real little (and I still remember the details). One of them was based real loosely off Jurassic Park (it was basically dinosaurs in the modern world, instead of on an island; I hadn't even seen the movie, either), and the other one was based off of Legend Of Dragoon (though it wasn't too much like it, the characters were the same, and some of the plot was. I didn't even know about the game, yet, either). But, I digress.

    The two I had recently were:

    I lost my virginity in the most casual way possible. I won't go into detail with that one, since I'd probably get in trouble to giving details. Though, what was really strange about that dream was, it was the first dream that I've actually had sex in, and it was (or might've) been the first that was viewed through the first person. I can't recall another dream where I've viewed it through my own eyes.

    My grandma found some porn on my computer, and, while she was walking out, all disgusted, my dad was all calm and understanding about it, which is very, very, very unlike him. It was kind of surreal (would be the word, I guess?).

    I also remember one where I was with my girlfriend, Rose, and we were on again, I guess (we have an on-again-off-again relationship), and we were on some sort of outing. I'm not sure if it was a date or what, though. That's all I can really remember of it.

  30. #30
    Rider on the Storm. Can you remember the dream you had last night? sonicisrad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New Zealand baby!!!
    Like 99% of the worlds population, my dreams are too, totally out-of-the-blue and make absolutely no sense.

    It starts off that I'm taking part in a Mario Kart Wii Worldwide Tournament somewhere, and I was annihilating the competition because I somehow found a shortcut on the Maple Treeway level that in reality doesn't even exist.
    ..Anyway, so I was playing, and as I finished in 1st Place, I realized I wasn't in a Worldwide Tournament, but my Nana's house, and I was playing my Older Brother. So I turn off the Wii, and turn around to see my Nana and Daniel Craig (The new James Bond 007) sitting at the table. I ask what he (Daniel) is doing here, and Nana replies "We're married Sam!!" I have a look of Dumbfoundedness on my face and just accept that really odd fact. I then notice Daniel Craig has a Horseshoe hair cut because he is balding on the top of his scalp and that he has a Strong Australian accent rather his British Accent in the James Bond Films.

    I then walk outside and it turns out my Nana's house it actually a classroom at my old Intermediate School, aha. I walk down to the Field an a random Rugby Coach tells me to join our team, I don't answer but I'm already wearing a Rugby Uniform I guess I am part of the team. We practise plays and all that jazz, The I stuff up a small play and a tiny kid about 5'4" walks up to me and asks If I'd ever played Rugby. I then lie and say yes, and he asks me what the 2 Rugby Teams based in Wellington (New Zealands Capital) are called.
    I reply "The Wellington Hurricanes & The Wellington Lions" but he says they're the Hurricanes and the Imperials, he begins to mock me 'cuz I got one wrong so I beat the Cr@p out of him. Being 6'4" and he being 5'4", I beat him senseless. I then get sent off the field, but get asked to come back for Night practise.

    I return at night and a stack of Nintendo 64 boxes are on the Touchline, and I walk over to one that's sorta crooked to see the Kid I beat up dead inside.
    I walk up to the Coach and he says that I was responsible for Beating him up (which I was) and then he says that I stuffed him in a Nintendo 64 box and super-glued him to death?!?!? I deny the fact that I did any of that other than beat him up. The Coach yells at me and says I am going to pay for lying to him (not for killing a little kid) and sends a self-controlled lawnmower at me. It chases me for a few minuted but I climb the rugby post, only to see Rey Mysterio and The Big Show from the WWE on their too. Big Show explains that they too were blamed for the same thing, and have been living on this rugby post for the last 2 months.

    I then jump off and run to the Monkey Bars to find Serj Tankian singing his song "Empty Walls", I hop down and the Lawnmower diappears and the Coach calls in for role check. He just randomly forgets about out whole ordeal and he begins calling names, he calls 'Sam' and I reply "Yeah", he then calls 'Could the Real Slim Shady please Stand Up!?', and Eminem walks up to him and he begins singing 'The Real Slim Shady' and we walk home singing that song.

    Then I wake up.

    Turns out 'The Real Slim Shady' was playing on my iPod so, aha. WOAH!!!
    Last edited by sonicisrad; 01-01-2009 at 04:00 PM.
    An American Poet

    1943 - 1971


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